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Democracy Watch's campaigns have received national TV, radio, or newspaper coverage at least once a month (and usually more than once a month) since it launched its first campaign in April 1994.

1997 Media Appearances set out below are listed by media outlet, specific show (for TV and radio), date, and topic. When newspaper stories have the same subject description and appear in several papers on the same date, it means that all of the newspapers listed ran versions of the same wire story.

 1997 Public Appearances set out below Media Appearances are grouped under Government Hearings or Conferences, with the
host, date and topic listed for each appearance.

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I. Media Appearances


National Magazine, CBC-TV, Thursday, May 15: Campaign finance

Canada AM, CTV, Monday, August 4: Banks privacy codes

Montreal News, CBC TV (English), Friday, October 17: Broadcast of access to banking services news conference

CPAC Podium, Friday, October 17: Broadcast of access to banking services news conference

National News, CBC TV, Thursday, December 4: Bank profits

Dave Taylor Show, QR77 (Calgary), Tuesday, January 15: Bank Profits

Cross Country Checkup, CBC Radio, Sunday, January 15: Jean Chrétien, GST, and Town Halls

Dave Taylor Show, QR77 (Calgary), Wednesday, January 29: Bank Profits

Rafe Main Show, CKNW (Vancouver), Thursday, February 20: Bank Act Changes

CBO Morning, CBC Radio (Ottawa), Wednesday, March 5: "Owning Up" report

"World at Six", CBC National Radio News, Tuesday, March 18: Senate's power and lack of accountability

"World at Six", CBC National Radio News, Monday, April 7: Federal government and trust of Canadians

Sterling Faux Show, CKNW (Vancouver), Sunday, April 20: Democracy Watch's operations

The Charles McLean Show, AM 1040 (Vancouver), Monday, April 21: Democracy Watch's operations

Rafe Main Show, CKNW (Vancouver), Wednesday, April 23: Proportional representation, campaign financing and banking

The Charles Adler Show, CFRB in Toronto, Tuesday, May 27: Tied selling

Morning Show, QR77, Calgary Talk Radio, Friday, June 6: Bank profits

Morning Show, CJAD, Montreal Talk Radio, Monday June 9: Banking issues

Afternoon Show, QR77, Calgary Talk Radio, Tuesday, June 24: Bank takeovers of trust and insurance companies

Horsman and Lederman Show, AM Talk 640 Radio (Toronto), Tuesday, July 8: Service charges

BBS Network News, Thursday, July 17: Internet censorship

5 O'Clock Train Show, CHUO, Wednesday, July 23: Feature on Democracy Watch

Morning Show, CKCU Ottawa Radio, Monday August 5: Banks' privacy codes

The House, CBC Radio, Saturday, August 30: Gas prices

BBS News, Thursday, September 25: Lobbying and government purchase of helicopters

Tommy Schmurmacher Show, CJAD Radio Montreal, Friday, October 17: Access to banking services

CBC Radio (French), Friday October 17: Broadcast of access to banking services news conference

CFRB Toronto News, Tuesday, November 18: Bank lending to small businesses

CBC Radio Regional News (Toronto), Monday, November 24: Withdrawal of full bank services by Royal Bank

CKCU Morningshow, (Ottawa), Wednesday, December 3: Bank lending and profits

CHML Talk Radio, (Hamilton), Thursday, December 4: Bank profits

QR77 Talk Radio, (Calgary), Friday, December 5: Bank profits

The Charles Adler Show, CFRB (Toronto), Friday, December 5: Bank profits

Toronto Sun, Monday, December 8: CBC interviews across the country regarding bank profits

The House, CBC Radio, Saturday, December 13: Bank profits

CBC Radio, Monday, December 15: Interviews across the country re: bank profits

AM Talk 640, Tuesday, December 16: Release of CCRC Fifth Position Paper

CBC Afternoon Show, Tuesday, December 16: Release of CCRC Fifth Position Paper

CBC Morningshow, (Ottawa), Thursday, December 18: Release of CCRC Fifth Position Paper

CHUO, Wednesday, December 31: Release of CCRC Fifth Position Paper

Calgary Herald, Sunday, January 18: Liberals campaign promises of an independent ethics counsellor and MP's code of conduct

The Hill Times, Monday, January 27: Liberals campaign promises of an independent ethics counsellor and MPs code of conduct

The Financial Post, Saturday, February 8: MP's code of conduct

The Financial Post, Saturday, February 15: Credit card rates

Edmonton Journal, Saturday, February 15: Mondex and electronic banking

The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, February 15: Foreign banks get a break in bank reforms

The Toronto Star, Sunday, February 16: Referendums and direct democracy

Toronto Sun, Wednesday, February 19: Bank Act Changes

The Province (Vancouver),Thursday, February 20: Credit card interest rates

The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, February 26: Bank profits
The Gazette (Montreal), Wednesday, February 26: Bank profits

The Globe and Mail, Saturday, March 1: Lawsuit against B.C. government on campaign promises

The Vancouver Sun, Wednesday, March 5: Shareholder rights reform

Toronto Sun, Thursday, March 6: Bank Profits

The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, March 10: Senate vote on tobacco bill

The Hill Times, Monday, March 24: MP's code of conduct
The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, March 24: MP's code of conduct

Hill Times, Monday, May 12: Bank loans to parties

The Toronto Star, Sunday, May 18: Making banks more accountable

Hill Times, Monday, May 26: Third party financing

Ottawa Business Journal, May 26: Access to capital for small businesses

The Financial Post, Wednesday, May 28: Election campaign spending

The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, May 29: Royal Bank Profits and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
The Gazette, Thursday, May 29: Royal Bank Profits and CRA
Vancouver Sun, Thursday, May 29: Royal Bank Profits and CRA

The Gazette (Montreal), Friday, June 6: Bank Profits

The Chronicle-Herald, Saturday, June 14: Credit card rates
The Weekend Sun, Saturday, June 14: Credit card rates

The Toronto Sun, Saturday, June 14: Task force on financial services
The Chronicle-Journal, Saturday, June 14: Tax force on financial services
The Evening Telegram, Saturday, June 14: Tax force on financial services
Winnipeg Free Press, Saturday, June 14: Tax force on financial services

The Weekend Sun, Saturday, June 14: New Liberal government's low popular vote statistics

The Hill Times, Monday, June 16: Party fundraising and disclosure

La Presse (Montreal), Wednesday, June 18: New Liberal government's low popular vote statistics

The Winnipeg Free Press, Wednesday, June 25: Scotiabank plans takeover with National Trustco Ltd.
The Chronicle-Journal, Wednesday, June 25: Scotiabank plans takeover with National Trustco Ltd.
Times Colonist, Wednesday, June 25: Scotiabank plans takeover with National Trustco Ltd.
The Daily Gleaner, Wednesday, June 25: Scotiabank plans takeover with National Trustco Ltd.

The Globe and Mail, Wednesday, July 2: Corporations as entities under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The Chronicle-Herald, Wednesday, July 2: Third-party spending

The Toronto Star, Thursday, July 3: Web site to check bank fees

The Gazette (Montreal), Tuesday, July 8: TD reduces banking fees

The Globe and Mail, Tuesday, July 8: Firing of James Baillie

The Gazette (Montreal), Wednesday, July 9: Third-party spending

Toronto Sun, Sunday, July 13: Bank services charges and interest rates

Le Soleil, Thursday, July 17: Bank of Montreal wants deregulation
Le Droit, Thursday, July 17: Bank of Montreal wants deregulation

The Winnipeg Free Press, Wednesday, July 23: CIBC plans to buy Wall Street firm
The Chronicle-Herald, Wednesday, July 23: CIBC plans to buy Wall Street firm

The Gazette (Montreal), Thursday, July 24: Canada Trust ad campaign

The Georgia Straight, August 7-14: Bank mergers

The Gazette (Montreal), Tuesday, August 26: Third-party political funding

The Gazette (Montreal), Thursday, August 28: Bank of Montreal profits and service charges

Medical Reform, Issue #104, Vol. 17, No. 2, September: organizing the public voice

CCPA Monitor, Vol. 4, No. 4, September: corporations as entities under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The Evening Telegram, Saturday, September 6: Bank accountability

The Province (Vancouver), Sunday, September 14: Promoting Citizen Utility Boards (CUBs)
The Georgia Straight, September 18-25: Promoting Citizen Utility Boards (CUBs)

Law Times, Monday, September 22: Lawyers reluctant to register as lobbyists

Toronto Sun, Friday, September 26: Bank services charges

The Gazette (Montreal), Saturday, October 17: Access to banking services
Financial Post, Saturday, October 17: Access to banking services
Vancouver Sun, Saturday, October 17: Access to banking services

Ottawa Business Journal, Monday, October 20: Lobbying regulations

The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, October 23: Supreme Court decision to strike down Quebec's third party spending regulations
The Financial Post, Saturday, October 25: Supreme Court decision to strike down Quebec's third party spending regulations
The Globe and Mail, Monday, October 27: Supreme Court decision to strike down Quebec's third party spending regulations

Maclean's, October 27: Deidra McMurdy profile on Democracy Watch

The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, November 12: Failure of proposed ethics code for MP's

The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, November 19: Bank lending to small businesses
Ottawa Sun, Wednesday, November 19: Bank lending to small businesses
Toronto Sun, Wednesday, November 19: Bank lending to small businesses

Maclean's, December 1: Letter clarifying Deidra McMurdy interview

Toronto Star, Friday, December 5: Bank profits
Ottawa Citizen, Friday, December 5: Bank profits
The Gazette (Montreal), Friday, December 5: Bank profits

Toronto Sun, Tuesday, December 16: Master Card lowers minimum payments Maclean's, December 16: Bank gouging

II. Public Appearances


Finance Committee, Wednesday, February 12: Credit card interest rates

Task Force on Future of Canadian Financial Services Sector, Ottawa, Friday, October 3: Consultation on financial services issues


Financial Strategies for Socio-Economical Development, Montreal Community Loan Association, Montreal, Tuesday, November 4: Community
Reinvestment Act for Canada

National Consumer Forum, Insurance Bureau of Canada, Tuesday, December 2: Insurance and consumer issues

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