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Share your concerns with your politicians!

Elizabeth May


Set out below are links so you can find the contact information first for federal politicians, and below that for provincial and territorial politicians.

For the federal government, you can find out details of current public consultation processes on the following Canadian government website: Canadian Federal Government's Consultation Information Site

Since 2001, Canadians have had a right to participate in federal government consultations, especially as a community group, under rules set out in the Canadian Federal Government's Accord with Citizen Groups (the so-called "Voluntary Sector") and Codes of Good Practice in Policy Dialogue and Funding.

When writing to a politician, it is best to send a hand-written or typed letter expressing your concerns and any personal experience you have had with the problem you are addressing, and clearly setting out the law, regulation, policy or program you want the politician to implement to solve the problem or to address your concern.

You can also send your letter by fax. Emails, petitions, and postcards are not as effective as letters as many politicians disregard them because they are so easy to sign and send.

It is important to write to your Member of the House of Commons (known as your "MP"), but always also send a copy to the responsible Minister as they have the power to change laws, regulations, policies or programs and need to hear from citizens directly.

For details concerning the changes to laws, regulations, policies and programs advocated by Democracy Watch, follow the Action Alert link on each of Democracy Watch's campaign webpages.

For all the lists of current Cabinet Ministers, MPs and Senators maintained by the Parliament of Canada web page:
Lists of Federal Ministers, MPs and Senators


You can send a letter by mail to any Cabinet Minister for free to:
House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0A6

To find the direct contact information for any Cabinet Minister or Secretary of State (also known as "Junior Ministers"), click on the link below:
Contact Info for Cabinet Ministers and Secretaries of States


Find your MP using your postal code

You can send a letter by mail to any Member of the House of Commons (known as "MPs") Parliament for free to:
House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0A6

Parliamentary Secretaries are not members of the federal Cabinet, but are elected MPs who are appointed to assist Cabinet ministers, and they are usually a member of the House of Commons Committee that is linked to the Minister. To find the direct contact information for any Parliamentary Secretary, click on the link below:
Contact Information for Parliamentary Secretaries

To find the contact information for any MP, click on the link below:
Contact Info for MPs


You can send a letter by mail to any Senator for free to:
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A4

To find any Senator, click on the link below:
List of Senators

To find the phone or fax number of any Senator, click on the link below:
Senators' Phone and Fax Numbers


Links to webpages that list the contact information for provincial and territorial politicians 
(in alphabetical order)

Page last updated September 1, 2011

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