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Report Card Reveals No Matter Which Party Wins, Ontario Government and Large Corporations Will Remain Largely Unaccountable for Dishonest, Unethical, Secretive, Unrepresentative and Wasteful Activities Because of Key Gaps in Main Provincial Parties' "Good Government" Platforms 

Greens, NDP and Conservatives Tie With an Overall D, Liberals Worst With Overall F+ -- Lack of Honesty-in-Politics Law Means Voters Should Not Trust Promises

Friday, October 5, 2007

OTTAWA - Today, Democracy Watch released its Report Card on the 2007 Good Government Ontario Political Party Election Platforms of the four main Ontario political parties (See Report Card set out below), and unfortunately the results show that none of the parties are serious about ensuring the integrity of the provincial government or large corporations in Ontario.

"Unfortunately for Ontario voters, no matter which party wins the Ontario election, the government and large corporations will remain largely unaccountable for dishonest, unethical, secretive, unrepresentative and wasteful behaviour." said Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch. "All of the parties are essentially pretending, like the federal parties used to, that Ontario’s corporate responsibility system, and especially its government accountability system, are working as well as needed."

 “None of the main Ontario parties are pledging to make key, systemic changes to require honesty in politics, to end patronage appointments, to strengthen ethics rules and enforcement, to end secret lobbying and donations and increase openness overall, nor to empower citizens to hold the government and large corporations accountable for wrongdoing,” said Conacher.

The Report Card grades the four main parties' platform pledges based upon 14 sets of changes Democracy Watch believes are the changes that will most effectively require everyone in the provincial government and Ontario corporations to act honestly, ethically, openly, efficiently, representatively and, if they don't act in these democratic ways, easily and thoroughly held accountable.  In total, the 14 sets of changes add up to about 85 changes to the provincial government's accountability system, and the province's corporate responsibility system.

The measures are a compilation of the proposals of four nation-wide coalitions Democracy Watch coordinates (Government Ethics Coalition, Money in Politics Coalition, Corporate Responsibility Coalition, Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition).  A combined total of more than 140 citizen groups with a total membership of more than 3 million Canadians belong to the coalitions, groups that work on anti-poverty, bank accountability, community economic development, consumer, corporate responsibility, environment, labour, social justice, women and youth issues.

Many national surveys over the past several years have shown that a large majority of Canadians support the government accountability and corporate responsibility reforms set out in the Report Card, as do many commentators on democratic reform and corporate responsibility.

The 14 sets of changes, divided into five areas, all reflect the following five key elements for ensuring that large, powerful government institutions act responsibly and follow rules: 1. strong laws with no loopholes; 2. requirement to disclose details of operations and violations; 3. fully independent, fully empowered watchdog agencies to enforce laws; 4. penalties that are high enough to encourage compliance; and 5. empowerment of citizens to hold governments, corporations and watchdog agencies accountable.

The parties were given a grade ranging from A (Platform makes clear promise to implement proposal) to I (Platform does not mention proposal), with grades B for a vague or partial promise to implement the proposal, C and D for clear to vague promises to explore the proposal, E for mentioning proposal and F for mentioning the theme of the proposal.  Grades were averaged for each of the five sections, and the average of section grades was used for the overall grades.

The highlights of the Report Card are as follows:

  • The NDP had the best grade in two of the five areas -- a D in the “Representative, Citizen-Driven Government and Corporations” area, and an E in the “Honest, Ethical Government” area;
  • The Greens obtained the best overall grade of B in the “General Government Accountability and Corporate Responsibility” area, mainly because they were the only party to promise whistleblower protection;
  • The Conservatives had the best overall grade of C+ in the “Efficient Government” area, mainly because they were the only party to make solid commitments to increase auditing and spending accountability;
  • The strongest overall area grades for all the parties were in the "General Government Accountability and Corporate Responsibility" area, and;
  • The worst overall area grades for all the parties were in the “Open Government and Corporations” area, in which none of the parties had better than a F grade.
"Given the lack of a provincial honesty in politics law, and the lack of a clear pledge by any of the parties to pass such a law, voters should be wary of trusting any of the parties' promises," said Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch. 

Democracy Watch graded the parties' election platforms by reviewing the platforms.  Statements by party leaders or representatives were not taken into account as they are not fully accessible to all voters, nor are they binding in any way on the party (as admitted by many party leaders) and as a result are even less reliable than promises made in the parties' platforms.  (Please see Backgrounder set out below for details and relevant excerpts from the parties' platforms)

Democracy Watch and its coalitions will continue to push the provincial parties to focus on cleaning up and strengthening the province’s corporate responsibility system, and especially the government accountability system.

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Duff Conacher, Coordinator
Tel: (613) 241-5179

Democracy Watch's Ontario Election and Referendum 2007 webpage

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Report Card on the 2007 Good Government 
Ontario Political Party Election Platforms

See Backgrounder set out below for details and excerpts from the parties' platforms

A - Platform makes clear promise to implement proposal
B - Platform makes vague or partial promise to implement proposal
C - Platform makes clear promise to explore proposal
D - Platform makes vague or partial promise to explore proposal
E - Platform mentions proposal
F - Platform mentions theme of proposal
I - Platform does not mention proposal

Green Party of Ontario platform webpage
Liberal Party of Canada platform webpage
New Democratic Party of Ontario platform webpage
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario platform webpage
Ontario Provincial Political Parties (link to Elections Ontario official webpage)


Green Party of Ontario - D
Liberal Party of Ontario - F+
New Democrat Party of Ontario - D
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - D

I. Honest, Ethical Government Measures
 1. Requiring honesty-in-politics
 2. Strengthening ethics standards . . . and ethics enforcement
 3. Making the political donations system democratic
 4. Closing down the revolving door

II. Open Government and Corporations Measures
 5. Strengthening access-to-information system
 6. Exposing behind-closed-door communications
 7. Strengthening lobbying disclosure and ethics, and the enforcement system

II. Efficient Government Measures
 8. Increasing independence and powers of Auditor General

IV. Representative, Citizen-Driven Government and Corporations Measures
  9. Facilitating citizen watchdog groups over government
 10. Increasing meaningful public consultation
 11. Restricting power of Cabinet to make appointments
 12. Ensuring free, fair and representative elections

V. General Government Accountability and Corporate Responsibility Measures
 13. Ensuring effective whistleblower protection
 14. Ensuring loophole free laws and strong penalties for wrongdoers

I. Honest, Ethical Government Measures

Green Party of Ontario - F
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - E-
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - F-

1. Requiring honesty-in-politics - Pass a law that requires all Ontario Cabinet ministers, MPPs, political staff, Cabinet appointees and government employees (including at Crown corporations, agencies, boards, commissions, courts and tribunals) nomination race and election candidates to tell the truth, with an easily accessible complaint process to a fully independent watchdog agency that is fully empowered to investigate and penalize anyone who lies. (Go to  Honesty in Politics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - I
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - F+
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - F+
2. Strengthening ethics standards for politicians, political staff, Cabinet appointees and government employees, and ethics enforcement - Close the loopholes in the existing ethics law and rules (including prohibiting even the appearance of a conflict of interest even for matters of general application that affect the public broadly, and including requiring resignation and a by-election if an MPP switches parties between elections) and apply them to all political and non-political (elected and non-elected) officials and to all government institutions (including all Crown corporations), and; strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the government ethics watchdog (the Integrity Commissioner) by establishing a Public Appointments Commission to advertise the position and screen applicants, by requiring a majority of recognized party leaders to approve appointees, having the Provincial Parliament (as opposed to Cabinet) approve the Commissioner's annual budget (as in the federal government), prohibiting the Commissioner from giving secret advice, requiring the Commissioner to investigate all complaints (including anonymous complaints), fully empowering the Commissioner to penalize rule-breakers, and ensuring that all the Commissioner's decisions can be reviewed by the courts, and; as proposed by the federal Department of Finance and required under United Nations Convention Against Corruption, place anyone with decision-making power on the anti-corruption watch list of the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (Fintrac) so deposits to their bank accounts can be tracked.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Green Party of Ontario - I
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - I
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - I
3. Making the political donations system democratic - Prohibit donations and loans by corporations, unions and other organizations to candidates for public office, riding associations and parties, and; require disclosure of all donations (including the identity of the donor's employer (as in the U.S.) and/ or major affiliations) and loans and volunteer labour  regularly and before any election day (whether or not the donation is used for a campaign, thereby closing the loophole that currently allows secret, unlimited donations and loans to nomination race, election and party leadership candidates), and; lower the individual annual donation limit from $8,400 to a level affordable for the average Canadian (e.g. $1,000), and; limit spending on campaigns for nomination races and the leadership of political parties; limit spending by parties, riding associations, candidates, and third-party interest groups (non-political parties) for the 6-month period leading up to election day, and; establish annual public funding of political parties at $0.25 to $0.50 per vote received in the most recent election and ensure riding associations receive a fair share of this funding.  (Go to Money in Politics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Green Party of Ontario - B-
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - B-
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - I
4. Closing down the revolving door - Prohibit lobbyists from working for government departments or serving in senior positions for political parties or candidates for public office (as in New Mexico and Maryland), and from having business connections with anyone who does, and extend the period for former Cabinet ministers, ministerial staff and senior public officials to five years (and for MPs, their staff, and government employees from one to three years) during which they are prohibited from becoming a lobbyist or working with corporations or organizations with which they had direct dealings while in government.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Green Party of Ontario - I
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - I
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - I

II. Open Government and Corporations Measures

Green Party of Ontario - F-
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - F
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - F

5. Strengthening access-to-information system - Strengthen the Ontario access-to-information law and government information management system by: applying the law to all government/publicly funded institutions, and; requiring all government/publicly funded institutions to maintain an internal information system that can fulfill access-to-information requests as required by the law, and; requiring all government/publicly funded institutions to review and disclose documents regularly by placing them on the Internet, and; creating a public interest override of all access exemptions, and; strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the Information Commissioner) by establishing a Public Appointments Commission to advertise the position and screen applicants, by requiring a majority of recognized party leaders to approve appointees, having the Provincial Parliament (as opposed to Cabinet) approve the Commissioner's annual budget (as is currently the process for the federal Ethics Commissioner), prohibiting the Commissioner from giving secret advice, requiring the Commissioner to investigate all complaints (including anonymous complaints), giving the Ontario Information Commissioner the power to order changes to government institutions' information systems, and to penalize violators of access laws, regulations, policies and rules, and ensuring that all the Commissioner's decisions can be reviewed by the courts (Go to Open Government Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals), and; require all provincially regulated corporations to disclose all convictions and settlements for violations of laws, regulations, policies, codes, guidelines or rules on an easily accessible, searchable, government-maintained website, so that consumers and investors can more easily make fully informed choices in the marketplace.  (Go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Green Party of Ontario - C+
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - B-
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - B-
6. Exposing behind-closed-door communications - Change the provincial lobbying registration law to equire that Ministers and MPs, their staff and all public officials with decision-making power to disclose their contacts with all lobbyists, whether paid or volunteer lobbyists.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Green Party of Ontario - I
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - I
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - I
7. Strengthening lobbying disclosure and ethics, and the enforcement system - Strengthen the provincial lobbying law by: closing the loophole that currently allows corporations to hide the number of people involved in lobbying activities, and; by requiring lobbyists to disclose their past work with any Canadian or foreign government, political party or candidate, and; by requiring lobbyists to disclose all their government relations activities (whether paid or volunteer) involving gathering inside information or trying to influence policy-makers (as in the U.S.) and; by requiring lobbyists to disclose the amount they spend on lobbying campaigns (as in 33 U.S. states), and; strengthening the ethics and enforcement system by adding to the law a "Lobbyists' Code of Conduct" with strong, loophole-free ethics rules, and; extending the limitation period for prosecutions of violations of the law o 10 years, and; strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the lobbying watchdog (the Integrity Commissioner) by establishing a Public Appointments Commission to advertise the position and screen applicants, by requiring a majority of recognized party leaders to approve appointees, having the Provincial Parliament (as opposed to Cabinet) approve the Commissioner's annual budget (as in the federal government), prohibiting the Commissioner from giving secret advice, requiring the Commissioner to investigate all complaints (including anonymous complaints), fully empowering the Commissioner to penalize rule-breakers, and ensuring that all the Commissioner's decisions can be reviewed by the courts.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Green Party of Ontario - I
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - I
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - I

III. Efficient Government Measures

Green Party of Ontario - I
Liberal Party of Ontario - F-
New Democrat Party of Ontario - F-
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - C+

8. Increasing independence and powers of the Auditor General - Increase the strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the Auditor General by: establishing a Public Appointments Commission to advertise the position and screen applicants, and; requiring approval of the appointment from a majority of opposition party leaders, and; increasing auditing resources of the Auditor General, and; having Parliament (as opposed to Cabinet) approve the Auditor General's annual budget (as is currently the process for the federal Ethics Commissioner), and; empowering the Auditor General to audit all government institutions, to make orders for changes to government institutions' spending systems, and to penalize violators of spending and contracting laws and rules or Auditor General orders, and; requiring everyone in government to disclose on a searchable website the full, detailed receipt (showing who bought what) for all expenses reimbursed by the government.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - I
Liberal Party of Ontario - F-
New Democrat Party of Ontario - F-
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - C+

IV. Representative, Citizen-Driven Government and Corporation Measures

Green Party of Ontario - E
Liberal Party of Ontario - F-
New Democrat Party of Ontario - D
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - F-

9. Facilitating citizen watchdog groups over government and corporations - Require provincial government institutions and corporations to enclose one-page pamphlets periodically in their mailings to citizens inviting citizens to join citizen-funded and directed groups to represent citizen interests in policy-making and enforcement processes of key government departments and corporate sectors (for example, on ethics and spending, health care, energy and water utilities, and insurance and investment comapnies) as in a few U.S. states, recommended for Canadian banks and other financial institutions in 1998 by a federal task force, a House of Commons Committee, and a Senate Committee, and as suggested by the Ontario Standing Committee on Economics and Finance.  (Go to Citizen Association Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - I
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - I
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - I

10. Increasing meaningful public consultation - Pass a law requiring all government departments and institutions to use consultation processes that provide meaningful opportunities for citizen participation, especially concerning decisions that affect the lives of all Canadians, as is currently in place for environmental assessments and provincial Energy Board matters, and; pass a general law requiring all provincially regulated corporations to take into account the interests of all stakeholders when making decisions and undertaking activities, and to account publicly how they have done so.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign and go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - C-
Liberal Party of Ontario - D
New Democrat Party of Ontario - C-
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - C-
11. Restricting power of Cabinet to make appointments - Increase the independence and effectiveness of the hundreds of judicial, agency, board, commission and tribunal appointments currently made by the Premier or Cabinet Ministers, especially for appointees to senior and law enforcement positions such as Elections Ontario, Integrity Commissioner, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Auditor General, judges, Energy Board etc. by: establishing a Public Appointments Commission to advertise positions and screen applicants, and; requiring approval of appointments from a majority of opposition party leaders.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Green Party of Ontario - I
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - C+
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - I
12. Ensuring free, fair and representative elections - Make the current voting law and system more democratic by: giving Elections Ontario the power to regulate nomination and party leadership races are regulated (including limiting donations, loans and spending in both types of races (SEE #3 above), and requiring people to join a political party and party's riding association at least three months before any party or riding association vote (to ensure that "instant party members" can't be used to undermine the democratic nature of internal party decision-making processes, and; give Elections Ontario the power to determine which parties can participate in election debates based upon merit criteria, and; change the voting system so that there is a more accurate representation in the Provincial Parliament of the actual voter support for each political party (with a safeguard to ensure that MPPs are accountable to a constituency of voters, and that a party with low-level, narrow-base support does not have a disproportionately high level of power in the Provincial Parliament).  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Green Party of Ontario - C+
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - C+
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - I

V. General Government Accountability and Corporate Responsibility Measures

Green Party of Ontario - B
Liberal Party of Ontario - E+
New Democrat Party of Ontario - D-
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - D-

13. Ensuring effective whistleblower protection - Require everyone to report any violation of any law, regulation, policy, code, guideline or rule, and; give all watchdog agencies over government and corporations (for example: Auditor General, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario Securities Commission, Insurance Commission) full powers to investigate allegations of violations, to penalize violators, to protect anyone who reports a violation (so-called "whistleblowers") from retaliation, to reward whistleblowers whose allegations are proven to be true, and to ensure a right to appeal to the courts.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign and go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - B
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - I
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - I
14. Ensuring loophole free laws and strong penalties for wrongdoers - Close any technical and other loopholes that have been identified in laws, regulations, policies, codes, guidelines and rules (especially those regulating government institutions and large corporations) to help ensure strong enforcement, and increase financial penalties for violations to a level that significantly effects the annual revenues/budget of the government institution or corporation (including the automatic penalty for government wrongdoing of a prohibition on being a government employee ever again, and the automatic penalty for corporate wrongdoing of a prohibition on receiving any provincial government contracts, grants, subsidies, investments, customs/trade status, tax credits or deductions.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign and go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Green Party of Ontario - B
Liberal Party of Ontario - C+
New Democrat Party of Ontario - B
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - B


 Top of Report Card

Background Details for the
Report Card on the 2007 Good Government 
Ontario Political Party Election Platforms
(Set out below are quotations from the four main provincial parties' platform documents (with page # included) upon which the Report Card grades were based for each of the 14 areas graded)

A - Platform makes clear promise to implement proposal
B - Platform makes vague or partial promise to implement proposal
C - Platform makes clear promise to explore proposal
D - Platform makes vague or partial promise to explore proposal
E - Platform mentions proposal
F - Platform mentions theme of proposal
I - Platform does not mention proposal

Green Party of Ontario platform webpage
Liberal Party of Canada platform webpage
New Democratic Party of Ontario platform webpage
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario platform webpage
Ontario Provincial Political Parties (link to Elections Ontario official webpage)


Green Party of Ontario - D
Liberal Party of Ontario - F+
New Democrat Party of Ontario - D
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - D

I. Honest, Ethical Government Measures
 1. Requiring honesty-in-politics
 2. Strengthening ethics standards . . . and ethics enforcement
 3. Making the political donations system democratic
 4. Closing down the revolving door

II. Open Government and Corporations Measures
 5. Strengthening access-to-information system
 6. Exposing behind-closed-door communications
 7. Strengthening lobbying disclosure and ethics, and the enforcement system

III. Efficient Government Measures
 8. Increasing independence and powers of Auditor General

IV. Representative, Citizen-Driven Government and Corporation Measures
  9. Facilitating citizen watchdog groups over government and corporations
 10. Increasing meaningful public consultation
 11. Restricting power of Cabinet to make appointments
 12. Ensuring free, fair and representative elections

V. General Government Accountability and Corporate Responsibility Measures
 13. Ensuring effective whistleblower protection
 14. Ensuring loophole free laws and strong penalties for wrongdoers

I. Honest, Ethical Government Measures

Green Party of Ontario - F
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - E-
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - F-

1. Requiring honesty-in-politics - Pass a law that requires all Ontario Cabinet ministers, MPPs, political staff, Cabinet appointees and government employees (including at Crown corporations, agencies, boards, commissions, courts and tribunals) nomination race and election candidates to tell the truth, with an easily accessible complaint process to a fully independent watchdog agency that is fully empowered to investigate and penalize anyone who lies. (Go to  Honesty in Politics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - F+ "New Democrats will make commitments you can count on. Our key priorities. Things we know we can do quickly once elected." ("Commitments" webpage)

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - F+ ". . . I will lead a government that will restore trust and competence to public life.  I won’t pretend that I have all the answers, and I won’t make promises I can’t keep. But I will always talk straight. I will keep my word. I will be accountable to the people I serve. And I will plan carefully to make Ontario better for our children." ("A message from John Tory" - preface to platform) -- "Almost four years after Dalton McGuinty broke the most fundamental promise in his fiscal plan - no tax increases - John Tory knows that it’s essential to rebuild Ontarians’ trust in fiscal planning." ("A note on the fiscal plan" section of platform) -- "the truth about taxes. We’ll stop the cynical practice of government giving a tax a false name to make it sound better while secretly using it as a revenue grab." (p.30)

2. Strengthening ethics standards for politicians, political staff, Cabinet appointees and government employees, and ethics enforcement - Close the loopholes in the existing ethics law and rules (including prohibiting even the appearance of a conflict of interest even for matters of general application that affect the public broadly, and including requiring resignation and a by-election if an MPP switches parties between elections) and apply them to all political and non-political (elected and non-elected) officials and to all government institutions (including all Crown corporations), and; strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the government ethics watchdog (the Integrity Commissioner) by establishing a Public Appointments Commission to advertise the position and screen applicants, by requiring a majority of recognized party leaders to approve appointees, having the Provincial Parliament (as opposed to Cabinet) approve the Commissioner's annual budget (as in the federal government), prohibiting the Commissioner from giving secret advice, requiring the Commissioner to investigate all complaints (including anonymous complaints), fully empowering the Commissioner to penalize rule-breakers, and ensuring that all the Commissioner's decisions can be reviewed by the courts, and; as proposed by the federal Department of Finance and required under United Nations Convention Against Corruption, place anyone with decision-making power on the anti-corruption watch list of the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (Fintrac) so deposits to their bank accounts can be tracked.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

3. Making the political donations system democratic - Prohibit donations and loans by corporations, unions and other organizations to candidates for public office, riding associations and parties, and; require disclosure of all donations (including the identity of the donor's employer (as in the U.S.) and/ or major affiliations) and loans and volunteer labour  regularly and before any election day (whether or not the donation is used for a campaign, thereby closing the loophole that currently allows secret, unlimited donations and loans to nomination race, election and party leadership candidates), and; lower the individual annual donation limit from $8,400 to a level affordable for the average Canadian (e.g. $1,000), and; limit spending on campaigns for nomination races and the leadership of political parties; limit spending by parties, riding associations, candidates, and third-party interest groups (non-political parties) for the 6-month period leading up to election day, and; establish annual public funding of political parties at $0.25 to $0.50 per vote received in the most recent election and ensure riding associations receive a fair share of this funding.  (Go to Money in Politics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - B- "Introduce legislation to create a taxpayer-supported system that funds political parties in proportion to the popular vote they attained in the previous provincial election, and paid to them at the rate of $1.75 per year per vote obtained." (p.31) -- "Ban contributions by corporations and trade unions to provincial political parties or to individuals seeking election at the municipal or regional levels." (p.31) -- "Eliminate the carry-over of municipal campaign funds from one election campaign to the next." (p.31)

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - B- "The NDP will ensure that working families have a fair say in how they are governed by: Completely banning corporate and union donations like Quebec and Manitoba have already done; Capping election spending - particularly in the pre-writ period" ("Reforming the political process" Issue Sheet webpage)

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

4. Closing down the revolving door - Prohibit lobbyists from working for government departments or serving in senior positions for political parties or candidates for public office (as in New Mexico and Maryland), and from having business connections with anyone who does, and extend the period for former Cabinet ministers, ministerial staff and senior public officials to five years (and for MPs, their staff, and government employees from one to three years) during which they are prohibited from becoming a lobbyist or working with corporations or organizations with which they had direct dealings while in government.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

II. Open Government and Corporations Measures

Green Party of Ontario - F-
Liberal Party of Ontario - I
New Democrat Party of Ontario - F
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - F

5. Strengthening access-to-information system - Strengthen the Ontario access-to-information law and government information management system by: applying the law to all government/publicly funded institutions, and; requiring all government/publicly funded institutions to maintain an internal information system that can fulfill access-to-information requests as required by the law, and; requiring all government/publicly funded institutions to review and disclose documents regularly by placing them on the Internet, and; creating a public interest override of all access exemptions, and; strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the Information Commissioner) by establishing a Public Appointments Commission to advertise the position and screen applicants, by requiring a majority of recognized party leaders to approve appointees, having the Provincial Parliament (as opposed to Cabinet) approve the Commissioner's annual budget (as is currently the process for the federal Ethics Commissioner), prohibiting the Commissioner from giving secret advice, requiring the Commissioner to investigate all complaints (including anonymous complaints), giving the Ontario Information Commissioner the power to order changes to government institutions' information systems, and to penalize violators of access laws, regulations, policies and rules, and ensuring that all the Commissioner's decisions can be reviewed by the courts (Go to Open Government Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals), and; require all provincially regulated corporations to disclose all convictions and settlements for violations of laws, regulations, policies, codes, guidelines or rules on an easily accessible, searchable, government-maintained website, so that consumers and investors can more easily make fully informed choices in the marketplace.  (Go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - C+ "Implement legislation requiring greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and energy consumption labels on all appliances and energy-consuming devices; Create a 2% tax on all large appliances that do not provide real-time electrical consumption information by 2010." (p.12) -- "Legislate full and open disclosure of all P3 (public-private partnership) agreements for future development of health care facilities." (p.29)

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - B- "Today’s families have the right to know when there are dangerous chemicals in their water, in their air, in their workplaces, their backyard, or even their children’s toys. That’s why the NDP is committed to establishing a Right-to-Know law that would make sure families know when they are being exposed to toxins in their day-to-day lives. . . The New Democrats will bring back the bill introduced last year and killed by the McGuinty Liberals. We’ll require manufacturers to label products that have known or suspected toxins and establish a ‘pollution inventory’ so working families know what pollution exists in their community. We’d also make sure fire departments would be informed of every hazardous substance in local businesses so that they would know whether dangerous chemicals were going into the air in case of fire." ("Protect Chidren and the environment" webpage) -- "The NDP “Grow Ontario” plan rewards hard-working farm families with the opportunity to make a decent living and get ahead by: Changing Ontario Wine Content rules to ensure wine is adequately labeled to reflect the percentage of Ontario-grown grapes. . . . Protecting farm families from predatory pricing, listing fees the major retail chains impose." ("Grow Ontario" Issue Sheet webpage)

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - B- "Give each Ontarian a secure, private lifetime record of their patient history and care. This will enable doctors and nurses to spend less time on paperwork and more time with patients. Patients will have the right to control their personal information, and to opt out if they so desire. It’s about getting the right information in the right hands at the right time to support personal health, health care decision-making and health system sustainability. This will allow more patients to be treated with fewer mistakes and less duplication of effort, saving hundreds of millions of dollars and improving health care. Notwithstanding Ontario’s late start on this front, it would be realistic to achieve this goal by 2014." (p.5) -- " . . . a John Tory government. He’ll give these critical tools [electronic health records] to Ontario’s dedicated healthcare workers ? and the patients they serve." (p.6) -- "We will also protect Ontario families by establishing a registry to inform potential homeowners or renters that a property has been used as a [drug] grow-op." (p.12) -- "Improve information sharing between police forces so that cases do not fall between the cracks, and work with communities to provide the latest information and education programs for law enforcement." (p.14) -- "Enhance the openness of the justice system through a Truth and Transparency in the Justice System Act that would require annual public reports on the activities of our courts. These reports would cover key areas such as how many people are being charged with gun and other violent crimes, how long people are waiting for trials, what kind of plea-bargaining deals are being made, bail violations, etc. Ontarians deserve to know when the system is working and when it is failing, and they expect government to be accountable and learn from mistakes." (p.14) -- "Invest in high-speed Internet access for remote areas so that all Ontarians have the opportunity to upgrade their skills and education, access public and private services, and do business with the world." (p.18) -- "Make the regulatory process more transparent, so that proposed regulations are pre-published for public review, not just passed in secret by the Cabinet. In May 2007, Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner said that government of•cials are not living up to the Premier’s promise of 'a more open and transparent government.'" (p.29)

6. Exposing behind-closed-door communications - Change the provincial lobbying registration law to equire that Ministers and MPs, their staff and all public officials with decision-making power to disclose their contacts with all lobbyists, whether paid or volunteer lobbyists.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

7. Strengthening lobbying disclosure and ethics, and the enforcement system - Strengthen the provincial lobbying law by: closing the loophole that currently allows corporations to hide the number of people involved in lobbying activities, and; by requiring lobbyists to disclose their past work with any Canadian or foreign government, political party or candidate, and; by requiring lobbyists to disclose all their government relations activities (whether paid or volunteer) involving gathering inside information or trying to influence policy-makers (as in the U.S.) and; by requiring lobbyists to disclose the amount they spend on lobbying campaigns (as in 33 U.S. states), and; strengthening the ethics and enforcement system by adding to the law a "Lobbyists' Code of Conduct" with strong, loophole-free ethics rules, and; extending the limitation period for prosecutions of violations of the law o 10 years, and; strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the lobbying watchdog (the Integrity Commissioner) by establishing a Public Appointments Commission to advertise the position and screen applicants, by requiring a majority of recognized party leaders to approve appointees, having the Provincial Parliament (as opposed to Cabinet) approve the Commissioner's annual budget (as in the federal government), prohibiting the Commissioner from giving secret advice, requiring the Commissioner to investigate all complaints (including anonymous complaints), fully empowering the Commissioner to penalize rule-breakers, and ensuring that all the Commissioner's decisions can be reviewed by the courts.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

III. Efficient Government Measures

Green Party of Ontario - I
Liberal Party of Ontario - F-
New Democrat Party of Ontario - F-
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - C+

8. Increasing independence and powers of the Auditor General - Increase the strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the Auditor General by: establishing a Public Appointments Commission to advertise the position and screen applicants, and; requiring approval of the appointment from a majority of opposition party leaders, and; increasing auditing resources of the Auditor General, and; having Parliament (as opposed to Cabinet) approve the Auditor General's annual budget (as is currently the process for the federal Ethics Commissioner), and; empowering the Auditor General to audit all government institutions, to make orders for changes to government institutions' spending systems, and to penalize violators of spending and contracting laws and rules or Auditor General orders, and; requiring everyone in government to disclose on a searchable website the full, detailed receipt (showing who bought what) for all expenses reimbursed by the government.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Liberal Party of Ontario - F- "Expand our groundbreaking money-back guarantee program for birth certificates to other government services" (p. 19 of "Moving Forward Together")

New Democrat Party of Ontario - F- "That’s also why we’re committing to rolling back Dalton McGuinty’s extravagant $40,000 pay raise." ("$10 Minimum wage" webpage)

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - C+ "Change the orientation of government to focus on performance - and results. We will be firm in ensuring that government follows good management practices (e.g., expenses are in order, processes are transparent and fair and projects are completed); but we must go further. Every government program should be reviewed regularly to ensure that it is achieving the original public policy goals; in addition, we will adopt a philosophy of enriching programs that deliver better value for the taxpayer’s dollar, rather than penalizing them with less funding as is too often the case today." (p.29) -- "Change government accounting practices. For example, there should be quarterly •nancial statements from every Ministry, with a comparison to the previous year’s numbers. This can help expose and discourage the longstanding practice of year-end spending sprees. To improve accountability to Ontarians, public accounts should be completed within 90 days of year-end." (p.29) -- "Update business planning practices to require multi-year strategic plans for the entire government, as well as service plans for each Ministry and improved 20-year reports." (p.29) -- "Adopt new accountability practices. Appoint chief financial officers, just like the position in corporations with responsibility for tracking and managing money. Create an independent Legislative Budget Office that will prevent the government from distorting budget numbers, while demonstrating more accountability to elected parliamentarians." (p.29) -- "Enforce the new rules through accounting officers and an accounting review panel." (p.29) -- "Spend your tax money as advertised. Money from fuel taxes will be spent on road and transit; money from pollution fines will be spent on the environment; money collected from hunting and •shing licenses will support conservation. Within five years, we will be in a position to invest the revenue collected from gasoline and fuel taxes into Ontario’s roads and transit systems." (p.30) -- "Reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses, which create most of today’s jobs. A John Tory government will bring the successful British Columbia model of regulatory review to Ontario. It turns the usual government practice on its head: instead of imposing regulation and forcing business to adjust, we will require government to justify every new regulation created. Every Ministry will have to show how much red tape it generates, have a rolling three-year plan to reduce that burden, and report publicly on its progress." (p.37)


Top of Report Card

Top of Report Card Background Details

Democracy Watch's Ontario Election and Referendum 2007 webpage

Democracy Watch homepage

IV. Representative, Citizen-Driven Government and Corporations Measures

Green Party of Ontario - E
Liberal Party of Ontario - F-
New Democrat Party of Ontario - D
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - F-

9. Facilitating citizen watchdog groups over government and corporations - Require provincial government institutions and corporations to enclose one-page pamphlets periodically in their mailings to citizens inviting citizens to join citizen-funded and directed groups to represent citizen interests in policy-making and enforcement processes of key government departments and corporate sectors (for example, on ethics and spending, health care, energy and water utilities, and insurance and investment comapnies) as in a few U.S. states, recommended for Canadian banks and other financial institutions in 1998 by a federal task force, a House of Commons Committee, and a Senate Committee, and as suggested by the Ontario Standing Committee on Economics and Finance.  (Go to Citizen Association Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

10. Increasing meaningful public consultation - Pass a law requiring all government departments and institutions to use consultation processes that provide meaningful opportunities for citizen participation, especially concerning decisions that affect the lives of all Canadians, as is currently in place for environmental assessments and provincial Energy Board matters, and; pass a general law requiring all provincially regulated corporations to take into account the interests of all stakeholders when making decisions and undertaking activities, and to account publicly how they have done so.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign and go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - C- "Amend the Clean Water Act to ensure that
Source Protection Committees are public, local and democratic." (p.16) -- "Engage in stakeholder consultations for a plan to move to certification-based sustainable forestry by the end of 2009 and 100% Forest Stewardship Council-certified forestry by 2012." (p.19) -- "Require the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to consult with affected communities when issuing cutting licences." (p.19) -- "Establish a Land Owners Roundtable with stakeholders in the Greenbelt to develop strategies to address the economic impacts, especially for farmers, of Greenbelt legislation." (p.21) -- "The Green Party will institute mandatory province-wide responses to violence against women, developed with the expertise of survivors and women’s advocates." (p.25) -- "Increase the funding and effectiveness of primary and preventive health care by: Creating a joint commission of stakeholders to explore best practices for implementation of preventive and primary health care by family doctors, with an emphasis on improved outcomes." (p.29) -- "Introduce legislation requiring a simple majority of voters to win a referendum." (p.31) -- "Create a multi-stakeholder Ontario Food Policy Council (OFPC) within the Ministry of Health Promotion to advise the government on policies to guarantee food security, access to nutritious local food and adequate farm incomes." (p.32)

Liberal Party of Ontario - D  "Work with Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Medical Association to identify, target and reduce the number of cancer-causing agents released into our environment" (p.29) --"Consider applications by regional and county governments to grow the Greenbelt" (p.29) -- "Work with our northern and native communities to implement a long-term plan that protects the Boreal Forest in Ontario’s Far North" (p.29) -- "work with northern businesses, communities, and First nations to identify and develop electricity development opportunities in the north, including biomass, cogeneration, wind, hydroelectric, and the transmission infrastructure needed to make these opportunities viable" (p.7 "The ontario Liberal Plan for improving Quality of Life in northern ontario, 2007" ("North")) -- "work with business, government, and labour in Thunder bay to establish a centre for research and innovation in the bio-economy focussed on forestry." (p.8 North) -- "consult with northerners and develop a northern/rural hospital Strategy" (p.13 North) -- "continue to invest in rural broadband services for rural communities" (p.11 "The ontario Liberal Plan for improving Quality of Life in rural ontario, 2007" ("Rural")) -- "work with farmers and farming organizations to identify and address taxation issues that have a specific impact on farmers, which will formalize the work we have done in the past four years on issues such as sugar shacks and equestrian farms (p. 13 Rural) -- "ease the transition into Ontario by creating a new Orientation Ontario course, to help newcomers get off on the right foot. we will support the course with a call centre to assist newcomers with follow-up support." (p.11 "The ontario Liberal Plan for Strong, diverse Communities, 2007") -- "develop libraries as a community hub of technology and recorded knowledge and support the implementation of new technology through a $ 3 million investment over four years. This funding will also provide librarians new resources such as consultation, training and development" (p.6 "The ontario Liberal Plan for Creative People, Prosperous Province, 2007" ("Culture")) -- "ensure the culture sector is represented on all trade and business missions" (p.10 Culture)

New Democrat Party of Ontario - C-  "The NDP’s Fair Deal for Women will make life better for women by: "Creating an arms length panel to recommend fairer social assistance rates; Giving women a voice - the NDP is the only party with formal policies to encourage women’s participation and a goal of having women make up half of its candidates. The NDP’s diverse slate of candidates includes 42 women - the most of any major political party." ("Women deserve a break" webpage) -- "The NDP’s comprehensive plan for economic fairness includes: Create an arms-length panel to recommend fair rates for people with disabilities and those on social assistance . . .  Work with First Nations to address poverty in First Nation communities." ("Fighting poverty and increasing economic fairness" Issue Sheet webpage) -- "The NDP will ensure a fair deal for Ontario children with autism. We will: . . . Work with stakeholders toward developing an autism research and human resources plan to support children with autism as they age and promote research into growing rates of autism." ("Help for children with autism" Issue Sheet webpage) -- "The Ontario government should respect Ontario’s First Nations peoples and give them the tools to build communities. The NDP Fair Deal for First Nations families and communities would: Pass the NDP’s First Nations Revenue Sharing Act so the provincial government will enter into negotiations with representatives of First Nations and establish a fair framework of revenue sharing for the natural resources on traditional First Nations lands; Implement all of the recommendations of the Ipperwash Report immediately - starting with establishing the Treaty Commission of Ontario; Consult and accommodate First Nations before introducing legislation that affects services or rights; Develop job training and work experience strategies for First Nations in the resource sector; Give First Nations the authority to make land use planning decisions on their traditional territories and protect hunting, fishing and trapping rights." ("A fair deal for First Nations" Issue Sheet webpage)

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - C- "Improve mental health service capacity in Aboriginal communities, in partnership with Aboriginal peoples and the federal government." (p.4) -- "Grow the supply of co-operative housing: We will work with the Co-op Housing Federation and our municipal partners to develop strategies to build new co-ops by levering the assets of existing co-ops, particularly in disadvantaged neighbourhoods." (p.15) -- "Work with Ontario’s Aboriginal peoples to address the deplorable conditions in many Aboriginal communities." (p.16) -- "Establish a Premier’s Council on Arts, Culture and Creative Cities and Towns to create a stronger, more direct link between government and the creative community." (p.19) -- "Make the regulatory process more transparent, so that proposed regulations are pre-published for public review, not just passed in secret by the Cabinet. In May 2007, Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner said that government officials are not living up to the Premier’s promise of 'a more open and transparent government.'" (p.29) -- "Work with MPPs to reform Ontario’s provincial parliament, based on four principles: (1) enhancing the role of the individual MPP; (2) making government more accountable by using the legislature more effectively; (3) encouraging greater emphasis on consensus as opposed to confrontation to improve the productivity of the Legislature and respect for MPPs and the parliamentary process; and (4) encourage more diversity and gender balance through family- and MPP-friendly reforms." (p.29) -- "Collaborate with post-secondary institutions to give more people opportunities for lifelong learning by making education more accessible - anywhere, anytime, for everyone." (p.41) -- "Work with universities, colleges and other partners to facilitate provincial, national and global partnerships and attract national and international centres of excellence to Ontario." (p.42) -- "Work with Aboriginal peoples, the federal government, employers and our colleges and universities to promote and enhance access to our college and university programs by Aboriginal students." (p.42) -- "Work with our post-secondary sector to foster a greater sense of student engagement. Students want direct experience solving real-world problems by connecting internationally, working with other students and employers through co-op and internship programs, using up-to-date equipment, and accessing part-time jobs that relate to their studies." (p.42) -- "Create an Outdoors Caucus and will support the thousands of volunteers in Ontario who work year after year to support our environment and protect our resources." (p.47) -- "Work with fish and wildlife representatives to develop opportunities for new species stocking, hunting and greater protection for animals held in captivity." (p.47)

11. Restricting power of Cabinet to make appointments - Increase the independence and effectiveness of the hundreds of judicial, agency, board, commission and tribunal appointments currently made by the Premier or Cabinet Ministers, especially for appointees to senior and law enforcement positions such as Elections Ontario, Integrity Commissioner, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Auditor General, judges, Energy Board etc. by: establishing a Public Appointments Commission to advertise positions and screen applicants, and; requiring approval of appointments from a majority of opposition party leaders.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - C+ "The NDP Fair Deal for Safer Communities means: Ensuring that courts have the resources they need - and that partisan politics is taken out of the appointments process." ("Safe neighbourhoods, streets and schools" Issue Sheet webpage)

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

12. Ensuring free, fair and representative elections - Make the current voting law and system more democratic by: giving Elections Ontario the power to regulate nomination and party leadership races are regulated (including limiting donations, loans and spending in both types of races (SEE #3 above), and; requiring people to join a political party and party's riding association at least three months before any party or riding association vote (to ensure that "instant party members" can't be used to undermine the democratic nature of internal party decision-making processes, and; give Elections Ontario the power to determine which parties can participate in election debates based upon merit criteria, and; change the voting system so that there is a more accurate representation in the Provincial Parliament of the actual voter support for each political party (with a safeguard to ensure that MPPs are accountable to a constituency of voters, and that a party with low-level, narrow-base support does not have a disproportionately high level of power in the Provincial Parliament).  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - C+ "The GPO would implement mixed member proportional representation (MMP) if passed by a 50% majority." (p.31) -- "Lower the voting age from 18 to 16 years and increase electoral education in our schools." (p.31) -- "Eliminate the $200 deposit required to run for elected office." (p.31) -- "Establish a statutory holiday on polling days for provincial and municipal elections to encourage voter participation." (p.31)

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - C+ "New Democrats support mixed-member proportional representation" ("Reforming the political process" Issue Sheet webpage) -- "The NDP will ensure that working families have a fair say in how they are governed by: Restoring full enumeration so everyone who is eligible to vote is able to vote." ("Reforming the political process" Issue Sheet webpage)

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

V. General Government Accountability and Corporate Responsibility Measures

Green Party of Ontario - B
Liberal Party of Ontario - E+
New Democrat Party of Ontario - D-
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - D-

13. Ensuring effective whistleblower protection - Require everyone to report any violation of any law, regulation, policy, code, guideline or rule, and; give all watchdog agencies over government and corporations (for example: Auditor General, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario Securities Commission, Insurance Commission) full powers to investigate allegations of violations, to penalize violators, to protect anyone who reports a violation (so-called "whistleblowers") from retaliation, to reward whistleblowers whose allegations are proven to be true, and to ensure a right to appeal to the courts.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign and go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - B "Introduce legislation to strengthen protections for whistle blowers." (p.8)

Liberal Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

New Democrat Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - nothing in platform

14. Ensuring loophole free laws and strong penalties for wrongdoers - Close any technical and other loopholes that have been identified in laws, regulations, policies, codes, guidelines and rules (especially those regulating government institutions and large corporations) to help ensure strong enforcement, and increase financial penalties for violations to a level that significantly effects the annual revenues/budget of the government institution or corporation (including the automatic penalty for government wrongdoing of a prohibition on being a government employee ever again), and the automatic penalty for corporate wrongdoing of a prohibition on receiving any provincial government contracts, grants, subsidies, investments, customs/trade status, tax credits or deductions.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign and go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Green Party of Ontario - B "Apply an immediate 2% carbon tax on oil, natural
gas and coal imported or extracted for use in the province, to be increased 2% annually every year for the next three years to 8% total tax in four years." (p.6) -- • "Increase the annual aggregate (sand and gravel) licence and wayside permit tonnage rate from $0.115 to $1 per tonne in 2008, with a $1 per tonne per year increase for three years ($4 per tonne by 2011), capped until 2015 then indexed to inflation, and increase the royalty fees (for aggregate extraction on Crown land) from $0.50 to $1 per tonne." (p.6) -- "Implement an immediate tax on permits for water taking of $100 per million litres" (p.6) -- "Establish a Product Stewardship Program that places responsibility for the entire life cycle of products with the manufacturer or importer." (p.7) -- "Ensure that all government purchases and contracts with outside agencies require sustainable practices, local procurement, full-cost accounting and minimal environmental impact." (p.7) -- "Introduce legislation to prohibit unpaid overtime." (p.8) -- "Introduce legislation giving government inspectors more powers to enforce labour laws." (p.8) -- "Allow electricity rates to increase over the next three years until they reach their true, unsubsidized cost and ban exports of non-emergency and non-renewable power." (p.12) -- "Mandate the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) to look at conservation and effi ciency as a primary element of the Ontario energy mix." (p.12) -- "Implement legislation requiring all new construction by 2010 to have solar water heating and energy-effi cient home orientation" (p.12) -- "Advance the dates for Ontario Building Code (OBC) energy-efficiency targets for compliance to realize effi ciencies and reduce energy costs for homeowners." (p.12) -- "Encourage conservation by reforming the Ontario Building Code as follows: [5 detailed measures listed]" (pp.12-13) -- "Immediately adopt legislation banning the construction of new nuclear reactors or the refurbishment of existing reactors, excluding regular maintenance" (p.13) -- "Phase out all coal-fired power plants by late 2009 if electricity users are able to reduce consumption by 20% through implementation of conservation and effi ciency programs." (p.13) -- "Implement a Sustainable Water and Sewage Systems Act by 2010 [containing 3 detailed measures] (p.15) -- "Implement a total volume cap on water-taking permits." (p.15) -- "Tax all water taking at an initial rate of $100 per million litres (ML) to encourage conservation." (p.16) -- Ban the diversion of water from the Great Lakes Basin in bottles under 20 L." (p.16) -- "Implement a Water Conservation Plan in areas where usage may have an environmental impact with measurable targets for industry and municipalities. government testing of municipal water." (p.16) -- Revise the Clean Water Act to allow for splitting of fines against polluters with citizens who identify and supply reliable evidence to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for successful prosecution, as allowed under the Federal Fisheries Act." (p.16) -- "Implement Ontario-wide standards for sewage treatment." (p.16) -- "Work toward agreements with Quebec and the U.S. Great Lake states on standards for ballast water (ship) discharge and biological pollution." (p.16) -- "Add 50 new water inspectors to the Ministry of Environment’s Compliance Branch and reinstate government testing of municipal water." (p.16) -- "Introduce legislation to establish a Pollution and Cancer Prevention Act." (p.16) -- "Adopt California-style mandatory emission standards for new cars, light trucks and SUVs by 2012. (p.16) -- "Introduce legislation to phase in a province-wide ban on the cosmetic (non-food related) application of synthetic pesticides." (p.17) -- "Increase fines to pay for increased enforcement of existing environmental legislation." (p.17) -- "Establish large protected areas in the southern half of Ontario’s boreal region." (p.18) -- "Implement a conservation-focused land-use plan for the entire boreal forest before any additional permits for resource extraction are granted." (p.18) -- "Ensure that all protected lands, including Living Legacy sites, remain closed to logging." (p.19) -- "Ban the use of synthetic herbicides in forestry, except when required to control non-native invasive species for which no other controls exist." (p.19) -- "Introduce legislation that requires only native species to be used for reforestation. Imported and genetically modifi ed species will be banned as reforestation species." (p.19) -- "Require all government facilities to purchase paper products that are eco-certified according to Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) criteria." (p.19) -- "Place a permanent ban on logging within Algonquin Park." (p.19) -- "Make the Ontario Greenbelt permanent and modify the Greenbelt Act to prevent urban sprawl as follows: [4 specific measures listed]" (p.21) -- "Implement deposit-return systems for selected products by 2010; Introduce legislation requiring all deposit-return products to be accepted for return at the point of sale." (p.22) -- "Implement disposal and impact fees for selected products that are difficult to recycle, expensive to dispose of and which create health and environmental hazards." (p.23) -- "Introduce legislation requiring large retail properties to provide waste and recycling drop-off points for all classes of products sold within their store(s)." (p.23) -- "Introduce legislation to prohibit improper end uses for tires and hazardous chemicals." (p.23) -- "Introduce legislation to make organic recycling programs mandatory wherever large quantities of food are consumed." (p.23) -- "Introduce legislation that requires each municipality by 2012 to have a sustainable master transportation plan." (p.23) -- "Mandate speed-limit governors for all trucks licensed in Ontario." (p.25) -- "The Green Party will institute mandatory province-wide responses to violence against women, developed with the expertise of survivors and women’s advocates." (p.25)

Liberal Party of Ontario - C+ - "Tackle the environmental causes of illness, by eliminating coal-fired electricity plants by 2014, banning the cosmetic use of pesticides, and introducing a tough new toxic reduction law that requires polluting companies to reduce their emissions" (p.24 of "Moving Forward, Together" ("Main")) -- "Make our energy greener and cleaner, with the province’s first long-term energy plan in a generation. Our plan will replace coal by doubling renewables and doubling conservation" (p. 28 Main) -- "Reduce emissions that cause climate change by 6% below 1990 levels by 2014, 15% below by 2020 and 80% by 2050" (p. 28 Main) -- "Create a tough new toxic reduction law that requires companies that emit toxic pollution to reduce their emissions over time" (p.29 Main) -- "Continue our plan to replace coal-fired electricity in Ontario. We eliminated one third of coal emissions in our first mandate. We will eliminate the next third by the end of 2011 and phase it out completely by the end of 2014" (p.29 Main) -- "Work with Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Medical Association to identify, target and reduce the number of cancer-causing agents released into our environment" (p.29 Main) -- "Ban the cosmetic use of pesticides across the province" (p.29 Main) -- "Implement our nation-leading Endangered Species Act, beginning with a plan to protect large scale areas for caribou habitat in the Boreal Forest" (p.29 Main) -- "Create stronger protections for threatened lakes like Lake Simcoe and provide funding to clean up hot spots in the Great Lakes, like Randle Reef in Hamilton" (p.29 Main) -- "Consider applications by regional and county governments to grow the Greenbelt" (p.29 Main) -- "Work with our northern and native communities to implement a long-term plan that protects the Boreal Forest in Ontario’s Far North" (p.29 Main) -- "Support sustainable forestry by purchasing more FSC certified paper" (p.29 Main) -- "Build on our efforts to reduce plastic bags and recycle beverage containers by working with retailers in the private sector to further reduce packaging and encourage diversion" (p.29 Main) -- "Continue to press the federal government to ban handguns" (p.35 Main) -- "Keep dangerous offenders off our streets. Increase the number of applications for dangerous offender status, keep closer watch on them when they are released and work with the federal government to make it more difficult for them to get out of prison in the first place" (p.35 Main) -- "Crack down on dangerous driving and street racing with more police, aerial surveillance and tougher penalties" (p.35 Main) -- "Continue our fight against guns and gang violence by expanding our Guns and Gangs Task Force to more communities and providing more positive alternatives to crime for young people" (p.35 Main) -- "Do more to help women fleeing domestic violence. Build on our $82M domestic violence plan by restoring funding levels for shelters to pre-1995 levels" (p.35 Main)

New Democrat Party of Ontario - B "We will hold the line on manufacturing and small business taxes while bringing in a modest increase in the General Corporate Tax rate from 14 to 14.5 per cent. The NDP will also end the McGuinty Liberal-Conservative Capital Tax giveaways to banks and insurance companies - a move that will help hard-hit manufacturers while at the same time ending McGuinty's tax giveaway to banks and insurance companies that are making record profits. A new provincial personal income tax bracket only for individuals making $150,000 a year or more that is two per cent higher than the existing rate will also be introduced to make provincial taxes fair." ("Health Tax Rebate" webpage) -- "New Democrats will follow up this law with tough toxic use reduction laws to reduce emissions levels. Our toxics policy will implement meaningful pollution prevention strategies" ("Protect Chidren and the environment" Issue Sheet webpage) -- fight global warming by shutting down Ontario’s biggest polluter - the Nanticoke coal plant - by 2011, and investing in safe, green, renewable energy instead of nuclear mega-schemes" ("Protect Chidren and the environment" webpage) -- "expand home care and guarantee a daily minimum of 3 1/2 hours of personal care in long-term care homes to take the pressure off hospitals, ERs and family caregivers" ("Improving health care" webpage) -- "The NDP’s Fair Deal for Women will make life better for women by: Fighting violence against women by re-instating funding to women’s groups and violence prevention programs" ("Women deserve a break" webpage) -- "The NDP will promote fairness and equality for the LGBT community by: Adding gender identity to the Ontario Human Rights Code" ("Taking the lead on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues" Issue Sheet webpage) -- The NDP Fair Deal for workers would: Reform labour laws to restore the ban on scabs and make card-based certification the law in Ontario; Give all workers a legal right to organize including agricultural workers and part-time college workers who are currently denied that right; Close the loopholes in employment standards law and establish a 40 hour workweek. Ontario remains out of step with many other jurisdictions across the country. The workweek is 40 hours in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, Newfoundland, Nunavut, Yukon and Northwest Territories and under federal jurisdiction; Overhaul worker’s compensation to expand coverage to all employers, and provide annual indexing of WSIB benefits for injured and disabled workers retroactively." ("Standing up for fair rights on the job" Issue Sheet webpage) -- "Everyone deserves a decent and affordable place to live. The NDP Fair Deal for Affordable Housing includes: Landlord Licensing: to ensure regular inspections and repairs of all large apartment buildings; Rent Control: to protect tenants from sky-rocketing rents and end “vacancy decontrol” so rents stay low even when a unit is vacated; Fairness for condominium owners and protection from unscrupulous developers." ("Decent and affordable housing" Issue Sheet webpage) -- "The NDP Fair Deal for Safer Communities means: Helping municipalities hire more community police. Downloading services has stopped municipalities from hiring the police they need to keep communities safe; Building trust between police and community members. Community policing, where police are on foot or on bicycles, lets people get to know and trust police officers ? as does effective and transparent oversight: like the Special Investigations Unit and the complaints process." ("Safe neighbourhoods, streets and schools" Issue Sheet webpage) -- "The NDP will ensure that patients come before profit. We will: . . . Crack down on clinics that allow some patients to unfairly pay their way to the front of the line." ("Halting Health Care Privatization" Issue Sheet webpage) -- "The NDP Fair Ontario Climate Change plan includes: Meeting Ontario’s Kyoto targets by 2012 and 2020; Setting targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by no less than 6% below 1990 levels by 2012, and no less than 25% below 1990 levels by 2020; Making Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner a tough effective climate change watchdog." ("Action on Global Warming" Issue Sheet webpage) -- "The NDP Fair Deal for Consumers would restore consumer confidence with a system of gas price regulation that will reduce price volatility and eliminate opportunistic price gouging by the big oil companies which results in lower annualized gas prices for motorists: The Ontario Energy Board, which already regulates natural gas and electricity prices, would set prices for gasoline every two weeks based on the global prices of gasoline, fair transportation costs and a reasonable profit." ("Gas price regulation and an end to gouging" Issue Sheet webpage) -- "The NDP’s Fair Hydro Prices plan speaks directly to the need for fair hydro rates as an economic development tool that can sustain jobs and working families: As of Jan. 1, 2008, all major industrial and resource-based consumers will be eligible for a fair new industrial hydro rate of $55 per megawatt hour, which represents a substantial saving over the current job-killing rate of $65 per megawatt hour; To be eligible, major industrial power consumers will have to enter into five-year agreements with the provincial government and commit to sustaining jobs in the community and work toward energy efficiency targets; Residential and small business ratepayers will also be protected because the NDP plan will rein in Ontario’s out-of-control hydro bureaucracy and claw back windfall profits at Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation." ("Boosting Ontario’s prosperity with fair hydro rates" Issue Sheet webpage)

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario - B "We will advocate for mandatory minimum sentences that will provide real deterrents for people to host or run these [grow-op or drug lab] operations." (p.12) -- "White-collar crime: Non-violent crimes can be just as devastating to their victims ? whether it’s a business investor ripped off by fraud, or ordinary people swindled out of their life savings, their homes and their hope. A John Tory government will recognize these crimes for what they are ? attacks on our society. We will create a new white-collar court with specialist judges to handle these criminals. To better protect people’s savings and investments, we will create a securities fraud tribunal with the power to order restitution to victims." (pp.12-13) -- "Keep more dangerous offenders behind bars by using special prosecutors who will navigate the complex process of getting a dangerous-offender order in place." (p.13) -- "Go after bail and probation violators. Offenders who breach bail or probation too often have their offences plea-bargained away. We won’t allow that practice for any offence that involves guns, sexual assault or domestic violence. Those who post bail for the accused will face added responsibility; we’ll go after every penny, every time. Finally, we will force the system to face up to its mistakes and order an automatic inquest any time someone on bail, probation, parole, etc. causes a death." (p.13) -- "Demand that the federal government improve the National Sex Offender Registry by automatically adding designated offenders, and making the registry available 24/7 to law enforcement officers so they can better track high-risk offenders." (p.13) -- "Appoint more Justices of the Peace as soon as possible, to avoid having more charges thrown out of court because there is no JP available." (p.13) -- "Work with the police to enhance 24/7 policing, recognizing that most crimes now take place between midnight and 4:00 a.m. When you and your family members are out late, you need to know that police have enough resources in place." (p.14) -- "Provide equal protection for vulnerable people. Crimes against vulnerable people, whether they are drug addicts, prostitutes, the homeless or anyone else, must be seen as equally important in the eyes of our justice system. We will work with police, prosecutors and social agencies to make sure that cases involving vulnerable people, including evidence of serial crimes, are not allowed to fall between the cracks. And while we better protect the innocent, we will crack down on the criminal gangs, youth crime and drugs plaguing many disadvantaged neighbourhoods." (p.14) -- "Put the rights of homeowners first. Instead of demanding that people prove why their assessment is too high, the onus should be on the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation to justify any increases. Fix the system or scrap it. The Ombudsman’s report recommended many steps to help •x the current assessment system. If all of those serious problems cannot be repaired, then it will be time to admit that the system simply does not work and needs to be replaced." (p.24) -- "Support the enforcement of laws and court orders. We will follow all appropriate legal steps to ensure court orders are respected. All Ontarians must be subject equally to the law." (p.32) -- "Provide equal protection for vulnerable people. Crimes against vulnerable people, whether they are drug addicts, prostitutes, the homeless or others, must be seen as equally important to our justice system. We will work with police, prosecutors and social agencies to make sure that cases involving vulnerable people, including evidence of serial crimes, are not allowed to fall between the cracks. We must also ensure that people pursuing human rights cases are treated fairly, and that the system works efficiently for them." (p.32) -- "Make it a priority to resolve Aboriginal land claims, working in a spirit of partnership with Aboriginal peoples and the federal government. There has been insuf•cient progress made over many decades, and it is a time for new ideas and new action." (p.32) -- "Apply the law equally to government. No-one, including government, should be allowed to ignore individual rights. For example, while government has the right to change land use for the greater good, several principles must be followed first: if government policies or regulations change the existing use of your property, you should be able to apply for some form of compensation; if government intends to change the existing or permitted use of your property, you should receive advance notice and the opportunity to make your opinion known before the change takes place; and if a government decision hurts your ability and your family’s ability to earn a living, there should be an opportunity to appeal." (p.32) -- "Undertake a regulatory red-tape review of all provincial legislation that affects financial services. We’ll ensure that regulations provide effective consumer protection, while promoting the international competitiveness of the sector." (p.39) -- "Push for a national securities regulator and work with our provincial partners to remove or harmonize other regulatory barriers to financial services." (p.39) -- "Work to encourage the harmonization of property and casualty insurance rules across the country." (p.39) -- "Set strong short- and long-term targets [for Greenhouse gases reduction] for the province ? 10% below 1990 levels by 2020 and 60% below 1990 levels by 2050." (p.45) -- "Work with the federal government to de•ne a list of high-risk chemicals in Ontario, and require businesses that use the listed chemicals to inform themselves of innovative opportunities to phase them out or replace them entirely." (p.46) -- "Conserve green spaces for the future, including the greenbelt area around the GTA, which we will preserve with its present boundaries. We will create a Land Conservation Challenge Fund to help people near the greenbelt deal with its impact, and to fund projects across the province that protect ecological features. We will also extend tax incentives for conservation easements and treat all types of conservation land equally." (p.46) -- "Protect Ontario’s clean water supply by fully implementing all of the recommendations of the O’Connor Commission into contaminated water. Lake Simcoe and the Great Lakes will be the focus of our plan for conservation and protection. We will also take action across the province, eliminating every single site where primary treated sewage is released into water courses by 2015, and tackling the entire Ontario Areas of Concern list of water pollution problems." (p.46) -- "Create a special commission with just one job ? to make current environmental legislation work faster and more ef•ciently. Too often, regulations designed to protect the environment can prevent green innovations. We will fast-track effective green projects and make it easier to conserve and protect our environment today." (p.46) -- "Put more Conservation Officers in the field to promote better enforcement of the rules and enhance protection of our resources and the environment." (p.46) -- "Dramatically increase the fines for the worst offenses against our natural resources." (p.46) -- "Requiring home energy audits before every sale of a house ? so that the market will reward homes which are energy efficient. This will be a signal to homeowners that they will get a return on energy investments in their homes." (p.48) -- "Adopt a realistic plan to replace dirty coal power with clean alternatives, with the understanding that it would be irresponsible to reduce our energy capacity without a plan for its replacement." (p.49)


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