1. Facilitating citizen
watchdog groups over corporations - Require federally regulated corporate
sectors to enclose one-page pamphlets periodically in their mailings to
citizens inviting citizens to join citizen-funded and directed groups to
represent citizen interests in policy-making and enforcement processes
of key federal corporate sectors (airlines, telecommunications, banks and
other financial institutions, shareholder rights) as has been done in the
U.S. and recommended for Canadian banks and other financial institutions
in 1998 by a federal task force, a House of Commons Committee, and a Senate
Committee. (Go to Citizen Association
Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
Conservative Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - F
- "94. Ensure adequate funding for national organizations such as National
Action Committee and other bodies committed to improving the status of
women." (p.18)
Liberal Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
2. Requiring corporations
to address stakeholder concerns - Require all federally regulated corporations
to take into account the interests of all stakeholders when making decisions
and undertaking activities, and to account publicly how they have done
so. (Go to
Corporate Responsibility
Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - B-
- "Le Bloc Québécois demande au gouvernement fédéral
de prendre, dès que le Tribunal canadien du commerce extérieur
l’en aura autorisé, des mesures de sauvegarde pour protéger
l’industrie du meuble des importations chinoises." (p.74)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à exiger
l'instauration d'un programme de soutien au revenu pour les travailleurs
âgés sur le modèle de l’ancien PATA." (p.77)
- "Le Bloc Québécois presse le gouvernement fédéral
de réviser ses positions dans les négociations commerciales
pour faire en sorte d’inclure dans les accords commerciaux des clauses
prévoyant le respect de règles minimales en terme de droit
du travail, de respect des droits de la personne et de l’environnement."
- "Le Bloc Québécois considère que le Canada,
pour être crédible sur cette question, doit rapidement signer
les grandes conventions de l'Organisation internationale du travail contre
les discriminations, le travail forcé et le travail des enfants,
pour le droit d'association syndicale et la libre négociation."
- "Le Bloc Québécois enjoint le gouvernement fédéral
de revoir ses programmes de soutien économique afin de les rendre
concrètement accessibles et de les adapter aux besoins spécifiques
des entreprises d'économie sociale et des coopératives."
- "Le Bloc Québécois demandera au gouvernement fédéral
de s'inspirer des mesures fiscales québécoises applicables
aux coopératives et insistera sur l'adoption de deux mesures visant
à encourager les membres et les employés à investir
dans la capitalisation de leur coopérative : l'instauration d'une
déduction fiscale pour les investissements dans les parts coopératives
et l'autorisation du report de l'impôt sur les ristournes que les
sociétaires laissent dans leur coopérative." (p.83)
- "Le Bloc Québécois déposera à nouveau
un projet de loi anti-briseurs de grève à la Chambre des
communes et reviendra à la charge tant qu’il ne sera pas adopté."
- "Le Bloc Québécois demande que soit remplacer le modèle
existant d’équité salariale reposant sur des plaintes par
une nouvelle loi distincte et proactive en matière d’équité
salariale qui ferait de l’équité salariale un droit fondamental
de la personne conformément à ce qui existe au Québec."
- "Le Bloc Québécois s'engage à déposer
un projet de loi qui obligera les entreprises de téléphonie
et de communications à offrir tous les services partout sur le territoire
qu'elles desservent." (p.143)
Conservative Party - C-
- "A Conservative government will: - Develop a Clean Air Act to legislate
the reduction of smog-causing pollutants such as Nitrogen Oxides (NOx),
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter. - Address the issue of greenhouse
gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), with a made-in-Canada plan,
emphasising new technologies, developed in concert with the provinces and
in coordination with other major industrial countries. - Ensure water quality
by addressing environmental issues such as the need for aquifer mapping,
protection of the Great Lakes Basin, banning interbasin water transfers,
imposing substantial penalties for illegal bilge oil dumping, and ensuring
adequate watershed management and methods to ensure water quality and quantity.
- Clean up federal contaminated sites and encourage the private sector
to clean up brownfields. - Require 5 percent average renewable content
in Canadian gasoline and diesel fuel, such as ethanol and biodiesel, by
2010." (p.37)
Green Party - A-
- "1. Eliminate the use of the most dangerous toxic chemicals by 2008.
2. Prohibit the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes. 3. Make industry
accountable for its chemicals and impose significant pollution taxes on
harmful chemicals until they can be eliminated. 4. Regulate chemicals in
consumer products through the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA).
5. Mandate a CEPA taskforce to focus on pollution reduction in the Great
Lakes basin. 6. Create a Clean Canada Fund to clean up toxic sites. 7.
Re-focus the Canadian Environmental Protection Act on pollution prevention.
8. Ban the incineration of imported toxic waste." (p.5)
- "9. Enact product stewardship legislation that would require wood
producers to increase the life span of their products and to assume the
full recycling and disposal costs of products. 10. Work with provinces,
First Nations and the logging industry to create federal standards and
best practices that ensure the sustainability of our forests. 12. In collaboration
with the provinces and territories, pursue Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
certification of all forestry conditional upon compliance to its 10 principles
on crown lands and encourage the same on private lands." (p.6)
- "16. Stop any and all bulk water exports by renegotiating or saying
no to trade deals that allow corporations to strip our watersheds of freshwater
and disrupt entire ecosystems. 17. Amend the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
to enshrine the right of future Canadians to an ecological heritage that
includes breathable air and drinkable water. 18. Restore ecosystem health
to Canada's coastline and inland watersheds by funding improvements to
municipal wastewater treatment systems, with particular emphasis on ensuring
shoreline communities and industries stop dumping untreated waste into
rivers, lakes and oceans." (p.7)
- "19. Rescind all uranium-mining permits and prohibit the export of
fissionable nuclear material. 20. Promote life-cycle product stewardship
of metals to ensure that once mined, they remain in economic service for
generations. 21. End all subsidies to the mining sector to ensure full-cost
accounting. 22. Work with provinces, territories and industry to ensure
that all mining operations are insured for environmental liabilities and
have an adequate pre-funded plan for remediation when the mine closes.
23. Introduce and regulate the mining industry under an International Corporate
Social Responsibility Act." (p.8)
- "34. Shift taxes on fossil fuels to earlier stages in the production
cycle to encourage competition among companies to lower operating costs
while reducing emissions. 35. Increase emission reduction targets for large
industrial emitters to at least 55 Megatonnes above and beyond other policies
and measures that reduce
industrial emissions. 36. Targets should be based on actual emissions,
not emissions intensity per unit of production, and all data should be
available for public scrutiny. 37. Expand the proposed National Emissions
Trading System so that it will ensure real emission reductions across sectors.
38. Use revenue from tradable pollution permits to offset tax breaks for
increasing energy efficiency and industry initiatives that reduce fuel
consumption." (pp.9-10)
- "43. Legislate stronger, more effective antitrust laws in concentrated
industry sectors." (p.11)
- "46. Sign and implement the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, ensuring
that the adoption of new products is guided by the precautionary principle,
which balances the economic benefits of innovation with public health and
ecological integrity. 47. Strengthen and enforce Canada's Species at Risk
Act in partnership with the provinces and territories to protect all species
at risk and their habitats." (p.12)
- "53. Ban bottom dragging and lead efforts for a global ban on harmful
fishing practices." (p.12)
- "54. Support local, provincial and territorial genetically engineered
free zones and pass legislation requiring labeling of genetically engineered
foods." (p.12)
- "58. Reform the regulatory environment of agriculture to challenge
corporate concentration, eliminate international dumping and subsidies,
and continue to allow seed saving by farmers." (p.13)
- "63. Pass a law that forbids the patenting of life forms and makes
biotech developers of genetically engineered crops liable for damage such
crops might cause." (p.13)
- "71. Enforce a mandatory target of 25 per cent better fuel efficiency
for the automobile industry and increase standards over the next 5 years."
- "84. Develop tax incentives for companies to meet the highest standards
of gender and pay equity. 86. Implement full pay equity for women employed
in the federal sector. 87. Sign the UN's global initiative for the elimination
of discrimination and violence against women, and review Canada's performance
to ensure it becomes and remains a world leader in fighting discrimination
and violence against women. 90. Make eliminating institutional racism a
top priority of Status of Women Canada's strategy to end violence and abuse
facing Aboriginal women. 92. Mandate the CRTC to regulate and receive complaints
about the advertising industry." (pp.17-18)
- "128. Provide incentives for companies to reduce stress in the workplace
and promote emotional health. 129. Increase taxes on tobacco products,
alcohol and junk food. 130. Rapidly reduce the release of carcinogens,
mutagens, neurotoxins and endocrine-disrupting chemicals into the food
chain. 131. Introduce mandatory labelling of all foods containing genetically
modified organisms. 132. Ban the sub-therapeutic use of agricultural antibiotics
and hormones. 137. Ban all non-natural pesticides and insecticides by the
year 2010 and provide alternatives for farmers. 141. Prohibit reproductive
cloning and require a Health Canada license for any organization or institution
that performs genetic manipulation for commercial or scientific purposes."
- "147. Create a "Comprehensive Anti-Poverty Strategy for Canada,"
which will: - Toughen regulations to ensure fair treatment and better wage
standards for all working Canadians. . . 149. Enforce measures to ensure
that corporate pension plans are adequately funded. 151. Create tax incentives
for businesses to implement flexible schedules and on-site childcare. 152.
Implement a managed reduction in the standard workweek to thirty-five work
hours per week. 158. Combat racism in hiring practices and give greater
recognition to foreign qualifications." (pp.25-26)
- "206. Support the provision of royalty-free and low-cost AIDS medicines
for Africa, Asia and South America." (p.33)
- "207. Work with other nations to eliminate unsustainable fishing
in international waters and create a system of marine sanctuaries. Press
for custodial management of fish stocks on the Grand Banks." (p.33)
- "215. Renegotiate our multilateral trade agreements, such as NAFTA
and the upcoming FTAA, to include fair trade tariffs that work to protect
human rights and our ecosystems, as well as terminate investor-state dispute
mechanisms that erode Canada's sovereignty and environmental laws. 216.
Propose a reform of the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank, placing these
institutions under the authority of the UN general assembly, and shift
the direction of international trade away from "free trade" to "fair trade"
focusing on the global protection of human rights, labour standards, cultural
diversity, and ecosystems." (p.34)
Liberal Party - C+
- "Positioning Canada in Global Business Networks: The Liberal government
will invest almost $500 million over the next five years to implement CAN-Trade,
a comprehensive network of services and programs. This new trade promotion
strategy will better position Canadian firms, particularly small and medium-sized
enterprises, in China, India and other priority markets. Highlights include:
. . . - A Corporate Social Responsibility Centre which, in partnership
with the private sector, will help ensure that Canadian activities in emerging
markets foster social and environmental as well as economic goals; and
- The Sustainable Cities Initiative, which links Canadian companies to
opportunities for improving the sustainability of major cities in developing
nations." (pp.47-48)
- "In April 2005, the Martin government released Moving Forward on
Climate Change which details an ambitious strategy to meet Canada’s Kyoto
protocol commitments by reducing “greenhouse gases,” like CO2 and methane,
that are the main culprits behind global warming. Key measures include:
- The Climate Fund - A $1 billion market-based institution will buy “emission
reduction credits” from businesses, farmers, and others who invest to cut
greenhouse gas generation in their activities. - The Partnership Fund,
which will allow us to work with provinces and territories to meet our
climate change objectives through support for large strategic projects
that result in significant emission reductions. Funding of $2 to $3 billion
will be made available over 10 years. - Regulatory measures that will establish
“caps” on emissions by large industries and a 25% reduction target for
automakers." (p.65)
- "CLEAN AIR: Our climate change plan is improving air quality
across Canada, with associated benefits for health and quality of life.
A Liberal government will do more to ensure clean air through the following
measures: - Monitoring and standards - Expand air quality monitoring and
reporting through the new Air Quality Index. It will provide Canadians
with the information needed to protect their health. We will complement
this by developing national air emission standards for smog-forming pollutants
and toxic emissions and will work with the US to upgrade our joint air
quality agreement. We will also lead the way in the UN Environmental Program
initiative to develop a Global Mercury Reduction Agreement with key countries
such as China. - Renewable fuels standard - Introduce in cooperation with
provinces and territories, a National Renewable Fuels Standard requiring,
within five years, an average 5% renewable fuels content (e.g., biofuels
like ethanol) in all gasoline and diesel fuel sold in Canada. We will maintain
the excise tax exemption for biofuels. This initiative will contribute
to cleaner air while stimulating a new biofuels industry in Canada and
creating an important new market for farmers. CLEAN WATER: The National
Ecosystem Initiative and Revitalization Plan: A Liberal government, supported
by the provinces, banned the bulk removal of water from Canada’s watersheds.
Those watersheds require our on-going stewardship. If re-elected, a Liberal
government will implement a 10-year, $1 billion National Ecosystem Initiative
and Revitalization Plan. The Plan covers the world’s largest freshwater
ecosystem, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin, as well as other key
waterways under stress, including the Lake Winnipeg watershed. It will
include actions to identify and restore the significantly threatened ecosystems
that incorporate our waterways. These ecological systems are home to well
over half of Canada’s population and generate 75 per cent of Canada’s manufacturing
output and 25 per cent of agricultural activity. The National Ecosystem
Initiative builds on federal, provincial, and municipal sharedcost programs
such as the Great Lakes Action Plan and the St.Lawrence Action Plan. While
these initiatives have made a significant difference in many areas, more
needs to be done to deal with key threats to our foremost ecosystems. The
National Ecosystem Initiative will restore the areas contaminated by past
actions - such as industrial toxins in the water and sediment, lost habitat,
contaminated fish and wildlife - and keep pace with growth and development
by addressing increased discharges from a higher population, intensive
agricultural use, and new challenges such as nonpoint source contamination
from the use of pharmaceuticals. The government will continue to address
point-source pollution from industrial discharges into the water through
federal regulations such as Canadian Environmental Protection Act and the
Fisheries Act." (pp.66-67)
- "The Montreal Action Plan on Climate Change: The Liberal government
invited the world to Canada as the host of the recently concluded United
Nations Conference on Climate Change: Montreal 2005, because it understands
that Canada must assume its international responsibilities if we are to
address the environmental challenges that face this country and the world
as a whole. This successful conference brought together over 180 countries
to create the Montreal Action Plan, a road map for the world’s future approach
to cooperation on climate change. As Canada’s Presidency of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change continues through 2006,
a Liberal government would lead the implementation of this plan." (p.68)
New Democrat Party - A-
- "Cut wasteful and inefficient spending on tax giveaways to large
corporations, where those funds are given away without requiring that a
single job be created, a single person trained, or a single dollar invested.
We will stop the $10 billion in waste in this area proposed by the Liberals
in their November 2005 election platform “economic statement”." (p.4)
- "Revitalizing and building on the national Employment Insurance Program
— in consultation with provincial, territorial governments and labour and
management EI partners - to make EI a key resource for public training
strategies and programs." (p.8)
- "Stop further privatization and protect public health care from being
dismantled and privatized. . . . Reduce health costs to families, by phasing
in a national prescription drug program." (p.10)
- "Building on the offer of the provinces and territories and work
together towards the establishment of a national prescription drug plan,
which would be phased in beginning with coverage for key catastrophic drug
costs and gradually expanding coverage, as finances permit, until the plan
is universal in application. - Beginning by phasing out the evergreening
of patent drugs so cheaper generic drugs can come to market sooner. And
the ban on direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals so there is
less unnecessary prescribing of drug therapies." (p.12)
- "Jack Layton and the NDP will work to introduce and pass three major
laws that will crack down on big polluters and help guarantee a cleaner
environment for current and future generations. - Clean Water Act: to establish
national standards and protection for drinking water, including those jurisdictions
under federal control such as First Nations reserves. Water quality regulations
under this law would include standards for solid waste disposal, dump management,
mine site operations and rehabilitation, forestry and farming practices,
and pesticide use. - Clean Air Act: to set and pursue a target that lives
up to our responsibilities to the Kyoto Accord to address air pollution.
. . . The NDP’s Clean Air Act will undo the damage caused by Liberal neglect
and set a firm target - by 2020, Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions will
be 25% below what they were in 1990. - Polluter Pay and Toxic Pollution
Reduction Act: to overhaul the Canadian Environmental Protection Act -
Canada’s national pollution law - to introduce the polluter pays concept
and to replace the current emphasis on voluntary action with mandatory
pollution prevention measures." (p.13)
- "Fight smog by implementing a green car strategy: ? Encourage the
manufacturing of lower or zero-emission vehicles in Canada, the kind of
new models we need to keep auto plants open. - Establish mandatory vehicle
emission standards, opposed by the Liberals, applicable to all vehicles
and modeled on the tough California emissions standards. - Provide financial
incentives for purchasers of alternative-fuel vehicles, support the development
of a domestic market and domestic R&D and component production." (p.17)
- "Protect the moratorium against drilling for oil off the coast of
British Columbia, and oppose drilling for oil in the Great Lakes." (p.17)
- "We favour respecting consumers’ right to know through mandatory
labelling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)." (p.19)
- "Reassert strong leadership on Great Lakes protection issues, beginning
with a strong position on the re-negotiation with the United States of
the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement." (p.19)
- "Commit to sustaining Canada’s ancient forests for future generations.
The NDP will work with provincial and territorial governments, stakeholders,
forest communities, First Nations, and environmentalists to protect Canada’s
large intact forests (such as the Boreal Forest) and include adequate preserves,
and that sustainable forest management be practiced." (p.19)
- "Improve Canada’s environmental rules regarding endangered species
so that politics does not trump best available science when it comes to
our responsibility for species that are at risk." (p.19)
- "Transforming NAFTA in order to achieve a fair trade policy. Deeper
economic integration with the United States is not working for Canada.
In light of recent and on-going trade disputes, the time has come for the
parties to NAFTA to take a new look at the treaty, and to find ways to
make it work in the cause of fair trade. We favour elimination of Chapter
11 (which, in our view, unreasonably limits Canada’s sovereignty in regulating
investment). We also favour changes to address the serious shortcomings
of the treaty provisions on energy and water. These issues require a broad
consensus ? and there is a striking consensus emerging about them across
Canada. To build on this growing consensus, we favour a public review of
every aspect of the impact of NAFTA on the Canadian economy and Canadian
public policy including tariffs, dispute resolution, energy, corporate
regulation and ownership and culture." (p.28)
- "Bring balance to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal to include
the interests of workers and communities as well as businesses." (p.29)
- "Working with farmers to ensure the right to save and reuse seed.
The right to reuse seed will be a fundamental principle of Canada’s international
aid development." (p.29)
- "Ensure fair wages and working standards, including: - Increasing
the minimum wage to $10 an hour for workers under federal jurisdiction.
- As an important step towards fairness for women, implementing the recommendations
in the Pay Equity Task Force Final Report. - Implementing federal laws
to outlaw replacement workers in strikes or lockouts in areas of federal
jurisdiction, something the Liberals oppose." (p.31)
- "Introduce legislation to create an independent watchdog on oil and
gas prices that will report to Parliament, to help protect against future
gouging by the big gas and oil companies." (p.31)
- "Strengthen Canada’s homegrown film and television production by:
- Directing the CRTC to require clear, binding, monitored and enforced
performance standards for broadcasters, including a significant and permanent
increase in the production and broadcast of Canadian drama." (p.32)
- "Protecting pensions by: - Implementing a pension benefits insurance
system for employees under federal jurisdiction, and invite provincial
and territorial governments to join the system. - Building on the success
of the NDP’s Wage Earner Protection Act (Bill C-55) and introduce amendments
to Canada’s bankruptcy laws to put the economic interests of workers first.
This would give both severance pay and unfunded pension liabilities priority
in the allocation of corporate assets in bankruptcy. - Ensuring that workers’
pensions are protected by introducing changes to eliminate the practice
of employer-contribution holidays and to tighten the rules to prevent employer
underfunding of pension plans." (p.37)
3. Making corporate
watchdog agencies more independent and effective - Make all watchdog
agencies for corporations (for example: CRTC, Financial Consumer Agency
of Canada, Canadian Transportation Agency) more independent from Cabinet
by giving opposition party leaders a veto over appointees, and more effective
by giving them adequate resources, and full powers to investigate allegations
of violations and to penalize violators. (Go to Corporate
Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - B-
- "Le Bloc Québécois considère qu'un processus
formel d'examen des nominations des hauts fonctionnaires et des dirigeants
de sociétés d'État doit être une priorité
du nouveau gouvernement. Les comités parlementaires doivent être
au cœur du processus décisionnel et aucune nomination ne devrait
être effectuée contre l'avis des comités." (p.31)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera de travailler à
dépolitiser le processus de nomination des juges." (p.33)
Conservative Party - B-
- "A Conservative government will: - Ensure that all Officers of Parliament
are appointed through consultation with all parties in the House of Commons
and confirmed through a secret ballot of all Members of Parliament, not
just named by the Prime Minister. This appointment process will cover:
- The Ethics Commissioner - The Auditor General - The Chief Electoral Officer
- The Information Commissioner - The Privacy Commissioner - The Registrar
of Lobbyists -- Establish a Public Appointments Commission to set merit-based
requirements for appointments to government boards, commissions, and agencies,
to ensure that competitions for posts are widely publicized and fairly
conducted. -- Prevent ministerial aides and other political appointees
receiving favoured treatment when applying for public service positions."
Green Party - B-
- "172. Create a Government Accountability Act to ensure that all those
who monitor government are selected at arms length from those they monitor,
and to guarantee transparency and openness for all government activities."
- "181. Reinforce the political independence of public sector employees
- especially scientists and professionals with responsibility for such
areas as fisheries science and drug licensing." (p.29)
- "183. Reform the appointments system to discourage patronage." (p.29)
Liberal Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - B
- "Make appointments on merit, not on political connections." (p.24)
- "Ensure that prior to the appointment of Supreme Court Judges, an
independent committee would provide the House of Commons Justice Committee
with criteria for examination and debate. Judicial appointments would be
measured against public criteria." (p.25)
- "End abuses in the appointment of other public officials by: - Converting
more Governor-in-Council (GIC) appointments to normal public service positions.
- Establishing an independent advisory committee to develop criteria for
GIC appointments and to act as a central clearing house for appointment
recommendations to the Prime Minister and responsible Ministers. - Requiring
approval by Parliamentary Committees of appointments of senior officers
and board members of government agencies and Crown Corporations." (p.25)
- "Bring balance to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal to include
the interests of workers and communities as well as businesses." (p.29)
- "Strengthen Canada’s homegrown film and television production by:
- Reviewing and restructuring the CRTC to avoid the mixed mandates and
conflicts of interest that undermine the role of the commission in promoting
and protecting Canadian cultural industries." (p.32)
4. Ensuring loophole-free
laws and strong penalties for wrongdoers - Close any technical and
other loopholes that have been identified in laws, regulations, policies,
codes, guidelines and rules (especially those regulating large corporations)
to help ensure strong enforcement, and increase financial penalties for
violations to a level that significantly effects the annual revenues/budget
of the corporation. (Go to Corporate
Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - B+
- "Le Bloc Québécois demande donc au gouvernement fédéral
de négocier rapidement avec le Québec une entente qui permettra
au Québec de se retirer avec pleine compensation de tous les programmes
fédéraux de mise en œuvre de Kyoto, de façon à
lui permettre d’appliquer des mesures appropriées sur son territoire
pour lutter contre les changements climatiques." (p.47)
- "Pour que le Québec puisse participer au système des
crédits compensatoires, ce qui est souhaitable, le Bloc Québécois
demandera au gouvernement fédéral : - de revoir la cible
des pétrolières qui est trop faible, comme nous l’avons expliqué
plus haut; - de ne pas acheter lui-même des crédits, ni à
l’étranger, ni aux organisations; - de renoncer à assumer
une partie du coût des crédits que devront acheter les grands
polluteurs pour se conformer à leur cible." (p.47)
- "Le Bloc Québécois propose également au gouvernement
fédéral d’inscrire les crédits domestiques émis
dans le cadre du Protocole de Kyoto à la Bourse de Montréal
qui bénéficie déjà d’une expertise réputée
dans les produits dérivés." (p.48)
- "Le Bloc Québécois demandera : - une réglementation
sévère sur les normes de fabrication des véhicules
qui prévoira de lourdes pénalités en cas de non respect;
- l'élimination de la TPS sur l'achat de véhicules neufs
consommant moins de 5 litres d’essence au 100 Km; - l’octroi de subventions
à des organismes qui travaillent pour la lutte aux changements climatiques
comme le CEVEQ; - la création d'une déduction fiscale sur
les laissez-passer pour les transports en commun; - l’étiquetage
écoénergétique obligatoire sur les véhicules
neufs ou usagés vendus au Canada." (p.48)
- "Le Bloc Québécois exige que le gouvernement fédéral
adopte une politique obligatoire d'étiquetage des OGM, qu'il ratifie
le Protocole de Carthagène et qu'il établisse des zones de
protection contre les semences OGM." (p.49)
- "Le Bloc Québécois presse le gouvernement fédéral
de réviser ses positions dans les négociations commerciales
pour faire en sorte d’inclure dans les accords commerciaux des clauses
prévoyant le respect de règles minimales en terme de droit
du travail, de respect des droits de la personne et de l’environnement."
- "Le Bloc Québécois considère que le Canada,
pour être crédible sur cette question, doit rapidement signer
les grandes conventions de l'Organisation internationale du travail contre
les discriminations, le travail forcé et le travail des enfants,
pour le droit d'association syndicale et la libre négociation."
- "Le Bloc Québécois demande des changements aux lois
commerciales canadiennes pour permettre aux travailleurs de déposer
des requêtes au Tribunal canadien du commerce extérieur. Il
a d’ailleurs déjà déposé un projet de loi en
ce sens." (p.78)
- "Le Bloc Québécois presse le gouvernement fédéral
d'entamer rapidement des négociations avec les États-Unis
et le Mexique pour voir à corriger les faiblesses de l'ALÉNA,
notamment celles relatives au mécanisme de règlement des
différends commerciaux." (p.79)
- "Le Bloc Québécois s'engage à poursuivre ses
actions en vue d’augmenter l’encadrement des pétrolières
notamment par un renforcement de la Loi sur la concurrence." (pp.79-80)
- "Le Bloc Québécois propose une majoration de l’actuelle
surtaxe applicable à l’impôt des sociétés. Cette
surtaxe ne viserait que les pétrolières et permettrait au
gouvernement fédéral d’aller chercher près de 500
millions $ par année." (p.81)
- "Le Bloc Québécois déposera à nouveau
un projet de loi anti-briseurs de grève à la Chambre des
communes et reviendra à la charge tant qu’il ne sera pas adopté."
- "Le Bloc Québécois déposera à nouveau
un projet de loi qui permettra aux Québécoises d’avoir des
droits et une protection uniformes en cas de retraits préventifs."
- ". . . Le Bloc Québécois est intervenu pour corriger
la situation actuelle qui est déficiente et a appuyé pleinement
le projet de loi C-55 qui instaure le Programme de protection des salaires,
permettant ainsi aux travailleurs de récupérer une bonne
partie du salaire auquel ils ont droit lors de la faillite de leur employeur.
Le Bloc Québécois s’assurera, au cours de la prochaine législature,
que ce programme soit instauré." (p.116)
- "Le Bloc Québécois s’engage à déposer
de nouveau un projet de loi qui vient en aide aux victimes de harcèlement
psychologique qui travaillent à l’intérieur de la fonction
publique et celles qui sont régies par le Code canadien du travail."
- "Le Bloc Québécois demande que soit remplacer le modèle
existant d’équité salariale reposant sur des plaintes par
une nouvelle loi distincte et proactive en matière d’équité
salariale qui ferait de l’équité salariale un droit fondamental
de la personne conformément à ce qui existe au Québec."
- "Le Bloc Québécois propose que le gouvernement fédéral
convie les différents intervenants liés à cette problématique
à une rencontre pancanadienne afin de trouver des solutions durables
à ce problème récurrent." (p.123)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera d’exiger l’abolition
des dispositions de l’impôt sur le revenu qui permet aux entreprises
canadiennes d’éviter de payer leur juste part d’impôt en s’établissant
à la Barbade, un paradis fiscal." (p.126)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à dénoncer
l’entente fiscale Canada?Barbade, qui permet aux entreprises et aux individus
canadiens de profiter de ce paradis fiscal pour échapper à
leur devoir fiscal. . . . Le Bloc Québécois va déposer
un projet de loi visant à annuler les modifications apportées
l’article 250 (6) de la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu." (p.126)
- "Afin d’amorcer dès maintenant un virage important en ce qui
a trait à l’avenir du Saint-Laurent, le Bloc Québécois
va mettre de l’avant les positions suivantes au cours des prochains mois
: . . . - signer et mettre en œuvre la Convention internationale de 2004
pour le contrôle et la gestion des eaux de ballast et sédiments
des navires." (p.137)
- "Le Bloc Québécois déposera un projet de loi
obligeant le gouvernement à mettre en place une procédure
d'examen pour les plaintes des citoyens relatives au bruit du transport
ferroviaire et donnant à l'Office des transports le mandat de régler
les différends pouvant survenir entre les sociétés
ferroviaires et les sociétés de transport public." (p.158)
- "Le Bloc Québécois s’engage à déposer
de nouveau ce projet de loi qui permet d’encourager les citoyens à
utiliser les transports en commun et ainsi de réduire l’émission
des gaz à effet de serre." (p.160)
- "Le Bloc Québécois favorise l'embauche d'inspecteurs
itinérants par l'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments pour
encadrer, et par là favoriser, la transformation à la ferme,
qu'il s'agisse de l'abattage des animaux, de la fabrication de fromages
ou autres. (p.165)
- "Le Bloc Québécois réclame du gouvernement
fédéral qu'il mette en œuvre les recommandations du rapport
du Comité de pêches et océans adopté en juin
2002. Le rapport propose une approche plus agressive du Canada sur la scène
internationale et en particulier au sein de l'Organisation des pêches
de l'Atlantique nord-ouest (OPANO)." (p.174)
- "Le Bloc Québécois continuera à combattre
l’utilisation des pavillons de complaisance et pressera le gouvernement
de ratifier la Convention des Nations Unies sur les conditions d’immatriculation
des navires qui vise à limiter l’importance des pavillons de complaisance."
- "Le Bloc Québécois a déjà déposé
un projet de loi pour permettre à Ottawa d’empêcher une entreprise
de poursuivre des activités qui provoquent des conflits ou des violations
aux droits de la personne à l’étranger. Il s’engage à
le faire à nouveau dans son prochain mandat." (p.194)
Conservative Party - C-
- "Restore the Canada Ports Police disbanded by the Liberals, which
resulted in the growth of organized crime at Canada’s seaports." (p.25)
- "A Conservative government will: - Develop a Clean Air Act to legislate
the reduction of smog-causing pollutants such as Nitrogen Oxides (NOx),
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter. - Address the issue of greenhouse
gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), with a made-in-Canada plan,
emphasising new technologies, developed in concert with the provinces and
in coordination with other major industrial countries. - Ensure water quality
by addressing environmental issues such as the need for aquifer mapping,
protection of the Great Lakes Basin, banning interbasin water transfers,
imposing substantial penalties for illegal bilge oil dumping, and ensuring
adequate watershed management and methods to ensure water quality and quantity.
- Clean up federal contaminated sites and encourage the private sector
to clean up brownfields. - Require 5 percent average renewable content
in Canadian gasoline and diesel fuel, such as ethanol and
biodiesel, by 2010." (p.37)
Green Party - B+
- "3. Make industry accountable for its chemicals and impose significant
pollution taxes on harmful chemicals until they can be eliminated. 4. Regulate
chemicals in consumer products through the Canadian Environmental Protection
Act (CEPA). 5. Mandate a CEPA taskforce to focus on pollution reduction
in the Great Lakes basin. 7. Re-focus the Canadian Environmental Protection
Act on pollution prevention. 8. Ban the incineration of imported toxic
waste." (p.5)
- "9. Enact product stewardship legislation that would require wood
producers to increase the life span of their products and to assume the
full recycling and disposal costs of products. 10. Work with provinces,
First Nations and the logging industry to create federal standards and
best practices that ensure the sustainability of our forests. 12. In collaboration
with the provinces and territories, pursue Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
certification of all forestry conditional upon compliance to its 10 principles
on crown lands and encourage the same on private lands." (p.6)
- "16. Stop any and all bulk water exports by renegotiating or saying
no to trade deals that allow corporations to strip our watersheds of freshwater
and disrupt
entire ecosystems. 17. Amend the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to
enshrine the right of future Canadians to an ecological heritage that includes
breathable air and drinkable water. 18. Restore ecosystem health to Canada's
coastline and inland watersheds by funding improvements to municipal wastewater
treatment systems, with particular emphasis on ensuring shoreline communities
and industries stop dumping untreated waste into rivers, lakes and oceans."
- "19. Rescind all uranium-mining permits and prohibit the export of
fissionable nuclear material. 20. Promote life-cycle product stewardship
of metals to ensure that once mined, they remain in economic service for
generations. 21. End all subsidies to the mining sector to ensure full-cost
accounting. 22. Work with provinces, territories and industry to ensure
that all mining operations are insured for environmental liabilities and
have an adequate pre-funded plan for remediation when the mine closes.
23. Introduce and regulate the mining industry under an International Corporate
Social Responsibility Act." (p.8)
- "34. Shift taxes on fossil fuels to earlier stages in the production
cycle to encourage competition among companies to lower operating costs
while reducing emissions. 35. Increase emission reduction targets for large
industrial emitters to at least 55 Megatonnes above and beyond other policies
and measures that reduce
industrial emissions. 36. Targets should be based on actual emissions,
not emissions intensity per unit of production, and all data should be
available for public scrutiny. 37. Expand the proposed National Emissions
Trading System so that it will ensure real emission reductions across sectors.
38. Use revenue from tradable pollution permits to offset tax breaks for
increasing energy efficiency and industry initiatives that reduce fuel
consumption." (pp.9-10)
- "43. Legislate stronger, more effective antitrust laws in concentrated
industry sectors." (p.11)
- "46. Sign and implement the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, ensuring
that the adoption of new products is guided by the precautionary principle,
which balances the economic benefits of innovation with public health and
ecological integrity. 47. Strengthen and enforce Canada's Species at Risk
Act in partnership with the provinces and territories to protect all species
at risk and their habitats." (p.12)
- "53. Ban bottom dragging and lead efforts for a global ban on harmful
fishing practices." (p.12)
- "54. Support local, provincial and territorial genetically engineered
free zones and pass legislation requiring labeling of genetically engineered
foods." (p.12)
- "58. Reform the regulatory environment of agriculture to challenge
corporate concentration, eliminate international dumping and subsidies,
and continue to allow seed saving by farmers." (p.13)
- "63. Pass a law that forbids the patenting of life forms and makes
biotech developers of genetically engineered crops liable for damage such
crops might cause." (p.13)
- "71. Enforce a mandatory target of 25 per cent better fuel efficiency
for the automobile industry and increase standards over the next 5 years."
- "84. Develop tax incentives for companies to meet the highest standards
of gender and pay equity. 86. Implement full pay equity for women employed
in the federal sector. 87. Sign the UN's global initiative for the elimination
of discrimination and violence against women, and review Canada's performance
to ensure it becomes and remains a world leader in fighting discrimination
and violence against women. 90. Make eliminating institutional racism a
top priority of Status of Women Canada's strategy to end violence and abuse
facing Aboriginal women. 92. Mandate the CRTC to regulate and receive complaints
about the advertising industry." (pp.17-18)
- "121. Use the full force of the Canada Health Act, federal spending
power and the notwithstanding clause of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
to oppose any steps that open the way to two-tier health care in Canada."
- "128. Provide incentives for companies to reduce stress in the workplace
and promote emotional health. 129. Increase taxes on tobacco products,
alcohol and junk food. 130. Rapidly reduce the release of carcinogens,
mutagens, neurotoxins and endocrine-disrupting chemicals into the food
chain. 131. Introduce mandatory labelling of all foods containing genetically
modified organisms. 132. Ban the sub-therapeutic use of agricultural antibiotics
and hormones. 137. Ban all non-natural pesticides and insecticides by the
year 2010 and provide alternatives for farmers. 141. Prohibit reproductive
cloning and require a Health Canada license for any organization or institution
that performs genetic manipulation for commercial or scientific purposes."
- "147. Create a "Comprehensive Anti-Poverty Strategy for Canada,"
which will: - Toughen regulations to ensure fair treatment and better wage
standards for all working Canadians. . . 149. Enforce measures to ensure
that corporate pension plans are adequately funded. 151. Create tax incentives
for businesses to implement flexible schedules and on-site childcare. 152.
Implement a managed reduction in the standard workweek to thirty-five work
hours per week. 158. Combat racism in hiring practices and give greater
recognition to foreign qualifications." (pp.25-26)
- "194. Close all loopholes that permit the establishment of offshore
tax havens by Canadian companies." (p.31)
- "206. Support the provision of royalty-free and low-cost AIDS medicines
for Africa, Asia and South America." (p.33)
- "207. Work with other nations to eliminate unsustainable fishing
in international waters and create a system of marine sanctuaries. Press
for custodial management of fish stocks on the Grand Banks." (p.33)
- "209. Work to increase the influence of the International Court of
Justice." (p.33)
- "215. Renegotiate our multilateral trade agreements, such as NAFTA
and the upcoming FTAA, to include fair trade tariffs that work to protect
human rights and our ecosystems, as well as terminate investor-state dispute
mechanisms that erode Canada's sovereignty and environmental laws. 216.
Propose a reform of the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank, placing these
institutions under the authority of the UN general assembly, and shift
the direction of international trade away from "free trade" to "fair trade"
focusing on the global protection of human rights, labour standards, cultural
diversity, and ecosystems." (p.34)
Liberal Party - C
- "Positioning Canada in Global Business Networks: The Liberal government
will invest almost $500 million over the next five years to implement CAN-Trade,
a comprehensive network of services and programs. This new trade promotion
strategy will better position Canadian firms, particularly small and medium-sized
enterprises, in China, India and other priority markets. Highlights include:
. . . - A Corporate Social Responsibility Centre which, in partnership
with the private sector, will help ensure that Canadian activities in emerging
markets foster social and environmental as well as economic goals; and
- The Sustainable Cities Initiative, which links Canadian companies to
opportunities for improving the sustainability of major cities in developing
nations." (pp.47-48)
- "In April 2005, the Martin government released Moving Forward on
Climate Change which details an ambitious strategy to meet Canada’s Kyoto
protocol commitments by reducing “greenhouse gases,” like CO2 and methane,
that are the main culprits behind global warming. Key measures include:
- The Climate Fund - A $1 billion market-based institution will buy “emission
reduction credits” from businesses, farmers, and others who invest to cut
greenhouse gas generation in their activities. - The Partnership Fund,
which will allow us to work with provinces and territories to meet our
climate change objectives through support for large strategic projects
that result in significant emission reductions. Funding of $2 to $3 billion
will be made available over 10 years. - Regulatory measures that will establish
“caps” on emissions by large industries and a 25% reduction target for
automakers." (p.65)
- "CLEAN AIR: Our climate change plan is improving air quality
across Canada, with associated benefits for health and quality of life.
A Liberal government will do more to ensure clean air through the following
measures: - Monitoring and standards - Expand air quality monitoring and
reporting through the new Air Quality Index. It will provide Canadians
with the information needed to protect their health. We will complement
this by developing national air emission standards for smog-forming pollutants
and toxic emissions and will work with the US to upgrade our joint air
quality agreement. We will also lead the way in the UN Environmental Program
initiative to develop a Global Mercury Reduction Agreement with key countries
such as China. - Renewable fuels standard - Introduce in cooperation with
provinces and territories, a National Renewable Fuels Standard requiring,
within five years, an average 5% renewable fuels content (e.g., biofuels
like ethanol) in all gasoline and diesel fuel sold in Canada. We will maintain
the excise tax exemption for biofuels. This initiative will contribute
to cleaner air while stimulating a new biofuels industry in Canada and
creating an important new market for farmers. CLEAN WATER: The National
Ecosystem Initiative and Revitalization Plan: A Liberal government, supported
by the provinces, banned the bulk removal of water from Canada’s watersheds.
Those watersheds require our on-going stewardship. If re-elected, a Liberal
government will implement a 10-year, $1 billion National Ecosystem Initiative
and Revitalization Plan. The Plan covers the world’s largest freshwater
ecosystem, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin, as well as other key
waterways under stress, including the Lake Winnipeg watershed. It will
include actions to identify and restore the significantly threatened ecosystems
that incorporate our waterways. These ecological systems are home to well
over half of Canada’s population and generate 75 per cent of Canada’s manufacturing
output and 25 per cent of agricultural activity. The National Ecosystem
Initiative builds on federal, provincial, and municipal sharedcost programs
such as the Great Lakes Action Plan and the St.Lawrence Action Plan. While
these initiatives have made a significant difference in many areas, more
needs to be done to deal with key threats to our foremost ecosystems. The
National Ecosystem Initiative will restore the areas contaminated by past
actions - such as industrial toxins in the water and sediment, lost habitat,
contaminated fish and wildlife - and keep pace with growth and development
by addressing increased discharges from a higher population, intensive
agricultural use, and new challenges such as nonpoint source contamination
from the use of pharmaceuticals. The government will continue to address
point-source pollution from industrial discharges into the water through
federal regulations such as Canadian Environmental Protection Act and the
Fisheries Act." (pp.66-67)
- "The Montreal Action Plan on Climate Change: The Liberal government
invited the world to Canada as the host of the recently concluded United
Nations Conference on Climate Change: Montreal 2005, because it understands
that Canada must assume its international responsibilities if we are to
address the environmental challenges that face this country and the world
as a whole. This successful conference brought together over 180 countries
to create the Montreal Action Plan, a road map for the world’s future approach
to cooperation on climate change. As Canada’s Presidency of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change continues through 2006,
a Liberal government would lead the implementation of this plan." (p.68)
New Democrat Party - B+
- "Cut wasteful and inefficient spending on tax giveaways to large
corporations, where those funds are given away without requiring that a
single job be created, a single person trained, or a single dollar invested.
We will stop the $10 billion in waste in this area proposed by the Liberals
in their November 2005 election platform “economic statement”." (p.4)
- "Stop further privatization and protect public health care from being
dismantled and privatized. (p.10)
- "Beginning by phasing out the evergreening of patent drugs so cheaper
generic drugs can come to market sooner. And the ban on direct-to-consumer
advertising of pharmaceuticals so there is less unnecessary prescribing
of drug therapies." (p.12)
- "Jack Layton and the NDP will work to introduce and pass three major
laws that will crack down on big polluters and help guarantee a cleaner
environment for current and future generations. - Clean Water Act: to establish
national standards and protection for drinking water, including those jurisdictions
under federal control such as First Nations reserves. Water quality regulations
under this law would include standards for solid waste disposal, dump management,
mine site operations and rehabilitation, forestry and farming practices,
and pesticide use. - Clean Air Act: to set and pursue a target that lives
up to our responsibilities to the Kyoto Accord to address air pollution.
. . . The NDP’s Clean Air Act will undo the damage caused by Liberal neglect
and set a firm target ? by 2020, Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions will
be 25% below what they were in 1990. - Polluter Pay and Toxic Pollution
Reduction Act: to overhaul the Canadian Environmental Protection Act ?
Canada’s national pollution law ? to introduce the polluter pays concept
and to replace the current emphasis on voluntary action with mandatory
pollution prevention measures." (p.13)
- "Fight smog by implementing a green car strategy: . . . ? Establish
mandatory vehicle emission standards, opposed by the Liberals, applicable
to all vehicles and modeled on the tough California emissions standards."
- "Require all new appliances sold in Canada to meet the Energy Star
standard." (p.17)
- "Protect the moratorium against drilling for oil off the coast of
British Columbia, and oppose drilling for oil in the Great Lakes." (p.17)
- "We favour respecting consumers’ right to know through mandatory
labelling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)." (p.19)
- "Reassert strong leadership on Great Lakes protection issues, beginning
with a strong position on the re-negotiation with the United States of
the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement." (p.19)
- "Commit to sustaining Canada’s ancient forests for future generations.
The NDP will work with provincial and territorial governments, stakeholders,
forest communities, First Nations, and environmentalists to protect Canada’s
large intact forests (such as the Boreal Forest) and include adequate preserves,
and that sustainable forest management be practiced." (p.19)
- "Improve Canada’s environmental rules regarding endangered species
so that politics does not trump best available science when it comes to
our responsibility for species that are at risk." (p.19)
- "Transforming NAFTA in order to achieve a fair trade policy. Deeper
economic integration with the United States is not working for Canada.
In light of recent and on-going trade disputes, the time has come for the
parties to NAFTA to take a new look at the treaty, and to find ways to
make it work in the cause of fair trade. We favour elimination of Chapter
11 (which, in our view, unreasonably limits Canada’s sovereignty in regulating
investment). We also favour changes to address the serious shortcomings
of the treaty provisions on energy and water. These issues require a broad
consensus ? and there is a striking consensus emerging about them across
Canada. To build on this growing consensus, we favour a public review of
every aspect of the impact of NAFTA on the Canadian economy and Canadian
public policy including tariffs, dispute resolution, energy, corporate
regulation and ownership and culture." (p.28)
- "Bring balance to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal to include
the interests of workers and communities as well as businesses." (p.29)
- "Working with farmers to ensure the right to save and reuse seed.
The right to reuse seed will be a fundamental principle of Canada’s international
aid development." (p.29)
- "Ensure fair wages and working standards, including: ? Increasing
the minimum wage to $10 an hour for workers under federal jurisdiction.
- As an important step towards fairness for women, implementing the recommendations
in the Pay Equity Task Force Final Report. - Implementing federal laws
to outlaw replacement workers in strikes or lockouts in areas of federal
jurisdiction, something the Liberals oppose." (p.31)
- "Introduce legislation to create an independent watchdog on oil and
gas prices that will report to Parliament, to help protect against future
gouging by the big gas and oil companies." (p.31)
- "Strengthen Canada’s homegrown film and television production by:
- Directing the CRTC to require clear, binding, monitored and enforced
performance standards for broadcasters, including a significant and permanent
increase in the production and broadcast of Canadian drama." (p.32)
- "Protecting pensions by: - Implementing a pension benefits insurance
system for employees under federal jurisdiction, and invite provincial
and territorial governments to join the system. - Building on the success
of the NDP’s Wage Earner Protection Act (Bill C-55) and introduce amendments
to Canada’s bankruptcy laws to put the economic interests of workers first.
This would give both severance pay and unfunded pension liabilities priority
in the allocation of corporate assets in bankruptcy. - Ensuring that workers’
pensions are protected by introducing changes to eliminate the practice
of employer-contribution holidays and to tighten the rules to prevent employer
underfunding of pension plans." (p.37)
5. Exposing corporate
wrongdoing - Require all federally regulated corporations to disclose
all convictions and settlements for violations of laws, regulations, policies,
codes, guidelines or rules on an easily accessible, searchable, government-maintained
website, so that consumers and investors can more easily make fully informed
choices in the marketplace. (Go to Corporate
Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
Conservative Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
6. Penalizing corporate
wrongdoing - Prohibit all corporations that violate domestic or international
laws, regulations, policies, codes, guidelines or rules from receiving
any federal government contracts, grants, subsidies, investments, customs/trade
status, tax credits or deductions. (Go to Corporate
Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
Conservative Party - F-
- "A Conservative government will: - Retain tax incentives such as
the super flow-through share program. These measures are critical to Canada’s
vibrant and effective financial market for mining. - Streamline regulatory
processes related to the mining industry. We will implement the recommendations
of the External Advisory Committee on Smart Regulation related to mining,
such as a “single window” approach to federal regulatory bodies in the
North for the oil and gas and mining sectors." (p.19)
Green Party - B
- "3. Make industry accountable for its chemicals and impose significant
pollution taxes on harmful chemicals until they can be eliminated." (p.5)
- "21. End all subsidies to the mining sector to ensure full-cost accounting."
- "24. End all federal subsidies to fossil fuel sectors and discontinue
exploration, drilling and extraction in ecologically sensitive areas."
- "34. Shift taxes on fossil fuels to earlier stages in the production
cycle to encourage competition among companies to lower operating costs
while reducing emissions. 38. Use revenue from tradable pollution permits
to offset tax breaks for increasing energy efficiency and industry initiatives
that reduce fuel consumption." (pp.9-10)
- "40. Begin a partial, gradual, revenue neutral tax shift from income,
consumption and business taxes to resource use taxes, pollution taxes and
land value levies reflecting corporate profits. 41. Review the Green tax
shift every 3 years in order to monitor progress and readjust fiscal imbalances."
- "57. Shift government-supported research away from biotechnology
and energyintensive farming and toward organic food production." (p.13)
- "99. Toughen the regulations governing the practices of immigration
consultants; ensure enforcement and increase penalties for those convicted
of human smuggling." (p.19)
- "128. Provide incentives for companies to reduce stress in the workplace
and promote emotional health. 129. Increase taxes on tobacco products,
alcohol and junk food." (p.24)
Liberal Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - B
- "Establish a national energy retrofit program for residential, commercial,
industrial and government buildings based on successful models used by
local and provincial governments. In this proven job-creating program,
the government would contribute money up front, which would be repaid from
energy savings in the future. - Introduce new building codes for homes
and industrial, commercial and institutional buildings and provide financial
incentives for the construction of buildings that meet these new codes.
- Improve the energy efficiency of our transportation system: - Provide
significantly increased federal funding for public transit, rail transport
and rail passenger services, and low-impact transportation options including
cycling and pedestrian facilities. - Require a phased-in substitution of
Canadian ethanol from local inputs for non-renewable fuel sources to 10%
of motor vehicle fuel by 2010 and target increases in reliance on biodiesel
fuel." (p.17)
- "Fight smog by implementing a green car strategy. - Encourage the
manufacturing of lower or zero-emission vehicles in Canada, the kind of
new models we need to keep auto plants open. - Provide financial incentives
for purchasers of alternative-fuel vehicles, support the development of
a domestic market and domestic R&D and component production." (p.17)
- "Provide financial incentives for energy production from solar,
wind, water, biomass and other renewable sources for electricity production
and from industrial co-generation and small-scale community facilities."
- "Exercise federal government leadership and provide financial support
for the establishment of an east-west power grid to assist provinces dependent
on non-renewable energy to reduce their fossil fuel consumption and fight
smog." (p.17)
- "Phase out subsidies for non-renewable energy production and consumption,
and invest these public dollars into renewable energy sources all within
a revenue-neutral framework." (p.17)
- "Provide no new federal financial support to nuclear power production."
7. Ensuring effective
whistleblower protection - Require everyone to report any violation
of any law, regulation, policy, code, guideline or rule, and give all watchdog
agencies for corporations (for example: CRTC, Financial Consumer Agency
of Canada, Canadian Transportation Agency, Competition Bureau) full powers
to protect anyone who reports a violation (so-called "whistleblowers")
from retaliation, to investigate the alleged violation, and to reward whistleblowers
whose allegations are proven to be true. (Go to Corporate
Responsibility Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - C
- "Le Bloc Québécois proposera d’améliorer le
système de dénonciation des actes répréhensibles
et la protection de dénonciateurs dans le secteur public en : -
réclamant que le nouveau commissaire soit approuvé par les
chefs de l’opposition; - s’assurant que le gouvernement n’ait pas la possibilité
d’exclure les sociétés d'État, les fondations et tout
autre organisme fédéral de l'application de la loi; - en
accordant au commissaire plus de latitude afin de corriger le tort imposé
aux dénonciateurs; - facilitant aux dénonciateurs l’accès
aux tribunaux; - s’assurant que la nouvelle loi ne serve pas de prétexte
au gouvernement pour restreindre le droit à l’accès à
l’information." (p.28)
Conservative Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - B-
- "175. Support effective whistle-blower protection for public and
private sector employees." (p.29)
Liberal Party - D
- "A Paul Martin government will immediately submit Judge Gomery’s
second report to a Parliamentary Committee for study and advice to the
government and to Parliament." (p.77)
- A Liberal government will continue to explore the underpinnings of
democratic renewal" (p.77)
- "In the coming year, a Liberal government will engage in dialogue
with Canadians to define the values and principles they wish to see reflected
in their democratic institutions." (p.77)
New Democrat Party - B+
- "Pass a new Protection of Whistleblowers Act, applicable to both
the private and public sectors that: - Provides legal protection from reprisal
for those who disclose wrongdoing internally or externally, including imposing
fines and jail sentences against individuals who engage in reprisals. -
Establishes a whistleblower officer selected by, and reporting to Parliament
who has broad powers of investigation and reporting." (p.25)
8. Increasing bank accountability
- Require banks and trust companies to prove that their service charges
and credit card interest rates do not amount to gouging, to disclose details
about their service, lending and investment activities so that discriminatory
patterns can be revealed and corrected (as in the U.S. - this requirement
must also be applied to the federal government's financial institutions
such as the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), Export Development
Canada, Techonology Partnerships Fund and the regional investment funds),
and to prove that branch closures are justified; and don't allow any bank
or trust company to grow larger through mergers or takeovers if their record
is poor. (Go to Bank Accountability
Campaign for details about Democracy Watch's proposals)
Bloc Québécois - B-
- "Étant donné la concentration déjà très
forte du secteur bancaire au Canada, le Bloc Québécois s’est
opposé à toute fusion entre les grandes banques canadiennes,
à moins qu’elles fassent la démonstration devant les comités
parlementaires concernés que cela va dans le sens de l’intérêt
public. Le Bloc Québécois maintiendra cette position."
- "Le Bloc Québécois est déterminé
à participer au vaste mouvement international visant à modifier
la Loi sur les Accords de Bretton Woods et des accords connexes afin que
ces accords incluent le respect des droits humains et sociaux comme faisant
partie intégrante du mandat du Fonds monétaire international
et de la Banque mondiale afin que l’élaboration des politiques de
ces organismes tienne compte des effets de celles-ci sur les progrès
ou les régressions du respect des droits humains." (p.186)
Conservative Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
Green Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
Liberal Party - I
- Nothing related to proposal in platform
New Democrat Party - B-
- "Improving small business access to loans. Banks, a main provider
of capital for small business activity, are currently unaccountable for
their performance. The NDP supports performance requirements for bank loans,
information on fees and service charges. We would add protections to ensure
that access to loans is not denied because of the size of a business."
- "Modifying the regulation of credit cards to address small business
concerns over increasing fee levels charged for credit card acceptance."
(p.29) |