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Democracy Watch's campaigns have received national TV, radio, or newspaper coverage at least once a month (and usually more than once a month) since it launched its first campaign in April 1994.

2002 Media Appearances set out below are listed by media outlet, specific show (for TV and radio), date, and topic. When newspaper stories have the same subject description and appear in several papers on the same date, it means that all of the newspapers listed ran versions of the same wire story.

 2002 Public Appearances set out below Media Appearances are grouped under Government Hearings or Conferences, with the
host, date and topic listed for each appearance.

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I. Media Appearances

Total media appearances in 2002 - 362

From January 1, 2002 to June 30, 2002, 14 national TV interviews, and 7 regional/local TV interviews

From July 1, 2002 to December 30, 2002, 15 national TV interviews, and 4 regional/local TV interviews
Total TV appearances in 2002 = 40

May 23 - CBC-TV National News re: speech on ethics by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

May 23 - CPAC "Talking Politics" show re: speech on ethics by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

May 23 - CBC-TV Newsworld "Today" show re: speech on ethics by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

May 23 - CTV Newsnet re: speech on ethics by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

June 11 - CBC TV National News re: ethics reform package introduced by Prime Minister

June 11 - CTV National News re: ethics reform package introduced by Prime Minister

June 12 - CTV "Canada AM" show re: ethics reform package introduced by Prime Minister

June 12 - CTV Newsnet re: ethics reform package introduced by Prime Minister

June 17 - CPAC re: ethics complaints filed against lobbyists

June 18 - CP24 re: firing of Ottawa Citizen editor

June 18 - Global TV re: firing of Ottawa Citizen editor

June 18 - CPAC re: firing of Ottawa Citizen editor

June 20 - 5:30 - Duff on CBC Newsworld re: term limits for politicians

September 8 - Global TV News “How retired oilman lost his millions” re: bank accountability

September 10 - CBC TV Newsworld's "Canada Now" show re: banking scandal in Calgary

September 10 - CBC Newsworld "Business News" show re: banking scandal in Calgary

October 16 - CPAC (Prime Time Politics show) re: federal government ethics reform package

October 18 - CTV News re: federal government ethics scandals

October 27 - CBC-TV News Sunday show re: federal government ethics reform package

October 31 - CBC-TV Newsworld re: report on federal political donors and contracts they received

October 31 - TQS TV News re: report on federal political donors and contracts they received

November 2 - CBC-TV News Sunday show re: political party reforms

November 25 - CPAC re: media accountability

December 17 - CBC-TV Newsworld re: Democracy Watch's court challenge of the federal Ethics Counsellor


From January 1, 2002 to June 30, 2002, 10 national radio interviews, and 39 regional/local radio interviews
From July 1, 2002 to December 30, 2002, 6 national radio interviews, and 59 regional/local radio interviews
Total radio appearances in 2002 = 104

May 23 - interviews on 8 CBC Radio local stations (St. John, Montreal, Toronto, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Yellowknife) re: speech on ethics by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

May 23 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: speech on ethics by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

June 11 - CKLW Windsor Talk Radio re: ethics reform package introduced by Prime Minister

June 11 - CKNW Talk Radio  (Vancouver - "The World Today" show)  re: ethics reform package introduced by Prime Minister and political donations issue

June 12 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: ethics reform package introduced by Prime Minister

June 12 - CHUO (Ottawa) re: ethics reform package introduced by Prime Minister

June 17 - CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa) re: donations to political party leadership race candidates

June 17 - CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa) re: ethics complaints filed against federal lobbyists

August 2 - CFRA Lunch Bunch  re: development of citizen watchdog groups and ethics in municipal politics

September 11 - Radio Canada re: donations to Paul Martin's Liberal party leadership campaign

September 19 - CKNW re: Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's 5 years of negligence in keeping ethics promises

October 4 - AM 640 Talk Show (Vancouver - Rafe Mair show) re: federal government ethics

October 7 - Saskatchewan News Talk Radio re: federal government ethics issues

October 10 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver - World Today show) re: Cabinet minister Lawrence McCauley scandal

October 15 - CBC Radio Maritime noon show re: lobbyist registration laws

October 17 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta) re: access to basic banking services

October 19 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: ethics scandals

October 22 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: federal government ethics package

October 23 - CBC Radio Maritime noon re: Cabinet minister Lawrence McCauley ethics scandal

October 23 - CBC News online re: federal government ethics package

October 24 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta - Rutherford show) re: federal government ethics package

October 24 - CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa) re: federal government ethics package

October 24 - CBC radio news re: lobbying law

October 30 - CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa) re: bank merger review process

November 1 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta) re: Democracy Watch's report on federal government contractors who are largest donors to federal Liberals

November 3 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: Democracy Watch's report on federal government contractors who are largest donors to federal Liberals

November 5 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: voter rights issues

November 8 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: Chrétien problem

November 12 - CHML Talk Radio (Hamilton) re: banking issues

November 27 - QR77 Talk Radio (Calgary) re: bank merger issue

December 4 - CBC Radio (13 regional shows across Canada) re: flaws in federal government's accountability system

December 9 - CHED (Talk Radio Edmonton) re: money in politics issues

December 17 - QR77 Talk Radio (Calgary) re: court case on limits on spending on advertising by non-political parties during federal election campaigns

December 17 - CHED Talk Radio (Edmonton) re: court case on limits on spending on advertising by non-political parties during federal election campaigns

December 17 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: court case on limits on spending on advertising by non-political parties during federal election campaigns

December 17 - CKLN Ryerson Talk Radio (Toronto) re: Democracy Watch's court challenge of the federal Ethics Counsellor

December 21 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: court case on limits on spending on advertising by non-political parties during federal election campaigns

December 23 - Saskatchewan Talk radio re: court case on limits on spending on advertising by non-political parties during federal election campaigns

December 27 - QR77 Talk Radio (Calgary) re: ethics of political donations

From January 1, 2002 to June 30, 2002, 28 national print media articles, and 64 regional/local print media articles

From July 1, 2002 to December 30, 2002, 33 national print media articles, and 93 regional/local print media articles
Total print media appearances in 2002 = 218

January 3 - National Post “Conflict code put on hold by Sept. 11” re: Federal government ethics

January 10 - Ottawa Citizen “Allegations revive calls for independent ethics counsellor” re: Federal government ethics

January 10 - The Globe and Mail “Legislation to target lobbying loophole” re: Money in politics

January 12 - Montreal Gazette “Chretien urged to act on ethics” re: Federal government ethics

January 16 - Montreal Gazette op-ed “The ethics shuffle” re: Federal government ethics

January 17 - National Post “Credit card rate 'grotesque’” re: bank accountability

January 23 - Ottawa Citizen  “Ethics boss to advise government lobbyists” re: Federal government ethics

January 24 - Ottawa Citizen “A new Indian Act” re: Federal government ethics

January 24 - Ottawa Citizen “Ethics boss says he told no secrets” re: Federal government ethics

January 24 - National Post  “Ethics Counsellor defends speech to lobbyists” re: Federal government ethics

January 18 - Toronto Star “Big Banks defend credit card rates” re: bank accountability

January 18 - Toronto Star “Bankers defend rates in war of words over credit cards” re: bank accountability

January 25 - Ottawa Citizen “Canadians want reins on companies” re: Corporate responsibility

January 30 - Ottawa Citizen “Loans program comes under fire” re: Federal government ethics

January 31 - National Post “Ed & Avie’s troubles” re: Corporate responsibility

January 31 - Globe and Mail “Who’s keeping an eye on whom in the world of the lobbyists?” re: Money in politics

February 1 - Globe and Mail “Lobbyists under ethics review” re: Money in politics

February 17 - Le Devoir “Lobbying: citee en example, la loi federale est pleine de trous” re: Money in politics

February 25 - Vancouver Sun “Why women worry” re: bank accountability

March 1 - Globe and Mail “BP to quit making political donations” re: Money in politics

March 15 - Ottawa Citizen “DND hides visitors’ identities” re: Federal government ethics

March 19 - Toronto Sun “Lastman steers clear of Tory race” re: Federal government ethics

April 8 - Maclean’s magazine “That Ethics Thing” re: Federal government ethics

April 9 - National Post “Credit-card interest rates hit record high” re: bank accountability

April 9 - Mail-Star “Royal Bank refuding Visa users” re: bank accountability

April 9 - Vancouver Sun re: “Royal Bank refund heartens credit-card class action” re: bank accountability

April 9 - Sudbury Star re: “consumers urged to pay credit card debt quickly” re: bank accountability

April 9 - Ottawa Citizen re: “Most card-holders ignorant of true cost: watch dog” re: bank accountability

April 9 - Globe and Mail re: “RBC repaying interest charges” re: bank accountability

April/May - Ottawa City magazine “The Spinmeisters” re: Money in politics

April 16 - Politics Watch “Ottawa has an appetite for transparency, says Goodale” re: Federal government ethics

April 18 - Politics Watch “Fundraising ministers may be in breach of existing conflict code” re: Federal government ethics

April 23 - Ottawa Citizen “Red Chamber ‘an ongoing’ scandal” re: Federal government ethics

April 29 - Ottawa Citizen “Ethics czar’s impartiality under fire” re: Federal government ethics

April 29 - National Post “Ethics chief helped ready PM’s defence” re: Federal government ethics

April 30 - Toronto Sun “Critics rip feds over contracts” re: Money in politics

May 4 - Toronto Star “Perception of conflict smears race for the top” re: Money in politics

May 15 - Globe and Mail “By-election poker” re: Federal government ethics

May 16 - National Post “Financial watchdog fails fist test” re: bank accountability

May 23 - National Post “Canadians who voted twice choose humiliation” re: Federal government ethics

May 23 - Toronto Star article re: privacy protection issues

May 24 - Ottawa Sun “Chretien vows to clean up” re: Federal government ethics

May 24 - Ottawa Citizen “Five senators violated conflict rules, groups says” re: Federal government ethics

May 24 - Ottawa Citizen “ PM’s ethics action plan ‘a PR Ploy’” re: Federal government ethics

May 25 - Ottawa Citizen “Just say No” re: Federal government ethics

May 25 - Ottawa Citizen “Liberals may ban corporate political donations” re: Money in politics

May 27 - The Hill Times “Lobbyists need a strategy of their own, talk about guilt by association why don’t you” re: Money in politics

June 3 - Maclean’s magazine “Ethics-or tactics?” re: Federal government ethics

June 5 - National Post “Chretien getting poor advice, Liberal MP says” re: Federal government ethics

June 12 - National Post “PM’s guidelines take easy road” re: Federal government ethics

June 12 - Globe and Mail re: ethics reform package introduced by Prime Minister

June 12 - Toronto Star re: Canadian retailers code of conduct for operations overseas

June 18 - National Post “Copps Raised Money After PM Said Stop” re: Money in politics

June 18 - Ottawa Citizen “Democracy Watch complains lobbyists are breaking rules” re: Federal government ethics

June 18 - Toronto Star “Group calls for ethics commission” re: Federal government ethics

June 20 - Vue Weekly (Calgary) re: G8 protest banners

June 24 - Hill Times op-ed “Prime Minister Jean Chretien’s ‘ethics package’ is really a work of deception and defence” re: Federal government ethics

June 24 - Report magazine “War in heaven” re: Federal government ethics

June 26 - National Post “Martin Takes Campaign Nationwide” re: Federal government ethics

July 1 - Canadian Business magazine re: federal government ethics package

July 1 - Halifax Chronicle Herald re: regulation

July 4 - Globe and Mail “Donations to Liberals hit $15.9-million” re: Money in politics

July 4 - Ottawa Citizen “Donations to Liberals fall sharply” re: Money in politics

July 4 - National Post “Sponsorship fix’admission of corruption’” re: Money in politics

July 10 - National Post “Play with a prominent Liberal for as little as $1,250” re: Money in politics

July 11 - National Post “Tobin Won’t Disclose Donors, Aide says” re: Money in politics

July 12 - Globe and Mail “Martin won’t name financial supporters” re: Money in politics

July 12 - National Post “Martin blames PM for his refusal to reveal donors” re: Money in politics

July 12 - Toronto Star “Martin mum on donors, fears PM’s vengeance” re: Money in politics

July 12 - Le Devoir “Martin refuse de se soumettre aux regles de Chretien" re: Federal government ethics

July 17 - Ottawa Citizen “Canadians funding Liberal leadership contenders via tax breaks” re: Money in politics

July 18 - Windsor Star re: lobbyists

July 23 - Montreal Gazette re: money in politics

July 23 - Hamilton Spectator re: federal political party leadership races

July 30 - Ottawa Sun “Ottawa plots own games” re: Money in politics

July 30 - Ottawa Citizen “Donations to Alliance shrink drastically” re: Money in politics

July 30 - National Post “Donations tumbled in 2001” re: Money in politics

August 1 - Prairie Dog magazine (Regina) re: money in politics

August 5 - Halifax Chronicle Herald re: gouging white label (generic) cash machines

August 12 - Halifax Chronicle Herald re: low-cost bank accounts

August 23 - T.O. Sun re: bank profits

August 29 - NOW magazine (Toronto) re: Paul Martin's relationship with Earnscliffe corporate lobbying firm

September 9 - Calgary Herald re: bank scandal in Calgary

September 20 - Politics Watch.com re: money in politics

September 25 - Winnipeg Free Press re: opposition party letter to Premier ???

September 26 - Ottawa Sun re: in-kind gifts to political party leadership candidates

September 26 - Ottawa Citizen re: ethics of Southam press complaint

September 27 - Ottawa Citizen re: National Capital Commission

September 1 - Ottawa Citizen “Watching out for your money” re: bank accountability

September 3 - Globe and Mail “Martin urged again to release names of financial backers” re: Money in politics

September 7 - Calgary Herald “Former city bank officer sought in $9M US fraud case” re: bank accountability

September 8 - Calgary Herald “How retired oilman lost his millions” re: bank accountability

September 10 - National Post “Martin will Unveil Donors on Sept.11” re: Money in politics

September 12 - Le Journal de Montreal “Paul Martin Revele, en partie, le nom de ses contributeaurs” re: Money in politics

September 27 - National Post “Liberals Sold ‘Access for Cash’:Group” re: Money in politics

October 1 - Ottawa Citizen “Tardy ethics czar gives himself an extension” re: Federal government ethics

October 7 - Ottawa Citizen “Nothing new about political corruption” re: Money in politics

October 10 - Ottawa Citizen “Money talks, and politicians listen” re: Money in politics

October 11 - Local community papers in King City, Ontario re: democracy issues.

October 18 - Winnipeg Free Press re: federal government ethics scandals

October 24 - Toronto Star “PM unveils new watchdog on ethics” re: Federal government ethics

October 25 - Globe and Mail “Manely stokes merger hopes” re: bank accountability

October 25 - Toronto Star “Manley bids to restart bank mergers debate” re: bank accountability

October 26 - Globe and Mail “Make that Mr. Lapdog” re: Federal government ethics

October 28 - Ottawa Citizen op-ed “Is patronage corruption?” re: Federal government ethics

October 28 - Maclean's magazine re: federal government ethics scandals

November 1 - Sudbury Times “Liberal supporters reap plump contracts: group” re: Federal government ethics

November 9 - Globe and Mail “Martin adds $1.1-million to war chest since summer” re: Money in politics

November 9 - Ottawa Citizen “Martin raises $1 million in 2 months” re: Money in politics

November 11 - Report magazine re: Democracy Watch's report on federal government contractors who are largest donors to federal Liberals

November 30 - Le Devoir re: money in politics issues

December 12 - Ottawa Citizen re: conflict of interest involving Finance Minister Paul Martin

December 18 - Toronto Star “Cash & Save competes with cheque-cashing outlets” re: bank accountability

December 18 - Globe and Mail “Democracy Watch challenges ethics counsellor” re: Federal government ethics

December 18 - FFWD (Calgary weekly newspaper) re: bank merger issue

December 19 - Ottawa Citizen “Ethics counsellor biased against us, Democracy Watch claims” re: Federal government ethics

December 19 - Edmonton Journal re: court case on limits on spending on advertising by non-political parties during federal election campaigns

December 21 - Ottawa Citizen re: conflict of interest involving Finance Minister Martin

December 26 - Georgia Straight (Vancouver weekly paper) re: lack of ethics rules in British Columbia

II. Public Appearances


Senate Banking Committee, March 6: Bill C-23

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada meeting, June 19: New banking law measures and enforcement

Law Commission of Canada meeting, July 3: Democratic reforms research project

House of Commons Industry Committee, November 21, Bill C-15 changing federal Lobbyists Registration Act


Wednesday, February 6 - Aboriginal Achievement Foundation conference (Calgary) re: Removing Barriers to Aboriginal Employment

Saturday, February 9 - Alberta Public Interest Research groups (Calgary) re: How to Organize and Start-up a PIRG

Wednesday, February 21 - Institute for Research on Public Policy (Ottawa) re: How to Strengthen the Federal Political Finance Law

Sunday, March 17 - Youth environmentalists meeting (Montreal) re: How to Make Corporations Act Responsibly

Thursday, March 21 - Champlain College (Lennoxville, Quebec) re: Gaps in Enforcement of International Law

Monday, March 25 - Carleton University journalism school (Ottawa) re: Flaws in Government Watchdogs

Wednesday, July 31 - Rotary Club (Gloucester) re: Democracy Watch's activities

Friday, September 13 - Alberta Public Interest Research Group (Edmonton) re: Organizing and Campaigning

Wednesday, September 18 - Pro Bono Students (University of Ottawa) re: Working at non-profit organization

Monday, September 30 - Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (Ottawa) re: Government ethics in Canada

Thursday, October 10 - King City citizens group (King City, Ontario) re: Gaps in democratic accountability in Canada

Friday, November 15 - Ontario University Student Advisor regional conference (Toronto) re: How to get students engaged as active citizens

Tuesday, November 19 - Canada - Europe Parliamentary Association re: Barriers and issues re: Electronic democracy

Thursday, November 21 - National Farmers Union Annual General Meeting (Regina) re: How to Reduce Power of Corporate Lobbyists

Saturday, November 30 - Save Canada Conference (Toronto) re: Proposed Changes to Federal Government Accountability Laws

Tuesday, December 17 - Workshop for Canadian Centre for Management Development (Ottawa) re: How Government Policy-making Should Involve Citizens

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