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Democracy Watch's campaigns have received national TV, radio, or newspaper coverage at least once a month (and usually more than once a month) since it launched its first campaign in April 1994.

2003 Media Appearances set out below are listed by media outlet, specific show (for TV and radio), date, and topic (in chronological order). When newspaper stories have the same subject description and appear in several papers on the same date, it means that all of the newspapers listed ran versions of the same wire story.

 2003 Public Appearances set out below Media Appearances are grouped under Government Hearings or Conferences, with the
host, date and topic listed for each appearance.

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I. Media Appearances

Total media appearances in 2003 - 441

From January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003, 23 national TV interviews, and 31 regional/local TV interviews

From July 1, 2003 to December 30, 2003, 18 national TV interviews, and 21 regional/local TV interviews
Total TV appearances in 2003 = 93

January 8 - CBC Newsworld re: Manley ? Bryden ? CIBC situation

January 26 -  CTV Newsnet re: money in politics

January 28 - Global TV News re: money in politics

January 29 - CTV Newsnet  re: money in politics

January 29 - CBC Newsworld  Today re: money in politics

February 6 - CPAC re: money in politics

February 8 - CPAC re: Finance Committee hearings on bank mergers

February 21 - The New RO (Ottawa) re: local election and money in politics

March 4 - CPAC re: Senate Committee hearings on ethics

March 5 - CBC “The National” re: Paul Martin’s conflict and ethics issues

March 6 - CPAC “Prime Time Politics” re: Ethics Counsellor court challenge

March 6 - CFMT re: Ethics Counsellor court challenge

March 12 - CBC National News re: Paul Martin’s conflict

March 27 - City TV re: whistleblowing

April 17 - CPAC re: ethics code reports

April 21 - CPAC re: House of Commons Committee on Bill C-24

April 23 - The New RO (Ottawa) re: Bill C-24

April 23 - Rogers TV re: ethics code

May 28 - The New RO (Ottawa) re: ethics

June 1 - CTV “Question Period” re: money in politics

June 4 - CBC Newsworld re: money in politics

June 5 - Report on Business TV “politics show” re: money in politics

June 5 - CBC Canada Now re: money in politics

June 11 - CBC “Politics” re: Bill C-24 and money in political ethics

June 11 - CTV National TV News re: Bill C-24 and money in political ethics

July 9 - CBC (Ottawa) “Canada Now” re: election rules for city

September 4 - CBC “Politics” re: third party money in politics

September 16 - The New RO “News at Noon” (Ottawa) re: government ethics

September 22 - Global TV re: Paul Martin

October 10 - CBC National News re: Allan Rock and the Irving companies

October 14 - CBC (Saskatchewan) re: money in politics

October 15 - CBC Newsworld “Politics” re: third party court case ruling

October 23 - Rogers TV re: Ottawa city political finance system / donations

November 3 - Broadcast News (Moncton) re: parties paying party leader (Premier)

November 3 - CBC TV (Moncton) re: parties paying party leader (Premier)

December 1 - CBC TV (Calgary) re: bank service charges

December 1 - CBC Newsworld  re: bank service charges

December 9 - CTV National News re: Martin Fundraiser Raises Questions of Conflicts of Interest

December 10 - CPAC “Primetime Politics” re: Paul Martin fundraiser

December 16 - CBC “Canada Now”; National and Local News re: bank debit card fraud

December 22 - CBC TV re: CIBC settling with US Securities and Exchange Commission


Some 2003 Democracy Watch Radio Interviews (click on and follow the link instructions, and with Real Audio you can listen to the following interviews:

From January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003, 11 national radio interviews, and 52 regional/local radio interviews
From July 1, 2003 to December 30, 2003, 14 national radio interviews, and 43 regional/local radio interviews
Total radio appearances in 2003 = 120

January 6 - CFRA / CHUM Radio re: gas price hikes

January 6 - CBC Radio News re: John Manley - Rod Bryden - CIBC conflict-of-interest situation

January 6 - Radio Canada re: John Manley - Rod Bryden - CIBC conflict-of-interest situation

January 6 - CIBG (Trois-Rivieres) re: John Manley - Rod Bryden - CIBC conflict-of-interest situation

January 6 - CFRA (Ottawa) News re: John Manley - Rod Bryden - CIBC conflict-of-interest situation

January 6 - NTR  re: John Manley - Rod Bryden - CIBC conflict-of-interest situation

January 7 - CFOS (Owen Sound) re: John Manley - Rod Bryden - CIBC conflict-of-interest situation

January 7 - CKLN (Toronto)  interview re: John Manley - Rod Bryden - CIBC conflict-of-interest situation

January 8 - CFRA (Ottawa) interview re: John Manley - Rod Bryden - CIBC conflict-of-interest situation

January 9 - CIUT (University of Toronto) interview re Democracy Watch

January 9 - CFUV (Victoria) interview re: money in politics and democratic reform

January 11 - CBC “The House” re: John Manley - Rod Bryden - CIBC conflict-of-interest situation

January 12 - CFRB (Toronto)  re: John Manley - Rod Bryden - CIBC conflict-of-interest situation

January 16 - Sask Talk Radio re: Access to information (Sheila Copps)

January 28 - CJAD (Montreal) interview re: banking fees and mergers

January 29 - CKCU (Ottawa) re: money in politics

January 29 - CFRA (Ottawa) re: money in politics

January 29 - CKLN (Toronto) re: money in politics

January 30 - QR77 (Calgary) re: money in politics

January 30 - CBC Saskatchewan phone-in re: money in politics

January 30 - CHED (Edmonton) Talk Radio re: money in politics

February 4 - CJAD (Montreal) re: money in politics

February 4 - CFRA (Ottawa) interview re: money in politics

February 5 - CBC “Ontario Today” phone in re: money in politics

February 8 - CBC “The House” re: public service bill ethics gaps

February 11 - “CBC Politics” re money in politics (Bill C-24)

February 11 - CKNL (Fort St. John) re: electoral ballot

February 11 - CFRA (Ottawa) re: access-to-information

February 19 - CFRA (Ottawa) re: budget accountability

March 7 - CFRA (Ottawa) re: Paul Martin and ethics scandals

March 8 - CJBK (London) re: access to information and Paul Martin ethics

March 10 - CKCU (Carleton University) re: media accountability

March 11 - CFMT re: Paul Martin’s divestment

March 11 - CBC Radio News re: Paul Martin’s divestment

March 26 - CJME (Regina) re: gun registry vote

March 27 - CBC (Vancouver) re: whistleblowing

March 27 - CBC (Kelowna) re: whistleblowing

April 23 - Radio Canada re: search warrant for Bill C-24

May 2 - CFRA (Ottawa) re: government ethics Bill C-34

May 6 - CFRA (Ottawa) re: money in politics

May 6 - CHED (Edmonton) re: money in politics

May 14 - CBC National Radio news re: money in politics and donations to John Manley's federal Liberal Party leadership campaign

May 14 - Radio Canada International re: money in politics and Bill C-24

May 16 - QR77 (Calgary) re: money in politics and Bill C-34

May 28 - CFRA (Ottawa) “Lunch Bunch” interview re: ethics

May 30 - CKNW (Vancouver) re: money in politics

June 6 - BBC “phone-in” re: honesty in politics

June 11 - CHED (Edmonton) re: Bill C-24

June 12 - QR77 (Calgary “Rutherford Show”) re:  money in politics issues

June 14 - CKNW (Vancouver) “Sterling Fox Show” re: money in politics

June 16 - CBC Newfoundland re: money in politics

June 18 - CHUO (University of Ottawa) re: Manley donations conflict

June 18 - CBC “The Current” re: EDC working group

June 20 - CFRA (Ottawa) “Friday Face Off” re: ethics issues

July 9 - CBC “The Current” re: Bill C-24 changing political donations rules in federal Election Act

July 10 - CKVI (Victoria) re: Bill C-24 changing political donations rules in federal Election Act

July 11 - CFRA (Ottawa) “Friday Face-Off” re: Bill C-24 changing political donations rules in federal Election Act

July 22 - CKNW (Vancouver) re: Manley dropping out of Liberal leadership race

July 31 - CKNW (Vancouver) re: appointment process

August 1 - CFRA (Ottawa) “Lunch Bunch” re: government ethics

August 20 - CBC Windsor “morning show” re: TD Bank takeover of Laurentian Bank

August 28 - CFRB (Toronto) “News Talk” re: bank profits

September 4 - CBC “daytime news” re: third-party advertising spending limits in federal Elections Act

September 17 - CKNW (Vancouver) re: free vote on same sex law

September 18 - CBC “The Current” re: Paul Martin’s democratic reform plan

September 22 - CBC (Edmonton) re: access to banking services and bank law

September 23 - QR77 (Calgary) re: honesty in politics

September 24 - CJME (Regina) “John Gormley Show” re: honesty in politics

September 30 - CBC (Ottawa) re: politicians lying and honesty in politics

October 1 - CBC Newfoundland re: honesty in politics

October 3 - CIUT (University of Toronto) re: Paul Martin’s record

October 14 - CBC (Saskatchewan) re: money in politics

October 15 - CKNW (Vancouver) re: spending by Sheila Copps

October 16 - Radio Canada International re: Paul Martin’s donations

October 16 - CBC Radio re: police investigate whistleblower

October 17 - QR77 (Calgary) re: Paul Martin’s donations

October 30 - CBC (New Brunswick) re: Irving’s gifts to federal Cabinet ministers

October 31 - CBC (Ottawa) re: electoral list / enumeration process

October 31 - CFRA (Ottawa) “Friday Face-off” re: ethics

November 3 - CBC (New Brunswick) re: parties paying party leaders

November 4 - CFRA (Ottawa) “Lunch Bunch” re: federal government issues

November 12 - CBC Radio Canada re: Paul Martin’s donations

November 22 - CBC Radio re: lobbyists working for Paul Martin

December 3 - CKLN (Ryerson University) re: Paul Martin and ethics

December 5 - CFRA (Ottawa) re: government ethics

December 9 - 103XFM (Calgary) re: Klein and corporate flights

December 15 - CBC National Radio news re: bank debit card fraud

December 15 - Radio Canada International re: bank debit card fraud

December 23 - CBC “Sounds like Canada” letter re: Canadian dream and Canada Firsts and More Canada Firsts books

From January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003, 30 national print media articles, and 86 regional/local print media articles

From July 1, 2003 to December 30, 2003, 29 national print media articles, and 83 regional/local print media articles
Total print media appearances in 2003 = 228

January 6 - Globe and Mail re: Manley - Bryden and CIBC situation

January 18 - PoliticsWatch.com website re: openness in government

January 21 - Capital on-line website story re: money in politics

January 27 - Hill Times re: money in politics

January 28 - GlobeandMail.com website re: money in politics

January 28 - Straight Goods website re: money in politics

January 28 - Toronto Star re: money in politics

January 29 - Ottawa Citizen re: money in politics

January 29 - Toronto Star re: money in politics

January 29 - Straight Goods website re: money in politics

February 5 - Toronto Star (Richard Gwyn column) re: money in politics

February 6 - National Post article “Merging Banks Should Share ATMs” re: bank accountability

February 7 - Edmonton Sun re: federal government

February 11 - Edmonton Sun re: Carleton University poll on government

February 18 - Halifax Chronicle-Herald re: bank service charges

February 21 - Saskatoon Star Phoenix re: access-to-information issue

February 22 - Ottawa Citizen re: Paul Martin’s blind trust

February 25 - rabble.ca website re: government ethics

February 27 - Globe and Mail op-ed re: Paul Martin and lack of federal government ethics enforcement generally

March 1 - PoliticsWatch.com website re: Paul Martin’s conflict

March 2 - Ottawa Sun re: Paul Martin’s conflict

March 3 - Montreal Gazette op-ed re: money in politics bill

March 4 - The Annex (Toronto community paper) re: money in politics bill

March 5 - rabble.ca website re: Bill C-24 (money in politics bill)

March 6 - Ottawa Sun “ATM fees charge up critics” re: bank accountability

March 7 - Toronto Star re: Paul Martin and ethics scandals

March 12 - Toronto Star “Banks under credit card attack” re: bank accountability

March 12 - National Post re: Paul Martin’s divestment

March 12 - Toronto Star re: Paul Martin’s divestment

March 12 - Ottawa Citizen re: Paul Martin’s divestment

March 12 - Montreal Gazette re: Paul Martin’s divestment

March 13 - Vancouver Province op-ed re: Paul Martin, Canada Steamship Lines and ethics

March 13 - Montreal Gazette op-ed re: Paul Martin, Canada Steamship Lines and ethics

March 13 - Globe and Mail re: independent ethics commissioner

March 14 - National Post re: Tories budget TV commercial

March 26 - Dialogue magazine re: court case against federal Ethics Counsellor

March 27 - Globe and Mail (letter-to-the-editor) re: government ethics

April 16 - Toronto Star re: white label machines and bank gouging

April 17 - Ottawa Citizen re: bank service charges

May 2 - Ottawa Citizen (Susan Riley’s column) re: money in politics

May 6 - National Post (Andrew Coyne’s column) re: money in politics

May 17 - Toronto Star re: money in politics

June 4 - Corporate Knights magazine re: corporate responsibility

June 7 - Toronto Star re: whistleblowing

June 9 - Toronto Star re: Whistleblower Protection Weak in Canada Compared to U.S.

June 12 - Toronto Star re: Manley’s donation conflict

June 12 - Globe and Mail re: working group on access-to-information

June 21 - National Post re: Privacy Commissioner’s situation

June 23 - Telecomm Network newsletter re: revolving door CRTC telecomm commissioners

June 25 - Dominionpaper.ca website re: bank regulation and service charges

June 28 - Toronto Star re: money in politics

July 5 - Ottawa Citizen re: credit card service fee and foreign exchange rates

September 11 - Prairie Dog magazine (Regina); Planet S Magazine (Saskatoon) re: money in politics

September 12 - Nepean This Week (Ottawa community weekly newspaper) re: Green Party in Ontario

September 13 - Toronto Sun re: credit card class action

September 13 - Ottawa Citizen re: whistleblowing protection

October 16 - Globe & Mail re: Large Corporate Donations to Paul Martin Raise Conflict of Interest Questions

October 17 - Saskatchewan Star Phoenix re: donations in Saskatchewan election politics

October 20 - Simcoe Reformer re: politicians and accountability

October 24 - Moncton Times & Transcript re: Allan Rock and Irving’s conflict

October 28 - Hamilton Spectator re: Labatt gifts to Valerie and Cullen

October 29 - Edmonton Sun re: Jean Chretien’s democratic reform legacy

November 3 - rabble.ca website article re: federal ethics enforcement

November 4 - Moncton Times & Transcript re: Bernard Lord conflict

November 10 - Hill Times re: Paul Martin’s fundraising

November 11 - Sun newspapers (across Canada) re: Paul Martin’s donations

November 23 - London Free Press re: Two Paul Martin Advisors Still Lobbying for Large Corporations

November 24 - National Post re: CUB for investors

November 26 - Ottawa Citizen re: Senators and pensions

November 27 - The Coast (Nova Scotia weekly newspaper) re: access to basic banking

December 4 - Globe and Mail re: Lobbying Firm Tries to Avoid Conflicts of Interest for Paul Martin

December 25 - Suddeutsche Zeitung (largest German daily newspaper) re: corporate and government ethics

II. Public Appearances


February 5 - House of Commons Finance Committee re: strengthening bank merger review process

February 6 - House of Commons Procedure and House Affairs Committee re: developing ethics code for MPs

February 10 - MPs Committee on Access re: strengthening federal access to information law

February 25 - Senate Rules and Rights Committee re: developing ethics code for senators

April 10 - House of Commons Procedure and House Affairs Committee re: Bill C-24 (new federal political donations system)

May 7 - Senate Rules and Rights Committee re: Bill C-15 (bill changing federal Lobbyists Registration Act)

September 20 - Elections Canada forum in Ottawa re: elections law and political donations

September 26 - B.C. Information Commissioner conference in Victoria re: access to information law


March 27 - Public Forum organized by B.C. CCPA in Vancouver, B.C. re: whistleblower protection

March 29 - Workshops at Social Forum event in Toronto re: money in politics and creating citizen watchdog groups

April 30 - Forum in Halifax re: auto insurance

May 3 - Workshops at Social Forum event in Ottawa re: government and corporate responsibility

May 14 - Presentation to Canadian and U.S. government interns re: Democracy Watch's work

June 4 - Forum organized by Corporate Knights magazine in Toronto re: corporate responsibility

August 23 - Workshop at Social Justice Retreat in Algonquin Park re: how to effectively lobby government

September 10 - Speech at Pro Bono Students annual event at University of Ottawa law school re: public interest advocacy work

October 6 - Technology law class at University of Ottawa re: how to present proposals to government

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