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Media Release
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
OTTAWA - Today, as politicians in the Ontario legislature debate raising
their own pay based on the proposal introduced by Marie Bountrogianni,
the Liberal Ontario Government’s Minister Responsible for Democratic Renewal,
Democracy Watch called on Ontario politicians to focus on democratic reforms
that are in the public interest rather than changes that are only in their
"It shows just how out of touch, undemocratic and unethical many
of Ontario’s politicians are when they use the excessively high pay of
federal politicians as the reason to increase their own pay," said
Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch. "Instead of proposing
to increase politicians’ pay and perks, why is the Ontario Liberal government
not proposing to strengthen the Ontario government's overall accountability
system by strengthening ethics rules and giving opposition party leaders
a clear say in the appointment of key accountability and law enforcement
watchdogs, and by making it illegal for anyone to make secret political
donations or to lobby in secret, and for politicians to lie to the public
and to hold secret meetings?"
Ontario’s Integrity Commissioner Colter Osbourne made an error in judgement
when he recommended an increase in Ontario politicians’ pay because federal
MPs are paid 40 percent more. Instead, he should have pointed out
that when politicians are paid at a level that puts them in the top two
percent of income earners in the country (as federal politicians are),
their pay is too high and has the undemocratic effect of putting politicians
out of touch with the day-to-day concerns of voters.
Politicians who can easily afford private health care, private education
for their kids, private security for their home, and a private retreat
away from it all, and are dealing with private bankers and private shoppers,
are far less likely to share most voters' concerns about problems with
the public health care, public education and public services systems, problems
caused by polluting companies, and problems caused by unfair service and
gouging by banks, and by mutual fund, insurance, telecommunication and
energy utility companies.
Ontario’s politicians should recognize that they are in a conflict of
interest when voting on their own pay, and that if they are actually dedicated
to public service they would set aside acting in their self-interest and
focus instead on public interest changes to increase their own, and the
government’s, accountability.
"Ontarians deserve better politicians much more than Ontario politicians
deserve to be paid better. Much more needs to be done to ensure that
everyone in the Ontario government, and in Ontario's corporations, is effectively
required to act honestly, ethically, openly, efficiently and representatively,
and can be easily held accountable," said Conacher.
Democracy Watch and its four nation-wide coalitions propose the following
16 systemic changes that need to be made by Minister for Democratic Renewal
Marie Bountrogianni and the Ontario Cabinet to make Ontario an effectively
democratic society:
To empower citizens in their day-to-day relations with corporations
and government:
the government must help citizens band together and form broad-based, well-resourced,
democratically structured citizen watchdog groups over the insurance, investment
and utilities business sectors, and over public health care and government
ethics and spending, which it can do at no cost using the method that has
very successfully created such associations in several U.S. states (For
details, view Democracy Watch's Citizen Association
Campaign webpage);
To increase honest and ethics standards in the Ontario government:
an honesty-in-politics law must be passed covering politicians, appointees
and public servants and election campaigns, with complaints going to the
Ethics Commissioner, and very high fines as the penalty for lying to Ontarians
(To see details, go to Democracy Watch's Honesty
in Politics Campaign);
ethics rules for politicians, appointees, public servants and lobbyists
must be strengthened to match the much higher standard in in the current
Canadian federal ethics rules for Cabinet ministers, their staff, senior
government officials and lobbyists (including a multi-year ban on becoming
a lobbyist after leaving office, and a ban on lobbyists working on political
campaigns or for the government) -- See link to the federal Cabinet ethics
rules on the following webpage:
and to see the federal Lobbyists' Code of Conduct, click
To increase the openness of the Ontario government:
the access-to-information system must be strengthened by ensuring all government
institutions are covered by the law, ensuring that all officials must create
a record of all decisions and actions, and making all exemptions to disclosure
subject to a proof-of-harm test and public interest override (To see details,
go to Democracy Watch's Open Government
the lobbying disclosure system must be strengthened by requiring all Ministers,
junior ministers, and senior public officials to disclose who is lobbying
them (To see details, go to Democracy Watch's Government
Ethics Campaign)
whether or not Ministers and senior officials are required to disclose
who is lobbying them, lobbyists (whether paid or unpaid) must be required
to register even for gathering information, to disclose total spending
on lobbying campaigns, and to disclose past work with the government and
political parties (To see details, go to Democracy Watch's Government
Ethics Campaign);
To make the Ontario government more accountable and representative (To
see details, go to Democracy Watch's Voter
Rights Campaign):
opposition party leaders must be given a veto over the appointment of all
government accountability watchdogs (the Integrity Commissioner, the Information
and Privacy Commissioner, the Auditor General, the Election Commissioner)
after an independent, merit-based nomination process;
all government accountability watchdogs must be given the power to penalize
violators of the laws they enforce with high fines, and to order a clean-up
of any government institution's operations if they systemically increase
a law must be passed requiring all government institutions to use meaningful
public consultation methods when making all significant decisions;
To democratize the political donations and spending system in Ontario
see details, go to Democracy Watch's Money
in Politics Campaign):
disclosure must be required of all donations of money, property, in-kind
services and volunteer labour to candidates for political office, to candidates
for leadership of a political party, to politicians, to appointees, and
to public servants;
as the federal government has done partially, donations from corporations,
unions and other organizations of money, property, in-kind services and
volunteer labour must be banned, and donations from individuals must be
limited to a combined total of no more than $1,000 annually to each party
and its MPPs or candidates;
as the federal government has done, non-political parties (so-called "third-parties")
must be restricted in how much they can spend during election campaigns
to ensure that wealthy interests cannot dominate debates on issues nor
overwhelm individual candidates whose spending is limited;
To make the Ontario government and Ontario corporations more responsible:
anyone who "blows the whistle" about any violation of any law must have
an agency to complain to that can investigate, protect them from retaliation
and reward them if their allegations prove to be true (To see details,
go to Democracy Watch's Government Ethics
Campaign and Corporate Responsibility
for municipal governments, extend all of the measures set out above to
them and they will act much more responsibly than they do currently (as
will the Ontario government);
Ontario corporations should be required to disclose detailed information
about their records of compliance with labour, environmental, human rights,
consumer, health & safety, criminal, competition and tax laws and policies
to a government-run, accessible searchable, on-line database (To see details,
go to Democracy Watch's Corporate Responsibility
Campaign), and;
Ontario corporations that violate the law should be banned from receiving
any government subsidy, tax break, contract or grant (To see details, go
to Democracy Watch's Corporate Responsibility
"The Ontario government's overall accountability and corporate responsibility
systems are the scandal, and no one should be surprised to see scandalously
dishonest, unethical, secretive, wasteful and irresponsible behaviour by
government and corporate officials as long as these systems are full of
loopholes and ineffectively enforced." said Conacher.
Democracy Watch and the four nation-wide coalitions it coordinates will
continue to push the Ontario government to make the meaningful, democratizing
changes set out above.
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Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch
Tel: (613) 241-5179
Democracy Watch's Citizen Association
Democracy Watch's Corporate Responsibility
Democracy Watch's Voter Rights Campaign
Democracy Watch's Government Ethics
Decmocracy Watch's Honesty in Politics
Democracy Watch's Open Government
Democracy Watch's Money in Politics
Democracy Watch homepage