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List of Democracy Watch's News Releases and Op-Eds 2003 to 2006
on Canada's Government Ethics and Lobbying Regulation Systems

Set out below are links to news releases and op-eds Democracy Watch has issued from 2003 to 2006 as part of its Government Ethics Campaign aimed at strengthening the rules, enforcement and penalties in Canada's government ethics and lobbying regulation systems, along with some links to newspaper articles on the same issues.

The list only extends back to the beginning of 2003 because that year Bill C-4 was introduced in Canada's federal Parliament proposing changes to the ethics and lobbying enforcement systems, and Bill C-15 was also introduced proposing changes to the federal Lobbyists Registration Act and federal lobbying enforcement system.

The list ends at the end of 2006 because Bill C-2, the so-called "Federal Accountability Act" was passed into law in December 2006 and made several more key changes to the federal government's ethics and lobbying regulation and enforcement system.

To see Democracy Watch's news releases and op-eds about the Canada's federal ethics and lobbying enforcement systems from before 2003, and after 2006, please follow the links on the Government Ethics Campaign webpage.

To see the details about Democracy Watch's court challenges of the Canada's federal ethics ethics and lobbying enforcement systems and ethics complaints Democracy Watch has filed, click here

Democracy Watch's past News Releases and Op-Eds about the Canadian federal government's ethics enforcement system (in chronological order):

Gaps in Ethics Enforcement Must Be Closed to Ensure Honest, Ethical Government (February 6, 2003)

Ethically Challenged Martin an Example of Systemic Problem with Parliamentarians (February 28, 2003)

Senators, MPs Trying to Protect Themselves from Ethics Accountability (April 17, 2003)

Fatal Flaws in Ethics Watchdogs Bill C-34 -- Watchdogs Lack Coherence, Independence, Transparency and Accountability  (May 20, 2003)

Public Will Be Banned From Complaining About Unethical Politicians, Or Challenging Ethics Rulings -- Fatal Flaws Undermine Bill C-34 (June 10, 2003)

Liberals Want New Ethics Watchdog To Be An Unaccountable Government Lapdog (June 11, 2003)

Democracy Watch Calls on Senate, and PM to Strengthen Bill C-4 and Other Measures to Ensure Effective Ethics/Spending Enforcement (February 17, 2004)

Democracy Watch Hails Passage of Bill C-4, Ethics Enforcement for Federal Politicians Closer Than Ever in Canadian History (March 31, 2004)

Federal Ethics Commissioner Continues Completely Ineffective Enforcement of Cabinet Ethics Rules (Hill Times, April 25, 2005)

Ethics Commissioner Process Biased, Flawed -- Impartial Inquiry Needed into Sgro Affair (May 10, 2005)

Group Calls on Ethics Commissioner to Rule On Deal Making by Prime Minister, MPs and PMO Staffer (May 20, 2005)

Ethics Commissioner Must Rule on PMO Staffer, Fails To Fulfill Legal Duties By Refusing To Do So (June 7, 2005)

Ethics Commissioner Ruling on Sgro Affair Biased, Flawed -- Avoids Many Key Issues (June 21, 2005)

Ethics Commissioner Again Ignores Rules in Grewal Ruling, Testifies at Illegal House Committee Hearing (June 23, 2005)

RADIO PIECE: Federal Ethics Commissioner Bernard Shapiro Lacks Expertise, and is Biased Against Fulfilling His Legal Duties Properly (June 25, 2005 - To listen to the piece, scroll down on the page this link takes you to and click on the link to the June 25, 2005 show -- the piece starts 12 minutes, 40 seconds into the show, and ends 20 minutes, 50 seconds into the show)

Group Files Ethics Complaint Against Ethics Commissioner, Calls for Resignation (June 29, 2005)

Group Files Court Challenge of Federal Ethics Commissioner, Registrar of Lobbyists (September 29, 2005) - Ethics Court Case 2005 Application (September 20, 2005)

Lobbying Laws Endanger the Public - Allow for Secret, Unethical Lobbying (Globe and Mail, October 12, 2005)

NDP's "Ethics" Package Fails to Address Many Key Ethics Gaps in Federal Government (October 15, 2005)

Dingwall and TPC Mess Could Have Been Avoided if Former Ethics Counsellor and Lobbyist Registrar Had Done Their Jobs Properly (October 17, 2005)

Federal Liberals' Lobbying Scandal is 11 Years Old (Hill Times, October 24, 2005)

Paul Martin and Almost All Liberal Ministers, MPs, Staff, Appointees Responsible for Adscam -- Broke Integrity Promises, Should Not Be Trusted Now (November 2, 2005)

Gomery's Second Report, Parties Now and in Election, Must Clean Up System to Prevent Future Scandals (November 3, 2005)

Conservatives' Ethics Accountability Pledges Much Better Than Other Parties, But Still Have Key Gaps (November 4, 2005)

Federal Liberals Delay and Deceive on Democratic Reforms (November 10, 2005)

Senate Should Pass Bill C-11, All Federal Parties Should Match Conservatives' Pledge to Strengthen Whistleblower Protection System After Election (November 17, 2005)

Conservatives Only Party Making Comprehensive Government Accountability/Democratic Reform Pledges So Far in Election, NDP Better Than Liberals, Bloc or Greens (December 22, 2005)

WEBSITE ARTICLE: Federal Conservatives' platform missing pledge to ensure that lobbyists can't work for government departments, or have connections with companies that do such work (PoliticsWatch.com, January 13, 2006)

REPORT CARD: Federal Conservative Party Has Best Government Accountability Election Platform -- NDP, Greens, Bloc Tied Not Far Behind, Liberal Grades Much Worse -- All Platforms Still Have Key Gaps. . . (January 18, 2006) -- See also WEBSITE ARTICLE on CTV.ca's website about this news release by clicking here and WEBSITE ARTICLE on Canoe.ca website about this news release by clicking here

RADIO INTERVIEW: Duff Conacher on CBC Radio's "The Current" re: the federal Conservative Party's plan to enact a "Federal Accountability Act" with 52 measures and likely recommendations in the second Gomery Commission Report (February 1, 2006 -- To listen to the interview, scroll down on the page this link takes you to and click on the "Part 1" link -- the interview starts 2 minutes 40 seconds into Part 1 of the show and runs to the 17-minute point of the show)

Gomery Commission's Second Report Contains Six Recommendations that the Conservatives Should Add to Their Planned "Federal Accountability Act" (February 1, 2006)

Democracy Watch Will File Ethics Complaints on Dingwall Payment Fiasco and David Emerson's Party-Switching Cabinet Post, Other Cabinet Postings Highly Questionable (February 6, 2006) -- To see the PoliticsWatch.com website article about this issue, click here -- To see the Globeandmail.com article about this issue, click here -- To see also the February 11, 2006 Toronto Star article about this issue, click here

WEBSITE ARTICLE: Party-switching Conservative Trade Minister David Emerson has conflict of interest dealing with softwood lumber trade issue (PoliticsWatch.ca, February 8, 2006)

OP-ED: Conservatives' pledge to close most loopholes in federal government's accountability system -- but leave some key loopholes (Winnipeg Free Press, January 28, 2006, and Law Times (weekly newspaper), February 13, 2006) -- To see also the article in the Hill Times (January 30, 2006), which quotes part of the opinion piece, click here -- To see related article in the Globe and Mail (March 10, 2006), click here

Stephen Harper Breaks Pledge to Close Five Loopholes in Ethics Rules for Ministers, Their Staff, and Top Bureaucrats -- One Loophole Left Open Especially for David Emerson? -- . . . (February 22, 2006) -- To see the PoliticsWatch.com website article about this issue, click here

Federal Ethics Commissioner and All Political Parties Hypocritical and Dishonest in Emerson Cabinet Appointment Complaint Fiasco -- Shows Clear Need for Merit-Based Appointment Process for All Government Watchdog Agencies (March 10, 2006)

Democracy Watch Files Ethics Complaints Against Party-Switchers Stronach and Emerson, and Prime Ministers Martin and Harper -- Calls on Ethics Commissioner to Resign (March 14, 2006) -- To see the PoliticsWatch.com article about this news release, click here

Federal Ethics Commissioner Again Improperly Rules on Ethics Complaints -- Wrongly Claims He Cannot Rule on Honesty and Increasing Public Trust Rules -- Democracy Watch Awaits Rulings on its Complaints (March 20, 2006) -- To see Canadian Press wire story about this issue, click here

Conservatives' "Federal Accountability Act" Should Be Expanded to Close All Loopholes -- Other Key Democratic Reforms Should Be Priority for All Parties in Parliament (March 27, 2006) -- To see the CBC.ca website article about this issue, click here

Conservatives' "Federal Accountability Act" Includes Many Key Measures But Also Breaks Promises . . .  (April 11, 2006)

Democracy Watch Sends Letters to Ethics Commissioner Requesting Details on When He Will Rule on Complaints Against Party-Switchers Stronach and Emerson, and Prime Ministers Martin and Harper (April 27, 2006)

Democracy Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Prime Minister, . . . For Being Dishonest About Broken Election Promises -- Conservatives Propose to Cut Federal Ethics Rule That Requires Top Politicians and Officials to be Honest (May 25, 2006)

Federal Conservatives Protect Cabinet Ministers by Breaking Promise to Close Loophole That Allows Ministers to Address Issues That Affect Their Business Interests -- Opposition Parties Not Focused on Correcting Many Major Flaws in Bill C-2, the "Federal Accountability Act" (June 13, 2006)

House of Commons Plays Self-Interested Games in Passing Loophole-Filled "Federal Accountability Act" -- Senate Should Uphold Voter Rights and Amend Bill C-2 to Force Conservatives to Keep 21 Broken Election Promises (June 26, 2006)

Federal MPs take free trips to Israel and Taiwan paid for by lobby groups -- federal Ethics Commissioner Bernard Shapiro does nothing about violation of ethics rules (Hamilton Spectator, July 22, 2006)

Federal Conservatives' Bill C-2 (the so-called "Federal Accountability Act") is Flawed, But Not in the Ways Some Critics Claim (July 31, 2006)

Senator Michael Kirby was unethical because of corporate board positions (Ottawa Citizen, August 28, 2006)

Scott Newark, an adviser to federal Conservative Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day until the end of April 2006, now working on a contract awarded by Day's department (Canada.com website and several CanWest newspapers across Canada, September 13, 2006)

Senate Should Uphold Voter Rights and Amend Bill C-2 to Force Conservatives to Keep 21 Broken Election Promises, But Has No Right to Weaken Bill C-2 in Any Way (September 15, 2006)

Canadian government's High Commission in England funds event with $100,000 contract going to boyfriend of High Commission staffperson (CTV National News, October 5, 2006 and CTV Canada AM, October 6, 2006)

Federal Conservatives break many open government and accountability promises in Bill C-2 (the so-called "Federal Accountability Act") (Maclean's magazine, October 12, 2006)

Federal Conservatives Fail To Include Canadian Politicians and Government Officials in Anti-Corruption Bill C-25 as Recommended by the United Nations and Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (October 12, 2006)

Liberal Senators Propose to Strengthen Bill C-2 (the So-Called "Federal Accountability Act") in Many Key Ways, and to Weaken it in Three Key Ways -- Will Conservative and Liberal Senators and MPs Support the Changes? (October 30, 2006)

Telecommunications companies donate large amounts to Newfoundland and Labrador Conservatives, raising ethical questions about approval of new provincial communications line (CBC Radio (Newfoundland and Labrador) website, November 9, 2006)

Democracy Watch Files Ethics Complaints Against Prime Minister Harper and Finance Minister Flaherty for Dishonesty on Taxing Income Trusts (November 10, 2006) -- To see a video of part of Democracy Watch 's news conference, click the link under the heading "Video" on the following CTV.ca webpage

Liberal-Controlled Senate Strengthens Bill C-2 (The So-Called "Federal Accountability Act") in 22 Key Ways That the House of Commons Should Approve, and Weakens It In 4 Key Ways, 3 of Which Should Be Rejected (November 15, 2006)

Liberal senators unjustifiably delay passage of Bill C-2 (the so-called "Federal Accountability Act") after House of Commons reject many Senate amendments (Hill Times, November 27, 2006)

Democracy Watch will file ethics complaints against lobbyists who worked in high-level positions for Liberal Party of Canada leadership candidates (Georgia Straight, November 30, 2006)

Conservatives copy Liberals' tradition of holding special parties for high-level donors, raising questions about violations of federal ethics rules (Hill Times, December 4, 2006)

International Day Against Corruption Passing By -- Federal Government Has Still Not Ratified the UN Convention Against Corruption, Nor Included Key Measures in Bill C-2 and Bill C-25 Needed to Combat Government Corruption in Canada (December 8, 2006)

Senate Ethics Officer is a lapdog, not a watchdog (Ottawa Citizen, December 11, 2006)

Accountability Act's Half-Measures a Half-Step Forward in Federal Government Accountability, Not the Giant Step Forward Promised by the Conservatives -- Democracy Re-Files Its Ethics Complaint . . .  (December 12, 2006)

Democracy Watch's Past News Releases and Op-Eds about the Canadian federal government's lobbyist regulation system (in chronological order):

Gaps in Ethics Enforcement Must Be Closed to Ensure Honest, Ethical Government (February 6, 2003)

Ethically Challenged Martin an Example of Systemic Problem with Parliamentarians (February 28, 2003)

Coalition Calls for Stronger Lobbying Law, Democracy Watch Not Registering as Lobbyist (May 7, 2003)

Liberals Let Secret Corporate Lobbying Continue, Fail to Make Bill C-15 Law and Watchdog Independent (November 22, 2004)

Enforcer of Lobbyists Code of Conduct Still Lacks Needed Independence and Resources (Hill Times, March 28, 2005)

Bill C-15 Passes, But Federal Lobbyists Registration Act Still Has Loopholes, Enforcement Still Lacks Independence (Hill Times, July 4, 2005)

Group Files Court Challenge of Federal Ethics Commissioner, Registrar of Lobbyists (September 29, 2005) - Ethics Court Case 2005 Application (September 20, 2005)

Lobbying Laws Endanger the Public - Allow for Secret, Unethical Lobbying (Globe and Mail, October 12, 2005)

NDP's "Ethics" Package Fails to Address Many Key Ethics Gaps in Federal Government (October 15, 2005)

Dingwall and TPC Mess Could Have Been Avoided if Former Ethics Counsellor and Lobbyist Registrar Had Done Their Jobs Properly (October 17, 2005)

Industry Minister Incorrect About Time Limit on Enforcing Lobbying Law -- Crown Prosecutors Must Test Limit By Charging Lobbyists Violating the Law, Registrar Must Enforce Lobbyists' Code of Conduct (October 18, 2005)

Federal Liberals' Lobbying Scandal is 11 Years Old (Hill Times, October 24, 2005)

Paul Martin and Almost All Liberal Ministers, MPs, Staff, Appointees Responsible for Adscam -- Broke Integrity Promises, Should Not Be Trusted Now (November 2, 2005)

Gomery's Second Report, Parties Now and in Election, Must Clean Up System to Prevent Future Scandals (November 3, 2005)

Conservatives' Ethics Accountability Pledges Much Better Than Other Parties, But Still Have Key Gaps (November 4, 2005)

Federal Liberals Delay and Deceive on Democratic Reforms (November 10, 2005)

Senate Should Pass Bill C-11, All Federal Parties Should Match Conservatives' Pledge to Strengthen Whistleblower Protection System After Election (November 17, 2005)

Past Lobbying Regulation System Failed to Catch Illegal Lobbying and System is Still Fatally Flawed -- Conservatives Propose Most Effective Clean-Up Plan (November 28, 2005)

Conservatives Only Party Making Comprehensive Government Accountability/Democratic Reform Pledges So Far in Election, NDP Better Than Liberals, Bloc or Greens (December 22, 2005)

WEBSITE ARTICLE: Federal Conservatives' platform missing pledge to ensure that lobbyists can't work for government departments, or have connections with companies that do such work (PoliticsWatch.com, January 13, 2006)

REPORT CARD: Federal Conservative Party Has Best Government Accountability Election Platform -- NDP, Greens, Bloc Tied Not Far Behind, Liberal Grades Much Worse -- All Platforms Still Have Key Gaps. . . (January 18, 2006) -- See also WEBSITE ARTICLE on CTV.ca's website about this news release by clicking here and WEBSITE ARTICLE on Canoe.ca website about this news release by clicking here

RADIO INTERVIEW: Duff Conacher on CBC Radio's "The Current" re: the federal Conservative Party's plan to enact a "Federal Accountability Act" with 52 measures and likely recommendations in the second Gomery Commission Report (February 1, 2006 -- To listen to the interview, scroll down on the page this link takes you to and click on the "Part 1" link -- the interview starts 2 minutes 40 seconds into Part 1 of the show and runs to the 17-minute point of the show)

Gomery Commission's Second Report Contains Six Recommendations that the Conservatives Should Add to Their Planned "Federal Accountability Act" (February 1, 2006)

Democracy Watch Will File Ethics Complaints on Dingwall Payment Fiasco and David Emerson's Party-Switching Cabinet Post, Other Cabinet Postings Highly Questionable (February 6, 2006) -- To see the PoliticsWatch.com website article about this issue, click here -- To see the Globeandmail.com article about this issue, click here -- To see also the February 11, 2006 Toronto Star article about this issue, click here

WEBSITE ARTICLE: Party-switching Conservative Trade Minister David Emerson has conflict of interest dealing with softwood lumber trade issue (PoliticsWatch.ca, February 8, 2006)

OP-ED: Conservatives' pledge to close most loopholes in federal government's accountability system -- but leave some key loopholes (Winnipeg Free Press, January 28, 2006, and Law Times (weekly newspaper), February 13, 2006) -- To see also the article in the Hill Times (January 30, 2006), which quotes part of the opinion piece, click here -- To see related article in the Globe and Mail (March 10, 2006), click here

Stephen Harper Breaks Pledge to Close Five Loopholes in Ethics Rules for Ministers, Their Staff, and Top Bureaucrats -- One Loophole Left Open Especially for David Emerson? -- . . . (February 22, 2006) -- To see the PoliticsWatch.com website article about this issue, click here

Federal Ethics Commissioner and All Political Parties Hypocritical and Dishonest in Emerson Cabinet Appointment Complaint Fiasco -- Shows Clear Need for Merit-Based Appointment Process for All Government Watchdog Agencies (March 10, 2006)

Conservatives' "Federal Accountability Act" Should Be Expanded to Close All Loopholes -- Other Key Democratic Reforms Should Be Priority for All Parties in Parliament (March 27, 2006) -- To see the CBC.ca website article about this issue, click here

Conservatives' "Federal Accountability Act" Includes Many Key Measures But Also Breaks Promises . . .  (April 11, 2006)

Democracy Watch Expects Rulings Soon on Years-Old Ethics Complaints Against Federal Lobbyists and Politicians (April 20, 2006)

House of Commons Plays Self-Interested Games in Passing Loophole-Filled "Federal Accountability Act" -- Senate Should Uphold Voter Rights and Amend Bill C-2 to Force Conservatives to Keep 21 Broken Election Promises (June 26, 2006)

Audit shows corporate lobbyists corrupting federal government's Technology Partnership Canada corporate welfare fund (July 13, 2006, Toronto Sun and SunMedia papers across Canada)

Five lobbyists under investigation for violating federal  Lobbyists Registration Act while lobbying for Technology Partnerships Canada corporate welfare grants (Hill Times, July 17, 2006)

Federal MPs take free trips to Israel and Taiwan paid for by lobby groups -- federal Ethics Commissioner Bernard Shapiro does nothing about violation of ethics rules (Hamilton Spectator, July 22, 2006)

Federal Conservatives' Bill C-2 (the so-called "Federal Accountability Act") is Flawed, But Not in the Ways Some Critics Claim (July 31, 2006)

Senate Should Uphold Voter Rights and Amend Bill C-2 to Force Conservatives to Keep 21 Broken Election Promises, But Has No Right to Weaken Bill C-2 in Any Way (September 15, 2006)

Federal Conservatives break many open government and accountability promises in Bill C-2 (the so-called "Federal Accountability Act") (Maclean's magazine, October 12, 2006)

Liberal Senators Propose to Strengthen Bill C-2 (the So-Called "Federal Accountability Act") in Many Key Ways, and to Weaken it in Three Key Ways -- Will Conservative and Liberal Senators and MPs Support the Changes? (October 30, 2006)

Liberal-Controlled Senate Strengthens Bill C-2 (The So-Called "Federal Accountability Act") in 22 Key Ways That the House of Commons Should Approve, and Weakens It In 4 Key Ways, 3 of Which Should Be Rejected (November 15, 2006)

Liberal senators unjustifiably delay passage of Bill C-2 (the so-called "Federal Accountability Act") after House of Commons reject many Senate amendments (Hill Times, November 27, 2006)

Democracy Watch will file ethics complaints against lobbyists who worked in high-level positions for Liberal Party of Canada leadership candidates (Georgia Straight, November 30, 2006)

Accountability Act's Half-Measures a Half-Step Forward in Federal Government Accountability, Not the Giant Step Forward Promised by the Conservatives -- Democracy Re-Files Its Ethics Complaint . . .  (December 12, 2006)


Page last updated December 18, 2006

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