Democracy Watch's mandate 20 steps towards
a Modern, Working Democracy
and System
is the Scandal position, both based on
Democracy Watch's Definition
of a Democratic Society
Who are Democracy
Watch's Board Members and Advisory
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Facebook page
PLEASE NOTE: Democracy
Watch was the first organization in the
world called "Democracy Watch" and is not
affiliated or linked in any way to any
other organization in the world called
"Democracy Watch"
Democracy Watch's mandate is set out as 20 steps towards a
Modern, Working Democracy. The 20
Steps are changes that all governments in
Canada should enact (in accordance with their
respective powers) to ensure that Canadian
"stakeholders" have a greater and more meaningful
role in government and business decision-making.
The 20 Steps set out a Citizen Agenda
of changes to the information governments and
businesses provide to citizens; changes in the
ways citizens participate in government and
business decision-making; and changes to the
ways in which citizens can hold governments and
businesses accountable for their decisions and
Democracy Watch advocates its 20 Steps
Citizen Agenda by:
- publishing democracy audits that
examine government and business policies,
programs and activities (each report sets out
leading research into key problems and
solutions, and we launch each of our campaigns
for change with a report);
- bringing together interested groups to
participate in democratization coalitions
working for common reforms;
- coordinating a DemocratizACTION Network
of Democracy
Watchers who participate in campaigns
to push politicians and businesses to enact
the reforms;
- campaigning for democratic
decision-making processes to make it
easier to enact the reforms; and
- gathering together materials in a Democracy
Clearinghouse on democracy issues to
help Canadians participate effectively in our
political and economic systems.

Duff Conacher, Founder of
Democracy Watch,
on CTV News
Summary of
Democracy Watch's Many Notable Achievements
Democracy Watch is a national non-profit,
non-partisan organization, and Canada's leading
citizen group advocating democratic reform,
government accountability and corporate
Democracy Watch is the most effective and
successful national citizen advocacy group in
Canada at winning systemic changes to key laws
since it opened its doors in fall 1993 - it has
won more than 110 changes to federal and
provincial good government and corporate
responsibility laws, many of which are
Democracy Watch has organized and works with
Canadian citizens and organizations in five
nation-wide coalitions, all pushing Canadian
governments and businesses to empower Canadians
in their roles as voters, citizens, taxpayers,
consumers and shareholders. Its aim is to help
reform Canadian government and business
institutions to bring them into line with the
realities of a modern, working democracy.
Democracy Watch's work for democratic reform is
aimed at winning changes so that everyone in
politics and business is effectively required to
act honestly, ethically, openly,
representatively and to prevent waste. Its
work is based upon the following principles:
- Canadians need access to full and timely
information about government and business
- Canadians need meaningful rights to
participate and be represented in Canada's
political system;
- Canadians need easily accessible remedies
against government and corporate waste,
abuse and misrepresentation;
- Accountability measures are needed
wherever there are concentrations of power
in society; and
- Measures must be enacted to help Canadians
band together as citizens, consumers and
If you are in Ottawa, you can visit
Democracy Watch's office at:
1 Nicholas St., Suite 412
(building entrance is on the corner of
Nicholas St. and Besserer St., one block south
of Rideau St.)