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Welcome to the CoffeeParty.ca movement's Federal Election 2011 site
What are you voting
Click on the image above, or click here to see and print
"I'm Voting for Good Government!"
door sign/sticker/ballot

Person Voting

Elections Canada

Federal Political Parties (Link to Elections Canada official webpage)

Donors to Federal Political Parties, Nomination Race and Election Candidates, Riding Associations, and Party Leadership Candidates (1997 on: on Elections Canada website)

Democracy Watch and the CoffeeParty.ca movement have released the following documents relating to the 2011 Canadian federal election (in reverse chronological order):

3 Key Federal Election Questions

1. Will federal political parties pledge to make the 100 changes needed to clean up the federal government and make it much more democratic and accountable? 

You can help push the parties to make these much-needed 100 changes, and see the details about the changes, using the Government Accountability Action Alert

2. Will the federal political parties pledge to make the 15 changes needed to make 155,000 of Canada's largest corporations, and Canada's big banks, much more responsible and accountable?

You can help push the parties to make these much-needed 15 changes, and see the details about the changes, using the Corporate Responsibility Action Alert

3. Will federal political party leaders pledge to resign if they don't keep their promises (the only valid excuse being a completely unforeseen change in situation), and also pledge to pass an honesty-in-politics law?

You can help push the party leaders to make honest promises, and make dishonesty in politics illegal, by asking them this question during the election campaign
(Click here for more details)

For more details about Democracy Watch's campaigns for democratic reform, government accountability and corporate responsibility in Canada, go to:
The System is the Scandal

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