Join the "Money
in Politics Coalition" to push for a democratic
political finance system in Canada
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in Politics Campaign
You can't give money to a referee at a game. Can't give
money to a judge.
Yet, despite the passage of Bill C-24 in 2003, and Bill
C-2 in December 2006, it's still legal for wealthy special
interests to give unlimited amounts of money, property or
services in secret to candidates in federal nomination
races and federal party leadership races, and other
loopholes still exist in the federal political donations
Whether it's big banks trying to preserve their
government protections and subsidies, brand-name
pharmaceutical companies reaping billions of dollars from
patent laws, defence and aerospace companies receiving
lucrative contracts from the Department of National
Defence, or petrochemical companies opposing better
environmental laws -- the major political donors are
invariably those with the greatest stake in government
When these interests are bankrolling the political
process in secret, it is that much harder for other voices
to be heard.
Many of citizen groups who lobby for progressive reforms
in Canada understand all too well the influence that
powerful corporate lobbies can use to halt these reforms.
The problems with Canada's political finance system at
the federal level and in the provinces and territories are
well known. A long series of reports from Canada's
Chief Electoral Officers, and even a Royal Commission,
have thoroughly examined the loopholes and abuses of the
current system. And many of the solutions would be easy to
Every MP -- even opposition MPs -- got to Parliament Hill
through the current system, as did every provincial
politician get to their provincial legislature. They
need to hear from many Canadians before they will make the
system fully democratic and ethical.
We think MPs should belong to the people who elect them,
not to wealthy special interests.
Democracy Watch feels a common approach is essential on
this issue. Every politician, even those in opposition,
reached their position using the system that is currently
in place. Most have an interest in keeping the
loopholes in place, and it will take a large, broad-based
coalition to convince the federal poliotical parties that
the system should be made more accountable and
While these changes may appear difficult to attain, the
victories Democracy Watch has won by organizing the Canadian Community
Reinvestment Coalition -- including our success in
defeating the bank mergers in 1998 -- have taught
Democracy Watch that broad-based coalitions can overcome
even the wealthiest special interests.
We look forward to hearing from you.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate
to contact Duff Conacher at Tel: (613) 241-5179.
Democracy Watch can also be reached by fax at (613)
241-4758, and by email at:
Join the Money
in Politics Coalition
Sign on to the 10 Recommmendations to Clean-Up
Canada's Political Finance System
Democracy Watch's Money in Politics Coalition has been
formed to campaign for changes to Canada's electoral
finance laws to reduce the influence of wealthy interests
in Canadian politics.
Becoming a member group of the coalition is very
easy. Just sign on to the 10 Recommendations to Clean
Up Canada's Political Finance System, set out below
and send a note to
stating that your group wants to join the Coalition.
Fifty citizen groups, including 17 national groups and
33 groups from six provinces and the Northwest
Territories, have signed on to the recommendations, as
Alliance for Public Accountability, Alternatives North,
Association communautaire d'emprunt de Montréal
(ACEM), Association coopérative d'économie
familiale de l'est de Montréal, Association de
protection des épargnants et investisseurs du
Québec (APEIQ), Auto-Free Ottawa, Canadian Friends
of Burma, Canadian Labour Congress, Centre for Equality
Rights in Accommodation, Centre for Social Justice,
Citizens Council on Corporate Issues, Citizens for Public
Justice, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT),
Community Opportunity and Innovation Network Inc. (COIN),
Council of Canadians (Red Deer chapter), Defence of
Canadian Liberty Committee, Democracy Watch, End
Legislated Poverty, Enviro-Clare, Forest Protection Allies
(FORPA), Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, Greenpeace,
Guideposts for a Sustainable Future, International Fund
for Animal Welfare, Law Union of Ontario, LIFE*SPIN, Low
Income Families Together (LIFT), Medical Reform Group,
MiningWatch Canada, National Action Committee on the
Status of Women, New Economy Development Group,
Non-Smokers' Rights Association, Nova Scotia Public
Interest Research Group, Ontario Public Interest Research
Group-Brock, Ontario Public Interest Research
Group-Guelph, Ontario Public Interest Research
Group-Toronto, Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada, Project
Genesis, Quebec Public Interest Research Group-Concordia,
RESULTS Canada, Saskatchewan Action Committee on the
Status of Women, Sierra Club of Canada, Simon Fraser
Public Interest Research Group, Social Change Associates,
Social Planning Council of Ottawa-Carleton, Sustainability
Project, Toronto Disaster Relief Committee, Toronto Small
Business Support Organization, Vancouver Island Public
Interest Research Group, World Inter-Action Mondiale.
Recommendations to Clean-Up Canada's Political Finance
- donation limits and disclosure requirements are
needed for “volunteer labour” donated to parties and
candidates during nomination race, election and party
leadership campaigns, to close this existing secret
donations loophole;
- loans to parties, riding associations, nomination
race candidates, election candidates and party
leadership candidates from corporations, unions and all
other types of organizations must be banned (as
donations have been), and loans from individuals must be
limited (as donations have been) so that loans cannot be
used to influence the government and politicians;
- as political party leadership campaign candidates are
required to do, all candidates and parties must be
required to disclose publicly all donations, gifts, and
the status of any loans, during the week before election
day, so voters know who is bankrolling campaigns;
- disclosure of the identity of each individual donor's
employer must be required (as in the U.S.) and
disclosure of each donor's direct organizational
affiliations must also be required (to help ensure that
corporations, unions and other organizations are not
funnelling donations through their employees or board
- secret, unlimited donations to candidates in
nomination race and political party leadership campaigns
must be banned (NOTE: Bill C-2 (the FAA) bans secret
donations to election candidates, but not to nomination
race nor to party leadership candidates);
- secret donations are still effectively allowed
because the federal Conservatives are not complying with
the UN Convention Against Corruption nor other
international standards that require the monitoring of
the bank accounts of all public officials who have
decision-making power (for details, go to: Democracy Watch's
December 8, 2006 news release);
- the penalty for taking a secret donation from a trust
fund or violating an order to terminate a secret trust
fund must be increased to $100,000 (NOTE : the FAA
establishes ridiculously low penalties of $500 to
- establish public funding that matches the donations
made to any nomination race, election, and party
leadership candidate who raises a specific minimum
amount of money that shows they have voter support;
- lower the public funding of political parties from
$1.75 per vote received to $0.75 per vote received (to
ensure that in order to prosper parties need to have
active, ongoing support of a broad base of individuals)
and ensure riding associations receive a fair share of
this funding (to decrease the control of party
headquarters over riding associations), and;
- spending limits must be established for political
party leadership campaigns to ensure a level playing
field for all candidates (spending by nomination race
candidates, election candidates, and political parties
is already limited during campaigns).
Watch's Money in
Politics Campaign