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Democracy Watch's campaigns have received national TV, radio, or newspaper coverage at least once a month (and usually more than once a month) since it launched its first campaign in April 1994.

1996 Media Appearances set out below are listed by media outlet, specific show (for TV and radio), date, and topic. When newspaper and magazine stories have the same subject description and appear in several papers on the same date, it means that all of the newspapers listed ran versions of the same wire story.

 1996 Public Appearances set out below Media Appearances are grouped under Government Hearings or Conferences, with the
host, date and topic listed for each appearance.

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I. Media Appearances

CBC Newsworld, Benmurgui Live Show, Thursday, January 4: Banks and Consumers

CBC Newsworld, Face Off, Friday, January 12: Banks, fees and Financial Consumer Assoc.

CBC Marketplace, Tuesday, January 16: Banks, fees and Financial Consumer Association

CBC-TV Ottawa, Monday, February 5: feature on Democracy Watch and bank issues

CBC Newsworld National News Saturday, February 17: re-broadcast of CBC-Ottawa piece

CTV National News, Sunday, March 24: Federal Ethics Counsellor

CTV National News, Tuesday, May 28: Defence Minister Collenette and Contracting-out rules

CBC Newsworld, Politics with Don Newman, Monday, June 3: Campaign finance in Canada

Baton Broadcast Service, National 6 o'clock news, Friday, August 9: Liberals and ethics rules

Global TV News, Tuesday, December 3: Banks and Service Charges

Global TV News, Wednesday, December 4: Banks and Low-income Services


CKNW Vancouver, Bill Good show, Wednesday, January 3: Banks and consumers

CKNW Vancouver, Sterling Fox show, Sunday, January 7: Banks and consumers (also broadcast by affiliate stations in Toronto, British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba)

AM Talk 640 Toronto, Roy Green show, Thursday, January 18: Banks and consumers

CBC Radio, Ontario Regional News, Sunday, February 11: Banks and consumers

CHUO-FM Ottawa, 5 O'clock Train show, Thursday, February 15: Democracy Watch feature

AM 1040 Vancouver, Friday, March 8: Banks, consumers and FCA

CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa), Wednesday, May 15: Banks and consumers

CBC Daybreak (Montreal), Monday, May 27: Bank mergers

CFRB (Toronto), Saturday, June 15: Citizen Utility Boards

CBC Morning show (Ottawa), Thursday, August 8: Changes to Bank Act

CBC Radio (Ottawa), Wednesday, September 4: Ontario's referendum discussion

CBC Radio (Saskatchewan), Thursday, September 19: Bernie Collins trip on CP Rail

CBC Radio (Ottawa), Thursday, September 26: Reforms to Bank Act

CBC Radio (Ottawa), Wednesday, October 2: Reforms to Bank Act

Melbourne Morning Radio, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Wednesday, October 16: Canada's conflict of interest rules

CFTO News, Thursday, October 17: Liberals' patronage

CBC Newsworld (Ottawa), Saturday, October 19: credit card rates

Face Off, Monday, November 11: Bank profits

CBC Newsworld, November 11: Bank profits

Tommy Schmurmacher Show, CJAD Radio Montreal, Thursday, November 28: Bank of Montreal Profit Report

The Charles Adler Show, CFRB in Toronto, Friday, December 6: Bank Profits

Magic 100 News, Ottawa, Friday, December 6: Bank Profits

The Jane Hawtin Show, Talk 640 (Toronto), Friday, December 6: Financial Consumer Organization

Almanacs Open Line, CBC Radio (Vancouver), Monday December 9: Bank Profits

Jane Hawtin Live, WTN, Tuesday, December 10: Bank Profits and Financial Consumer Organization

Kathleen O'Hara Show, CHUO, Thursday, December 12: Banks and profits


Vancouver Sun, Gillian Shaw's column, Friday, January 5: Financial Consumer Association

Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Gillian Shaw's column, Saturday, January 6: FCA
Globe and Mail, Saturday, January 6: Editorial on Banks, fees and FCA

Toronto Star, Gillian Shaw's column, Sunday, January 7: FCA

Hill Times, Monday, January 8: Bank lending practices

Vancouver Sun, Gillian Shaw's 2nd column, Tuesday, January 9: FCA

Montreal Gazette, Tuesday, January 9: Our editorial on Citizen Utility Board (CUB) for telephone
Saskatoon-Star Phoenix, Tuesday, January 9: Editorial on CUB for telephone

Ottawa XPress Magazine, Thursday, January 18: Bank lending and FCA

The Financial Post, Saturday, January 20: Bank service to low-income Canadians

Toronto Star, Claire Bernstein's column, Monday, January 22: Banks and FCA

Canadian Banker magazine, January/February issue: Banks' micro-credit lending

Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Monday, February 5: Record's editorial on FCA and banks

Toronto Star, Claire Bernstein's column, Monday, February 5: Banks and FCA

Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Monday, February 5: Record's editorial on FCA and banks

Halifax Chronicle-Herald, Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits
The Toronto Sun Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits
The Ottawa Sun, Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits
Calgary Herald, Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits
Edmonton Journal, Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits
Halifax Chronicle-Herald, Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits
Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits
Ottawa Sun, Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits
Toronto Sun, Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits
Vancouver Sun, Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits
Windsor Star, Wednesday, February 28: Bank's 1st Quarter Profits

Vancouver Province, Sunday March 17: Credit Card Interest Rates

Monday Magazine (Victoria), March 21-27 edition: Banks and consumers

Calgary Herald, Friday, March 22: Banks and foreign competition
Ottawa Citizen, Friday, March 22: Banks and foreign competition
The Spectator (Hamilton), Friday, March 22: Banks and foreign competition
Toronto Star, Friday, March 22: Banks and foreign competition
Windsor Star, Friday, March 22: Banks and foreign competition

Vancouver Province, Sunday, March 31: Citizen Utility Boards

NOW Magazine (Toronto), April 11-17: Feature on banking issues

Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, April 18: Financial Consumer Organization

HOUR Magazine (Montreal), April 25-May 1: Bank Act Changes

Edmonton Journal, Saturday, April 27: Liberal Government and Party Discipline

HOUR Magazine (Montreal), May 2-May 8: Bank Act Changes

Hill Times, Monday, May 6: Code of Conduct for MPs and Senators

Montreal Gazette, Tuesday, May 7: Credit Card Interest Rates
Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, May 7: Credit Card Interest Rates

HOUR Magazine (Montreal), May 30-June 5: Bank Service to People with Low Incomes

HOUR Magazine (Montreal), July 4-July 10: Bank Act Changes

Canadian Press (Wire Story), Friday, July 5: Banks joint ventures and job losses

Montreal Gazette, Tuesday, July 9: Banks and job creation in Canada
Toronto Star, Tuesday, July 9: Banks and job creation in Canada

THIS Magazine, July/August: Bank Service to Low-income neighbourhoods

Windsor Star, Thursday, August 15: Lobbyists Code of Conduct

Toronto Star, Thursday, August 1: Banks and service charges
London Free Press, Thursday, August 1: Banks and service charges

The Globe and Mail, Tuesday, August 20: Premiers' Conference sponsored by corporations

The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, August 26: Democracy Watch profile

The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, August 29: Ottawa City Hall accountability

The Globe and Mail, Thursday, September 5: Making banks more accountable
The Toronto Star, Thursday, September 5: Making banks more accountable

The Vancouver Sun, Friday, September 6: Bank profits

The Toronto Star, Friday, September 6: Ernie Eves' $3,300 golf outing

The Hill Times, Monday, September 9: Lobbying

Ottawa Business Journal, Monday, September 30: Making banks accountable

Ottawa Sun, Sunday, October 20: Credit card rates

The Hill Times, Monday, November 18: Lobbying

The Ottawa Citizen, Sunday, November 24: Making government more accountable

Le Droit, Wednesday, November 27: Bank of Montreal Profit Report
The Gazette (Montreal), November 27: Bank of Montreal Profit Report
Le Devoir, November 27: Bank of Montreal Profit Report
The Toronto Star, November 27: Bank of Montreal Profit Report
The Vancouver Sun, November 27: Bank of Montreal Profit Report

The Province (Vancouver), Sunday: December 1, Bank Profits

II. Public Appearances

Harbourfront Forum (Toronto), Thursday, June 13: Shopping for Justice: Consumer Power

Finance Committee, Thursday, September 26: Proposed changes for 1997 Bank Act review

Senate Banking Committee, Wednesday, October 2: Proposed changes for 1997 Bank Act review


Office of Consumer Affairs, Friday, January 12: Roundtable on Consumer Group Funding

Consumer Group Roundtable, Tuesday, October 8: Office of Consumer Affairs, Ottawa, Citizen Utility Board project report

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