[Democracy Watch Logo] Ontario Election 2007

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Person Voting

Elections Ontario
(general election information page)

Ontario Provincial Political Parties
(link to Elections Ontario official webpage)

 Referendum on Ontario voting system
(link to Elections Ontario official webpage)

Donors to Ontario Political Parties (2005-2007) 
link to Elections Ontario official webapage (NOTE: Because of a loophole in the law, 2007 donations to riding associations and candidates will not be made public until several months after voting day)

 Donors to Ontario Political Parties, Riding Associations, and Candidates from 1995 to 2006
(link to Elections Ontario official webpage)

Democracy Watch has released the following documents relating to the Ontario provincial election and referendum to be held October 10, 2007
(in reverse chronological order):

Ontario Good Government Ballot

Crossed Fingers

"I'm Voting For Good Government" sign
(PDF file)

3 Key Ontario Election Questions
to ask party leaders and candidates

1. Will Ontario political party leaders pledge to resign if they don't keep their promises, and pledge to pass an honesty-in-politics law?
(Click here for more details)

2. Will Ontario political parties pledge to make the more than 70 changes needed to clean up the Ontario government and make it much more democratic and accountable? (Click here for more details)

3. Will the Ontario political parties pledge to make the more than 10 changes needed to make Ontario's largest corporations much more responsible and accountable? (Click here for more details)

For more details about Democracy Watch's campaigns for democratic reform,
government accountability and corporate responsibility in Canada, go to: The System is the Scandal

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