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Money in Politics Campaign - 2006
Democracy Watch released the following documents in 2006 in its Money
in Politics Campaign
(in reverse chronological order):
Minister Mislead Canadians on so-called "Federal Accountability Act"
(December 21, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Many Ontario Politicians
on Unethical Gravy Train -- Propose To Raise Their Own Pay, But Not To
Limit Donations, To Strengthen Ethics Rules, Or To Strengthen Democracy
(December 19, 2006)
OP-ED: Conservatives Half-Measures Not
Enough to Clean Up the Federal Government (Calgary Herald and, December 13, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Accountability Act's Half-Measures
a Half-Step Forward in Federal Government Accountability, Not the Giant
Step Forward Promised by the Conservatives -- Democracy Re-Files Its Ethics
Complaint . . . (December 12, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: International Day Against
Corruption Passing By -- Federal Government Has Still Not Ratified the
UN Convention Against Corruption, Nor Included Key Measures in Bill C-2
and Bill C-25 Needed to Combat Government Corruption in Canada (December
8, 2006)
Scotia's Conservative government works with Liberal Party to push through
bill that changes provincial political donations law in some good ways,
but also has many flaws (Halifax Chronicle Herald, December
7, 2006)
WEBSITE ARTICLE: Conservatives
copy Liberals' tradition of holding special parties for high-level donors,
raising questions about violations of federal ethics rules (Hill
Times, December 4, 2006)
senators unjustifiably delay passage of Bill C-2 (the so-called "Federal
Accountability Act") after House of Commons reject many Senate amendments
(Hill Times, November 27, 2006)
Scotia Conservative government's bill proposing changes to the province's
political financing system has many loopholes (Halifax Chronicle
Herald (Marilla Stephenson's column), November 21, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Liberal-Controlled Senate
Strengthens Bill C-2 (The So-Called "Federal Accountability Act") in 22
Key Ways That the House of Commons Should Approve, and Weakens It In 4
Key Ways, 3 of Which Should Be Rejected (November 15, 2006)
federal Liberal Party leadership candidates have large loans, and will
likely violate federal elections law because they will not be able to pay
them back within required 18 month time period (Edmonton Sun,
November 15, 2006)
WEBSITE ARTICLE: Telecommunications
companies donate large amounts to Newfoundland and Labrador Conservatives,
raising ethical questions about approval of new provincial communications
line (CBC Radio (Newfoundland and Labrador) website, November 9, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Liberal Senators Propose
to Strengthen Bill C-2 (the So-Called "Federal Accountability Act") in
Many Key Ways, and to Weaken it in Three Key Ways -- Will Conservative
and Liberal Senators and MPs Support the Changes? (October 30, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives
Fail To Include Canadian Politicians and Government Officials in Anti-Corruption
Bill C-25 as Recommended by the United Nations and Financial Action Task
Force (FATF) (October 12, 2006)
Conservatives break many open government and accountability promises in
Bill C-2 (the so-called "Federal Accountability Act") (Maclean's
magazine, October 12, 2006)
OP-ED: Alberta
Conservatives choosing the "best Premier money can buy" (Vue Weekly,
October 5, 2006)
C-2 (the so-called "Federal Accountability Act") is much weaker than the
Conservatives promised (Ottawa Sun editorial, September 24,
OP-ED: As Canada's political donations
system becomes more democratic, criticisms are misleading and misplaced
(Guelph Mercury, September 22, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Key Question for Parliament's
Fall Session -- Will Government Accountability Be Increaseed? (September
19, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Senate Should Uphold Voter
Rights and Amend Bill C-2 to Force Conservatives to Keep 21 Broken Election
Promises, But Has No Right to Weaken Bill C-2 in Any Way (September
15, 2006)
OP-ED: Federal Conservatives' Bill C-2
(the so-called "Federal Accountability Act") is Flawed, But Not in the
Ways Some Critics Claim (July 31, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: House of Commons Plays
Self-Interested Games in Passing Loophole-Filled "Federal Accountability
Act" -- Senate Should Uphold Voter Rights and Amend Bill C-2 to Force Conservatives
to Keep 21 Broken Election Promises (June 26, 2006)
Watch raises questions about Elections Canada's enforcement of federal
donations law (Winnipeg Free Press, June 17, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives
Protect Cabinet Ministers by Breaking Promise to Close Loophole That Allows
Ministers to Address Issues That Affect Their Business Interests -- Opposition
Parties Not Focused on Correcting Many Major Flaws in Bill C-2, the "Federal
Accountability Act" (June 13, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Elections Commissioner
Should Investigate Donations to Liberal Leadership Candidate Joe Volpe,
and Should Declare Martha Hall Findlay's Self-Loan a Donation -- Bill C-2
"Accountability Act" Changes Needed to End Large, Secret Donations
(June 2, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Democracy Watch Details
Changes in 15 Key Areas That Must Be Made to the Federal Accountability
Act to Ensure An Honest, Ethical, Open, Waste-Prevention and Representative
Federal Government (May 30, 2006)
OP-ED: Federal election ad spending
law helps democracy by limiting influence of wealthy interests (May
15, 2006)
Minister Harper fails to practise what he preaches -- attends high cost
fundraiser for New Brunswick Conservative Party (, April
25, 2006)
OP-ED: Praise and criticism of proposed
"Federal Accountability Act" are both exaggerated (April 24, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' "Federal
Accountability Act" Includes Many Key Measures But Also Breaks Promises
. . . (April 11, 2006)
in Elections Act possibly allows unlimited loans to federal party
leadership candidates, an unfair recipe for corruption (Hill Times,
March 27, 2006)
NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' "Federal
Accountability Act" Should Be Expanded to Close All Loopholes -- Other
Key Democratic Reforms Should Be Priority for All Parties in Parliament
(March 27, 2006)
for leadership of Nova Scotia Conservative Party (and for Premier) did
not disclose donations before the leadership convention vote, a recipe
for corruption and denial of voter rights (February 16, 2006,
website (publishing Canadian Press article))
NEWS RELEASE: Gomery Commission's Second
Report Contains Six Recommendations that the Conservatives Should Add to
Their Planned "Federal Accountability Act" (February 1, 2006) -- To
see also the column in the Calgary Sun (February 2, 2006) which
quotes Democracy Watch Coordinator Duff Conacher, click
Conacher on CBC Radio's "The Current" re: the federal Conservative Party's
plan to enact a "Federal Accountability Act" with 52 measures and likely
recommendations in the second Gomery Commission Report (February 1,
2006 -- To listen to the interview, scroll down on the page this link takes
you to and click on the "Part 1" link -- the interview starts 2 minutes
40 seconds into Part 1 of the show and runs to the 17-minute point of the
OP-ED: Conservatives' pledge to close
most loopholes in federal government's accountability system -- but leave
some key loopholes (Winnipeg Free Press, January 28, 2006, and
Times (weekly newspaper), February 13, 2006) -- To see also the article
in the Hill Times (January 30, 2006), which quotes part of the opinion
piece, click
here -- To see related article in the Globe and Mail (March
10, 2006), click
NEWS RELEASE: Election Makes Clear Need
for Election Reforms to Encourage Voter Turnout, Ensure Honesty, Fairness
(January 27, 2006)
REPORT CARD: Federal Conservative Party
Has Best Government Accountability Election Platform -- NDP, Greens, Bloc
Tied Not Far Behind, Liberal Grades Much Worse -- All Platforms Still Have
Key Gaps. . . (January 18, 2006) -- See also WEBSITE ARTICLE on's
website about Democracy Watch's Report Card and WEBSITE ARTICLE on
website about this news release by clicking
NEWS RELEASE: Voters Have Right to Know
Donors and Loans to Candidates and Parties Before Election Day-- Do Liberals
Still Owe Banks $34.8 Million? (January 16, 2006) -- See also WEBSITE
ARTICLE on's website about this news release by clicking
OP-ED: Election ad spending law helps
democracy by limiting influence of wealthy interests -- Honesty and accountability
measures the real solution to voters' concerns (National Post,
January 5, 2006)