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Bill giving Elections Canada more powers and making false election phone calls essentially impossible still needs to be passed, and Elections Canada must still disclose its rulings on more than 2,280 complaints it received since 2004

Set out below is a letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Tyler Sommers which was published in the Winnipeg Free Press on March 14, 2012 

The resolution on Elections Canada, which Democracy Watch proposed two weeks ago, that was presented by the NDP and supported by the government and passed by the House of Commons on March 12th is a step forward in preventing election fraud and ensuring that Canadian election laws are enforced fairly and effectively.  However, the public needs to see the full bill in order to understand exactly what the parties are seeking to pass and we must remain vigilant and push for final approval for the bill when the time comes.


It is also important for MPs to require Elections Canada to immediately release the results of past investigations and rulings on the almost 2,300 complaints received since 2004, so Canadians can tell whether Elections Canada has been enforcing the law properly and fairly.


We also need this information to ensure that similar situations to the current robocalls fiasco have been dealt with appropriately in the past, as it seems very likely the robocall situation is the tip of the iceberg and there are many, many other situations that raise serious questions about whether federal elections in Canada have been conducted fairly since 2004.

For more details, go to Democracy Watch's Voter Rights Campaign page