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Media Release


Friday, June 25, 2004

OTTAWA - Today, Democracy Watch released its Report Card on the Democratic Reform and Corporate Responsibility Election Platforms of federal political parties (See Report Card set out below).

The Report Card grades the five main parties' platform pledges based upon 20 measures Democracy Watch believes are the changes that will most effectively make the federal government and federally regulated corporations honest, ethical, open, efficient, representative and, if they don't act in these democratic ways, easily and thoroughly held accountable.  Of course, there are many other measures that need to be enacted by the federal government to ensure fully democratic government and fully responsible corporations.

The measures are a compilation of the main proposals of the four nation-wide coalitions Democracy Watch coordinates (Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition, Corporate Responsibility Coalition, Government Ethics Coalition, Money in Politics Coalition) and the two other nation-wide coalitions in which Democracy Watch participates (NGO Working Group on the EDC, Open Government Canada).  A combined total of more than 150 citizen groups with a total membership of more than 3 million Canadians belong to the coalitions, groups that work on anti-poverty, bank accountability, community economic development, consumer, corporate responsibility, environment, labour, social justice, women and youth issues.  Many national surveys over the past several years have shown that a large majority of Canadians support the democratic reforms set out in the Report Card, as do many commentators on democratic reform and corporate responsibility.

The 20 measures, set out in six sections, all reflect the following five key elements for ensuring that large, powerful government and corporate institutions act responsibly and follow rules: 1. strong laws with no loopholes; 2. requirement to disclose violations; 3. fully independent, fully empowered watchdog agencies to enforce laws; 4. penalties that are high enough to encourage compliance; and 5. empowerment of citizens to hold governments, corporations and watchdog agencies accountable.

The parties were given a grade ranging from A (Platform makes clear promise to implement proposal) to I (Platform does not mention proposal), with grades B for a vague or partial promise to implement the proposal, C and D for clear to vague promises to explore the proposal, E for mentioning proposal and F for mentioning the theme of the proposal.  Grades were averaged for each of the six sections, and the average of section grades was used for the overall grades.

The highlights of the Report Card are as follows:

"Given the lack of a federal honesty in politics law, and the lack of pledges by any of the parties to pass such a law, voters should be wary of trusting any political promises," said Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch. "However, a positive sign is that unlike in the past three elections most parties are addressing some of the key flaws in federal government and corporate responsibility systems."

"Based on the report card results, no matter what the results of the election next Monday Canadians have a right to expect the federal government to take action on government waste and spending accountability, ethics, patronage appointments, and corporate responsibility, as all of the parties makes pledges in these areas," said Conacher.  "However, details are very important in policy-making but unfortunately many of the parties' promises are too vague to know exactly what they plan to do."

"Voters are fooling themselves if they believe that federal politicians who can legally lie, act unethically and secretively, waste money and win majority power without majority support will ever consistently uphold the public interest," said Conacher.

The 2004 Report Card is an updated version of the Report Card issued by Democracy Watch during the 2000 federal election, reflecting changes that have occurred in federal laws since 2000.  In the 2000 Report Card, the Bloc Quebecois received the highest overall grade of C- mainly because of its promises to implement a democratic political donations system, and to ensure strong, effectively enforced ethics rules.

Democracy Watch graded the parties' election platforms by reviewing the platforms.  Statements by party leaders or representatives were not taken into account as they are not fully accessible to all voters, nor are they binding in any way on the party (as admitted by many party leaders) and as a result are even less reliable than promises made in the parties' platforms.  (Please see Backgrounder set out below)

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Duff Conacher, Coordinator
Tel: (613) 241-5179

Voter Rights Campaign

Report Card on the Democratic Reform and Corporate Responsibility
Election Platforms of the Federal Political Parties

See Backgrounder set out below for details about parties' platforms

A - Platform makes clear promise to implement proposal
B - Platform makes vague or partial promise to implement proposal
C - Platform makes clear promise to explore proposal
D - Platform makes vague or partial promise to explore proposal
E - Platform mentions proposal
F - Platform mentions theme of proposal
I - Platform does not mention proposal

Bloc Québécois - C-
Conservative Party - D
Green Party - D-
Liberal Party - E-
New Democrat Party - C

I. Honest, Ethical Government Measures

Bloc Québécois F-
Conservative Party E+
Green Party F-
Liberal Party F-
New Democrat Party C-

1. Pass a law that requires all federal MPs, Senators, public servants, nomination race and election candidates to tell the truth, with an easily accessible complaint process to a fully independent watchdog agency that is fully empowered to investigate and penalize anyone who lies. (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Bloc Québécois - I
Conservative Party - I
Green Party - I
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - I
2. Strengthen the independence and effectiveness of all the newly created ethics watchdog positions (the Ethics Commissioner for Cabinet and MPs, the Senate Ethics Officer for senators, the Public Service Integrity Officer for public servants, and the Registrar of Lobbyists for lobbyists) by closing all loopholes in existing ethics rules, giving opposition party leaders a veto over appointees, prohibiting the watchdogs from giving secret advice, allowing them to take complaints from anyone (including anonymous complaints), fully empowering them to penalize rule-breakers, and changing all the codes they enforce into laws.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - F
Conservative Party - B+
Green Party - D
Liberal Party - F
New Democrat Party - B
3. Prohibit donations by corporations, unions and other organizations to candidates for public office, require disclosure of all donations quarterly and before any vote, lower the individual donation limit from $5,000 to a level affordable for the average Canadian, maintain limits on third-party (non-political party) advertising during elections, and lower the public funding of political parties from $1.75 per vote received to $0.75 per vote received (to ensure that in order to prosper parties need to have active, ongoing support of a broad base of individuals).  (Go to Money in Politics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - I
Conservative Party - B
Green Party - I
Liberal Party - F
New Democrat Party - B-
4. Prohibit lobbyists from working for government departments or serving in senior positions for political parties or candidates for public office (as in New Mexico and Maryland), and from having business connections with anyone who does.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - F
Conservative Party - I
Green Party - I
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - B-

II. Open Government Measures

Bloc Québécois E
Conservative Party I
Green Party F+
Liberal Party F+
New Democrat Party D+

5. Strengthen the federal access-to-information law and government information management system by applying the law to all government/publicly funded institutions, creating a public interest override of all access exemptions, and giving the federal Information Commissioner the power to order the release of documents (as in Ontario, Alberta and B.C.), to order changes to government institutions' information systems, and to penalize violators of access laws, regulations, policies and rules.  (Go to Open Government Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Bloc Québécois - B-
Conservative Party - I
Green Party - B-
Liberal Party - B-
New Democrat Party - B-
6. Require Ministers and senior public officials to disclose their contacts with all lobbyists, whether paid or volunteer.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - F
Conservative Party - I
Green Party - I
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - F
7. Enact into law Bill C-15 which increases requirements for corporate lobbyists especially to register as lobbyists under the federal Lobbyists Registration Act, and further strengthen the Act by requiring lobbyists to disclose all their government relations activities, whether paid or volunteer, involving gathering inside information or trying to influence policy-makers (as in the U.S.), and to disclose the amount they spend on lobbying campaigns (as in 33 U.S. states).  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - F
Conservative Party - I
Green Party - I
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - B-

III. Efficient Government Measures

Bloc Québécois B
Conservative Party A-
Green Party B-
Liberal Party B-
New Democrat Party B-

8. Increase the independence of the Auditor General by requiring approval of appointment from opposition party leaders; increase auditing resources of the Auditor General, and empower the Auditor General to audit all government institutions, to report on the size of the government deficit/surplus, to make orders for changes to government institutions spending systems, and to penalize violators of federal Treasury Board spending rules or Auditor General orders.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Bloc Québécois - B
Conservative Party - A-
Green Party - B-
Liberal Party - B-
New Democrat Party - B-

9. Empower a government watchdog agency to preview and prohibit government advertising that promotes the ruling party, especially leading up to an election (similar to the restrictions in Manitoba and Saskatchewan).  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Bloc Québécois - B
Conservative Party - A
Green Party - B-
Liberal Party - B-
New Democrat Party - B-

IV. Representative, Citizen-Driven Government Measures

Bloc Québécois F+
Conservative Party C+
Green Party E+
Liberal Party F+
New Democrat Party C+

10. Pass a law requiring all government departments and institutions to use consultation processes that provide meaningful opportunities for citizen participation, especially concerning decisions that affect the lives of all Canadians.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Bloc Québécois - F
Conservative Party - C
Green Party - B-
Liberal Party - F
New Democrat Party - F
11. Require approval by opposition party leaders for the approximately 3,000 judicial, agency, board, commission and tribunal appointments currently made by the Prime Minister, especially for appointees to senior positions.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - B-
Conservative Party - A-
Green Party - I
Liberal Party - B
New Democrat Party - B
12. Attempt to reach an agreement with provincial governments (as required by the Constitution) to either abolish the Senate or reform the Senate (with a safeguard that Senate powers will not be increased unless senators are elected and their overall accountability increased).  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - I
Conservative Party - B-
Green Party - I
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - A
13. Change the current voting law and system so that nomination and party leadership races are regulated by Elections Canada, voters are allowed to refuse their ballot (ie. vote for "none of the above", as in Ontario), to provide a more equal number of voters in every riding, and a more accurate representation in Parliament of the actual voter support for each political party (with a safeguard to ensure that a party with low-level, narrow-base support does not have a disproportionately high level of power in Parliament).  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - I
Conservative Party - B
Green Party - B-
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - B

V. Corporate Responsibility Measures

Bloc Québécois C
Conservative Party E
Green Party E+
Liberal Party I
New Democrat Party B-

14. Require all federally regulated corporations to take into account the interests of all stakeholders when making decisions and undertaking activities, and to account publicly how they have done so.  (Go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Bloc Québécois - B-
Conservative Party - B-
Green Party - B+
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - B
15. Require all federally regulated corporations to disclose all convictions and settlements for violations of laws, regulations, policies, codes, guidelines or rules on an easily accessible, searchable, government-maintained website.  (Go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - I
Conservative Party - I
Green Party - I
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - B-
16. Prohibit all corporations that violate domestic or international laws, regulations, policies, codes, guidelines or rules from receiving any federal government contracts, grants, subsidies, investments, customs/trade status, tax credits or deductions.  (Go to Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - D
Conservative Party - C-
Green Party - C+
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - B-
17. Require banks and trust companies to prove that their service charges and credit card interest rates do not amount to gouging, to disclose details about their service, lending and investment activities so that discriminatory patterns can be revealed and corrected (as in the U.S. - this requirement must also be applied to the federal government's financial institutions such as the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), Export Development Canada, Techonology Partnerships Fund and the regional investment funds), and to prove that branch closures are justified; and don't allow any bank or trust company to grow larger through mergers or takeovers if their record is poor.   (Go to Bank Accountability Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - B-
Conservative Party - I
Green Party - I
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - B-

VI. Government and Corporate Accountability Measures

Bloc Québécois D+
Conservative Party D
Green Party B-
Liberal Party F
New Democrat Party B

18. Require federal government institutions and federally regulated corporate sectors to enclose one-page pamphlets periodically in their mailings to citizens inviting citizens to join citizen-funded and directed groups to represent citizen interests in policy-making and enforcement processes of key government departments (for example, on ethics, spending, and health care) and key federal corporate sectors (airlines, telecommunications, banks and other financial institutions, shareholder rights) as has been done in the U.S. and recommended for Canadian banks and other financial institutions in 1998 by a federal task force, a House of Commons Committee, and a Senate Committee.  (Go to Citizen Association Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)

Bloc Québécois - I
Conservative Party - I
Green Party - B-
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - B-
19. Require everyone to report any violation of any law, regulation, policy, code, guideline or rule, and make all watchdog agencies (for government, for example: Auditor General, Information Commissioner, Privacy Commissioner, Public Service Commission, the four ethics watchdogs, Security and Intelligence Review Committee, the National Health Council; for corporations, for example: CRTC, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, Canadian Transportation Agency) more independent by giving opposition party leaders a veto over appointees, and all watchdog agencies more effective by giving them full powers to investigate allegations of violations, to penalize violators, to protect anyone who reports a violation (so-called "whistleblowers") from retaliation, and to reward whistleblowers whose allegations are proven to be true.  (Go to Government Ethics Campaign and Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - B
Conservative Party - B
Green Party - B-
Liberal Party - D
New Democrat Party - B+
20. Close any technical and other loopholes that have been identified in laws, regulations, policies, codes, guidelines and rules (especially those regulating government institutions and large corporations) to help ensure strong enforcement, and increase financial penalties for violations to a level that significantly effects the annual revenues/budget of the institution or corporation.  (Go to Voter Rights Campaign and Corporate Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - B
Conservative Party - B-
Green Party - B-
Liberal Party - I
New Democrat Party - B

Background Details for the
Report Card on the Democratic Reform and Corporate Responsibility
Election Platforms of the Federal Political Parties
(Set out below are quotations from the federal parties' platform documents (with page # included)
upon which the Report Card grades were based for each of the 20 measures graded)

I. Honest, Ethical Government Measures

1. Bloc Québécois - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Conservative Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform

2. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à surveiller l’utilisation des fonds publics à Ottawa et à dénoncer tous les cas de patronage, de détournement de fonds, de trafic d’influence, de conflit d’intérêts et de fraude." (p.86); "Monitoring the use of public funds in Ottawa and denouncing all examples of abuse and fraud. (p.2 of English summary of platform)
Conservative Party - "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will: Create an independent Ethics Commissioner appointed by Parliament, not by the Prime Minister." (p.8)
- "A Conservative government will provide a truly independent Ethics Commissioner who will answer to the House of Commons, not the Prime Minister’s Office. Like the Auditor General, the independent Ethics Commissioner will report directly to the House of Commons and be given the mandate to investigate, and where necessary, recommend prosecution for conflict-of-interest infractions by cabinet ministers, Members of Parliament, or their staff." (p.10)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will bring in legislation creating an Office of the Ethics Commissioner with full investigative powers. The legislation will provide for the Commissioner to be appointed by Parliament with the consent of Opposition parties. We will extend this appointment process to other officers of Parliament, including: - The Auditor General - The Chief Electoral Officer - The Access to Information Commissioner - The Privacy Commissioner." (p.10)
Green Party - "The Green Party will: Institute mandatory training in ethics and management for newly elected politicians." (p.15)
- "The Green Party will: Reform the public sector to be more effective and accountable." (p.17)
Liberal Party - Platform only mentions theme of proposal
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by: Getting tough on sleaze by having an independent ethics counsellor, toughening conflict-of-interest guidelines and cracking down on expense accounts." (p.40)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by: Implementing Parliamentary review of senior appointments to bodies such as Crown corporations, agencies, and boards." (p.40)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will implement a Consumers Bill of Rights that will protect you by: Toughening up government processes to catch government corruption and waste and introducing independent means to police the system to keep out partisan corporate cronyism." (pp.56-57)

3. Bloc Québécois - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Conservative Party - "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will amend election financing legislation to prohibit all corporate, union, or organization donations to political parties and candidates.  We will eliminate the current per voter annual subsidy for federal political parties.  Instead, we will include a check-off box on taxpayers’ T1 forms that will allow Canadians to direct a nominal amount towards the registered political party of their choice. This choice will not affect taxpayers’ refunds or amounts owing.  We will revise election financing legislation to allow individual Canadians and organizations freedom of expression during election campaigns." (p.11)
Green Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - Platform only mentions theme of proposal
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by:

- Ensuring so-called “third parties” report publicly on funds they received for election advertising and other campaign expenses.
- Cracking down on unaccountable election slush funds." (p.40)

4. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à surveiller l’utilisation des fonds publics à Ottawa et à dénoncer tous les cas de patronage, de détournement de fonds, de trafic d’influence, de conflit d’intérêts et de fraude." (p.86); "Monitoring the use of public funds in Ottawa and denouncing all examples of abuse and fraud. (p.2 of English summary of platform)
Conservative Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by: Getting tough on sleaze by having an independent ethics counsellor, toughening conflict-of-interest guidelines and cracking down on expense accounts." (p.40)

II. Open Government Measures

5. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois exigera des modifications à la loi d’accès à l’information, de telle façon que des informations sur les affaires intergouvernementales et en provenance des sociétés d’État puissent être obtenues." (p.90)
Conservative Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - "The Green Party will:

- Allow the public to obtain detailed quarterly financial reports, including program expenditures and the expenses of elected officials and civil servants.
- Require the immediate public release of all results from publicly funded polling.
- Ensure that all citizens may register electronically for notification about decisions that affect and/or interest them.
- Broadcast committee meetings and “town hall” citizens’ meetings on television, as well as the Internet." (p.15)
Liberal Party - "The new government has: Overhauled and dramatically tightened financial controls in government, by:
- Overhauling information systems so they can track all spending and enable timely public disclosure of government contracts.
- Putting Ministers’ expenses, as well as those of their staff and senior public servants, on the Web, where Canadians can see them." (p.8)
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by: Strengthening freedom of information and personal privacy laws and enacting effective whistleblower laws to protect public servants who shine light on wrongdoing and waste in government." (p.40)

6. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à surveiller l’utilisation des fonds publics à Ottawa et à dénoncer tous les cas de patronage, de détournement de fonds, de trafic d’influence, de conflit d’intérêts et de fraude." (p.86); "Monitoring the use of public funds in Ottawa and denouncing all examples of abuse and fraud. (p.2 of English summary of platform)
Conservative Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by: Getting tough on sleaze by having an independent ethics counsellor, toughening conflict-of-interest guidelines and cracking down on expense accounts." (p.40)

7. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à surveiller l’utilisation des fonds publics à Ottawa et à dénoncer tous les cas de patronage, de détournement de fonds, de trafic d’influence, de conflit d’intérêts et de fraude." (p.86); "Monitoring the use of public funds in Ottawa and denouncing all examples of abuse and fraud. (p.2 of English summary of platform)
Conservative Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by: Ensuring so-called “third parties” report publicly on funds they received for election advertising and other campaign expenses." (p.40)

III. Efficient Government Measures

8. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à surveiller l’utilisation des fonds publics à Ottawa et à dénoncer tous les cas de patronage, de détournement de fonds, de trafic d’influence, de conflit d’intérêts et de fraude." (p.86); "Monitoring the use of public funds in Ottawa and denouncing all examples of abuse and fraud. (p.2 of English summary of platform)
- "Le Bloc Québécois propose la création d’un organisme indépendant rattaché au Comité permanent des Finances qui aura pour mandat d’établir des prévisions financières réalistes, révisées périodiquement. Ces prévisions serviront de base à un véritable débat sur les priorités budgétaires de la population." (p.89)
- "Le Bloc Québécois proposera des modifications législatives de façon à ce que la Vérificatrice générale soit habilitée à effectuer des vérifications dans les comptes des sociétés d’État." (p.90)
- "Le Bloc demande donc que le registre des armes à feu soit maintenu, mais nous demandons aussi une enquête publique indépendante visant à connaître les raisons qui ont provoqué un tel gouffre financier. Le gouvernement fédéral doit également soumettre un plan stratégique structuré et détaillé sur la poursuite du programme et dont l’application devra préalablement être approuvée par la Chambre des communes." (p.93)
- "Le Bloc Québécois exige que le gouvernement fédéral dépose au Comité permanent de la Défense, pour étude, toute proposition d’achat d’équipement militaire de plus de 100 millions $ avant de procéder." (p.153)
Conservative Party - "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will ask the Auditor General to conduct, on an expedited basis, an audit of all federal grant and contribution programs and contracting policies. We will act on her recommendations. We will also increase funding for the internal audit functions. We will ensure that all granting programs are reviewed every five years on an ongoing basis. The Auditor General will be given the authority to examine the affairs of Crown Corporations and government-funded Foundations." (p.9)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will bring in legislation creating an Office of the Ethics Commissioner with full investigative powers. The legislation will provide for the Commissioner to be appointed by Parliament with the consent of Opposition parties. We will extend this appointment process to other officers of Parliament, including: - The Auditor General - The Chief Electoral Officer - The Access to Information Commissioner - The Privacy Commissioner." (p.10)
- "A Conservative government will increase the power of Parliament and Parliamentary Committees to review the spending estimates of Departments and hold Ministers to account." (p.13)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will: Control government spending and pay down the national debt. Cut wasteful corporate subsidies in order to reduce taxes for all businesses." (p.16)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will reduce Employment Insurance premiums to eliminate the surplus in the Employment Insurance account and ensure that contributions are used to pay for EI benefits, not other expenditures." (p.18)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will take a prudent approach to budgeting that keeps spending growth under control . . ." (p.21)
- "A Conservative government will seek to reduce or eliminate corporate subsidies of up to $4 billion per year." (p.22)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will immediately ask the Auditor General to review all granting programs - including grants and subsidies to businesses. Based on the results of this review we will seek to eliminate $4 billion per year in subsidies to business." (p.22)
- "A Conservative government will uphold funding of innovation, technology, and research through independent granting councils. We will ensure that a competitive peer review process, with enhanced transparency and accountability, determines who receives grants through these councils, not political or regional considerations." (p.22)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will: Enhance Parliamentary oversight over defence policy and military equipment procurement." (pp. 41-42)
Green Party - "The Green Party will: Allow the public to obtain detailed quarterly financial reports, including program expenditures and the expenses of elected officials and civil servants." (p.15).
- "The Green Party will:

- Involve citizens in the preparation of a national business plan, as well as a review of that plan every four years, to ensure that government programs deliver the best value for the money invested.
- Flatten hierarchies, empower front line civil servants and reduce the number of managers by 25% over a period of four years.
- Make customer service improvements a priority for all agencies and departments.
- Change hiring, compensation and advancement policies to reinvigorate the civil service." (p.16)
- "The Green Party will:
- Maintain a balanced budget, reduce the national debt and introduce economic indicators that track genuine progress.
- Reform the public sector to be more effective and accountable." (p.17)
Liberal Party - "The new government has: Overhauled and dramatically tightened financial controls in government, by:
- Establishing a new Comptroller General of Canada - a chief monitor to oversee all government expenditure and make sure it is done according to the rules. Mr. Charles-Antoine St-Jean has been appointed to the position.
- Appointing professionally-accredited comptrollers in every government department to sign off on all new spending initiatives at the departmental level.
- Bolstering the internal audit function across government, giving these groups the authority to delve into every corner of every department.
- Overhauling information systems so they can track all spending and enable timely public disclosure of government contracts.
- Putting Ministers’ expenses, as well as those of their staff and senior public servants, on the Web, where Canadians can see them." (p.8)
- "The new government has: Launched a permanent, ongoing Expenditure Review procedure to eliminate waste and ensure that government spending delivers maximum value to taxpayers. This process is expected to identify at least $3 billion in annual spending that can be allocated to higher priority areas such as health care." (p.8)
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will implement a Consumers Bill of Rights that will protect you by: Toughening up government processes to catch government corruption and waste and introducing independent means to police the system to keep out partisan corporate cronyism." (pp.56-57)

9. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à surveiller l’utilisation des fonds publics à Ottawa et à dénoncer tous les cas de patronage, de détournement de fonds, de trafic d’influence, de conflit d’intérêts et de fraude." (p.86); "Monitoring the use of public funds in Ottawa and denouncing all examples of abuse and fraud. (p.2 of English summary of platform)
- "Blocking all attempts by Ottawa to use culture for political purposes, while ensuring adequate financing." (p. 3 of English summary of platform)
Conservative Party - "Partisan advertising by government departments will be banned, and the Auditor General will be given the power to monitor and enforce the ban." (p.9)
Green Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - "The new government has: Overhauled and dramatically tightened financial controls in government, by:

- Establishing a new Comptroller General of Canada - a chief monitor to oversee all government expenditure and make sure it is done according to the rules. Mr. Charles-Antoine St-Jean has been appointed to the position.
- Appointing professionally-accredited comptrollers in every government department to sign off on all new spending initiatives at the departmental level." (p.8)
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will implement a Consumers Bill of Rights that will protect you by: Toughening up government processes to catch government corruption and waste and introducing independent means to police the system to keep out partisan corporate cronyism." (pp.56-57)

IV. Representative, Citizen-Driven Government Measures

10. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois s’engage à déposer à nouveau un projet de loi prévoyant le vote des parlementaires sur tout accord international d’importance conclu par le gouvernement fédéral." (p.20, p.145)
- "Le Bloc Québécois exigera un débat portant sur les accords commerciaux en cours de négociation, avant la ratification de tels accords." (p. 20, p.145)
- "Le Bloc Québécois s’engage à se battre avec détermination aux côtés des peuples autochtones pour favoriser leur accession à l’autonomie gouvernementale." (p.83)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera d’exiger du gouvernement fédéral le respect intégral des traités de façon à établir avec les peuples autochtones un véritable partenariat basé sur la confiance et le respect mutuel." (p.84)
Conservative Party - "A Conservative government will appoint non-partisan independent commissions to examine and report on best practices from other jurisdictions on methods of direct democracy and alternatives to the voting system." (p.12)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will make all votes, except the budget and main estimates, “free votes” for ordinary Members of Parliament." (p.13)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will withdraw the current marriage reference case before the Supreme Court and hold a free vote in Parliament on the definition of marriage." (p.14)
- "A Conservative government will support the new Council of the Federation established by the provinces, and will encourage the Council to share information and best practices in areas such as health care, education, job training, and social assistance." (p.15)
Green Party - The Green Party will:

- Require the immediate public release of all results from publicly funded polling.
- Ensure that all citizens may register electronically for notification about decisions that affect and/or interest them." (p.15)
- "In addition to proportional representation, the Green Party will implement “fixed election dates” and “mid-term” referendums — to be held after two years, giving Canadians direct input toward identifying the government’s fiscal and social priorities." (p.16)
- "The Green Party will: Support a First Nations process that will address governance issues, legislative inconsistencies, policy inequities, reconciliation and the dismantling of the Department of Indian Affairs, if so desired." (p.22)
- "The Green Party will: Commit only to those military actions that have been sanctioned by Canada’s Parliament and the United Nations." (p.24)
Liberal Party - Platform only mentions theme of proposal
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will work with Aboriginal Canadians by:
- Convening a First Ministers’ conference to discuss the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, shelved by the federal government for the past eight years. Representatives of Aboriginal peoples would attend the conference as full partners.
- Including Aboriginal leaders at national health ministers’ meetings and First Ministers’ meetings." (pp.33-34)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will protect Canadian sovereignty by: Ensuring Parliament votes before committing troops overseas and by comparing all military options with their compliance to international law and availability of peaceful alternatives." (p.42)

- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP would defend jobs by:

- Ensuring those affected by a weak steel policy have a voice by changing the composition of the Canadian Trade Tribunal to equal representation from steel workers, businesses and steel-based communities.
- Bringing organized labour to the table, rather than the sidelines as the Liberals did, in a National Forum on the Economy with government, business, and community organizations to have meaningful input on government economic and fiscal policy.
- Establishing a task force of government, business, labour and non-governmental organizations to focus on solutions for key industries such as resource extraction and manufacturing, which are facing changing times." (p.46)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will give Canadians clear choices on debt reduction by: Allowing a debate over what should be done with any unforeseen surplus instead of retroactively applying all of it against the national debt." (pp. 62-63)

11. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois s’assurera que cessent les nominations partisanes à la Commission de l’immigration et du statut de réfugié." (p.81)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à surveiller l’utilisation des fonds publics à Ottawa et à dénoncer tous les cas de patronage, de détournement de fonds, de trafic d’influence, de conflit d’intérêts et de fraude." (p.86); "Monitoring the use of public funds in Ottawa and denouncing all examples of abuse and fraud. (p.2 of English summary of platform)
Conservative Party - "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will bring in legislation creating an Office of the Ethics Commissioner with full investigative powers. The legislation will provide for the Commissioner to be appointed by Parliament with the consent of Opposition parties. We will extend this appointment process to other officers of Parliament, including: - The Auditor General - The Chief Electoral Officer - The Access to Information Commissioner - The Privacy Commissioner." (p.10)
- "A Conservative government will allow Parliament to review and ratify important appointments, such as Officers of Parliament, Supreme Court Justices, and heads of major Crown corporations and agencies." (p.13)
Green Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - "Parliamentarians now have the authority to review most senior government appointments, including those of heads of Crown Corporations." (p.7)
- "The government has committed that Parliament will play a role in reviewing Supreme Court appointments." (p.7)
- "The new government has: Professionalized the appointments process for the Immigration and Refugee Board. From now on, these appointments will be based on recommendations by experts, free of political influence." (p.8)
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by: Implementing Parliamentary review of senior appointments to bodies such as Crown corporations, agencies, and boards." (p.40)

12. Bloc Québécois - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Conservative Party - "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will appoint only elected Senators to the Senate. A Conservative government will also propose further reforms to make the Senate an independent and democratic body for all regions." (p.13)
Green Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by: Abolishing the unelected, unaccountable and undemocratic Senate." (p.40)

13. Bloc Québécois - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Conservative Party - "A Conservative government will appoint non-partisan independent commissions to examine and report on best practices from other jurisdictions on methods of direct democracy and alternatives to the voting system." (p.12)
- "A Conservative government will ensure that party nomination and leadership races are conducted in a fair, transparent, and democratic manner. We will not allow Party leaders to appoint candidates without the democratic consent of local Electoral District Associations." (p.12)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will institute a system of voluntary voter registration for Canadians to register their party affiliation. This registration will be used as the basis for party nomination and leadership contests. Any costs will be offset by rationalizing the Elections Canada bureaucracy.  A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will require that all candidates in a general election or by-election have the democratic approval of their local Electoral District Association." (p.13)
Green Party - "The Green Party believes that proportional representation is a necessary step toward political equality. In all countries that have a proportional system of electing representatives, women have a greater voice in government. No political party — given a choice — wants to under-represent women, but the “winner take all” system that we use today favors aggressive tactics and negative campaigning. It is not the kind of system that most women want to participate in. The system needs to be changed. To achieve something much closer to a 50-50 balance, the Green Party recommends that we switch to a proportional system of voting." (p.8)
- "In addition to proportional representation, the Green Party will implement “fixed election dates” and “mid-term” referendums — to be held after two years, giving Canadians direct input toward identifying the government’s fiscal and social priorities." (p.16)
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP are working for solutions to turn the rhetoric of women’s equality into reality by: Holding a referendum on whether to change the voting system to one based on proportional representation, similar to systems in Germany and New Zealand that respect voters’ choices, protect local representation and require broad levels of support for a party to qualify for seats in Parliament." (p.32, p.40)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will work with Aboriginal Canadians by: Creating Aboriginal seats in Parliament, just as New Zealand has, to ensure Canada’s first peoples’ voices are always present in national debate." (p.34, p.40)

V. Corporate Responsibility Measures

14. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois a présenté des projets de loi pour forcer les gestionnaires de fonds de pension à faire rapport annuellement des considérations d’ordre social, éthique ou environnemental dont ils ont tenu compte dans leur gestion, estimant que cette transparence les incitera à adopter un comportement plus socialement responsable. Le Bloc Québécois s’engage à revenir à la charge au cours du prochain mandat." (p.150)
Conservative Party - - "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will: Support rules-based trading systems like NAFTA and the WTO to promote free and fair trade, especially where the trading partners are unequal in size." (p.23)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will: Extend the two hundred mile limit to the edge of the Continental Shelf, the Nose and Tail of the Grand Banks, and the Flemish Cap in the North Atlantic, and increase enforcement efforts within the two hundred mile limit to protect our fish stocks from unsustainable harvesting practices of international fishers." (pp.23-24)
- "A Conservative government will implement the commitments of Stephen Harper’s February 2004 paper, “Towards a Cleaner Canada,” including:

- Legislate caps on smog causing pollutants like Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). Negotiate power plant and smokestack emissions limits with the United States and border states. Investigate a cap-and-trade system that will allow firms to generate credits by reducing smog-causing pollutants.
- Increase fines for first occurrences of ocean spills to $500,000 plus clean-up costs. Pass legislation providing that ships and their cargo can be seized and impounded until fines are paid. Extend funding for radar satellite surveillance on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts." (p.34)
Green Party - "The Green Party will: Require accurate reporting and measurement, as well as a set timeline to achieve national extended producer responsibility programs." (p.13)
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will help municipalities - especially cities - fight smog and create jobs by: Protecting workers’ pensions by requiring broader representation of Canadian workers on the CPP Investment Board and changing the mandate to promote sustainable industrial and community development." (p.7)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will help municipalities - especially cities - fight smog and create jobs by: Putting an ethical screen on our public pension management to avoid investing in companies that engage in the arms trade, pollute, exploit labour or undertake other unscrupulous practices that offend Canadian values." (p.7)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will work for tax fairness by:
- Imposing hefty fines for polluters that match the clean-up costs (the polluter-pay principle).
- Cancelling all tax treaties with tax havens like Barbados. Canadian corporations should not be permitted to establish shell companies in tax havens and then bring profits home tax-free like Paul Martin did with his Canada Steamship Lines.
- Ending the practice of letting corporations deduct fines for environmental infractions or unsafe workplaces from their taxes." (pp.60-61)
15. Bloc Québécois - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Conservative Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will fight crime by: Ensuring transparency and accountability in corporate accounting by bringing Canadian regulations in line with the American regulations introduced after the Enron and WorldCom scandals." (pp.54-55)

16. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois a présenté des projets de loi pour forcer les gestionnaires de fonds de pension à faire rapport annuellement des considérations d’ordre social, éthique ou environnemental dont ils ont tenu compte dans leur gestion, estimant que cette transparence les incitera à adopter un comportement plus socialement responsable. Le Bloc Québécois s’engage à revenir à la charge au cours du prochain mandat." (p.150)
Conservative Party - "A Conservative government will seek to reduce or eliminate corporate subsidies of up to $4 billion per year." (p.22)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will immediately ask the Auditor General to review all granting programs ? including grants and subsidies to businesses. Based on the results of this review we will seek to eliminate $4 billion per year in subsidies to business." (p.22)
Green Party - "The Green Party will: Stop subsidizing and start taxing pesticide use in agriculture." (p.12)
- "The Green Party will: Lower taxes on income, profit and investment, while raising taxes on pollution, waste and inefficiency." (p.17)
- "The Green Party will:

- Increase gasoline and diesel taxes by ten cents per litre over three years.
- Phase in a tax of $10 per ton on coal consumption over three years.
- Remove tax breaks on pesticides.
- Exclude ethanol blends and biodiesel from fuel tax increases.
- Use half the revenue from pollution taxes to decrease income taxes — one quarter for efficiency-increasing tax breaks and one quarter toward industry initiatives that reduce fuel consumption." (p.18)
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will help municipalities - especially cities - fight smog and create jobs by: Putting an ethical screen on our public pension management to avoid investing in companies that engage in the arms trade, pollute, exploit labour or undertake other unscrupulous practices that offend Canadian values." (p.7)
 - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will kick start the clean air revolution by: Establishing a commission to recommend innovative federal financial and taxation steps, like shifting current taxes to green taxes or environmental incentives in a revenue neutral framework." (p.21)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will build a more equal world by:
- Working with progressive legislators in other countries to replace undemocratic, corporate-driven trade deals like NAFTA and the WTO with agreements based on the principles of fair and equitable trade, which respect fair wages and working conditions, human rights, the environment and communities’ right to develop in accordance with their values.
- Strengthening the Special Economic Measures Act to enable Canada to implement economic sanctions on Canadian companies that contribute to serious human rights violations overseas." (pp.28-29)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will fight crime by: Ensuring transparency and accountability in corporate accounting by bringing Canadian regulations in line with the American regulations introduced after the Enron and WorldCom scandals." (pp.54-55)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will work for tax fairness by:
- Ending the practice of letting corporations deduct fines for environmental infractions or unsafe workplaces from their taxes.
- Closing corporate and very high income tax loopholes like the one that let a prominent Canadian family move $2 billion out of Canada through trust accounts and never pay a cent of income tax on the transaction." (pp.60-61)
17. Bloc Québécois - "À moins qu’il soit démontré que la fusion des banques est dans l’intérêt de la population, ce que les grandes banques n’ont pas réussi à faire jusqu’à maintenant, le Bloc Québécois continuera à s’y opposer." (p.33)
Conservative Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will protect pensions by: Directing public savings in the CPP into investments in sustainable technologies and industries to support national and community economic development." (p.51)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will implement a Consumers Bill of Rights that will protect you by:
- Regulating credit card interest rates to five points above the prime-lending rate, as opposed to the 10 to 20 point gap that many credit cards have.
- Requiring chartered banks to maintain, rather than abandon, branches in Canada’s rural and small towns, as well as in poor, inner city neighbourhoods.
- Cracking down on cheque-cashing companies that are moving into the poor neighbourhoods abandoned by the banks. Including their exorbitant fees, these corporations charge more than 60 per cent interest, exceeding the Criminal Code limit." (pp.56-57)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will foster job growth by:
- Reviewing and reworking existing federal programs to improve small business access to venture capital.
- Revamping the mandate of the Business Development Bank of Canada to support community economic development and by changing legislation to help democratic financial institutions like credit unions and caisses-populaires increase their market share." (p.58)

VI. Government and Corporate Accountability Measures

18. Bloc Québécois - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Conservative Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - "The Green Party will: Empower consumers associations to increase safety and improve quality in the marketplace." (p.17)
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - - Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will implement a Consumers Bill of Rights that will protect you by: Requiring federally regulated agencies such as banks, telephone and cable corporations to fund citizen oversight committees to monitor fees and rates. Currently four US states do this, including Illinois and California, where citizen utility boards and their monitoring have saved consumers millions." (p.56)

19. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois exige la création d’un Office de surveillance du secteur pétrolier." (p.51)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à surveiller l’utilisation des fonds publics à Ottawa et à dénoncer tous les cas de patronage, de détournement de fonds, de trafic d’influence, de conflit d’intérêts et de fraude." (p.86); "Monitoring the use of public funds in Ottawa and denouncing all examples of abuse and fraud. (p.2 of English summary of platform)
- "Le Bloc s’engage à faire en sorte que, pour toute mesure législative qui touche le terrorisme, l’équilibre entre sécurité et liberté soit atteint et il demande la création d’un poste de Commissaire indépendant chargé de la surveillance de l’application de toute loi relative au terrorisme." (p.92)
- "Le Bloc Québécois demande que le processus de grief soit modifié de façon à répondre adéquatement aux plaintes formulées par les militaires. (p. 153)
Conservative Party - "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will ask the Auditor General to conduct, on an expedited basis, an audit of all federal grant and contribution programs and contracting policies. We will act on her recommendations. We will also increase funding for the internal audit functions. We will ensure that all granting programs are reviewed every five years on an ongoing basis. The Auditor General will be given the authority to examine the affairs of Crown Corporations and government-funded Foundations." (p.9)
- "A Conservative government will provide a truly independent Ethics Commissioner who will answer to the House of Commons, not the Prime Minister’s Office. Like the Auditor General, the independent Ethics Commissioner will report directly to the House of Commons and be given the mandate to investigate, and where necessary, recommend prosecution for conflict-of-interest infractions by cabinet ministers, Members of Parliament, or their staff." (p.10)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will bring in legislation creating an Office of the Ethics Commissioner with full investigative powers. The legislation will provide for the Commissioner to be appointed by Parliament with the consent of Opposition parties. We will extend this appointment process to other officers of Parliament, including: - The Auditor General - The Chief Electoral Officer - The Access to Information Commissioner - The Privacy Commissioner." (p.10)
- "A Conservative government will increase the power of Parliament and Parliamentary Committees to review the spending estimates of Departments and hold Ministers to account." (p.13)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will:

- Support the appointment of a Chief Public Health Officer and the creation of the Canada Public Health Agency.
- Clearly define federal and provincial governments’ roles during public health crises.
- Settle on a compensation formula for public health emergencies to avoid unseemly squabbles over money while patients are still at risk." (p.28)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will: Enhance Parliamentary oversight over defence policy and military equipment procurement." (pp. 41-42)
Green Party - "The Green Party will: Establish “whistleblower” protection for civil servants and commission ombudsmen who report their findings to the public." (p.16)
- "The Green Party will:
- Commit only to those military actions that have been sanctioned by Canada’s Parliament and the United Nations.
- Work to increase the influence of the International Court of Justice." (p.24)
- The Green Party will:
- Work to establish a standing international peacekeeping force under UN control.
- Propose a reform of the UN Security Council, eliminating permanent memberships and vetoes.
- Renegotiate our multilateral trade agreements to include “fair trade” tariffs that protect human rights and our ecosystems.
- Propose a reform of the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank, having them placed under the authority of the UN general assembly." (p.24)
Liberal Party - "The new government has: Introduced legislation to protect “whistle blowers” who come forward to report wrongdoing in
government and Crown Corporations." (p.8 - no promise is made to reintroduce nor to pass whistleblower protection legislation)
- "A Liberal government will: Formalize a procedure among federal, provincial and territorial governments regarding Canada Health Act dispute resolution. Cases will be referred to a three-person independent expert panel. The panel would assess whether there has been a breach of the Act and would recommend appropriate penalties to the federal Minister of Health for a final decision." (p.23)
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will improve and protect health care by:
- Restoring independence to Health Canada in monitoring drug safety.
- Strengthening the Canada Health Act to prohibit public money going to private, for-profit hospitals and responding to technological change by deeming diagnostics such as MRIs as medically necessary services, thus protecting them from privatization. We must also vigorously increase enforcement of the Canada Health Act, which will be much more feasible once federal funding is restored to 25 per cent." (p.15)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect equality by:
- Establishing an independent commissioner who reports directly to Parliament to monitor federal departments’ compliance to all policies for persons with disabilities and who advises ministers about the effects on persons with disabilities of upcoming legislation or regulations." (pp.37-38).
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by: Strengthening freedom of information and personal privacy laws and enacting effective whistleblower laws to protect public servants who shine light on wrongdoing and waste in government." (p.40)

- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect your vote by: Implementing Parliamentary review of senior appointments to bodies such as Crown corporations, agencies, and boards." (p.40)

- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP would defend jobs by: Reinstating a watchdog agency to monitor, and control when necessary, the level of foreign investment in key Canadian industries and by stopping attempts to weaken foreign ownership restrictions in telecommunications." (pp.46-47)

- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will protect family farms by: Improving food safety through better identification, increased testing and more public inspection to make Canadian-produced food the most trusted in the world." (pp.48-49)

- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will fight crime by: Reinstating a national ports police to combat organized crime and smuggling in our port
communities." (pp.54-55)

- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will implement a Consumers Bill of Rights that will protect you by: Toughening up government processes to catch government corruption and waste and introducing independent means to police the system to keep out partisan corporate cronyism." (pp.56-57)

20. Bloc Québécois - "Le Bloc Québécois considère que le Canada doit signer l’ensemble des grandes conventions de l’Organisation internationale du travail contre le travail forcé et le travail des enfants, pour le droit d’association syndicale et la libre négociation." (p.35)
- "Le Bloc Québécois s’engage à déposer de nouveau un projet de loi qui viendra en aide aux victimes de harcèlement psychologique qui travaillent à l’intérieur de la fonction publique et celles qui sont régies par le Code canadien du travail." (p.36)
- "Le Bloc Québécois déposera à nouveau un projet de loi anti-briseurs de grève à la Chambre des communes et reviendra à la charge tant qu’il ne sera pas adopté." (p.39); "Drafting an anti-strike breaking bill and engaging in a proper follow up if it is not adopted." (p.3 of English summary of platform)
- "Le Bloc Québécois propose un plan équitable de mise en œuvre du Protocole de Kyoto. Les efforts de répartition des émissions polluantes seront répartis sur une base territoriale." (p.48)
- "Le Bloc Québécois s’assurera que le gouvernement fédéral utilise l’approche réglementaire afin d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des véhicules automobiles de 25 % d’ici 2010." (p.49)
- "Le Bloc Québécois propose l’augmentation de la surtaxe sur les profits des grandes compagnies pétrolières." (p.51); "Demanding a surtax on the profits of large oil companies." (p.3 of English summary of platform)
- "Le Bloc Québécois exige une révision complète de la Loi sur la concurrence en vue de la renforcer." (p.51)
- "Le Bloc Québécois s’engage à exiger du gouvernement fédéral qu’il reconnaisse l’autorité des leaders autochtones dûment élus par leur communauté et qu’il réponde à leur appel pressant à propos de la lutte contre la criminalité sur leur territoire." (p.85)
- "Le Bloc Québécois propose de permettre un renversement du fardeau de la preuve qui obligerait un accusé déclaré coupable d’une infraction liée au crime organisé de faire la preuve que ses biens ont été acquis de façon honnête et légitime." (p.93)
- "Le Bloc québécois s’engage à déposer à nouveau une modification au Code criminel afin qu’une sentence minimale soit imposée à toute infraction liée à l’exploitation sexuelle d’une personne d’âge mineur." (p.94)
- "Le Bloc québécois s’engage à promouvoir et à soutenir la poursuite des criminels de guerre qui auraient pu, impunément, trouver refuge au Canada." (p.95)
- "Le Bloc Québécois exigera l’abolition des dispositions de l’impôt sur le revenu qui permettent aux entreprises canadiennes d’éviter de payer leur juste part d’impôt en s’établissant à la Barbade, un paradis fiscal." (p.99)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à dénoncer l’entente fiscale Canada ? Barbade, qui permet aux entreprises et aux individus canadiens de profiter de ce paradis fiscal pour échapper à leur devoir fiscal." (p.99)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera d’exiger du gouvernement fédéral qu’il adopte un projet de loi visant à mettre en place une procédure d’examen pour les plaintes des citoyens relatives au bruit du transport ferroviaire." (p.121)
- "Le Bloc Québécois est déterminé à participer au vaste mouvement international visant à modifier la Loi sur les accords de Bretton Woods et des accords connexes afin que ces accords incluent le respect des droits humains et sociaux comme faisant partie intégrante du mandat du Fonds monétaire international et de la Banque Mondiale afin que l’élaboration des politiques de ces organismes tienne compte des effets de celles-ci sur les progrès ou les régressions du respect des droits humains." (p.144)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à combattre l’utilisation des pavillons de complaisance." (p.149)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à exiger du gouvernement fédéral qu’il fasse preuve de leadership sur la scène internationale afin de mettre un terme aux pratiques fiscales abusives liées aux paradis fiscaux." (p.149)
- "Le Bloc Québécois a déposé un projet de loi pour permettre à Ottawa d’empêcher une entreprise de poursuivre des activités qui provoquent des conflits ou des violations aux droits de la personne à l’étranger. Il s’engage à le faire à nouveau dans son prochain mandat." (p.151)
Conservative Party - "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will reduce Employment Insurance premiums to eliminate the surplus in the Employment Insurance account and ensure that contributions are used to pay for EI benefits, not other expenditures." (p.18)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will: Support rules-based trading systems like NAFTA and the WTO to promote free and fair trade, especially where the trading partners are unequal in size." (p.23)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will: Extend the two hundred mile limit to the edge of the Continental Shelf, the Nose and Tail of the Grand Banks, and the Flemish Cap in the North Atlantic, and increase enforcement efforts within the two hundred mile limit to protect our fish stocks from unsustainable harvesting practices of international fishers." (pp.23-24)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will: Hold the federal and provincial governments accountable for Health Accord promises." (p.25)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will insist on accountability under the Health Accord. We will:

- Ensure that performance indicators on timely access, quality, sustainability, and health status and wellness are developed.
- Work with the provinces through the Canada Health Council to monitor and report on waiting lists and explore ways of dealing with the problem." (p.27)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will:
- Support the appointment of a Chief Public Health Officer and the creation of the Canada Public Health Agency.
- Clearly define federal and provincial governments’ roles during public health crises.
- Settle on a compensation formula for public health emergencies to avoid unseemly squabbles over money while patients are still at risk." (p.28)
- "A Conservative government will implement the commitments of Stephen Harper’s February 2004 paper, “Towards a Cleaner Canada,” including:
- Legislate caps on smog causing pollutants like Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). Negotiate power plant and smokestack emissions limits with the United States and border states. Investigate a cap-and-trade system that will allow firms to generate credits by reducing smog-causing pollutants.
- Increase fines for first occurrences of ocean spills to $500,000 plus clean-up costs. Pass legislation providing that ships and their cargo can be seized and impounded until fines are paid. Extend funding for radar satellite surveillance on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts." (p.34)
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will:
- Ensure that conditional sentences (“house arrest”) shall not apply to serious crimes, such as violent and sexual assaults, weapons offences, and major drug trafficking.
- Repeal section 745.6 of the Criminal Code ? the so-called “Faint Hope Clause” that allows an offender serving a life sentence to apply for parole after only 15 years.
- Establish a “dangerous offender” status for a third violent or sexual offence.
- Enforce mandatory consecutive sentences (instead of concurrent sentences, as is usually the case) for multiple violent offences.
- Replace statutory release (the law entitling a prisoner to parole after serving two-thirds of his sentence) with earned parole.
- Forbid prisoners in federal institutions from voting in elections.
- Require that violent or serious repeat offenders who are fourteen years or older be tried in adult court." (p.36)
- "We will pass legislation that will adopt a zero tolerance policy for child porn, eliminating the so-called “public good” defence. We will prohibit conditional sentences for child sex offences, to ensure that all of those charged with these offences will serve prison time and be removed from the community." (p.37)

- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will repeal the wasteful long-gun registry legislation. A Conservative government will work with the provinces on cost-effective gun control programs designed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals while respecting the rights of law-abiding Canadians to own and use firearms responsibly. Measures will include:

- Mandatory minimum penalties for the criminal use of firearms and their illegal possession.
- Strict monitoring of high-risk individuals.
- Crackdown on gun smuggling.
- Safe storage laws.
- Firearms safety training.
- A licensing system for all those wishing to acquire and use firearms legally.
- Putting more law enforcement officers on our streets.
- A registry of convicted criminals who have been prohibited by the courts from owning firearms.
- "A Conservative government led by Stephen Harper will address the backlog of outstanding deportation orders, putting priority on individuals with criminal records or connections to terrorist organizations or organized crime. It will ensure that refugee claimants who arrive in Canada without proper documentation do not put Canadian security at risk." (p.38)
- "We will work closely with international organizations such as the United Nations and in concert with our most important military allies, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and NATO countries, to address international security threats from terrorism or rogue states." (p.40)
Green Party - "The Green Party will: Enforce pay equity for women in the workplace." (p.6)
- "The Green Party will: Reform outdated labour regulations to fit 21st century realities." (p.11)
- "The Green Party will:
- Legislate a “National Emissions Trading System” that will cap, trade and reduce CO2 and other emissions.
- Act quickly to reduce the release of carcinogens, mutogens, neurotoxins and endocrine-disrupting chemicals into the food chain." (p.12)
- "The Green Party will:
- Allow the public to obtain detailed quarterly financial reports, including program expenditures and the expenses of elected officials and civil servants.
- Require the immediate public release of all results from publicly funded polling." (p.15)
- "The Green Party will:
- Involve citizens in the preparation of a national business plan, as well as a review of that plan every four years, to ensure that government programs deliver the best value for the money invested.
- Make customer service improvements a priority for all agencies and departments.
- Change hiring, compensation and advancement policies to reinvigorate the civil service." (p.16)
- "The Green Party will:
- Maintain a balanced budget, reduce the national debt and introduce economic indicators that track genuine progress.
- Reform the public sector to be more effective and accountable." (p.17)
- "The Green Party will:
- Prohibit human reproductive cloning and require a license for any organization or institution that performs genetic manipulation on human DNA for commercial or scientific purposes.
- Create a national “do not contact” registry for e-mail spam, telemarketing calls and junk mail, in addition to criminalizing the act of spamming." (p.20)
- "The Green Party will: Legislate a Disabilities Act for Canada." (p.21)
- "The Green Party will: Regulate the practices of “immigration consultants” and increase penalties for those convicted of “human smuggling.”" (p.22)
- "The Green Party will establish a Rapid Response force that will:
- Promote and support the United Nations’ international missions.
- Support the implementation of environmental protection measures." (p.23)
- "In Canada, we will create a merged “National Reserve and Coast Guard” to protect our air, sea and land from security threats." (p.24)
- The Green Party will:
- Work to establish a standing international peacekeeping force under UN control.
- Propose a reform of the UN Security Council, eliminating permanent memberships and vetoes.
- Renegotiate our multilateral trade agreements to include “fair trade” tariffs that protect human rights and our ecosystems.
- Propose a reform of the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank, having them placed under the authority of the UN general assembly." (p.24)
- "The Green party will:
- Require that new housing meet or exceed the R-2000 standard.
- Replace the Voluntary Challenge Registry with a serious program to reduce industrial emissions." (p.25)
Liberal Party - Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will reduce costs and help patients by: Scrapping the corporate-driven review of the Food and Drugs Act and enforcing a “precautionary principle” approach, ensuring that when there are uncertainties, decisions must err on the side of health and environmental safety." (p.13)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will kick start the clean air revolution by: Imposing hefty fines for polluters that match the clean-up costs (the polluter-pay principle)." (p.20)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will create jobs and clean the environment by: Replacing voluntary emission targets with mandatory emission targets for all manufacturers selling cars in Canada, mirroring California’s tough rules." (p.22)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will protect clean water by: Overhauling the Canadian Environmental Protection Act to reverse the current focus on voluntary action and replace it with mandatory pollution prevention measures for corporations and institutions." (p.25)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will fight toxics by:
- Creating jobs and working proactively to prevent further pollution - funded by applying the polluter-pay principle and requiring corporations and public bodies responsible for toxic waste to pay for the clean-up.
- Overhauling the Canadian Environmental Protection Act to reverse the current focus on voluntary action and replace it with mandatory pollution prevention measures for corporations and institutions." (p.26)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect biodiversity by:
- Implementing an endangered species law that protects habitats of species at risk and gives scientists, not politicians, responsibility for determining whether a species is at risk.
- Placing a moratorium on all new genetically engineered crops, particularly wheat, to protect Canadian markets overseas and changing current regulations so that biotech corporations must prove new technology is environmentally safe before it is used.
- Respecting Canadians’ right to know what they eat by implementing mandatory labelling for genetically engineered food, like that already in place in much of Europe, Asia and Australia." (p.27)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will build a more equal world by:
- Working with like-minded governments and legislators to implement the Tobin Tax on currency speculation, as approved by Parliament, by placing a miniscule tax on currency speculation transactions to generate investment capital in health, education and sustainable electricity projects in the developing world.
- Working with progressive legislators in other countries to replace undemocratic, corporate-driven trade deals like NAFTA and the WTO with agreements based on the principles of fair and equitable trade, which respect fair wages and working conditions, human rights, the environment and communities’ right to develop in accordance with their values.
- Strengthening the Special Economic Measures Act to enable Canada to implement economic sanctions on Canadian companies that contribute to serious human rights violations overseas.
- Amending the State Immunity Act to enable Canadians to sue foreign governments for torture, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
- Adopting legislation that allows criminal prosecution of Canadian-based corporations guilty of human rights violations overseas, mirroring legislation that allows prosecution of Canadian citizens for child sex offences committed overseas." (pp.28-29)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP are working for solutions to turn the rhetoric of women’s equality into reality by:
- Introducing proactive and effective pay equity laws, including timely, efficient, non-bureaucratic ways to help workers and employers resolve disputes and funding for education, training, information and enforcement.
- Working towards applying pay equity law to all employers in the federal sector regardless of size and to all employees regardless of employment status (full-time, part-time, temporary, casual, contract).
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will build diversity by:
- Improving the immigration and refugee system to make it speedier, fairer and more accountable.
- Eliminating Paul Martin’s head tax on immigrants, effectively regulating and enforcing tighter rules on private immigration consultants and their fees." (pp.35-36)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will respect equality by:
- Replacing the Anti-Terrorism Act with legislation that respects peaceful protest, freedom of the press and civil liberties.
- Introducing legislation that would ban racial profiling from federal departments and jurisdictions.
- Following the lead of the Northwest Territories and amending the Canada Human Rights Act to ensure a person cannot be discriminated against because of gender identity." (pp.37-38).
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will support Canadian culture by: Ordering the CRTC to enforce responsibility in the cable TV industry, get a handle on fee hikes, deal with the reduction of community access programming and rebalance regulations to put viewers’ interests first." (p.41)

- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP would work for fair trade by:

- Refusing to sign any agreement that contains investor state mechanisms, which let corporations overturn democratic decisions, and serving notice to renegotiate NAFTA, starting with the removal of Chapter 11. The powers contained in Chapter 11 have already prevented Canada from banning toxic chemicals.
- Working with progressive legislators and organizations in the United States and Mexico to achieve these reforms.
- Working with like-minded countries throughout the world to negotiate a fair trade agreement that respects existing environmental, social and labour treaties." (pp.44-45)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP would defend jobs by: Implementing federal laws to outlaw replacement workers in strikes or lockouts in areas of federal jurisdiction." (pp.46-47)

- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will protect pensions by: Making it illegal to underfund private pensions." (p.51)

- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will fight crime by:

- Making sentences and bail and release conditions tougher for repeat violent offenders under federal jurisdiction.
- Strengthening laws to combat organized crime and anti-gang laws, including better support for “megatrials” to prevent cases from falling apart, long delays and jury harassment.
- Protecting Canada’s children from sexual predators by supporting an effective national sex offender registry of people convicted of violent sexual crimes or sexual crimes against minors and by following the Manitoba example of posting pictures and details about sex offenders on a national web site to help citizens protect themselves.
- Banning the sale of all assault rifles and automatic weapons and prohibiting their import. Citizens in rural and remote areas and recreational hunters aren’t using these weapons, which have no place in civilian societies.
- Strengthening border controls and penalties for illegally importing guns into Canada.
- Ensuring transparency and accountability in corporate accounting by bringing Canadian regulations in line with the American regulations introduced after the Enron and WorldCom scandals." (pp.54-55)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will implement a Consumers Bill of Rights that will protect you by:
- Respecting consumers’ right to know what they eat by having mandatory labelling of genetically engineered food, as is in place throughout much of Europe, Asia and Australia.
- Toughening up government processes to catch government corruption and waste and introducing independent means to police the system to keep out partisan corporate cronyism.
- Establishing a do-not-call list for telemarketers and imposing tough sanctions on telemarketers who violate the list." (pp.56-57)
- "Jack Layton and Canada’s NDP will work for tax fairness by:
- Imposing hefty fines for polluters that match the clean-up costs (the polluter-pay principle).
- Cancelling all tax treaties with tax havens like Barbados. Canadian corporations should not be permitted to establish shell companies in tax havens and then bring profits home tax-free like Paul Martin did with his Canada Steamship Lines.
- Ending the practice of letting corporations deduct fines for environmental infractions or unsafe workplaces from their taxes.
- Closing corporate and very high income tax loopholes like the one that let a prominent Canadian family move $2 billion out of Canada through trust accounts and never pay a cent of income tax on the transaction." (pp.60-61)


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