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News Release
Democracy Watch Files Court Challenge of Prime
Minister's Federal Election
Call -- Violates Both Fixed Election Date Law and Charter
“What we have is a situation where the prime
minister is able
to choose the date of the election, not based necessarily on the
best interests
of the country but on the best interests of his or her political party.
I believe Bill C-16 would address those concerns. . . . "Instead of the Prime
Minister and a small group of advisers being the only ones who know when the
country will move into the next general election, when this bill is passed,
all Canadians will have that knowledge, which makes it fair. . . . This
Prime Minister will live by the law and spirit of this particular piece of
legislation. He and this government are driving this democratic reform.
Hon. Rob Nicholson (then-Leader of the Government
in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform), speaking in
the House of Commons on September 18, 2006 about the fixed election
date measures
in Bill C-16, which became law on May 3, 2007
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
OTTAWA - Today, Democracy Watch released details about the application
it has filed in the Federal Court of Canada challenging the legality of the
recent federal election call. (To see the Notice of Application,
click here; To see Democracy
Watch's legal arguments, click here;
To see Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher's Affidavit,
Part I (Affidavit and Exhibits A to F), click here and Part II (Exhibits
G to M), click here; To
see University of Toronto Professor of Political Science Lawrence LeDuc's
Affidavit in support of the case, click
here; To see University of Ottawa Professor of Law Errol Mendes
Affidavit in support of the case, click
Democracy Watch has filed a motion to have a hearing of its application
before the October 14th voting day. The motion will be considered by
the Federal Court on Thursday, October 2, 2008 at The D'Arcy McGee Building,
90 Sparks St. in Ottawa after 9:30 am. (To see the motion, click here)
Democracy Watch has applied for an order that Prime Minister Stephen Harper's
advice to the Governor General of Canada on September 7, 2008 to dissolve
Parliament and call an election violated the fixed election date measures
that Bill C-16 added to the Canada Elections Act because a vote of
in the Conservative government had not yet occurred in the House of Commons,
and therefore the dissolution of Parliament and the calling of the election
was illegal.
Democracy Watch is filing this case not only to challenge the calling of
the current election, but also to win a ruling that will prohibit future prime
ministers from calling elections before a vote of non-confidence in the House
of Commons has occurred.
Everything Conservative government Cabinet ministers and representatives
said about their Bill C-16 in the House of Commons and Senate made it clear
that the legal effect of the Bill is to require the government
(whether minority
or majority) to lose a vote of confidence in the House of Commons before the
Prime Minister can advise the Governor General to dissolve Parliament and
call an election:
"At this time, there is nothing stopping any
Prime Minister
who sees an electoral advantage from asking the Governor General to dissolve
Parliament and call an election, even though there is no issue that could
in any way be described as a confidence matter. However, under this
bill a Prime Minister would be restricted in that situation."
Hon. Rob Nicholson, speaking to a Senate Committee
on December 6, 2006
about the fixed election date measures in Bill C-16
Opposition party members in the House of Commons and Senate repeatedly
and specifically questioned Conservative Cabinet Minister Nicholson (who was
the Minister responsible at the time for the Bill) about how the Prime Minister
would be restricted if Bill C-16 became law, and he consistently said things
similar to what he told a Senate Committee on December 6, 2006, that "There
would have to be non-confidence votes taken by the opposition parties"
before the Prime Minister could advise the Governor General to call
an election.
Statements at the time by opposition party representatives make it clear
that their support of Bill C-16 (which was needed to pass the bill in
a minority
government situation) was based on the explanations by Minister Nicholson
and other representatives of the Conservative government that the
Bill prohibits
a prime minister from calling an election before a vote of non-confidence
in the government occurs in the House of Commons.
On May 3, 2007, when Bill C-16 became law, the Conservative government issued
a news release in which then-Minister for Democratic Reform Peter Van Loan
was quoted as saying "This important piece of legislation will
ensure fairness
in the electoral process by eliminating the power of the governing party
to call an election to capitalize on favourable political
In addition, Democracy Watch believes that, given the fixed election date
measures, Prime Minister Harper's election call violates section 3 of the
Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In three past cases, the
Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that section 3 includes the right to fair
As Minister Nicholson said about Bill C-16 in the House of Commons
on September
18, 2006: "This legislation provides greater fairness, increased
and predictability" for federal elections." He went on to detail
how advance notice of an election is more fair for people who want to run
as candidates, volunteer on campaigns, vote or participate in other ways.
"All of the evidence shows that the intent and effect of the fixed
election date measures prohibits the Prime Minister from calling an election
before his governing party has lost a confidence vote in the House of Commons,
something that did not occur before Prime Minister Harper called the current
federal election," said Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy
"As well, the clear intent of the fixed election date measures is
to make elections fair for all political parties and citizens wanting
to participate
in the election by letting everyone know well in advance when it will happen,
something that also did not occur when Prime Minister Harper suddenly called
the current federal election."
"For all these reasons, and to prevent future prime ministers from
call unfair snap elections, Democracy Watch is applying to the Federal Court
for a ruling that the calling of the current federal election was a violation
of the fixed election date law and Canadians' rights under the Charter,"
said Conacher.
Peter Rosenthal of the Toronto law firm Roach, Schwartz and Associates is
Democracy Watch's lawyer for the case. The case is Federal Court of
Canada file number T-1500-08.
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Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch,
Tel: (613) 241-5179
Peter Rosenthal, Lawyer for Democracy Watch
Tel: 416-657-1465
Democracy Watch's Federal
Election 2008 webpage
Democracy Watch homepage