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Media and Public Appearances

Set out below is a list of links to Democracy Watch's media and public appearances from 2011.


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I. 2011 Media Appearances
in reverse chronological order
Newspapers, Magazines and Web Media

NOTE: Some links will take you to a media webpage that is not controlled by Democracy Watch.  In some cases, the article or interview will no longer be available, or only available to subscribers.

2011 Public Appearances
are set out below the Media Appearances

  1,225 media appearances in 2011 (including 248 national appearances)

2011 -- 27 TV appearances so far (including 24 national TV appearances)
December 22 - CBC's Power and Politics show re: NEWS RELEASE: New federal Integrity Commissioner misleads on CBC TV about his past statement that applying for job while in Interim Commissioner position created conflict for him (December 22, 2011) -- To see interview clip, click here

December 21 - CBC's Power and Politics show re: New Public Sector Integrity Commissioner Mario Dion lies about past statements about ethics of applying for job, and tries to excuse his very questionable record -- To see related CBC.ca article, click here

October 19 - CTV News Channel (feature interview) re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives did bail out Canada's big banks in 2009 -- now must finally take action to ensure banks and other financial institutions service, lending, investment and prices are fair and responsible (Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition, October 18, 2011)

October 15 - CTV News Channel (feature interview) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade -- See TV INTERVIEW: Founding Director Duff Conacher interviewed about Occupy Canada protests across Canada and key corporate responsibility and bank accountability measures

October 15 - SunMedia TV (morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade

July 14 - CBC News Network's Power and Politics with Evan Solomon re: WEBSITE ARTICLE: Federal Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson finds former Conservative MP Helena Guergis guilty of violating federal ethics rules, but continues to fail to investigate and rule on many other cases properly (Toronto Star, July 14-15, 2011)

June 13 - BNN's SqueezePlay re: Federal Conservatives' past broken promises mean many government ethics and accountability changes still needed

June 9 - CTV News Channel: Federal Conservatives misled Parliament and public on G8/G20 spending in Minister Tony Clement's riding, now misleading again (CTV News Channel, June 9, 2011 (See interview by clicking link in box on right-hand of page))

June 7 - CPAC's Federal Budget 2011 special re: OP-ED: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 7 - CTV News Channel's Federal Budget 2011 special re: OP-ED: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 3 - CTV News Channel's Power Play show re: Federal Conservatives cutting most democratic public subsidy of political parties, but not touching many other undemocratic subsidies (See interview by clicking link in box on right-hand of page)

May 24 - CBC News Network's Power and Politics with Evan Solomon re: Changes needed to make Canada's political finance system democratic

May 19 - CBC TV's The National (Rex Murphy's segment) re: OP-ED: DemocracyWatch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal issues

May 18 - CBC TV's The National re: OP-ED: DemocracyWatch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal issues

May 18 - CBC News Network's Power and Politics with Evan Solomon re: OP-ED: DemocracyWatch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal issues

May 4 - CTV's Canada AM re: federal election results and need for voting system reform

April 11 - TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin re: Interview with Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher about past 18 years of democratic reform advocacy

April 11 - TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin re: Panel on reform of federal political institutions

March 31 - CTV's Canada AM re: Green Party leader should be allowed in debates along with any party leader whose party obtains more than two percent of vote, and Elections Canada should be given control of debates, to ensure they are fair

March 23 - APTN National News re: NEWS RELEASE: Scandal is also that Carson's secret lobbying is legal, that Ethics, Lobbying and RCMP Commissioners didn't know about his lobbying, and that no one will likely find he violated any law -- Loopholes must be closed, and enforcement strengthened (March 21, 2011) -- To see the CP wire article, click here

March 17 - APTN National News re: Former PMO adviser Bruce Carson involved in dealings with federal government for First Nations water contracts

March 10 - CTV's Canada AM re: dishonesty and secrecy and contempt of Parliament scandals will only hurt the federal Conservatives if the other parties have strong platforms to clean up politics

March 2 - CBC TV's The National re: appointments by federal Conservatives to Veterans Benefits board raise questions about appointment process

February 25 - Global TV News (at 5:30 and 11 pm) re: Elections Canada charges two Conservative senators, and two party officials, with campaign finance violations

February 17 - CBC News Network's Power and Politics with Evan Solomon re: Dishonesty and ethics scandals of Conservative Cabinet ministers Bev Oda and Lisa Raitt raise questions whether Prime Minister Harper will enforce his own integrity standards (the interview starts at 1 hour, 48 minute point of show, and ends at 1 hour, 54 minute mark)

February 17 - CTV's Canada AM re: Scandal involving Conservative Cabinet Minister Bev Oda shows need for honesty-in-politics law and independent enforcement system

2011 -- 203 radio appearances so far (including 13 national radio appearances)
December 12 - CFAX Radio (Victoria - Murray Langdon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives' Accountability and Democratic Reform Record Gets An "F" For Breaking Many Promises and Practising Politics As Usual (December 12, 2011)

December 12 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: Bruce Carson lobbying scandal and NEWS RELEASE: Whistleblower watchdog nomination signals continued retreat by government from transparency and accountability promises -- Groups call on opposition parties to ensure, through filibuster if needed, they testify at committee before Conservatives ram appointment through (December 8, 2011)

December 12 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (early afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Whistleblower watchdog nomination signals continued retreat by government from transparency and accountability promises -- Groups call on opposition parties to ensure, through filibuster if needed, they testify at committee before Conservatives ram appointment through (December 8, 2011) -- To see related CBC.ca article, click here -- To see related Globe and Mail article, click here and NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives' Accountability and Democratic Reform Record Gets An "F" For Breaking Many Promises and Practising Politics As Usual (December 12, 2011)

December 12 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (early morning show) re: CanadaEast.com, Daily Gleaner, Times&Transcript, Telegraph-Journal (New Brunswick) re: Public has a right to know details about severance package for New Brunswick Power boss

December 8 - VOCM Radio (Newfoundland and Labrador) re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives break all of their international Open Government Partnership commitments by failing to consult with Canadians about their draft action plan before meeting in Brazil this week (December 5, 2011) -- To see related CBC.ca article, click here and NEWS RELEASE: Whistleblower watchdog nomination signals continued retreat by government from transparency and accountability promises -- Groups call on opposition parties to ensure, through filibuster if needed, they testify at committee before Conservatives ram appointment through (December 8, 2011) -- To see related CBC.ca article, click here -- To see related Globe and Mail article, click here

November 23 - VOCM Radio (Newfoundland and Labrador) re: NEWS RELEASE: Elections Canada's rulings secret on 2,284 complaints since 2004 -- Federal politicians continue to fail to ensure key good government watchdogs are doing their jobs properly

October 19 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (early morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives did bail out Canada's big banks in 2009 -- now must finally take action to ensure banks and other financial institutions service, lending, investment and prices are fair and responsible (Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition, October 18, 2011)

October 17 - CKNW (Vancouver - noon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade

October 15 - CJAD (Montreal - noon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade

October 14 - University of Windsor radio re: NEWS RELEASE: Ontarians should not be surprised at record low voter turnout in provincial election (October 7, 2011)

October 14 - CFRA Ottawa (Steve Madely morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade

October 13 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade

October 13 - CJAD (Montreal - Tommy Schnurmacher morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade

October 12 - VOCM Radio (Newfoundland and Labrador) re: provincial election results, and Premier's decision to keep legislature shut until next spring

October 12 - News 95.7 Halifax (Rick Howe drive-home show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade

October 12 - CBC Radio news (Prince Edward Island) re: WEBSITE ARTICLE: Federal Conservatives make undemocratic move of cutting per-vote annual funding for federal political parties (Globe and Mail, October 4, 2011) -- To see related Maclean's magazine blog posting, click here

October 11 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (early morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Ontarians should not be surprised at record low voter turnout in provincial election (October 7, 2011)

October 10 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta - The Rutherford Show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Ontarians should not be surprised at record low voter turnout in provincial election (October 7, 2011)

October 7 - CBC Radio (Toronto - Here and Now show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Ontarians should not be surprised at record low voter turnout in provincial election (October 7, 2011) -- To hear the interview, click here

October 7 - CBC Radio (Thunder Bay - Here and Now show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Ontarians should not be surprised at record low voter turnout in provincial election (October 7, 2011)

October 7 - CJBK Talk Radio (London, Ontario) re: NEWS RELEASE: Ontarians should not be surprised at record low voter turnout in provincial election (October 7, 2011)

October 5 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Corporations provide about 50% of donated money to Ontario Liberal Party, and 43% to Conservative Party, and unions about 28% to NDP -- 99% of Green Party donors are individuals (October 5, 2011)

September 28 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Group hopes media will ask party leaders in election campaigns "If you break promises, will you resign?" and "Will you support passage of honesty-in-politics law?" (September 27, 2011) and NEWS RELEASE: Democracy Watch plans court challenge of Elections Ontario's failure to inform voters of their right to decline their ballot -- Information and ads during election campaign missing key messages to encourage voter turnout (September 22, 2011)

September 28 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (early morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Group hopes media will ask party leaders in election campaigns "If you break promises, will you resign?" and "Will you support passage of honesty-in-politics law?" (September 27, 2011)

September 28 - CKCU Radio (Ottawa - early morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Democracy Watch plans court challenge of Elections Ontario's failure to inform voters of their right to decline their ballot -- Information and ads during election campaign missing key messages to encourage voter turnout (September 22, 2011) and NEWS RELEASE: Group hopes media will ask party leaders in election campaigns "If you break promises, will you resign?" and "Will you support passage of honesty-in-politics law?" (September 27, 2011)

September 27 - News 95.7 Halifax (Rick Howe drive-home show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Group hopes media will ask party leaders in election campaigns "If you break promises, will you resign?" and "Will you support passage of honesty-in-politics law?" (September 27, 2011)

September 21 - CBC Radio Toronto (Here and Now show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Democracy Watch plans court challenge of Elections Ontario's failure to inform voters of their right to decline their ballot -- Information and ads during election campaign missing key messages to encourage voter turnout

September 15 - CBC Radio (Maritime Noon show) re: Fixed election dates are a good democratic reform

September 9 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: NDP and Liberals could hold first-ever democratic leadership races for any federal party -- Perfect time to change the law for all party leadership races (September 8, 2011)

September 8 - CISO Talk Radio (Orillia, Ontario) re: NEWS RELEASE: NDP and Liberals could hold first-ever democratic leadership races for any federal party -- Perfect time to change the law for all party leadership races (September 8, 2011)

September 8 - CBC Radio news (10 stations across Ontario) re: NEWS RELEASE: Elections Ontario continues to fail to inform voters of their full voting rights -- Information and ads during election campaign must have key messages to encourage voter turnout (August 24, 2011)

September 1 - CFAX Radio (Victoria - Murray Langdon show) re: Early October federal and provincial fixed voting days shut out people with kids, and university and college students

September 1 - CBC radio news (Island Morning show, PEI) and radio news at 20 stations across Canada re: Early October federal and provincial fixed voting days shut out people with kids, and university and college students

August 26 - CIUT Toronto (early morning show) re: Elections Ontario continues to fail to inform voters of their full voting rights -- Information and ads during election campaign must have key messages to encourage voter turnout

August 24 - CBC radio news (Thunder Bay, Ontario) re: Elections Ontario continues to fail to inform voters of their full voting rights -- Information and ads during election campaign must have key messages to encourage voter turnout

June 30 - CFAX Radio (Victoria, B.C.) morning show re: Globe and Mail article: Stockwell Day claims he will only give advice to clients using public information

June 30 - CKNW Radio (Vancouver, B.C.) morning show re: Globe and Mail article: Stockwell Day claims he will only give advice to clients using public information

June 30 - CBC Radio (Kelowna, B.C.) morning show re: Globe and Mail article: Stockwell Day claims he will only give advice to clients using public information

June 29-30 - CBC Radio (Kelowna, B.C.) news re: Globe and Mail article: Stockwell Day claims he will only give advice to clients using public information

June 29 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: Globe and Mail article: Stockwell Day claims he will only give advice to clients using public information

June 22 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Five years after requirements became law, has Treasury Board ensured that all federal government institutions provide legally-required whistleblower protection? (June 21, 2011)

June 21 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Five years after requirements became law, has Treasury Board ensured that all federal government institutions provide legally-required whistleblower protection? (June 21, 2011)

June 9 - CBC Radio Saskatchewan noon show re: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 7 - CFAX Radio (Victoria - Murray Langdon show) re: OP-ED: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 2 - CFAX Radio (Victoria - Murray Langdon show) re: Changes needed to make Canada's political finance system democratic

May 26 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta - Rob Breakenridge evening show) re: Changes needed to make Canada's political finance system democratic

May 26 - 10 Rogers network radio stations across Canada re: Changes needed to make Canada's political finance system democratic

May 25 - CFAX Radio (Victoria - Murray Langdon show) re: letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: Canada only 14th out of 34 countries in OECD Governance rankings

May 24 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: Canada only 14th out of 34 countries in OECD Governance rankings

May 23 - CFRU Radio (Guelph, Ontario -- Beyond the Ballot show) re: Democracy Watch's advocacy for democratic reform in Canada

May 20 - CBC Radio (Calgary - Eyeopener morning show) re: OP-ED: DemocracyWatch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal issues

May 19 - CFAX Radio (Victoria - Adam Sterling show) re: OP-ED: DemocracyWatch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal issues

May 19 - CBC Radio (Saskatchewan - Blue Sky noon hour show) re: OP-ED: DemocracyWatch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal issues

May 19 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: OP-ED: DemocracyWatch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal issues

May 19 - CJAD (Montreal - Tommy Schnurmacher morning show) re: OP-ED: DemocracyWatch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal issues

May 18 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Deloitte did not fully audit Integrity Commissioner’s past cases – full audit still needed to ensure clean up of every problem case (May 17, 2011)

May 17 - News 95.7 Halifax re: Broadcast News wire story re: MPs exploit loophole in ethics rules to accept unethical gift of free travel from lobby and interest groups

May 17 - Univ. of Victoria, B.C. radio re: Green Party receives B- best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Federal Parties' Good Government Platforms, Bloc second with C-, Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all receive F

May 17 - 570 News (Kitchener, Ontario) re: Broadcast News wire story re: MPs exploit loophole in ethics rules to accept unethical gift of free travel from lobby and interest groups

May 16-17 - 20 radio stations across Canada (all broadcasting Broadcast News wire story) re: MPs exploit loophole in ethics rules to accept unethical gift of free travel from lobby and interest groups

May 12 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: Appointment of new Auditor General a test of whether federal Conservatives are committed to government accountability

May 5 - QR77 (Dave Rutherford morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Global Integrity Report lowers Canadian federal government's score from 80 to 75 -- Weak enforcement of Accountability Act's loophole-filled rules the main reason for drop in democracy rating

May 5 - News 95.7 Halifax, News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Global Integrity Report lowers Canadian federal government's score from 80 to 75 -- Weak enforcement of Accountability Act's loophole-filled rules the main reason for drop in democracy rating

April 29 - News 95.7 Halifax, News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: Green Party receives B- best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Federal Parties' Good Government Platforms, Bloc second with C-, Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all receive F

April 29 - CISO (Owen Sound Ontario talk radio) re: Green Party receives B- best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Federal Parties' Good Government Platforms, Bloc second with C-, Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all receive F

April 29 - CBC Radio (Calgary - early morning show) re: Green Party receives B- best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Federal Parties' Good Government Platforms, Bloc second with C-, Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all receive F

April 28 - CFAX Radio (Victoria - Murray Langdon show) re: Green Party receives B- best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Federal Parties' Good Government Platforms, Bloc second with C-, Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all receive F

April 28 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: Green Party receives B- best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Federal Parties' Good Government Platforms, Bloc second with C-, Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all receive F

April 22 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: WEBSITE ARTICLE: 
Former Conservative Prime Minister advisor Bruce Carson likely violated federal Conflict of Interest Act, and possibly also Lobbying Act (Globe and Mail, April 23, 2011)

April 19 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for immediate release of report on more than 220 past whistleblower complaints -- None of the federal parties have promised to strengthen whistleblower protection, nor to get the $500,000 back from the former Integrity Commissioner (April 18, 2011)

April 19 - News 95.7 Halifax, News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for immediate release of report on more than 220 past whistleblower complaints -- None of the federal parties have promised to strengthen whistleblower protection, nor to get the $500,000 back from the former Integrity Commissioner (April 18, 2011)

March 31 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: lobbyists working on election campaigns and re: Green Party leader should be allowed in debates along with any party leader whose party obtains more than two percent of vote, and Elections Canada should be given control of debates, to ensure they are fair

March 25 - CFAX Radio (Victoria - Murray Langdon show) re: various Democracy Watch news releases

March 25 - 990 AM Montreal (Concordia University station morning show) re: various Democracy Watch news releases

March 21 - News 95.7 Halifax, News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Scandal is also that Carson's secret lobbying is legal, that Ethics, Lobbying and RCMP Commissioners didn't know about his lobbying, and that no one will likely find he violated any laws -- Loopholes must be closed, and enforcement strengthened (March 21, 2011) -- To see related Canadian Press wire article, click here

March 21 - CBC Radio Calgary (early morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Scandal is also that Carson's secret lobbying is legal, that Ethics, Lobbying and RCMP Commissioners didn't know about his lobbying, and that no one will likely find he violated any laws -- Loopholes must be closed, and enforcement strengthened (March 21, 2011) -- To see related Canadian Press wire article, click here

March 21 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Scandal is also that Carson's secret lobbying is legal, that Ethics, Lobbying and RCMP Commissioners didn't know about his lobbying, and that no one will likely find he violated any laws -- Loopholes must be closed, and enforcement strengthened (March 21, 2011) -- To see related Canadian Press wire article, click here

March 7-8 - CFAX Radio (Victoria - Adam Sterling show), News 95.7 Halifax, News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show), CKRM (Regina, Saskatchewan noon phone-in show with Jim Smalley), The Motts' show (Toronto area), and CJAD (Montreal - Tommy Schnurmacher morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE:  Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for Integrity Commissioner's severance pay package to be cancelled

February 25 - News 95.7 Halifax, News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for urgent reforms to federal whistleblower legislation (February 24, 2011) and NEWS RELEASE: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying Karen Shepherd likely sitting on at least 100 cases -- and has only ruled publicly on two cases in past three year -- Auditor General must audit -- Commissioner has worse disclosure record than disgraced former Integrity Commissioner, and equally bad enforcement record  (February 23, 2011)

February 24 - CBC Radio national news and news across Canada re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for urgent reforms to federal whistleblower legislation (February 24, 2011) -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

February 24 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for urgent reforms to federal whistleblower legislation (February 24, 2011) and NEWS RELEASE: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying Karen Shepherd likely sitting on at least 100 cases -- and has only ruled publicly on two cases in past three year -- Auditor General must audit -- Commissioner has worse disclosure record than disgraced former Integrity Commissioner, and equally bad enforcement record  (February 23, 2011)

February 17 - News reports at 20 radio stations across Canada re: federal lobbying scandals involving Conservative Cabinet minister Lisa Raitt and other lobbyists

February 16 - News 95.7 Halifax, News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Rick Howe afternoon drive-home show) re: article in 7 Metro newspapers across Canada and Ipolitics.ca re: Nova Scotia government's Auditor General should examine spending by politicians in the past, and so should federal Auditor General

February 7 - CBC Radio Saskatchewan (noon hour phone-in show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Tens of thousands of hits on CoffeeParty.ca movement site in first week

February 4 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Tens of thousands of hits on CoffeeParty.ca movement site in first week

January 31 - News 95.7 Halifax, News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Tom Young early afternoon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 31 - CBC Radio New Brunswick (morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 29 - CJSF radio (Simon Fraser University radio station, Vancouver, B.C.) re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 28 - CKRM (Regina, Saskatchewan noon phone-in show with Jim Smalley) re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 28 - CJAD (Montreal - Tommy Schnurmacher morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 27 - CBC Radio's As It Happens re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011) -- To hear interview, click here and listen to Part Three of the show

January 27 - News 95.7 Halifax, News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (Rick Howe afternoon drive-home show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 25 - 580 CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - Michael Harris in the afternoon show) re: LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR: Prime Minister Harper misleads Canadians again -- Conservatives broke most of their democratic reform and government accountability promises (Ottawa Citizen, January 25, 2011) and LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR: Federal per-vote funding for political parties should not be eliminated, but changes should be made to make political financing more democratic (Canada.com, National Post and Vancouver Sun, January 19, 2011)

January 23 - CBC's Cross-country Checkup re: LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR: Federal per-vote funding for political parties should not be eliminated, but changes should be made to make political financing more democratic (Canada.com, National Post and Vancouver Sun, January 19, 2011)

January 20 - 680 News Toronto, 1310 News Ottawa, News 1130 Vancouver, 660 News Calgary, News 95.7, News 91.9 and News 88.9 (Maritimes) re: Canadian Press wire article re: Supreme Court of Canada confirms that federal Conservatives broke their 2006 election promise to pass fixed election date law

January 14 - CBC's World at 6 re: Three federal government ethics watchdogs acting like lapdogs (Globe and Mail, December 28, 2010)


2011 -- 995 print and web media appearances so far (including 211 national appearances (including Yahoo News Canada reprints of articles))

December 31 - Globe and Mail re: Senate ethics rules and enforcement are a bad joke -- weak and full of loopholes

December 22 - iPolitics.ca (op-ed by Democracy Watch Board member Duff Conacher) re: Honesty in politics is the best policy, and so it should be required by law -- To see National Post.com reference to the op-ed, click here

December 22 - Calgary Herald and 2 other PostMedia newspapers re: Alberta Premier refuses to disclose details of Conservative Party payments to her -- loopholes in laws that allow for secrecy must be closed

December 21 - CBC's Power and Politics show re: New Public Sector Integrity Commissioner Mario Dion lies about past statements about ethics of applying for job, and tries to excuse his very questionable record -- To see related CBC.ca article, click here

December 21 - CBC.ca re: Federal Ethics Commissioner finally acknowledges one huge loophole in Conflict of Interest Act and ethics rules, but still fails to acknowledge other loopholes -- To see related op-ed, click here

December 20 - Ottawa Citizen re: Federal Parliament watchdogs (except Ethics Commissioner) echo Democracy Watch's call for more accountability for the watchdogs  -- To see related article from December 23rd, click here

December 17 - GlobalTV.com re: Appointment of Mario Dion as federal Integrity Commissioner is one of many questionable acts by Conservatives in fall session

December 15 - iPolitics.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives break all of their international Open Government Partnership commitments by failing to consult with Canadians about their draft action plan before meeting in Brazil this week (December 5, 2011) -- To see the iPolitics.ca article, click here

December 14 - CBC.ca and PEJ.org re: NEWS RELEASE: Groups silenced, former integrity officer ignored as whistleblower watchdog appointment is rammed through committee -- Groups call on opposition MPs and Conservative MPs with integrity to vote against appointment in House vote (December 14, 2011) -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

December 14 - Canada.com and 8 PostMedia News newspapers across Canada re: NEWS RELEASE: Groups call for 10 questions to be answered about Government’s plan to appoint toothless whistleblower watchdog (December 13, 2011) -- To see Canada.com article, click here

December 14 - CBC.ca  and iPolitics.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Groups call for 10 questions to be answered about Government’s plan to appoint toothless whistleblower watchdog (December 13, 2011) -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

December 14 - iPolitics.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Groups call for 10 questions to be answered about Government’s plan to appoint toothless whistleblower watchdog (December 13, 2011) -- To see iPolitics.ca article, click here

December 13 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Groups call for 10 questions to be answered about Government’s plan to appoint toothless whistleblower watchdog (December 13, 2011) -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

December 13 - Globe and Mail re: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying calls for power to fine illegal lobbyists, but loopholes in law need to be closed to make it effective

December 13 - iPolitics.ca re: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying calls for power to fine illegal lobbyists, but loopholes in law must be closed to make it effective

December 12 - Vancouver Sun (Barbara Yaffe column) re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives' Accountability and Democratic Reform Record Gets An "F" For Breaking Many Promises and Practising Politics As Usual (December 12, 2011) -- To see Yaffe's column, click here

December 12 - Toronto Star re: Huge loopholes in federal Lobbying Act mean that lobbyists continue to be let off when they lobby in secret without registering, even if they are found guilty of violating the Lobbyists' Code

December 10 - CanadaEast.com, Daily Gleaner, Times&Transcript, Telegraph-Journal (New Brunswick) re: Public has a right to know details about severance package for New Brunswick Power boss

December 9 - GlobeandMail.com re: NEWS RELEASE: Whistleblower watchdog nomination signals continued retreat by government from transparency and accountability promises -- Groups call on opposition parties to ensure, through filibuster if needed, they testify at committee before Conservatives ram appointment through (December 8, 2011) -- To see related Globe article, click here

December 8 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Whistleblower watchdog nomination signals continued retreat by government from transparency and accountability promises -- Groups call on opposition parties to ensure, through filibuster if needed, they testify at committee before Conservatives ram appointment through (December 8, 2011) -- To see related CBC.ca article, click here

December 8 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives break all of their international Open Government Partnership commitments by failing to consult with Canadians about their draft action plan before meeting in Brazil this week (December 5, 2011) -- To see related CBC.ca article, click here

December 8 - LobbyMonitor.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives break all of their international Open Government Partnership commitments by failing to consult with Canadians about their draft action plan before meeting in Brazil this week (December 5, 2011)

December 8 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives break all of their international Open Government Partnership commitments by failing to consult with Canadians about their draft action plan before meeting in Brazil this week (December 5, 2011) -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

November 28 - Hill Times re: Occupy protesters can also join CoffeeParty.ca movement

November 28 - National Post (letter by Democracy Watch Board member Duff Conacher) re: Federal Conservatives broke open government election promises in 2006, now hypocritical to criticize CBC's secrecy

November 25 - Globe and Mail re: Federal Conservatives broke open government election promises in 2006, now hypocrital to criticize CBC's secrecy

November 24 - Grande Prairie Herald Tribune (Alberta) re: Occupy protesters can also join CoffeeParty.ca movement

November 21 - Hill Times (publishing op-ed by Democracy Watch Founder Duff Conacher) re: Elections Canada makes one ruling public, but keeps more than 2,280 other rulings secret

November 21 - Hill Times re: Federal Conservatives talking an overly long time to replace the federal Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, and other senior officers

November 21 - Hill Times re: William T. Stanbury obituary -- he was a giant in the academic area of democratic reform in Canada

November 16 - Hill Times re: As usual, lapdog federal Ethics Commissioner ignores ethics issues and rubberstamps Conservatives' actions as ethical

November 16 - TheTyee.ca (publishing op-ed by Democracy Watch Founder Duff Conacher) re: Elections Canada makes one ruling public, but keeps more than 2,280 other rulings secret  -- To see TheTyee.ca version, click here

November 16 - StraightGoods.ca (publishing op-ed by Democracy Watch Founder Duff Conacher) re: Elections Canada makes one ruling public, but keeps more than 2,280 other rulings secret -- To see StraightGoods.ca version, click here

November 16 - HillTimes.com re: Event on Parliament Hill organized by federal Conservative Cabinet ministers and involving lobbyists violates federal ethics rules and allows for secret lobbying

November 15 - HillTimes.com and FirstPerspective.ca re: Federal Conservative Cabinet ministers Tony Clement, Peter Van Loan, Lisa Raitt and Conservative MPs and senators help private club with event, raising serious questions about ethics rule violations

November 11 - Rabble.ca (publishing op-ed by Democracy Watch Founder Duff Conacher) re: Elections Canada makes one ruling public, but keeps more than 2,280 other rulings secret -- To see Rabble.ca version, click here

November 9 - CBC.ca and three other media outlets (all publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Changing voting system, requiring honesty in politics and accountability are best ways to increase voter turnout, not electronic voting -- To see related news release, click here

November 8 - Winnipeg Free Press re: NEWS RELEASE: Elections Canada's rulings secret on 2,284 complaints since 2004 -- Federal politicians continue to fail to ensure key good government watchdogs are doing their jobs properly (November 8, 2011) -- To see related Winnipeg Free Press article, click here

November 7 - Hill Times (op-ed) re: If GRIC's proposals are implemented, secret lobbying will still be legal, and even more unethical lobbying will be legal

November 4 - Globe and Mail (letter by Democracy Watch Founder Duff Conacher) re: Federal Conservatives' bill closes one loophole in political finance system, but fails to close other huge loopholes

November 4 - Epoch Times (letter by Democracy Watch Founder Duff Conacher) re: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying finally issues rulings after 10 years of delay, but enforcement is still very weak, and lobbying law still has huge loopholes

November 3 - Montreal Mirror (weekly free news/entertainment newspaper) re: Open data does not mean open government, unless controversial information is required to be disclosed

November 2 - Globe and Mail re: Ten years after Democracy Watch files complaint, federal Commissioner of Lobbying finally finds former Jean Chrétien aide Réné Fugère guilty of violating federal lobbying rules, along with four other lobbyists -- To see comment on article by Democracy Watch Founding Director Duff Conacher, click here

November 1-2 - CTV.ca, GlobalNews.ca and 16 other media outlets across Canada (all publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Ten years after Democracy Watch files complaint, federal Commissioner of Lobbying finally finds former Jean Chrétien aide Réné Fugère guilty of violating federal lobbying rules, along with four other lobbyists

November 1-2 - Canoe.ca and 5 other SunMedia newspapers across Canada re: Ten years after Democracy Watch files complaint, federal Commissioner of Lobbying finally finds former Jean Chrétien aide Réné Fugère guilty of violating federal lobbying rules, along with four other lobbyists

November 1-2 - Canada.com and 8 other PostMediaNews newspapers across Canada re: Ten years after Democracy Watch files complaint, federal Commissioner of Lobbying finally finds former Jean Chrétien aide Réné Fugère guilty of violating federal lobbying rules, along with four other lobbyists

October 31 - Hill Times re: Federal lobbying association's proposals would leave loopholes that allow for secret lobbying, and make even more unethical lobbying legal

October 31 - Canada.com and Edmonton Journal re: Federal Conservatives' bill will leave open loopholes that allow for unlimited loans, and secret unlimited donations to nomination and party leadership race candidates

October 24 - WeeklyVoice.com re: NEWS RELEASE: Ontarians should not be surprised at record low voter turnout in provincial election (October 7, 2011) -- To see the WeeklyVoice.com article, click here

October 21 - NorthumberlandView.ca re: Green Party of Canada endorses Democracy Watch coalitions' proposals to increase bank and corporate responsibility in Canada

October 20 - Planet S magazine re: Saskatchewan, like every jurisdiction in Canada, needs an honesty-in-politics law

October 18 - Montreal Gazette (op-ed) re: Occupy protesters raise questions

October 17 - Hill Times re: Federal Conservatives may weaken public servant ethics rules in same way Cabinet, MP and senator rules have huge loophole

October 17 - Hill Times (letter by Democracy Watch Founder Duff Conacher) re: Huge loopholes in federal lobbying law must be closed to end secret, unethical lobbying

October 17 - Hill Times (Editorial board editorial) re: Op-ed by Democracy Watch Founder Duff Conacher re: Federal lobbying law has huge loopholes that allow for secret, unethical lobbying

October 15 - Halifax Chronicle-Herald re: OP-ED: People are asking for protection from corporate greed and wrongdoing – will Canada’s politicians finally give it?

October 15 - Canoe.ca and 3 SunMedia newspapers re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade (October 12, 2011) -- To see Sunmedia article, click here

October 14 - GlobalNews.ca re: Federal MPs have failed to use their power to ensure effective examination of government budgets

October 14 - Guelph Mercury and the Kitchener Waterloo Record and TheMarkNews.com re: OP-ED: People are asking for protection from corporate greed and wrongdoing – will Canada’s politicians finally give it?

October 14 - Canoe.ca and 7 other SunMedia newspapers across Canada re: Federal Conservative Cabinet minister Lisa Raitt's 2009 fundraising event resulted in ruling that two lobbyists violated ethics rules by helping with event, now Minister Raitt again faces allegations of unethical relationship with lobbyists

October 14 - UPI.com, Daije.com, PostChronicle.com and istockAnalyst.com re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade (October 12, 2011) -- To see UPI wire article, click here

October 14 - Brandon Sun re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade (October 12, 2011) -- To see Brandon Sun column, click here

October 13 - HuffingtonPost.ca, TheEpochTimes.com, and rabble.ca re: OP-ED: People are asking for protection from corporate greed and wrongdoing – will Canada’s politicians finally give it?

October 13 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade (October 12, 2011) -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

October 13 - VOCM.com (Newfoundland and Labrador) re: provincial election results, and Premier's decision to keep legislature shut until next spring -- To see VOCM.com article, click here

October 13 - Moncton Times & Transcript re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade (October 12, 2011) -- To see the Times & Transcript article, click here

October 13 - AxisOfLogic.com re: Democracy Watch suggests Occupy Canada protesters should support key measures endorsed by two nation-wide coalitions of 140 citizen groups (reprint of CBC.ca article)

October 12 - IPolitics.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade -- To see the IPolitics article, click here

October 12 - Embassy magazine re: Taiwan admits it uses sponsored travel as way of influencing Canadian MPs

October 12 - Epoch Times re: NEWS RELEASE: Ontarians should not be surprised at record low voter turnout in provincial election (October 7, 2011) -- To see Epoch Times article, click here

October 12 - FinancialPost.com (Theresa Tedesco column) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade -- To see the column, click here

October 12 - TheTyee.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade -- To see TheTyee.ca article, click here

October 12 - FinancialPost.com (Barbara Schecter column) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade -- To see blog posting, click here

October 12 - IPolitics.ca (article by Errol Mendes) re: Globe and Mail re: Federal Conservatives make undemocratic move of cutting per-vote annual funding for federal political parties -- To see related Maclean's magazine blog posting, click here

October 10 - Hill Times (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Founder Duff Conacher re: Globe and Mail re: Federal Conservatives make undemocratic move of cutting per-vote annual funding for federal political parties -- To see related Maclean's magazine blog posting, click here

October 10 - Hill Times re: Corporate lobbyists agree lobby rules must be stronger, but still want to keep some loopholes

October 9 - Maclean's magazine blog posting re: Globe and Mail re: Federal Conservatives make undemocratic move of cutting per-vote annual funding for federal political parties -- To see related Maclean's magazine blog posting, click here

October 7 - Canada.com and 7 Postmedia newspapers across Canada re: NEWS RELEASE: Ontarians should not be surprised at record low voter turnout in provincial election (October 7, 2011) -- To see the Canada.com article, click here

October 7 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Ontarians should not be surprised at record low voter turnout in provincial election (October 7, 2011) -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

October 5 - PacificFreePress.com re: NEWS RELEASE: Corporations provide about 50% of donated money to Ontario Liberal Party, and 43% to Conservative Party, and unions about 28% to NDP -- 99% of Green Party donors are individuals (October 5, 2011)

October 4 - Globe and Mail re: Federal Conservatives make undemocratic move of cutting per-vote annual funding for federal political parties -- To see related Maclean's magazine blog posting, click here

October 3 - Hill Times (op-ed by Democracy Watch Founder Duff Conacher) re: Federal lobbying law has huge loopholes that allow for secret, unethical lobbying -- To see related article in the Hill Times published in the same issue, click here

October 1 - The Western Star (Newfoundland paper) re: NEWS RELEASE: Group hopes media will ask party leaders in election campaigns "If you break promises, will you resign?" and "Will you support passage of honesty-in-politics law?" (September 27, 2011) -- To see Western Star article, click here

September 27 - CTV.ca online chat re: Ontario election debate

September 19 - CTV.ca, Globe and Mail and two other newspapers (all publishing CanadianPress.com article) re: Elections agencies, not media, must oversee election debates, and criteria for participation must be fair

September 14 - HuffingtonPost.ca and Rabble.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: NDP and Liberals could hold first-ever democratic leadership races for any federal party -- Perfect time to change the law for all party leadership races (September 8, 2011)

September 12 - Hill Times (publishing op-ed by Democracy Watch Founding Director Duff Conacher) re: Federal ethics and related rules a loophole-filled, weakly enforced bad joke -- Oliphant Commission report's recommendations continue to be ignored by Conservatives

September 11 - CTV.ca (and UpdatedNews.ca) re: Ontario voters hurt by too early fixed election date, voting system, and Elections Ontario's failure to inform about right to decline ballot

September 8 - CTV.ca and 21 other media outlets across Canada (all publishing CanadianPress.com wire article re: NEWS RELEASE: NDP and Liberals could hold first-ever democratic leadership races for any federal party -- Perfect time to change the law for all party leadership races (September 8, 2011) -- To see the CanadianPress article, click here

September 8 - HuffingtonPost.com re: NEWS RELEASE: NDP and Liberals could hold first-ever democratic leadership races for any federal party -- Perfect time to change the law for all party leadership races (September 8, 2011) -- To see the HuffingtonPost article, click here

September 8 - GfwAdvertiser.ca (Newfoundland) re: NEWS RELEASE: Early October federal and provincial fixed voting days shut out people with kids, and university and college students (August 31, 2011)

September 4 - VOCM (Newfoundland) re: NEWS RELEASE: Early October federal and provincial fixed voting days shut out people with kids, and university and college students (August 31, 2011)

September 2 - Brandon Sun re: NEWS RELEASE: Early October federal and provincial fixed voting days shut out people with kids, and university and college students (August 31, 2011)

September 1 - CBC.ca (PEI page) re: Early October federal and provincial fixed voting days shut out people with kids, and university and college students -- To see the CBC.ca article, click here

September 1 - Charlottetown Guardian re: Early October federal and provincial fixed voting days shut out people with kids, and university and college students says Green Party PEI in support of Democracy Watch -- To see the Guardian article, click here

September 1 - Canada.com and 9 PostMedia News newspapers across Canada re: Early October federal and provincial fixed voting days shut out people with kids, and university and college students -- To see PostMedia News article, click here

September 1 - Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal (Editorial board editorial) re: Early October federal and provincial fixed voting days shut out people with kids, and university and college students -- To see the editorial, click here

August 31 - GlobalNews.ca and 20 other media outlets across Canada (all publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Early October federal and provincial fixed voting days shut out people with kids, and university and college students -- To see CP article, click here

August 24 - Ottawa Citizen and PacificFreePress.com re: Elections Ontario continues to fail to inform voters of their full voting rights -- Information and ads during election campaign must have key messages to encourage voter turnout -- To see Ottawa Citizen article, click here

August 22 - Hill Times re: MPs' and Senators' ethics codes have huge loophole that allow them to vote on changes that affect their financial interests, must be closed

August 22 - Hill Times re: Federal Conservatives continue to fail to keep 2006 election promise to strengthen Access to Information Act

August 22 - Metro News (Ottawa) re: City of Ottawa government hurts accountability by deleting city emails after 90 days

August 1 - Hill Times re: OP-ED: Wide open system for unethical activities by former Canadian Cabinet ministers and government officials (Rabble.ca, June 30, 2011) -- To see Hill Times article, click here

July 25 - Hill Times re: Federal Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson finally issues a good ruling, but still has a negligently weak record

July 19 - Globe and Mail (Lawrence Martin's column) re: Federal Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson and Commissioner of Lobbying Karen Shepherd both as toothless and weak as former disgraced Integrity Commissioner Christiane Ouimet

July 19 - National Post (Chris Selley's Full Pundit blog) re: Lawrence Martin piece in Globe and Mail

July 15-16 - Canada.com and Ottawa Citizen and Winnipeg Free Press re: Federal Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson has failed so far to examine all conflicts of interest in federal Conservatives' Guergis-Jaffer affair, and many other questionable situations

July 14-15 - Toronto Star re: Federal Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson finds former Conservative MP Helena Guergis guilty of violating federal ethics rules, but continues to fail to investigate and rule on many other cases properly

July 14-15 - Canoe.ca and 10 SunMedia newspapers across Canada re: Federal Ethics Commissioner finds former Conservative MP Helena Guergis guilty of violating ethics rules, but continues to fail to investigate and rule on many other cases properly

July 14 - BCLocalNews.com and two B.C. newspapers re: Loopholes and weak enforcement by federal ethics and lobbying commissioners mean former Cabinet ministers can easily break ethics rules

July 11 - Hill Times re: As Democracy Watch has pointed out for years, Senate ethics rules and enforcement are weak and full of loopholes that must be closed

July 5-6 - Canada.com, GlobalNews.ca and 17 other PostMedia News newspapers across Canada re: Election system reform, and honesty-in-politics law, would help increase voter turnout

July 5 - BCLocalnews.com (Kelowna) and Vernon Morning Star re: Democracy Watch raises serious questions about lack of enforcement of post-employement ethics rules for federal Cabinet ministers

July 4 - Hill Times (letter by Democracy Watch Board member Duff Conacher) re: Abolishing the Senate is the easiest, most workable, and most democratic change to make

July 1 - Georgia Straight.com (Vancouver) re: Democracy Watch's work is one reason to love Canada

July 1 - Kelowna Capital News re: Former Conservative Cabinet minister Stockwell Day's new government relations business raises serious questions

June 30 - Rabble.ca re: Wide open system for unethical activities by former Canadian Cabinet ministers

June 30 - CBC.ca re: Wide open system for unethical activities by former Canadian Cabinet ministers

June 30 - Saskatoon StarPhoenix (editorial board editorial) re: Saskatchewan needs a lobbying disclosure and ethics law

June 29 - Epoch Times re: Lobby and interest groups paying for overseas travel by federal MPs is unethical, and should be stopped

June 29 - Vaughan Today re: Ontario's election rules allow provincial party leaders to choose candidates and cancel riding association votes

June 27 - Ottawa Citizen and Canada.com (letter responding to earlier letter by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: Inquiries laws must be changed to ensure all questionable government actions are investigated fully, fairly and impartially

June 27 - Hill Times (letter responding to earlier letter by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 26-27 - Globe and Mail re: Case involving senator working abroad for Canadian company could set strong ethical government precedent

June 24 - Guelph Mercury and Winnipeg Free Press (letter by Democracy Watch Board member Duff Conacher) re: Abolishing the Senate is the easiest, most workable, and most democratic change to make

June 23 - TroyMedia.com re: NEWS RELEASE: Five years after requirements became law, has Treasury Board ensured that all federal government institutions provide legally-required whistleblower protection? (June 21, 2011)

June 23 - Canada.com and National Post and Globe and Mail (letter by Democracy Watch Board member Duff Conacher) re: Abolishing the Senate is the easiest, most workable, and most democratic change to make

June 22 - iPolitics.ca re: Abolishing the Senate is the easiest, most workable, and most democratic change to make

June 21 - Ottawa Citizen (letter by Democracy Watch Board member Duff Conacher) re: Abolishing the Senate is the easiest, most workable, and most democratic change to make

June 17-18 - Edmonton Journal and Calgary Herald re: Alberta provincial riding associations must be required by law to disclose details of their spending

June 16 - CTV.ca and 11 media outlets across Canada (all publishing CanadianPress.com article) re: Federal Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson continues to try to cover up her negligently weak enforcement record

June 16 - IPolitics.ca re: Federal Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson continues to try to cover up her negligently weak enforcement record

June 15-16 - Globe and Mail re: Three federal security agencies fail after five years to establish required whistlleblower protection systems

June 15 - Windsor Star (Barbara Yaffe's column) re: Prime Minister Harper makes undemocratic move in Senate appointments

June 14 - StraightGoods.ca re: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 10 - Riverside Shoreline News re: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 9 - The Metropolitain (Montreal) re: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 9 - TheTyee.ca and Guelph Mercury and Waterloo Region Record re: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 7 - TroyMedia.com and Rabble.ca re: OP-ED: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 6 - National Post and Vancouver Sun re: Conservatives cut democratic per-vote subsidy, while keeping other undemocratic subsidies

June 6 - Hill Times (letter by Democracy Watch Board member Duff Conacher) re: Canada only 14th out of 34 countries in OECD Governance rankings

June 6 - Hill Times re: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying should be given more clear powers

June 6 - Hill Times (letter in response) re: op-ed by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher re: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

June 4 - Hamilton Spectator re: The proposed budgets of Ontario's city police forces must be reviewed in public

June 3 - CTV.ca re: Federal Conservatives cutting most democratic public subsidy of political parties, but not touching many other undemocratic subsidies (See interview by clicking link in box on right-hand of page)

June 2 - CanadaEast.com, Daily Gleaner, Times and Transcript, Telegraph Journal re: New Brunswick's provincial Auditor General must review questionable pension awards, and cancel them if they broke the rules

June 1 - Hamilton Spectator re: Hamilton school board's proposed code of conduct violates free speech rights of trustees

May 31-June 2 - Canada.com, Vancouver Sun, Brandon Sun (Barbara Yaffe's column) re: Prime Minister Harper makes undemocratic move in Senate appointments

May 31 - Canada.com, GlobalNews.ca, IPolitics.ca, and 8 PostMedia News newspapers across Canada re: Federal Conservatives continue to break their 2006 promise to establish an independent Public Appointments Commission to end patronage and cronyism

May 30 - Hill Times (publishing op-ed by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: Per-vote subsidy should be made more democratic, not cut -- Other democratizing changes also needed to political finance system

May 29 - Edmonton Sun (editorial) re: Gas tax debate shows credibility of one group matches Democracy Watch's credibility on democracy issues

May 28 - Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Regina Leader Post re: Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments the height of cynicism, and possibly illegal

May 26-27 - Canada.com, Calgary Herald, Ottawa Citizen re: Alberta Conservative Party leadership candidate Ted Morton's democratic reform proposals are too little to make provincial government democratic and accountable

May 26 - Toronto Star (letter-to-the-editor) re: Canada only 14th out of 34 countries in OECD Governance rankings

May 26 - Toronto Star (editorial board editorial) re: Changes needed to make Canada's political finance system democratic

May 25 - La Presse re: New Senator Josee Verner must choose either Senate pay or MP severance pay

May 24 - TheTyee.ca (letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: Canada only 14th out of 34 countries in OECD Governance rankings

May 24 - Edmonton Sun (letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: Canada only 14th out of 34 countries in OECD Governance rankings

May 23 - Hill Times re: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying Karen Shepherd has as weak an enforcement record as the former disgraced Integrity Commissioner -- loopholes must finally be closed and strong enforcement finally required

May 23 - Hill Times re: Conservatives likely to make undemocratic move of cutting per-vote annual federal party funding

May 23 - Hill Times re: Federal Interim Integrity Commissioner admits that many more than 70 out of 221 past cases likely have problems

May 21 - The Western Star (column by Russell Wangersky) re: Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments are very questionable

May 20-21 - Canada.com, GlobalNews.ca, National Post and 17 Postmedia News TV stations and newspapers across Canada re: Prime Minister Harper's Conservatives plan another very undemocratic move by cutting the per-vote annual funding for federal political parties

May 20-21 - Toronto Star re: Prime Minister Harper makes unethical move of promoting Conservative Christian Paradis in Cabinet even though Paradis is being investigated by the federal Ethics Commissioner

May 20 - Vancouver Province (editorial board editorial) re: Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments stink, and Democracy Watch is right to call for a police investigation

May 19-20 - TheMarkNews.com, and the Ottawa Citizen (printing op-ed by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: OP-ED: DemocracyWatch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal issues -- To see the letter in the Ottawa Citizen, click here

May 20 - Globe and Mail re: Nova Scotia's provincial government proposal to share voters' age with political parties invades privacy

May 19-20 - Canada.com, GlobalNews.ca, and 20 Postmedia News newspapers and TV stations across Canada re: Given his vague law and past broken promises, it is very unclear whether Prime Minister Harper will comply with fixed election date of October 19, 2015

May 18-19 - CTV.ca and 22 other media outlets across Canada (all publishing CanadianPress.com wire article) re: Democracy Watch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged with two senators, which would raise legal questions

May 19 - Le Devoir re: Democracy Watch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal issues

May 19 - St. John's Telegram re: Democracy Watch questions whether Prime Minister Harper's Senate appointments were pre-arranged, which would raise legal questions

May 18 - Canada.com, GlobalNews.ca and 13 Postmedia News newspapers across Canada re: NEWS RELEASE: Deloitte did not fully audit Integrity Commissioner’s past cases – full audit still needed to ensure clean up of every problem case (May 17, 2011) -- To see Canada.com article, click here

May 18 - Le Droit re: NEWS RELEASE: Deloitte did not fully audit Integrity Commissioner’s past cases – full audit still needed to ensure clean up of every problem case (May 17, 2011) -- To see Le Droit article, click here

May 16-17 - CTV.ca, Globe and Mail, and 26 other media outlets across Canada (all publishing CanadianPress.com wire article): MPs exploit loophole in ethics rules to accept unethical gift of free travel from lobby and interest groups

May 17 - Radio-Canada.ca re: MPs exploit loophole in ethics rules to accept unethical gift of travel from lobby groups

May 17 - Winnipeg Free Press and 16 other media outlets across Canada (all publishing CanadianPress.com wire article) re: Nova Scotia provincial government proposes bill that would provide private information of voters to political parties

May 16 - Hill Times re: Elections Canada has more than 1,300 complaints they have not ruled on publicly from 2004, 2006 and 2008 elections -- must rule publicly on all of them and also on 2011 election complaints

May 16 - Hill Times re: Elections Canada should have long ago charged and found guilty Liberals who failed to pay loans from 2006 party leadership race

May 15 - Lobby Monitor re: Rule 8 of Lobbyists' Code of Conduct is constitutional, and essential

May 13 - Epoch Times (publishing op-ed by Duff Conacher) re: Federal Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson set up illegal ethics screen for Bruce Carson, and failed to enforce ethics rules properly

May 12-13 - Winnipeg Free Press (and 19 other media outlets across Canada, all publishing CanadianPress.com wire article) re: Democracy Watch calls on Supreme Court of Canada to rule in favour of disclosure of Cabinet minister records

May 12 - IPolitics.ca re: NDP proposes to strengthen federal whistleblower protection, but did not do anything to effectively make such proposals during last 5 years of minority government

May 10 - IPolitics.ca, Canada.com. GlobalNews.ca and 10 Postmedia News newspapers across Canada (all publishing same article re: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying Karen Shepherd admits penalizing lobbyists who violate the Lobbying Act is very rare

May 10 - Montreal Gazette re: City of Montreal's system fails completely to guarantee whistleblower protection

May 9 - Hill Times (publishing op-ed by Duff Conacher) re: New Democratic Party leaves out democratic reforms in federal election platform

May 5 - Straight.com re: Independent audit of federal Integrity Commissioner's whistleblower investigations finds at least 70 of 220 cases were not properly investigated

May 5 - TheMarkNews.com re: Global Integrity Report lowers Canadian federal government's score from 80 to 75 -- Weak enforcement of Accountability Act's loophole-filled rules the main reason for drop in democracy rating

May 4 - Pacific Free Press re: Global Integrity Report lowers Canadian federal government's score from 80 to 75 -- Weak enforcement of Accountability Act's loophole-filled rules the main reason for drop in democracy rating

May 4 - PEJ.org re: Global Integrity Report lowers Canadian federal government's score from 80 to 75 -- Weak enforcement of Accountability Act's loophole-filled rules the main reason for drop in democracy rating

May 4 - Toronto Star re: Federal and Ontario fixed election date laws may mean two elections in October 2015

May 2 - Hill Times re: Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher's prediction of federal election results

April 28 - Canada.com, Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Province and iPolitics.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Green Party receives B- best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Federal Parties' Good Government Platforms, Bloc second with C-, Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all receive F -- To see the Canada.com article, click here

April 28 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Green Party receives B- best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Federal Parties' Good Government Platforms, Bloc second with C-, Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all receive F -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

April 28 - PacificFreePress.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Green Party receives B- best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Federal Parties' Good Government Platforms, Bloc second with C-, Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all receive F (April 28, 2011)

April 27 - iPolitics.ca and PEJ News (Lawrence Martin's column) re: The descent of democracy -- A country under one man's thumb

April 27 - TheTyee.ca re: Federal Ethics Commissioner so weak it is unlikely she will even find Bruce Carson in violation of Conflict of Interest Act

April 27 - TheTyee.ca re: Federal Ethics Commissioner investigating former Conservative Prime Minister advisor Bruce Carson's relations with Harper government

April 25 - Hill Times (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for immediate release of report on more than 220 past whistleblower complaints -- None of the federal parties have promised to strengthen whistleblower protection, nor to get the $500,000 back from the former Integrity Commissioner

April 22-23 - Globe and Mail re: Former Conservative Prime Minister advisor Bruce Carson likely violated federal Conflict of Interest Act, and possibly also Lobbying Act -- To see April 25th letter-to-the-editor correcting one part of the article, click here

April 23 - rabble.ca (Gerry Caplan's blog) re: Democracy Watch is one of the voices not being heard enough during election

April 21 - Epoch Times re: Federal political parties largely ignore solutions to low voter turnout -- voters should at least spoil their ballot to show their concern

April 21 - Globe and Mail re: Federal NDP has some good government democratic reform promises in platform, but far from enough to fix Ottawa

April 21 - Wall Street Journal re: Federal Conservatives have broken many of their promises, which is hurting them in federal election campaign

April 20 - iPolitics.ca, Canoe.ca and London Free Press, and Metro Canada (in Halifax, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver) re: Democracy Watch calls on federal Ethics Commissioner to investigate Prime Minister Harper's spokesperson Dimitri Soudas -- To see related articles on iPolitics.ca (Canadian Press wire article also published in Waterloo Record and Brandon Sun), click here and on Canoe.ca, click here

April 20 - Winnipeg Free Press (Frances Russell's column) re: Prime Minister Harper has increased Canada's democratic deficit

April 19 - iPolitics.ca re: All candidates debates are important voter information and accountability sessions

April 19 - TheTyee.ca re: Former Conservative Cabinet minister Helena Guergis (and other Conservative officials) not as innocent as she, and many others, claim

April 18 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for immediate release of report on more than 220 past whistleblower complaints -- None of the federal parties have promised to strengthen whistleblower protection, nor to get the $500,000 back from the former Integrity Commissioner (April 18, 2011) -- To see the CBC.ca article, click here

April 18-19 - Canada.com, GlobalNews.ca, National Post (blog) and 11 Postmedia.com newspapers across Canada re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for immediate release of report on more than 220 past whistleblower complaints -- None of the federal parties have promised to strengthen whistleblower protection, nor to get the $500,000 back from the former Integrity Commissioner (April 18, 2011) -- To see the Canada.com article, click here

April 18 - IPolitics.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for immediate release of report on more than 220 past whistleblower complaints -- None of the federal parties have promised to strengthen whistleblower protection, nor to get the $500,000 back from the former Integrity Commissioner (April 18, 2011) -- To see the IPolitics.ca article, click here

April 18 - Hill Times (publishing letter-to-the-editor) re: Federal Conservatives mislead on democratic, accountable government record since 2006, and fail to make comprehensive good government promises

April 15 - Ottawa Citizen (publishing letter-to-the-editor) re: Government watchdog agencies must be required to release their reports whenever scheduled or completed

April 11 - Hill Times (publishing letter-to-the-editor) re: Federal Liberal platform is again too weak on democratic and government accountability reforms -- To see related Hill Times article, click here

April 10-11 - Winnipeg Free Press and Cape Breton Post (publishing editorial by Canadian Press) re: letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher: Prime Minister Harper proposes undemocratic move of cutting the annual per-vote subsidy for federal parties -- instead, change it to make it more democratic

April 7 - Macleans.ca (Andrew Coyne's column) re: As Democracy Watch has proposed for years, an honesty-in-politics law is needed to end misleading

April 5 - Toronto Star (publishing editorial by Canadian Press) re: letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher: Prime Minister Harper proposes undemocratic move of cutting the annual per-vote subsidy for federal parties -- instead, change it to make it more democratic

April 4-5 - Hill Times and TheMarkNews.com re: Federal Liberal platform is again too weak on democratic and government accountability reforms -- To see the Hill Times article, click here

April 4 - Hill Times (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: All parties with two percent or more support should be in election debates, and Elections Canada should run them

April 3 - North Shore News re: Federal parties all failed to pass bill before election that would make ridings more equal across Canada

April 2 - NorthumberlandView.ca and April 5 - Vancouver Sun (Barbara Yaffe blog) and Ipolitics.ca re: letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher re: All parties with two percent or more support should be in election debates, and Elections Canada should run them

April 1 - Globe and Mail (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: We can have fixed election dates most of the time, and that is good

April 1 - North Shore News re: Federal parties all failed voters by not passing Bill C-12 before election to add new ridings to correct huge distortions

March 31-April 1 - Canada.com, National Post and Montreal Gazette (all publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: All parties with two percent or more support should be in election debates, and Elections Canada should run them

March 31 - Halifax Chronicle Herald re: Lobbyists who lobbied for favours from federal Conservatives now doing favour of helping them with election campaign

March 28 - Hill Times (publishing letter to editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: NEWS RELEASE: Scandal is also that Carson's secret lobbying is legal, that Ethics, Lobbying and RCMP Commissioners didn't know about his lobbying, and that no one will likely find he violated any law -- Loopholes must be closed, and enforcement strengthened (March 21, 2011)

March 27 - Calgary Herald (editorial) re: Bruce Carson case highlights loopholes in federal lobbying law that must be closed, as Democracy Watch has proposed

March 25 - National Post re: Loopholes in federal political finance rules mean that candidates and parties don't have to disclose who bankrolled them until after the election

March 23 - StraightGoods.ca (publishing op-ed by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: NEWS RELEASE: Scandal is also that Carson's secret lobbying is legal, that Ethics, Lobbying and RCMP Commissioners didn't know about his lobbying, and that no one will likely find he violated any law -- Loopholes must be closed, and enforcement strengthened (March 21, 2011) -- To see the CP wire article, click here

March 23 - Vancouver Sun (publishing letter to editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: NEWS RELEASE: Scandal is also that Carson's secret lobbying is legal, that Ethics, Lobbying and RCMP Commissioners didn't know about his lobbying, and that no one will likely find he violated any law -- Loopholes must be closed, and enforcement strengthened (March 21, 2011) -- To see the CP wire article, click here

March 22 - Globe and Mail (and three other media outlets) all publishing CanadianPress.com article) re: As Democracy Watch has pointed out for years, Public Service Commission calls on Conservatives to keep their 2006 promise to establish Public Appointments Commission -- See article also here

March 22 - Canada.com, GlobalTV.ca and 7 PostMedia newspapers across Canada re: Lobbyists gave MPs 99 unethical paid trips abroad in 2010

March 22 - TheMarkNews.com (publishing op-ed by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: NEWS RELEASE: Scandal is also that Carson's secret lobbying is legal, that Ethics, Lobbying and RCMP Commissioners didn't know about his lobbying, and that no one will likely find he violated any law -- Loopholes must be closed, and enforcement strengthened (March 21, 2011) -- To see the CP wire article, click here

March 19-20 - CTV.ca and 20 other media outlets (all publishing TheCanadianPress.com wire article) re: NEWS RELEASE: Scandal is also that Carson's secret lobbying is legal, that Ethics, Lobbying and RCMP Commissioners didn't know about his lobbying, and that no one will likely find he violated any law -- Loopholes must be closed, and enforcement strengthened (March 21, 2011) -- To see the CP wire article, click here

March 17 - Canada.com, GlobalNews.ca and 18 other Postmedia/Global news outlets across Canada re: Loopholes in accountability rules mean senators who violate laws can stay in the Senate

March 14-15 - Canada.com and Ottawa Citizen and TheMarkNews.com re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls on Auditor General to audit Integrity Commissioner's $500,000 payoff -- Auditor General should also audit entire government to expose other similar payoffs -- To see Canada.com article, click here -- To see TheMarkNews.com article, click here

March 14 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls on Auditor General to audit Integrity Commissioner's $500,000 payoff -- Auditor General should also audit entire government to expose other similar payoffs -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

March 14 - Hill Times re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls on Auditor General to audit Integrity Commissioner's $500,000 payoff -- Auditor General should also audit entire government to expose other similar payoffs -- To see Hill Times article, click here

March 11 - National Post and Ottawa Citizen and Hill Times and Moncton Times and Transcript (printing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls on Auditor General to audit Integrity Commissioner's $500,000 payoff -- Auditor General should also audit entire government to expose other similar payoffs

March 11 - Lethbridge Herald (editorial) re: Hill Times March 7th article re: Federal Conservatives continue to abuse the "Cabinet confidence" loophole in the Access to Information Act

March 10-11 - Canoe.ca and 5 other SunMedia/QMI Agency media outlets across Canada re: Auditor General's report should be believed, not Integrity Commissioner's denials

March 10 - IPolitics.ca, 5 GlobalTV news sites and 4 Postmedia newspapers re: Former Integrity Commissioner to be grilled by House Committee

March 8 - TheMarkNews.com, Vancouver Sun (Barbara Yaffe blog), Globe and Mail, Macleans.ca blog, Canada.com and GlobalNews.ca and 11 PostMedia News newspapers across Canada, and Canoe.ca and 7 SunMedia/QMI Agency newspapers across Canada -- all re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for Integrity Commissioner's severance pay package to be cancelled -- Other Commissioners must also be audited by committees and Auditor General -- To see related Globe and Mail article, click here
March 7 - Hill Times re: Finally, opposition parties show interest in closing loophole that allows for secret, unethical corporate lobbying of federal government

March 7 - Hill Times re: Federal Conservatives continue to abuse the "Cabinet confidence" loophole in the Access to Information Act

March 7 - Toronto Star and Waterloo Record re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for Integrity Commissioner's severance pay package to be cancelled -- Other commissioners must also be audited by committees and Auditor General -- To see the Toronto Star article, click here

March 7 - rabble.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for Integrity Commissioner's severance pay package to be cancelled -- Other commissioners must also be audited by committees and Auditor General

March 7 - Ipolitics.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for Integrity Commissioner's severance pay package to be cancelled -- Other commissioners must also be audited by committees and Auditor General

March 7 - Hill Times re: Federal lobbyists continue to play dumb by claiming they can't figure out what favours their ethics rules prohibit them from doing for politicians

March 7 - Hill Times re: feature article on departure from Democracy Watch of Coordinator Duff Conacher

March 3 - Canada.com, GlobalTV.ca, and 8 other PostMedia outlets across Canada re: Federal Conservatives continue to break their 2006 election promise to establish independent Public Appointments Commission to stop patronage and cronyism

March 2 - Vancouver Sun (Barbara Yaffe's column) re: Federal Ethics. Lobbying and Integrity (whistleblower protection) commissioners are all ineffective lapdogs

March 1 - CBC.ca and many other media outlets re: As Democracy Watch predicted in April 2008, federal Conservatives crossed the line in ad spending during 2006 election

March 1 - Kelowna News re: Democracy Watch calls on B.C. and other six provinces and Northwest Territories to change their fixed election date laws to require an election soon after ruling party leader resigns

February 28 - Hill Times re: Federal Conservatives expanding secrecy using loopholes in Access to Information Act, and ignoring calls for reforms

February 25 - Canada.com, GlobalNews.ca and 11 PostMedia newspapers across Canada re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for urgent reforms to federal whistleblower legislation (February 24, 2011) -- To see Canada.com article, click here

February 25 - Cnews.canoe.ca and 5 Sunmedia newspapers across Canada re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for urgent reforms to federal whistleblower legislation (February 24, 2011) -- To see Sunmedia article, click here

February 24 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for urgent reforms to federal whistleblower legislation (February 24, 2011) -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

February 24 - TheMarkNews.com, Guelph Mercury and the Kitchener Waterloo Record re: OP-ED: Honesty in politics is the best policy, and so it should be required by law

February 24 - Ipolitics.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Alliance of more than 30 citizen groups calls for urgent reforms to federal whistleblower legislation (February 24, 2011)

February 24 - EpochTimes re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying Karen Shepherd likely sitting on at least 100 cases -- and has only ruled publicly on two cases in past three year -- Auditor General must audit -- Commissioner has worse disclosure record than disgraced former Integrity Commissioner, and equally bad enforcement record  (February 23, 2011) -- To see Epoch article, click here

February 23-24 - Cnews.canoe.ca and 8 SunMedia newspapers across Canada (in English and French) re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying Karen Shepherd likely sitting on at least 100 cases -- and has only ruled publicly on two cases in past three year -- Auditor General must audit -- Commissioner has worse disclosure record than disgraced former Integrity Commissioner, and equally bad enforcement record  (February 23, 2011) -- To see Cnews article, click here

February 23 - Ipolitics.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Commissioner of Lobbying Karen Shepherd likely sitting on at least 100 cases -- and has only ruled publicly on two cases in past three year -- Auditor General must audit -- Commissioner has worse disclosure record than disgraced former Integrity Commissioner, and equally bad enforcement record  (February 23, 2011)

February 21 - Hill Times (publishing letter by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Financial Literacy Task Force Makes 30 Good Recommendations, But Ignores Lowest-Cost, Most Effective Solution -- New Financial Consumer Group Would Do Most To Increase Financial Literacy

February 17-18 - Bloomberg news wire article (published by San Francisco Chronicle, Business Week, Macleans.ca blog, Canada.com, National Post, Ottawa Citizen and Vancouver Sun) re: Barrick Gold and Visa Canada exploit loophole by employing former Conservative Cabinet staff as lobbyists before five years has passed

February 16-17 - CBC.ca Inside Politics blog re: Two lobbyists violate ethics rules in helping Conservative Cabinet Minister Lisa Raitt with fundraising event

February 16-17 - Globe and Mail re: Two lobbyists violate ethics rules by helping Conservative Cabinet minister Lisa Raitt with fundraising event

February 16-17 - Canada.com, National Post, GlobalNews.ca and 7 other Postmedia newspapers across Canada (all publishing Postmedia News wire article) re: Two lobbyists violate ethics rules in helping Conservative Cabinet minister Lisa Raitt with fundraising event

February 16-17 - Cnews.canoe.ca and 5 other SunMedia newspapers across Canada re: Two lobbyists violate ethics rules by helping Conservative Cabinet minister Lisa Raitt with fundraising event

February 16-17 - Winnipeg Free Press and 18 newspapers and websites across Canada and the U.S. re: Two lobbyists violated ethics rules by helping Conservative Cabinet minister Lisa Raitt with fundraising event

February 15-16 - 7 Metro newspapers across Canada and Ipolitics.ca re: Nova Scotia government's Auditor General should examine spending by politicians in the past, and so should federal Auditor General

February 14 - Hill Times (publishing op-ed by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: Loopholes and weak enforcement make Lobbying Act and Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct an ongoing joke

February 14 - Hill Times re: Public Sector Integrity Commissioner's office starts process of recovering from scandal involving former Commissioner Christiane Ouimet

February 11 - Moose Jaw Times Herald (editorial) re: CoffeeParty.ca movement part of democratic tradition in Canada

February 9-10 - Toronto Star re: Creating national Financial Consumer Organization is key to increasing financial literacy in Canada -- see NEWS RELEASE: Federal Financial Literacy Task Force Makes 30 Good Recommendations, But Ignores Lowest-Cost, Most Effective Solution -- New Financial Consumer Group Would Do Most To Increase Financial Literacy

February 9 - CBC.ca re: Creating national Financial Consumer Organization is key to increasing financial literacy in Canada -- see NEWS RELEASE: Federal Financial Literacy Task Force Makes 30 Good Recommendations, But Ignores Lowest-Cost, Most Effective Solution -- New Financial Consumer Group Would Do Most To Increase Financial Literacy

February 10 - Windsor Star (publishing Barbara Yaffe's column) re: CoffeeParty.ca is a revolution brewing

February 9 - Ottawa Citizen (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: Honesty in politics is the best policy, and so it should be required by law

February 8 - CBC.ca Inside Politics Blog re: At Democracy Watch's suggestion, House committee gets disclosure of former Integrity Commissioner's record of dealing with complaints

February 7 - Hill Times (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR: Prime Minister Harper misleads Canadians again -- Conservatives broke most of their democratic reform and government accountability promises

February 7 - Annapolis County Spectator re: letter by reader questioning state of democracy in Canada

February 6 - CTV.ca (B.C.) re: Canada's Coffee Party movement brews big ideas (CTV.ca (B.C.), February 6, 2011)

February 6 - Vancouver Province re: Coffee Party aims to jolt politicians into accountability

February 5 - Montreal Gazette re: Strong open government laws can help stop corruption, even if some secrecy will always remain

February 4 - Globe and Mail (Ottawa Notebook blog) re: NEWS RELEASE: Tens of thousands of hits on CoffeeParty.ca movement site in first week - To see the Globe blog item, click here

February 4 - The Observer re: Launch of the CoffeeParty.ca movement

February 2 - VUE Weekly (Edmonton) re: Launch of the CoffeeParty.ca movement

February 1 - Globe and Mail (Lawrence Martin's column) re: Democracy Watch's CoffeeParty.ca movement points out flaws in Canada's democracy, and need for changes

February 1 - Woolwich Observer re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 31 - TheMarkNews.com and Hill Times re: OP-ED: Changes needed to make public funding of politics more democratic

January 31 - Canada.com and Ottawa Citizen (publishing Barbara Yaffe's column) re: CoffeeParty.ca is a revolution brewing

January 30 - Vancouver Province (publishing letter to the editor) re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 29 - Guelph Mercury re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 28 - Ipolitics.ca re: Toronto Star article re: Launch of the CoffeeParty.ca movement

January 28 - CBC.ca's Inside Politics blog re: Toronto Star article re: Launch of the CoffeeParty.ca movement

January 28 - CBC.ca's Inside Politics blog re: Toronto Star article re: Launch of the CoffeeParty.ca movement

January 28 - Toronto Star re: Launch of the CoffeeParty.ca movement

January 28 - Vancouver Sun (Barbara Yaffe's column) re: Launch of the CoffeeParty.ca movement

January 28 - George Stroumboulopoulos (blog) re: Launch of the CoffeeParty.ca movement

January 28 - PacificFreePress.com re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 28 - DailyPlanet.com (Humber College student newspaper) re: NEWS RELEASE: Thousands visit CoffeeParty.ca in first day of movement (January 28, 2011)

January 28 - Postmedia News (Politics and the Nation blog) re: Launch of CoffeeParty.ca

January 28 - Yahoo News Canada re: Launch of the CoffeeParty.ca movement

January 27 - Edmonton Journal (editorial) re: Limits on donations, and full donation disclosure, needed for Alberta provincial party leadership races

January 27 - New Brunswick Times and Transcript (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR: Prime Minister Harper misleads Canadians again -- Conservatives broke most of their democratic reform and government accountability promises (Ottawa Citizen, January 25, 2011)

January 25 - Ottawa Citizen (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR: Prime Minister Harper misleads Canadians again -- Conservatives broke most of their democratic reform and government accountability promises

January 25 - Belleville Intelligencer re: Supreme Court of Canada confirms that federal Conservatives broke their 2006 election promise to pass fixed election date law -- To see news release about the case, click here

January 24 - Hill Times re: LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR: Problems with federal access-to-government-information system would be solved if Conservatives had kept their 2006 election promises

January 20-21 - Canada.com, National Post and 23 other PostMedia and Global TV media outlets across Canada re: Supreme Court of Canada confirms that federal Conservatives broke their 2006 election promise to pass fixed election date law -- To see news release about the case, click here

January 20-21 - CBC.ca, CTV.ca and 17 other media outlets across Canada (all publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Supreme Court of Canada confirms that federal Conservatives broke their 2006 election promise to pass fixed election date law -- To see news release about the case, click here

January 19 - Canada.com, National Post, Vancouver Sun and New Brunswick Telegraph Journal re: (all publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher) re: Federal per-vote funding for political parties should not be eliminated, but changes should be made to make political financing more democratic

January 18 - TheMarkNews.com re: Changes needed to make Canada's political finance system more democratic

January 17 - Hill Times re: LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR: Canada has a government Financial Consumer Agency, but it is too weak, and financial consumer group needed

January 17 - Hill Times re: Changes needed to federal law to ensure that government officials who do wrong and then resign or retire can be penalized

January 17 - Hill Times (William Stanbury's column) re: federal political finance and elections laws

January 10 - Hill Times re: Federal politicians must choose strong, competent next Public Sector Integrity Commissioner


II. 2011 Public Appearances
in reverse chronological order


December 2 - Democracy Watch's Founding Director Duff Conacher spoke on a panel, at the B.C. Registrar of Lobbying's "First Conversation on Lobbying" conference in Vancouver

October 3-5 - Democracy Watch's Founding Director Duff Conacher moderated one panel, and spoke on another panel, at the 7th International Conference of Information Commissioners in Ottawa, Canada

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