Questions and Answers
About Using the "Pamphlet Method" To Form and Fund
Associations To Watch Over Business Sectors and
Government Institutions
"Citizen association" is the name Democracy Watch
uses to describe groups organized using the Citizen
Utility Board (CUB) "pamphlet method". A CUB is
an independent, non-profit, organization of
residential utility ratepayers. CUBs exist in
four states in the U.S., and the first CUB was
organized in Wisconsin in 1979.
CUBs advocate for fair
telephone, electric, gas and water rates and sensible
energy policies before regulators, the government and
the courts. Individual CUBs can be set up for
each utility or one CUB can be set up to advocate for
some or all utility ratepayers together. The CUB
"pamphlet method" can be used to establish and
maintain citizen associations to watch over a wide
variety of business sectors and government
CUBs are created by a law passed by the government or
by an order of a utility regulatory commission.
The key to CUBs is the right (by law or order) to
enclose a pamphlet once or twice each year in the
billing envelopes that are sent to households by
utility companies. Usually, the government or
commission provides funding (a grant or loan) to the
CUB to print the first pamphlet. The pamphlet
informs consumers about the CUB and invites them to
join for a nominal annual membership fee ($30-40).
Alternatively, government
institutions or businesses can volunteer to enclose
the pamphlet, and as long as enough institutions or
businesses companies volunteer enough individuals
would receive the pamphlet to make the citizen
association viable.
"Piggybacking" the CUB
pamphlet with the utility bills is an effective way to
reach all individual ratepayers at little or no cost
to government or the utilities. About four
percent of consumers usually join a CUB. For
example, the first pamphlet for Illinois CUB was sent
out in 1983 in utility bill envelopes in that state,
and within six months it had 170,000 members and an
annual budget of about $2 million.
Every year, utility companies spend millions to
advocate for higher utility rates. Ironically,
the cost of the utilities' advocacy is passed on to
consumers through their utility bills. CUBs give
ratepayers a way to fight back. By pooling the
resources and funding of ratepayers, CUBs allow
ratepayers hire their own professional staff of
lawyers, lobbyists, and organizers to launch effective
challenges to unfair rate hikes. For example,
Illinois CUB has saved ratepayers more than $9 billion
over the years. CUBs also undertake extensive,
ongoing consumer education programs.
Citizen associations formed
in Canada using the CUB "pamphlet method" would do
similar activities as the CUBs have in the U.S. for
each sector they are formed to watch over.
Ratepayers who join a CUB control the group
through the election of regional delegates and its
board of directors. The board hires the CUB's
professional staff and determines the group's
policies. CUBs are democratic organizations.
CUBs are funded by voluntary contributions from
ratepayers. CUBs do not receive any ongoing
funding from government or utilities.
Citizen associations formed
in Canada using the CUB "pamphlet method" could have
the same democratic structure. Another
possibility is that a government could order by law
that a pamphlet be enclosed in government mailings (or
the mailings of a specific business sector) and the
pamphlet could invite people only to donate to a fund
to which existing citizen groups could apply for
The CUB "pamphlet method" can be used to create
citizen associations for a variety of government
institutions and business sectors, as follows (NOTE:
government institutions or businesses can volunteer to
enclose the pamphlet or, in addition to requiring a
pamphlet to be mailed out, governments can require
government institutions and/or businesses to include a
notice about a citizen association in emails they send
out to indviduals and customers):
- the federal or any provincial government could
include a pamphlet in tax return mailings, driver
license and other license renewal notice mailing,
and social assistance and pension cheque envelope
mailings -- the pamphlet would describe and either
invite citizens to join a group to watch
over government ethics, spending and services
(especially health care and welfare) and voter
rights, or to donate to a fund that
existing NGOs that watch over government in these
areas can apply to for funding;
- the federal government could require banks, trusts
and life and health insurance companies (or they
could volunteer) to enclose a one-page pamphlet in
their mailings to customers (bank statements, credit
card bills, annual policy statements) -- the
pamphlet would describe and invite individual
customers to join a Financial
Consumer Organization;
- the federal or Ontario government (or Ontario
Securities Commission) could require a group of
large, publicly traded corporations (or they could
volunteer) to enclose a one-page pamphlet in their
mailings to individual shareholders (annual and
biannual reports) -- the pamphlet would describe and
invite individual customers to join a Individual
Investor Organization;
- the federal government or CRTC could require
telephone and cable-TV companies (or they could
volunteer) to enclose a pamphlet in their customer
mailings (monthly billing envelopes) -- the pamphlet
would describe and invite customers to join a Telecommunications
Consumer Organization;
- the federal government could require airlines (or
they could volunteer) to hand out a pamphlet to
people boarding planes, and to enclose it in
in-flight magazines and in mailings to frequent
flyers -- the pamphlet would describe and invite
customers to join a Airline
Passengers Organization;
- provincial governments could require energy and
water utility companies (or they could volunteer) to
enclose a pamphlet in their mailings to customers
(monthly billing envelopes), and could require gas
stations (or they could volunteer) to hand out a
pamphlet to customers when they fill up -- the
pamphlet would describe and invite customers to join
an energy and water and
transportation sector watchdog group.
- the federal and provincial governments can require
businesses that sell forestry products (wood or
paper) to hand out a pamphlet to customers -- the
pamphlet would describe and invite customers to join
a forestry
industry watchdog group.