on the 140 Flaws in the "Federal
Accountability Act" (FAA - Bill C-2)
That Must Be Corrected to Ensure
Everyone in the Canadian Federal Government
Acts Honestly, Ethically, Openly,
Representatively and Prevents Waste, and the 90
Undemocratic and Accountability Loopholes in the
Federal Government are Closed
(Brief to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and
Constitutional Affairs, September 18, 2006)
1. General Background
In its 2005-2006 federal election platform, the
Conservative Party pledged to pass a "Federal
Accountability Act" containing more than 50 measures, all
aimed at closing loopholes in laws, regulations and codes,
and strengthening enforcement, in the areas of:
- ethics;
- lobbying;
- money in politics;
- Cabinet appointments (especially of key government
accountability watchdogs);
- government contracting (including for polling and
- whistleblower protection;
- access-to-information, and;
- budgeting and auditing.
On April 11, 2006, the Prime Minister introduced Bill C-2,
the "Federal Accountability Act" (FAA) which proposes to
change the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment
Code for Public Office Holders (the Code)
into a law called the "Conflict of Interest Act" as well
as make changes in the other areas listed above.
2. Background on Changes Needed to Bill C-2 (the FAA)
Very unfortunately, as many political leaders and parties
in Canada have in the past, Prime Minister Stephen Harper
and the federal Conservatives baited voters with false
election promises in terms of the FAA, and then switched
direction when they won, violating the fundamental right
of voters to have honesty in politics.
As detailed below, the proposed "Conflict of Interest
Act" section of the FAA fails to close four of the five
loopholes that the Conservative Party and Stephen Harper
pledged to close before and during the federal election
In addition, the Conservatives failed to include five
other key measures which are in the current Code
in the proposed "Conflict of Interest Act" section of
the FAA. The news release and background information
released by the Conservatives when the FAA was
introduced falsely claimed that all of the measures in
the current Code were included in the proposed "Conflict
of Interest Act."
Incredibly, one of the ways in which the Prime
Minister, and Treasury Board minister John Baird, have
not acted with honesty is that they failed to mention in
any of the materials released to the public when the FAA
was introduced, nor in any subsequent interview, that
the FAA proposes to remove from the Code the key
ethics rule that requires senior politicians, their
staff, and senior public servants to "act with
Many other measures that were promised by the
Conservatives during the federal election, and since the
election, were not included in the FAA.
In total, the Conservatives have broken 13 promises or
acted dishonestly by failing to include measures in the
Code and the FAA.
As well, eight (8) other promised measures that would
have strengthened the federal Access to Information
Act (ATI Act) were not included in the FAA. While
these much-studied measures (many of which have been in
place for years in some Canadian provincial
access-to-information laws) have been referred to the
Access, Ethics and Privacy Committee of the House of
Commons for further study and may be incorporated into
another bill that is passed by Parliament, the further
study is unnecessary and delays, if not derails, the
implementation of these key open government changes.
Set out below are 140 changes needed to Bill C-2 to
force the federal Conservatives to keep their election
promises, and to ensure that everyone involved in the
federal government is effectively required to act
honestly, ethically, openly, representatively, and to
prevent waste.
The basis of the proposed changes are the platforms of
the nation-wide 31-member group Government Ethics
Coalition and the nation-wide, 50-member group Money in
Politics Coalition (the groups in these coalitions have
a total membership of more than 3.2 million Canadians)
and the platform of the 10-member group Open Government
Canada coalition (To see details about these coalitions,
click on the relevant link on the following webpage:
All of the coalitions' platforms are based on
historical experience which has proven that, in order to
ensure people working in large, powerful organizations
such as government institutions follow the rules:
- the rules must have no loopholes;
- the institutions must operate as transparently as
- enforcement agencies must be fully independent,
well-resourced and fully empowered (including having
the power to penalize rule violators in significant
ways (and the penalties must apply even if their
wrongdoing is exposed after they retire or resign)),
- whistleblowers must be effectively protected.
This is not to claim at all that everyone involved in the
federal government intends to violate rules.
However, some people will try to break the rules and so,
in line with the common sense sayings “People do what you
inspect, not what you expect” and “When all is said and
done, more is said than done”, an enforcement system must
include all the above key elements.
If the proposed changes set out below are not
made to Bill C-2, the "Federal Accountability Act"
- lying to the public will still be legal, and as a
result (of course) not penalized (the FAA will, if not
changed, delete the only ethics rule that requires
Cabinet ministers, their staff and senior public
servants to "act with honesty");
- Cabinet ministers, their staff and senior public
servants will be allowed by flawed ethics rules to be
involved in policy-making processes that help their
own financial interests, and will be allowed to use
government property for their own purposes;
- secret, unethical lobbying will still be legal, and
many ministerial staff will be allowed to become
lobbyists too soon after they leave their position;
- the new ban on secret donations to politicians will
not be effectively enforced (because Canada is not
complying with an international agreement it signed);
- the public will still not be allowed to file ethics
complaints against politicians (even though
politicians are the public's employees);
- the Prime Minister and Cabinet will still be able
to appoint party loyalists and cronies to more than
2,000 key law enforcement positions without any
effective review or parliamentary approval process;
- government institutions will be allowed to keep
secret information the public has a clear right to
know because of loopholes in the Access to Information
- secret funds like the Adscam fund will not be
effectively banned, and politicians and officials will
not have to provide detailed receipts to ensure
expenses are justifiable;
- federal government institutions will still not be
required to consult with Canadians in a meaningful way
before making most significant decisions;
- citizens will still face very high barriers to
banding together into watchdog groups that have the
resources to match the resources of industry sector
lobby groups (For details, go to Democracy Watch's Citizen Association
Campaign webpage);
- secret rulings will still be possible by the ethics
watchdog for the Prime Minister, Cabinet ministers,
ministerial staff and senior public servants;
- the identities of politicians, political staff,
Cabinet appointees and public servants who are guilty
of wrongdoing will often be kept secret;
- the Information Commissioner, Conflict of Interest
Ethics Commissioner, Auditor General, Procurement
Auditor, and Public Sector Integrity Commissioner will
lack key powers needed to ensure everyone in the
government follows the rules, which will delay
accountability for years as cases of violations are
processed through courts;
- penalties for unethical, secretive and wasteful
activities (especially by politicians) will still be
too low to discourage these activities (on average,
the maximum penalty will only be a fine of $5,000),
- whistleblowers who are not public servants will not
be effectively protected from retaliation, and no
whistleblowers will receive compensation adequate to
seek another job (even if the whistleblowing process
leaves them completely alienated from all their
Of course, the above list does not mention much-needed
election reforms nor Senate reform (both of which the
Conservative government has promised to address through
other policy-making initiatives). The Report below
contains these details, except on the Senate.
Very briefly, Democracy Watch's position is that
abolishing the Senate and increasing House of Commons
seats in every province except Ontario and Quebec would
most effectively ensure regional representation in the
federal government, without the problems of a transition
to a new Senate and legislative gridlock that other
Senate reform proposals create, and with fewer problems
in the area of representation by population compared to
other Senate reform proposals.
Top of Report
3. Changes Needed to Bill C-2 (the FAA) to Ensure
Honesty, Ethics, Openness, Representation, and
To assist in the review of the proposed changes set out
below, the proposed changes are listed in the same order
as they are presented in Bill C-2 (except for part (m) on
the Public Appointments Commission, as it relates directly
to part (l) on the Public Service Commission), and the
proposed changes are grouped by subject area, with each
proposed change containing the following detailed
- a reference to the part of the FAA to which the
proposed change refers;
- the number for the exact section, subsection and/or
clause in each existing or proposed Act that is
proposed to be added to, changed or deleted;
- the number for the exact section, subsection and/or
clause in the FAA that contains the measure that is
proposed to be changed;
- an explanation of the effect of the current or
proposed measure, and;
- an explanation of why the current or proposed
measure needs to be changed.
The following are the changes needed to Bill C-2, the
Federal Accountability Act (FAA) to ensure that everyone
in the federal government acts honestly, ethically,
openly, representatively, and prevents waste:
(a) Empower citizens in clearly needed ways in their
day-to-day relations with the federal government by:
- adding measures to the FAA that will establish
(using the very low-cost, effective method that has
worked very well in the U.S.) broad-based,
well-resourced, democratically structured citizen
watchdog groups for airlines, banks and insurance
companies, telecommunication companies, and for
investors in publicly traded companies, groups that
will represent citizen interests in government
policy-making processes concerning these industry
sectors and will help ensure regulatory agencies
enforce laws that apply to these industry sectors (For
details, go to Democracy Watch's Citizen Association
Campaign webpage), and;
- adding to the FAA a "Meaningful Public Consultation
Act" to require government institutions to give
Canadians a strong, direct and regular say in
government policy-making processes (as in Sweden),
which will decrease the undemocratic, unethical
influence of high-powered lobbyists.
(b) Ensure honesty in politics, and penalize
politicians and public officials who are dishonest:
- by putting back in the "Conflict of Interest Act"
section of the Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2 -
FAA) the key rule that requires public office holders
to "act with honesty" because it is the only general
measure that requires senior politicians, their staff,
and senior public servants be truthful with the public
and the media (NOTE: the rule is in subsection 3(1) of
the current Conflict of Interest and
Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders
(the Code-- See link to the Code on
the following webpage:
-- incredibly, the government proposes in the FAA to
repeal this key rule, one of the most unethical
actions so far of the new Conservative
- by adding a measure to the Federal Accountability
Act (FAA) that prohibits false statements by all
politicians, political staff, appointees and public
servant with high fines as the penalty for any
political leader and party that breaks election
promises (unless the proposed new Conflict of Interest
and Ethics Commissioner decides that emergency
conditions force the promise-breaking), and high fines
as the penalty for anyone who misleads voters in
between elections (NOTE: such an
"honesty-in-government" system has been partially
proposed by the NDP), and;
- by adding a measure to the FAA requiring MPs who
switch parties between elections to resign and run in
a by-election (as the NDP has partially proposed)
unless their party leader has been found guilty of
dishonest or unethical actions and has not resigned.
(c) Also do not allow the repeal of the
following key ethics rules in the "Conflict of
Interest Act" section of the Federal Accountability
Act (FAA) by adding to the FAA:
- the rule that requires arranging private affairs in
a manner that "will prevent real, potential or
apparent conflicts of interest from arising" and
requires resolving all conflicts of interest "in
favour of the public interest" (subsection 3(5) of
current Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment
Code for Public Office Holders (the Code));
- the rule that requires making decisions "with
regard to the merits of each case" (subsection 3(3) of
the current Code);
- the rule that prohibits use of government property
for anything other than officially approved activities
(subsection 3(9) of current Code), and;
- the rule that requires public office holders to
"take care to avoid being placed or the appearance of
being placed under an obligation to any person or
organization that might profit from special
consideration on the part of the public office holder"
(subsection 22(1) of the current Code).
Top of Report
(d) Force the Conservatives to keep their election
promises concerning ethics rules for senior
politicians, their staff, and senior public servants
by, in the "Conflict of Interest Act" section of the
Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- removing the definition of "private interest" in
subsection 2(1) of the proposed Conflict of Interest
Act to prevent ministers from voting on matters
connected with their business interests (NOTE: the
Conservatives promised in the election to "Close the
loopholes that allow ministers to vote on matters
connected with their business interests");
- eliminating the two-tier ethics rules system and
applying the same rules to all Cabinet ministers,
ministerial staff, parliamentary secretaries, and
senior public servants (NOTE: the Conservatives
promised to "Make part-time or non-remunerated
ministerial advisers subject to the Ethics Code" but
instead have maintained stricter rules by, in the
definitions section of the Conflict of Interest Act,
listing specific "reporting public office holders" who
must follow more ethics rules than all "public office
holders" (and this definition exempts many part-time
and unpaid ministerial advisers from many of the
ethics rules));
- deleting section 38 of the proposed Conflict of
Interest Act that allows ministers to exempt any
ministerial staffperson from the key post-employment
rules 35 to 37 (which contain the five-year ban on
lobbying), and attempts to prohibit anyone from
challenging the exemption decision in court;
- adding to subsection 44(1) of the proposed Conflict
of Interest Act (and subsection 3(8) of the proposed
Federal Accountability Act) the right that any member
of the public or organization may file a complaint
with the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
(not just members of the Senate or House of Commons)
to end, finally, the denial of the fundamental Charter
of Rights and Freedoms-protected right of voters to
complain about their employees -- and correspondingly
deleting the very insulting and
ethics-enforcement-weakening subsections 44(4) to (8)
of the proposed Conflict of Interest Act (which only
allow politicians to file complaints, and which put up
barriers to the public submitting information to a
politician with the request that it be filed as a
complaint -- NOTE: the Conservatives' election promise
was to "allow members of the public -- not just
politicians -- to make complaints to the Ethics
Commissioner"), and;
- increasing the penalty set out in section 52 of the
proposed Conflict of Interest Act from a fine of up to
$500 to a fine of up to $200,000 (to make the penalty
meaningful and to match the penalty for violating the
proposed Lobbying Act), and by applying the penalties
to violations of any section in the Conflict of
Interest Act (not just the six (6) sections currently
proposed), and by eliminating subsection 53(3) which
sets out criteria for determining penalties that are
too generous and thereby greatly reduce the likelihood
that any public office holder will ever be penalized,
and by deleting section 63 which bars the police from
proceeding with a charge for violating the Conflict of
Interest Act (NOTE: the Conservatives' election
promise was to "Give the Ethics Commissioner the power
to fine violators").
(e) Other changes needed in the "Conflict of Interest
Act" section (section 2) of the Federal Accountability
Act (FAA):
- change subsections 25(2) and (3) of the proposed
Conflict of Interest Act to require that the "public
declaration" of the each public office holder must be
made within 30 days (not the proposed 120 days, which
is much too long) and must include disclosure of
certain assets and all liabilities of $5,000 or more
(not the proposed $10,000 or more, which is much to
high a threshold);
- change subsection 25(4) of the proposed Conflict of
Interest Act to require that the "public declaration"
of the outside activities of each public office holder
must be made within 60 days (not the proposed 120
days, which is a much too long period of secrecy for
this key information);
- change subsection 25(1) of the proposed Conflict of
Interest Act to require that the "summary statement"
of each public office holder be signed and submitted
to the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
within 60 days of appointment (not the proposed 120
days, which is a much too long period of secrecy for
this key information);
- change subsections 27(1) and (2) of the proposed
Conflict of Interest Act to require that the
divestment or placement in a blind trust of the
"controlled assets" of each public office holder be
completed within 60 days of appointment or receipt of
the asset (not the proposed 120 days, which is a much
too long period to allow public office holders to
continue to control these assets);
- add to section 43 of the proposed Conflict of
Interest Act a requirement that, whenever the Conflict
of Interest and Ethics Commissioner gives confidential
advice to the Prime Minister or a public office
holder, the Commissioner must issue a public bulletin
setting out (without identifying the public office
holder) what questions were asked and what advice was
given in terms of how the rules in the Conflict of
Interest Act apply to the situation about which
questions were asked (and also add this requirement to
issue a public bulletin also to section 85(b) of the Parliament
of Canada Act (which is amended by section 28 of
the Federal Accountability Act)), and;
- change subsections 45(3) and (4) of the proposed
Conflict of Interest Act to require that, if the
Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner initiates
on his or her own an examination of a public office
holder's actions because of a reasonable belief that
the office holder has violated the ethics rules, the
Commissioner must always provide to the Prime Minister
a copy of the examination report, and must also make
the report public.
Top of Report
(f) Other changes needed to the ethics enforcement
sections of the Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- add a section to the proposed Conflict of Interest
Act to require the new Conflict of Interest and Ethics
Commissioner to continue investigations that are
ongoing but not completed by the current Senate Ethics
Officer or the current Ethics Commissioner;
- delete from the Federal Accountability Act (FAA)
subsections 122(e) (re: the Senate Ethics Officer) and
(f) (re: the Ethics Commissioner) as these subsections
state that these two positions will continue to exist,
in direct contradiction to section 28 of the FAA which
creates a new Conflict of Interest and Ethics
Commissioner (through new subsections 81(1) and (3) to
the Parliament of Canada Act);
- delete section 3(1) of the FAA because it requires
that everyone currently working in the offices of the
Senate Ethics Officer and the Ethics Commissioner will
keep their jobs in new positions in the proposed new
office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics
Commissioner (NOTE: many of the senior staff in the
office of the Ethics Commissioner were found to be
biased and incompetent in a July 2004 Federal Court
ruling, and there has also been clear evidence made
public of other very inappropriate behaviour by these
same staff people -- the new Commissioner should
therefore have the power to retain or dismiss current
- delete, in sections 5 and 38 of the FAA, the
mention of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics
Commissioner, to end the accountability-undermining
protection of the proposed new Commissioner and ensure
that all decisions of the Commissioner can be
challenged in Federal Court (and, if the FAA is
amended to retain a separate Senate Ethics Officer,
delete mention of the Officer in section 5 of the
- change proposed subsections 86(1), (3) and (5) of
the Parliament of Canada Act (which is amended
by section 28 of the FAA) to ensure that, when
enforcing Senate ethics rules, the proposed new
Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner will have
effective independence (NOTE: currently, under the Senate
Ethics Code , the new Commissioner would have no
independence and almost every decision and action of
the Commissioner would be under the control of a
committee of senators (including the decision to
launch investigations into alleged violations of the Senate
Ethics Code));
- change proposed subsections 87(1), (3) and (5) of
the Parliament of Canada Act (which is amended by
section 28 of the FAA) to ensure that, when enforcing
House of Commons ethics rules, the proposed new
Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner will have
effective independence (NOTE: currently, under the Conflict
of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons
(the MPs Code ), the new Commissioner has
effective independence but there is currently no legal
prohibition on the House of Commons changing the MPs
Code to place the Commissioner completely under
the control of a committee of MPs (in the same way the
Senate Ethics Officer is under the control of a
committee of senators);
- change proposed new subsections 41.1(3) and 41.1(6)
of the Parliament of Canada Act (as added by
section 99 of the FAA) to increase the fines for
taking secret donations from a trust fund or violating
an order to terminate a secret trust fund to $50,000
to $100,000 (currently, the subsection proposes
ridiculously low penalties of $500 to $2,000);
- add a new measure to the FAA that adds to the
proposed new Conflict of Interest Act, and the Parliament
of Canada Act , a requirement that the new
Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner conduct a
random audit (without advance notice) of the assets
and liabilities of Cabinet ministers, their staff,
MPs, senators, and other senior public officials to
ensure that their financial statements are accurate
(this audit should be conducted in conjunction with
the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre
of Canada (Fintrac) (See below in part (i) "Canada
Elections Act" changes needed to comply with
international convention requirements that involve
Fintrac), and;
- make the Senate Ethics Code and the Conflict
Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons(the
MPs Code) into laws and before doing so close
the many loopholes in both codes (there are many more
loopholes in the Senate Ethics Code).
(g) Changes needed to the Federal Accountability Act
(FAA) that apply to all the new "ethics" watchdogs:
- add the proposed subsection 81(2) of the Parliament
of Canada Act (as amended by section 28 of the
FAA) that requires the proposed new Conflict of
Interest and Ethics Commissioner to have judicial or
relevant legal enforcement experience also to the
sections addressing the appointment of the proposed
new Commissioner of Lobbying (section 68 of the FAA
which amends section 4.1 of the proposed Lobbying
Act), and the appointment of the proposed new Public
Sector Integrity Commissioner (section 39 of the
proposed Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act) --
NOTE: both these positions involve making rulings and
these two commissioners should therefore also have
judicial or relevant legal enforcement experience.
(h) Changes needed to the Federal Accountability Act
(FAA) that apply to all Officers of Parliament and
other Cabinet appointees:
- change the proposed subsections 81(1) and (3) of
the Parliament of Canada Act (as amended by
section 28 of the FAA) that state that the proposed
new Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner be
appointed by the Governor in Council after
consultation with the leader of every recognized party
in the House of Commons and Senate and approval by
secret-ballot resolution of the House and Senate to
require, instead, that the leader of every recognized
party (or, at least, a majority of the leaders) must
approve the Governor in Council's nominee for
Commissioner and, if any one of them reject the
nominee, they must explain publicly the reason for
their rejection OR, instead, to require that the
nominee be approved by a resolution passed by
two-thirds majority in the House and Senate;
- make the same change proposed above to the
appointment process proposed in the FAA for every
other Officer of Parliament or similar watchdog agency
(NOTE: the change needs to be made to section 68 of
the FAA which establishes the appointment process for
the new Commissioner of Lobbying, and to section
109(1) of the FAA which establishes the appointment
process for the Information Commissioner, and to
subsection 110(1) of the FAA which establishes the
appointment process for the Auditor General, and to
section 111 of the FAA which changes the appointment
process for the Chief Electoral Officer, and to
subsection 112(1) of the FAA which establishes the
appointment process for the Commissioner of Official
Languages, and to section 119 of the FAA which
establishes the appointment process for the
Parliamentary Budget Officer, and to section 120 of
the FAA which establishes the appointment process for
the Privacy Commissioner, and to section 121 of the
FAA which establishes the appointment process for the
proposed new Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, and
to section 228 of the FAA which establishes the
appointment process for the proposed new Public
Appointments Commission, and to section 309 of the FAA
which establishes the appointment process for the
proposed new Procurement Auditor);
- similar to the Auditor General's single,
non-repeatable 10-year term of office (and the Privacy
Commissioner's, Director of Public Prosecutions' and
Commissioner of Official Languages' single,
non-repeatable seven-year terms of office), change
proposed subsection 81(4) of the Parliament of
Canada Act (as amended by section 28 of the FAA)
so that the proposed new Conflict of Interest and
Ethics Commissioner will only be allowed to serve one
seven-year term (the subsection proposes that the
Commissioner could serve more than one term, which
causes the danger that the Commissioner will attempt
to please the government in order to keep their job);
- make the same change proposed above for the same
reason to ensure only one multi-year term for the
Commissioner of Lobbying (set out in subsection 4.1(4)
of the proposed Lobbying Act (as amended by section 68
of the FAA)), and for the Information Commissioner
(set out in subsection 54(2) of the Access to
Information Act (as amended by subsection 109(1)
of the FAA)), and for the Chief Electoral Officer (as
set out in section 13 of the Canada Elections Act
(as amended by section 113 of the FAA)), and for the
Public Sector Integrity Commissioner (as set out in
section 39(3) of the proposed Public Servants
Disclosure Protection Act), and for the Parliamentary
Budget Officer (set out in proposed new subsection
79.1(2) of the Parliament of Canada Act (as
added by section 119 of the FAA) -- the Officer also
needs to be made independent of Cabinet by giving the
Officer security of tenure (currently, the FAA
proposes that the Cabinet could dismiss the Officer
without any cause for doing so)), and for the proposed
new Procurement Auditor (as set out in proposed new
subsection 22.1(1) of the Department of Public
Works and Government Services Act(as added by
section 309 of the FAA)), and;
- add to the FAA new measures that make changes
similar to those proposed above for appointments and
terms for all federal agencies, boards, courts,
commissions and tribunals involved in law enforcement
(e.g. the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court
of Canada, the Public Service Commission, the Public
Service Staffing Tribunal, the Financial Consumer
Commissioner, the Canada Transportation Safety Board,
the Immigration and Refugee Board etc.).
Top of Report
(i) Changes needed to the "Canada Elections Act"
section of the Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- extend the proposed new prohibition on accepting
gifts or other advantages in proposed section 92.2 of
the Elections Act (as amended by section 40 of
the FAA) to nomination race candidates and party
leadership race candidates;
- delete from proposed subsection 92.2(3) of the Elections
Act (as amended by section 40 of the FAA) the
loophole that does not require disclosure to the Chief
Electoral Officer of gifts or other advantages "made
by way of an unconditional, non-discretionary
testamentary disposition";
- change proposed subsection 92.2(4) of the Elections
Act (as amended by section 40 of the FAA) to
require disclosure of gifts and other advantages to
the Chief Electoral Officer one week before polling
- change proposed subsection 92.5(1) of the Elections
Act (as amended by section 40 of the FAA) to
require the Chief Electoral Officer to retain the gift
disclosure statements for candidates who are elected
until the candidate ceases to be an Member of the
House of Commons;
- change proposed subsection 92.5(2) of the Elections
Act (as amended by section 40 of the FAA) to
require the Chief Electoral Officer to make the gift
disclosure statement public before polling day;
- change existing clauses 404.2(2)(c) and (d) and
404.2(3)(a) and (b) and subsection 404.2(5) and
proposed clauses 404.2(2.1)(c) and (d) of the Elections
Act (as amended by section 44 of the FAA) and to
ensure that contribution limits apply to all donations
of goods, services and funds (these sections currently
allow unlimited donations by nomination contestants
and election candidates to riding associations,
parties and their own nomination race campaigns, and
should instead only allow unlimited donations of the
leftover campaign funds from nomination races and
election campaigns to riding associations and
- add a measure to the Elections Act that
requires the disclosure of all donations and loans
made to candidates, riding associations, and parties
before polling day (NOTE: to match the existing
requirement that candidates in party leadership
campaigns must disclose donations made to them before
the leadership election process takes place);
- add limits on spending on leadership campaigns, and
restrict loans to parties, nomination race candidates,
election candidates and party leadership candidates so
that corporations, unions and other wealthy interests
cannot use loans to influence the government and
politicians (to fulfill the Conservatives' vague
election pledge to ensure party leadership and
nomination races are "fair, transparent, and
- add a requirement to disclose of the identity of
each individual donor's employer (as in the U.S.) and
direct organizational affiliations to the Chief
Electoral Officer to ensure that businesses, unions
and other organizations are not funnelling donations
through individuals to candidates and parties;
- add donation limits and disclosure requirements for
"volunteer labour" donated to parties and candidates
during nomination race, election and party leadership
campaigns, to close this existing secret donations
loophole (the Conservatives have only pledged to ban
secret money and gift donations);
- add, as proposed by the federal Department of
Finance, a requirement that federal politicians, their
staff, Cabinet appointees and any government employees
with decision-making power are placed on the
anti-corruption watch list of the Financial
Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
(Fintrac) so that their bank accounts can be tracked
for suspicious transactions;
- add a measure lowering the public funding of
political parties from $1.75 per vote received to
$0.75 per vote received (to ensure that in order to
prosper parties need to have active, ongoing support
of a broad base of individuals) and ensure riding
associations receive a fair share of this funding (to
reduce the control that the central executive of each
party has over the associations);
- add a measure giving voters the right to "refuse"
their ballot (as is legal in Ontario elections) so
that voters who do not support any candidate in their
riding can vote for "none of the above" and have their
voted counted separately from spoiled ballots (and
require Elections Canada to feature this right in all
of their election information, promotion and
advertising materials);
- fix election dates and give the Auditor General the
power to review and prohibit partisan government
advertising for six-months before the election date;
- require poll clerks and returning officers to
ensure that each person is actually qualified to vote
(to address the examples cited by observers across the
country that people are voting twice, and that
non-citizens are voting);
- require the media to give equal prominence to all
numbers in survey result reports (to end the
misleading hype of polls seen in the past few
elections), and;
- require Elections Canada to conduct more
door-to-door enumeration audits to correct errors in
the current permanent voters list.
(j) Force the Conservatives to keep their election
promise to end secret lobbying by, in the "Lobbying
Act" section of the Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- adding a measure to the "Lobbying Act" section of
the FAA requiring ministers, ministerial staff, and
senior public servants in all government institutions
to register in the Lobbyist Registry all
communications with anyone outside of the federal
government attempting to influence their decisions or
actions, and to categorize those contacting these
senior officials for this reason as "registered
lobbyists" required to comply with all the
requirements of the proposed Lobbying Act and the Lobbyists'
Code of Conduct (NOTE: the Conservatives
election promise was to "Require ministers and senior
government officials to record their contacts with
Top of Report
(k) Other changes needed to the "Lobbying Act"
section of the Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- change proposed clause 7(3)(f.1)(i) of the Lobbying
Act (as amended by subsection 70(2) of the FAA) to
require that for-profit corporations register all
employees engaged in lobbying (currently, the Act's
requirements are unfair because for-profit
corporations are required to register on the on-line
Lobbyist Registry only employees engaged in lobbying
as a "significant part" of their job (ie. more than
20% of their working hours) while non-profit
organizations are required to register all employees
engaged in lobbying -- in addition, this loophole
means that many for-profit corporate lobbyists do not
have to follow the ethics rules in the Lobbyists'
Code of Conduct);
- change (in similar ways and for similar reasons as
the proposal made immediately above) proposed new
clause 10.11(1)(c) of the Lobbying Act (as added by
section 75 of the FAA) to extend the five-year ban on
lobbying to all former senior public office holders
who become employees of corporations (the proposed new
clause would allow former senior public office holders
to lobby up to 20% of their time as an employee of a
corporation, a huge loophole that will definitely be
exploited to avoid the five-year ban);
- delete proposed new subsection 10.11(2) of the
Lobbying Act (as added by section 75 of the FAA) that
exempts "employment exchange program" participants
from the the five-year ban on senior public office
holders becoming lobbyists because it creates a huge
loophole in the five-year ban that will definitely be
- change (for similar reasons as the proposal made
immediately above) proposed new subsection 10(3) of
the Lobbying Act (as added by section 75 of the FAA)
so that the Commissioner of Lobbyists will not have
the power to exempt the listed types of senior public
office holders from the five-year ban on lobbying --
instead give the Commissioner only the power to reduce
the time period of the ban on lobbying to no less than
two years;
- add a new measure to the FAA that changes the
Lobbying Act to ban MPs, senators and their staff from
becoming lobbyists for one year after leaving office;
- add a new measure to the FAA that changes the
Lobbying Act to (as the NDP has proposed) clearly ban
lobbyists from working directly or indirectly with
government, and in senior campaign positions
(Democracy Watch's position is that a rule in the Lobbyists'
Code of Conduct already bans lobbyists from
working in these positions, but a clear, specific rule
is also needed);
- add a measure to the FAA (as the NDP has partially
proposed) to require lobbyists to disclose on the
on-line, searchable Lobbyist Registry how much they
spend on each lobbying campaign;
- add a measure to the FAA (as the NDP has proposed)
to require lobbyists to disclose on the Lobbyist
Registry their past work with any government,
political party or candidate;
- delete proposed new subsection 10(1.1) of the
Lobbying Act (as added by subsection 77(1) of the FAA)
because it gives the Commissioner of Lobbying too much
power to refuse to conduct (and to end) an
investigation for vague, unjustifiable reasons;
- change section 14 of the Lobbying Act (as amended
by section 80 of the FAA) to establish a mandatory
minimum fine of $25,000 for violating the Lobbying Act
(currently, section 14 contains only maximum limits on
fines for violations);
- change proposed new section 14.02 of the Lobbying
Act (as added by section 80 of the FAA) to require the
Commissioner of Lobbying to make public the identity
of anyone punished by the Commissioner under section
14.01 of the Lobbying Act (currently, section 14.02
gives the Commissioner the power to keep the identity
of the person secret);
- delete section 84 of the FAA because it requires
that everyone currently working in the offices of the
Registrar of Lobbyists will keep their jobs in new
positions in the proposed new office of the
Commissioner of Lobbying (given the very weak record
of enforcement of the federal lobbying law by the
Registrar's office since summer 2004, the Commissioner
should have the power to hire all new staff if he or
she wants to do so);
- change section 85 of the FAA to require the new
Commissioner of Lobbying to continue investigations
that are ongoing but not completed by the Registrar of
Lobbyists (currently, section 85 gives the
Commissioner the power to end ongoing investigations
-- Democracy Watch has been waiting for 3-5 years for
rulings on investigations on 8 ethics complaints, and
the passage of the FAA should not create the
possibility that these complaints will never be ruled
- delete subsection 88(2) of the FAA because it
creates a huge loophole in the five-year ban on senior
public office holders becoming lobbyists (the
subsection allows Assistant Deputy Ministers to avoid
the ban as long as they leave government and become
lobbyists within six (6) months after the FAA comes
into force);
- delete section 88.11 of the FAA because it also
creates a huge loophole in the five-year ban on senior
public office holders becoming lobbyists (the section
allows “transition team” members to obtain an
exemption from the ban), and;
- change section 89 of the FAA (which adds section
16.2 to the Access to Information Act) to
ensure the Commissioner is required to disclose
documents obtained during investigations if the
Commissioner's decision is challenged in court.
(l) Changes needed to the "Public Service Employment
Act" (PSEA) section of the Federal Accountability Act
- change proposed new section 127.1 of the PSEA (as
added by section 106 of the FAA) to instead implement
recommendations 6 and 12 of the Gomery Commission to
give the Public Service Commission the power to select
Deputy Ministers (and other senior public servants
currently selected by Cabinet) through a competitive,
merit-based process and to protect them from dismissal
for any reason other than cause (NOTE: the
recommendations were made to help ensure
professionalism and independence from Cabinet control
of the people in these key senior positions) -- OR, if
the proposed new Public Appointments Commission is
made independent of Cabinet, rules-based, and
appointed through a parliamentary process, give it the
power to appoint Deputy Ministers and other senior
public servants currently selected by Cabinet;
- add a new measure to the FAA to amend sections
17-19 and 66 to 73 of the PSEA to give an entity
separate from the Public Service Commission the power
to do audits and investigations of the Commission, and
public service appointments and other public service
hiring operations generally, and require that entity
to issue public reports of the audits (NOTE:
currently, the Public Service Commission is in a
conflict of interest because it audits and
investigates its own operations -- the proposed new
Public Sector Integrity Commissioner is very likely
the best entity for this public service audit function
OR, if it is made independent of Cabinet, rules-based,
and appointed through a parliamentary process, the
proposed new Public Appointments Commission could also
be the auditor);
- add a new measure to the FAA to amend subsection
30(4) of the PSEA to require the Public Service
Commission to consider more than one person for an
appointment in order for the appointment to be
considered to have been made on the basis of merit;
- add a new measure to the FAA to amend subsection 33
of the PSEA to require the Public Service Commission
to use an advertised appointment process for every
- add a new measure to the FAA to amend subsection 36
of the PSEA to require the Public Service Commission
to use a specific, well-established, effective
assessment process for every appointment;
- change section 38 of the PSEA (instead of amending
it very slightly as section 102 of the FAA does)
because it allows the Public Service Commission to
avoid merit requirements for many appointments (only
allow non-merit based appointments under the
conditions set out in section 40, subsections 41(1)
and (4), of the PSEA), and;
- delete section 100 of the FAA because it does not
amend in any way the section in the PSEA (paragraph
22(2)(a)) it claims to amend.
Top of Report
(m) Force the Conservatives to keep their election
promise to create a "Public Appointments Commission"
that will ensure Cabinet appointments are merit-based
by, in the Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- deleting proposed new section 1.1 of the Salaries
Act (as added by section 228 of the FAA) because
it does not require Cabinet to establish a Public
Appointments Commission (it only allows Cabinet to
create the Commission) and it puts the Commission
entirely under the control of Cabinet (which means the
Commission would lack the independence to do anything
effective to end patronage (which is the reason the
Conservatives claim the Commission is being created)),
- adding to the FAA new measures that set out a new
"Public Appointments Commission Act" that require the
creation of the Commission, and that contain all the
same appointment and operations rules as exist for
Officers of Parliament, including specific rules that
ensure the Commission is independent of Cabinet and
Commission members are only appointed with the
approval of opposition party leaders, and that the
Commission is required to establish and maintain
merit-based requirements for appointments, and to
publicize available appointment positions, and to
conduct fair evaluations of applicants (NOTE: the
Conservatives election promise was to "Establish a
Public Appointments Commission to set merit-based
requirements for appointments to government boards,
commissions and agencies, to ensure that competitions
for posts are widely publicized and fairly conducted"
-- alternately, add measures to the FAA to give the
proposed new Public Sector Integrity Commissioner the
power to fulfill the above responsibilities of the
Public Appointments Commission);
- adding a new measure to the FAA to, as the Gomery
Commission recommended (in recommendations 6 and 12)
to give the Public Appointments Commission the power
to appoint Deputy Ministers (and other senior public
servants currently selected by Cabinet) through a
competitive, merit-based process and to protect them
from dismissal for any reason other than cause (OR, if
the Public Appointments Commission is not made
independent of Cabinet, rules-based, and appointed
through a parliamentary process and, instead, the
Public Service Commission is changed in these ways,
amend the Public Service Employment Act to
give the Public Service Commission the power to select
Deputy Ministers);
- adding to the FAA new measures to require approval
by a majority of opposition party leaders for
appointees to all federal agencies, boards, courts,
commissions and tribunals involved in law enforcement
(e.g. the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court
of Canada, the Public Service Commission, the Public
Service Staffing Tribunal, the Financial Consumer
Commissioner, the Canada Transportation Safety Board,
the Immigration and Refugee Board etc.) and ensure
that appointees cannot serve more than one term unless
a second term is approved by a majority of opposition
party leaders.
(n) Force the Conservatives to keep their election
promises to make the federal government more
transparent in key ways by, in the "Access to
Information Act" (ATI Act) section of the Federal
Accountability Act (FAA):
- adding a new measure to change the ATI Act to "Give
the Information Commissioner the power to order the
release of information" (as the Conservatives
promised, and as the information commissioners in
Ontario, B.C. and Quebec have);
- adding a new measure to expand the ATI Act to all
"all Crown corporations, Officers of Parliament,
foundations, and organizations that spend taxpayers'
money or perform public functions" (as the
Conservatives promised);
- adding a measure to change the ATI Act so as to
"Subject the exclusion of Cabinet confidences to
review by the Information Commissioner" (as the
Conservatives promised);
- adding a measure to change the ATI Act to "Oblige
public officials to create the records necessary to
document their actions and decisions" (as the
Conservatives promised);
- adding a measure to change the ATI Act to "Provide
a general public interest override for all exemptions,
so that the public interest is put before the secrecy
of the government" (as the Conservatives promised);
- adding a measure to change the ATI Act to "Ensure
that all exemptions from the disclosure of government
information are justified only on the basis of the
harm or injury that would result from disclosure, not
blanket exemption rules"(as the Conservatives
promised), and;
- adding a measure to change the ATI Act to "Ensure
that the disclosure requirements of the Access to
Information Act cannot be circumvented by secrecy
provisions in other federal acts, while respecting the
confidentiality of national security and the privacy
of personal information" (as the Conservatives also
(o) Other changes needed to the "Access to
Information Act" (ATI Act) section of the Federal
Accountability Act (FAA):
- add to the FAA a new measure that changes the ATI
Act by requiring that all government institutions,
including all "foundations, and organizations that
spend taxpayers' money or perform public functions"
(the Conservatives promised to extend the coverage of
the ATI Act to these entities), to establish a system
for classifying all records as they are created as
either "disclosable" or "covered by an exemption" and
to place a list every three months of all records
created in each category on a central searchable
website, and to clearly designate responsibility for
maintaining this information management system to
specific public servants (and, of course, provide all
government institutions with funding to establish and
maintain such a system);
- add to the FAA a new measure (as the Information
Commissioner has recommended, and as exists in some
provinces) that changes all the mandatory exemptions
and exclusions in the ATI Act to discretionary
exemptions, and that changes the section 69 ATI Act
exclusion (that prevents the release of Cabinet
confidences for 20 years) to a 10-year long exemption
that, as in Ontario, applies only to defined records
that "reveal the substance of deliberations of
Cabinet" and that ensures all other Cabinet-related
records (including records currently withheld under
the section 21 ATI Act (advice and recommendations)
exemption) are explicitly subject to the right of
- add to the FAA a new measure that amends the ATI
Act by giving the Information Commissioner the power
to penalize violators of the ATI Act with high fines,
suspensions and firings, including for failing to
maintain the information management system proposed
above, and for failing to meet deadlines for
disclosure of records (and, of course provide the
Information Commissioner with the powers and resources
needed to carry out this role);
- change proposed new sections 16.1 and 16.3 of the
ATI Act (as added by sections 146 and 147 of the FAA)
and proposed new section 22.1 of the Privacy Act
(as added by section 183 of the FAA) to ensure that,
if any of the five Officers of Parliament's rulings
are challenged in court, that documents relating to
their investigation could be made public through that
court proceeding;
- add a new measure to the FAA that changes the ATI
Act to eliminate the $5 fee for filing a request for a
record (given that it is an unnecessary and
unjustifiable barrier to access to information, and
that processing the payment of the fee results in
administrative costs for the federal government that
exceed the fee);
- add a new measure to the FAA that changes the ATI
Act to increase the current five-hour free records
search time to 10 hours (given the lack of efficient,
accessible information management systems in many
government institutions);
- add a new measure to the FAA that changes the ATI
Act to set one fee for copying records for all
government institutions at a level no higher than the
actual copying costs, and to require institutions to
waive the copying costs if they will cause financial
hardship to the requester, and;
- delete proposed new subsection 16.5(4) of the Financial
Administration Act (as added by section 261 of
the FAA) because it requires that the decision of the
Treasury Board reviewing a disagreement between a
minister and deputy on whether spending rules are
being followed be kept secret for 20 years.
Top of Report
(p) Force the Conservatives to keep their election
promise to ensure "truth-in-budgetting" by, in the
Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- making the proposed new Parliamentary Budget
Officer (set out in proposed new subsection 79.1(2) of
the Parliament of Canada Act (as added by
section 119 of the FAA) independent of Cabinet by
giving the Officer security of tenure (currently, the
FAA proposes that the Cabinet could dismiss the
Officer without any cause for doing so -- the
Conservatives promised to "Create an independent
Parliamentary Budget Office"));
- deleting or at least changing proposed new clause
79.3(2)(b) and of the Parliament of Canada Act
(as added by section 119 of the FAA) to ensure that
government officials cannot hide up-to-date financial
data by labelling the data a "Cabinet confidence" (the
Conservatives promised to "Require government
departments and agencies . . . to provide accurate,
timely information to the Parliamentary Budget Office
to ensure it has the information it needs to provide
accurate analyses to Parliament"), and;
- ensure the Conservatives' promised changes to the Access
to Information Act (ATI Act -- as set out in the
section above) are made to ensure that the Information
Commissioner can override abuses of exemptions by
government officials trying to hide key information
that the Parliamentary Budget Officer needs to do
their job (again, the Conservatives promised to
"Require government departments and agencies" to
provide this information to the Officer).
(q) Changes needed to the "Director of Public
Prosecutions Act" section of the Federal
Accountability Act (FAA):
- delete section 15 of the proposed new Director of
Public Prosecutions Act (which is created by section
123 of the FAA) because it undermines the whole
purpose of the creating the Director as a prosecutor
independent of Cabinet (NOTE: section 15 gives the
Attorney General of Canada the power to take over any
prosecution from the Director).
(r) Force the Conservatives to keep their election
promise to publish the results of all "public opinion
research" by, in the Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- changing proposed new section 15.1 of the Library
and Archives of Canada Act (as added by section
180 of the FAA) to require all government institutions
(including all Crown corporations, Officers of
Parliament, foundations, and organizations that spend
taxpayers' money or perform public functions) to file
within six months of completion a copy of any report
of public opinion research with the Librarian and
Archivist (NOTE: the Conservatives promised to "Ensure
that all government public opinion research is
automatically published within six months of the
completion of the project" -- currently, proposed new
section 15.1 only requires some government
institutions to file a copy of research conducted by
an outside company, which means much research will
remain secret).
(s) Force the Conservatives to keep their election
promises to protect all "whistleblowers" by, in the
Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- changing the title of the Public Servants
Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA) to the Public Sector
Wrongdoing Disclosure Protection Act (PSWDPA);
- changing the definition of "public sector" in
section 2 of the PSDPA to include all government or
quasi-governmental institutions (including all
politicians' offices, all Crown corporations, all
Officers of Parliament, all foundations, and all
organizations that spend taxpayers' money or perform
public functions), and by adding a new measure to the
FAA that changes section 53 of the PSDPA to require
Cabinet to apply the PSDPA to all the above listed
federal government institutions and all new
institutions as they are created (NOTE: these
provisions currently exempt politicians' offices and
quasi-governmental organizations and do not require
Cabinet to designate new institutions as covered by
the Act -- the Conservatives' election promise was to
"Remove the government's ability to exempt Crown
corporations and other bodies from the Act");
- changing the definition of "reprisal" in section 2
of the PSDPA to include reprisals against non-public
servants, and by changing proposed new section 19 of
the PSDPA (as changed by section 201 of the FAA) to
prohibit reprisals against any whistleblower (NOTE:
currently, the prohibition only applies to "public
servants" -- the Conservatives' promise was to "Ensure
that all Canadians who report government wrongdoing
are protected, not just public servants");
- deleting proposed new subsection 42.1(3) of the
PSDPA (as added by section 215 of the FAA) because it
contradicts section 19 of the PSDPA by exempting
public sector employers from the prohibition of
reprisals against employees;
- deleting section 55 of the PSDPA (as changed by
section 222 of the FAA) and section 57 of the PSDPA
(as changed by section 224 of the FAA) and sections 58
and 58.1 of the PSDPA (as changed by section 225 of
the FAA) because these three provisions prohibit
(under the Access to Information Act , the Personal
Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
, and the Privacy Act ) the disclosure of
information about wrongdoing revealed by
whistleblowers, and; add a new measure to the FAA that
changes the PSDPA to require the Public Sector
Integrity Commissioner to disclose rulings on
investigations into wrongdoing within 30 days after
the rulings are made (NOTE: the Conservatives'
election promise was to "Require the prompt public
disclosure of information revealed by whistleblowers,
except where national security or the security of
individuals is affected").
Top of Report
(t) Other changes needed to the "Public Servants
Disclosure Protection Act" (PSDPA) section of the
Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- change proposed new subsection 11(2) of the PSDPA
(as added by section 199 of the FAA) to require public
disclosure of the identity of the person who has been
found to have committed a wrongdoing in all cases;
- add a measure to the FAA to delete section 14.1 of
the PSDPA (because it bars public servants from
disclosing wrongdoing to the Public Sector Integrity
Commissioner in some situations);
- change proposed new clause 21.7(1)(f) of the PSDPA
(as added by section 201 of the FAA) to increase the
amount that can be awarded for pain and suffering to a
whistleblower who has suffered a reprisal from the
proposed maximum of $10,000 (which is much too low) to
a maximum of $50,000;
- change proposed new subsections 22(h) of the PSDPA
(as changed by subsection 202(2) of the FAA), proposed
new subsection 26(1) of the PSDPA (as changed by
section 204 of the FAA), proposed new section 36 of
the PSDPA (as changed by section 208 of the FAA), and
proposed new subsection 38(3.1) of the PSDPA (as
changed by section 210(3) of the FAA) to give the
Public Sector Integrity Commissioner the power to
order chief executives to take corrective action, and
always require chief executives to report to the
Commissioner on corrective actions taken (NOTE:
currently, these provisions only give the Commissioner
the power to make recommendations, and do not require
reports from chief executives on corrective actions
- add a new measure to the FAA that adds a measure to
the PSDPA to give the Commissioner the power to
penalize any chief executive with a fine, suspension
or firing if the chief executive does not comply with
the Commissioner's order;
- delete proposed new clause 24(1)(b) of the PSDPA
(as changed by section 203 of the FAA) because it
gives the Commissioner too much power, without
specific criteria, to refuse to deal with a disclosure
(NOTE: for example, the clause allows the Commissioner
to deem a disclosure not "sufficiently important");
- delete proposed new subsection 27(1) of the PSDPA
(as changed by subsection 205(1) of the FAA) to give
the Commissioner the right to determine the
appropriate time to inform a chief executive of an
investigation (NOTE: the current subsection requires
the Commissioner to inform a chief executive as soon
as an investigation is commenced, which may allow a
chief executive to destroy key evidence of
- add a new measure to the FAA that changes
subsection 38(2) of the PSDPA to require the
Commissioner to disclose in annual reports the
identities of anyone found to have committed
wrongdoing, and change clause 49(1)(f) of the PSDPA to
allow for this disclosure;
- change proposed new section 42.3 of the PSDPA (as
added by section 215 of the FAA) to set a minimum fine
for taking a reprisal against a whistleblower of
$50,000, and a maximum range of fines from $100,000 to
$200,000, and to give the Commissioner the power to
fine violators (NOTE: the current proposed fines have
no minimum, and the maximum range is $5,000 to
$10,000, far too low to discourage employers from
taking reprisals -- and as the Commissioner is the
judge of whether reprisals have been taken, clearly
the Commissioner should also have the power to fine
anyone who takes a reprisal), and;
- change proposed new section 53.1 of the PSDPA (as
added by section 220 of the FAA) to increase the
monetary awards to a maximum of 6 months salary of the
whistleblower, if the whistleblower decides that the
disclosure of wrongdoing process means that the
whistleblower cannot remain in their current
(u) Changes needed to the "Financial Administration
Act" section of the Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- delete proposed new subsection 16.5(4) of the Financial
Administration Act (as added by section 261 of
the FAA) because it requires that the decision of the
Treasury Board reviewing a disagreement between a
minister and deputy on whether spending rules are
being followed be kept secret for 20 years;
- add a new measure to the FAA that amends the Financial
Act to give the Auditor General the power to
review proposed government advertising to determine if
the advertising is legitimate or is propaganda for the
governing party, and the power either to prohibit
party propaganda advertising, or at least to issue a
public report on the Auditor General's determination
about each advertisement;
- add a new measure to the FAA to change section 118
of the Financial Administration Act to require
Crown corporations to apply to court to have the court
void any contract signed with a director of the
corporation or an entity in which a director has an
interest if it is discovered that the director did not
disclose their interest to the corporation's board of
directors (currently, section 118 only allows the
corporation to apply to court, but does not require
the corporation to apply to court);
- add a new measure to the FAA to change section 154
of the Financial Administration Act to require
Cabinet to suspend or fire any director or officer of
a Crown corporation who violates the Act or related
regulations or policies and requires Cabinet to report
the identity of the violator and the penalty to
Parliament (currently, section 154 only allows Cabinet
to suspend (but not fire) Crown corporation
wrongdoers, and does not require any public report);
- add a new measure to the FAA that changes the Financial
Administration Act to give the Auditor General
the power to penalize violators of the Financial
Administration Act and Treasury Board rules with
high fines, suspensions and firings (the Conservatives
only promised in their election campaign to give the
Ethics Commissioner the power to penalize violators of
ethics rules, and to pass "new Criminal Code
penalties for fraud involving the misuse of taxpayers'
- add a new measure to the FAA that, as the Gomery
Commission recommended, changes the Financial
Administration Act to ban the creation of any
"special reserve" funds unless they are under the
control of Treasury Board and covered by an annual,
public report, and;
- add a new measure to the FAA that adds to the Financial
Administration Act the requirement that everyone
in the government submit the actual, detailed receipt
(as opposed to payment receipt) for all expenses
claimed to prevent unjustified expense claims.
Top of Report
(v) Changes needed to the "Auditor General Act"
(AGA) section of the Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- add a new measure to the FAA to change subsection
14(3) of the AGA to require the Cabinet to order a
Crown corporation to provide information to the
Auditor General if the corporation has refused to
provide the information (currently, the subsection
only allows Cabinet to order the corporation), and;
- add a new measure to the FAA giving the Auditor
General the power to penalize violators of the Financial
Administration Act and Treasury Board rules with
fines, suspensions and firings.
(w) Force the Conservatives to keep their promise to
appoint a Procurement Auditor by, in the "Department
of Public Works and Government Services Act" (DPWGSA)
section of the Federal Accountability Act (FAA):
- changing proposed new subsection 22.1(1) of the
DPWGSA (as added by section 309 of the FAA) to
guarantee the appointment of the proposed new
Procurement Auditor and to give the Auditor
independence from Cabinet by requiring the Cabinet to
appoint a Procurement Auditor, requiring approval by
opposition party leaders of the appointment, and
giving the Auditor protection from dismissal except
for cause (NOTE: currently, the proposed subsection
does not require Cabinet to appoint the Auditor, and
does not give the Auditor independence from Cabinet
nor job security -- the Conservatives promised in the
election to "Appoint a Procurement Auditor to ensure
that all procurements are fair and transparent, and to
address complaints from vendors");
- changing proposed new subsection 22.1(3)(a) of the
DPWGSA (as added by section 309 of the FAA) to give
the Procurement Auditor the power to audit the
procurement practices of all government institutions
(NOTE: currently the subsection only gives the Auditor
the power to audit departments -- the Conservatives
promised in the election to "Appoint a Procurement
Auditor to ensure that all procurements are fair and
transparent, and to address complaints from vendors");
- changing proposed subsections 22.1(3), 22.2(3),
22.3(1) and 23.1(c) of the DPWGSA (as added by
sections 309 and 310 of the FAA) to give the
Procurement Auditor the power to order changes to
procurement practices at any government institution
and to report to Parliament on problems with practices
and complaints (NOTE: currently, the subsections only
give the Procurement Auditor the power to make
non-binding recommendations (which the Cabinet can
restrict by regulation), and only require an Annual
Report to Parliament that is not required to contain
details of procurement practice problems and
- changing proposed new clause 22.1(3)(d) of the
DPWGSA (as added by section 309 of the FAA) to require
the Procurement Auditor to provide an alternative
dispute resolution process if either party to a
contract requests it (currently, the proposed clause
on requires the Auditor to provide the process if both
parties to a contract request it), and;
- deleting section 317 of the FAA because it gives
the Cabinet the power not to implement sections 309
and 310 of the FAA (which establish the Procurement
Auditor position) even if the FAA is passed by