Anti-Trust Campaign
Watch's Anti-Trust Campaign pushed from 1999 to 2001
for strong, effective, ethical enforcement of Canada's
federal competition law, and since then has been
combined with Democracy Watch's Citizen Association
Democracy Watch has produced the following
general materials in its Anti-Trust Campaign:
- OP-ED: Many
Changes Needed Before Canada Will be a Democracy (Hill Times (January
10, 2005) and Toronto
Star (December 29, 2004))
Parties Promises Not Enough to Ensure Honest,
Accountable Federal Government and Responsible
Corporations, Report Card on Platforms Reveals
(June 25, 2004)
- MEDIA RELEASE: Democracy
Watch Proposes Giving Canadians Right to Sue, and
Competition Bureau More Powers and Funding
(October 24, 2001)
- MEDIA RELEASE: Democracy
Watch Calls on Attorney General to Take Action on
Conflicts of Interest at Competition Bureau
(August 17, 2000)
- ORDER FORM: Revolving
Doors: The Undue Influence of Corporate Lawyers on the
Competition Bureau (May 18, 2000)
- MEDIA RELEASE: Democracy
Watchs Calls for End to Ties Between Corporate Lawyers
and the Competition Bureau (May 18, 2000)
- MEDIA RELEASE: Democracy
Watch Calls for Removal of Competition Head, Review of
Bureau (September 30, 1999); en français :
en surveillance demande le renvoi du chef du Bureau de
la concurrence et un examen de l'application des lois
sur la concurrence par le Bureau (30 septembre
Watch has produced the following materials in its
campaign to ensure a complete review of
anti-competitive effects of the takeover of Canadian
Airlines by Air Canada:
Democracy Watch has
produced the following materials in its campaign to
ensure a complete review of skyrocketing gasoline