Corporate Citizenship and Social Responsibility:
An Agenda for Raising the Standards in Canada
(October 1994)
This Discussion Paper outlines the current situation concerning
corporate citizenship and social responsibility in Canada, where we want
to be, and sets out a framework for examining strategies and mechanisms
for achieving more stringent citizenship and social responsibility standards
for corporations in Canada.
Democracy Watch is calling on Canadian governments to examine
and implement many of these proposals.
I. Introduction
From the moment we are born until the time we die, corporations dominate
most facets of our lives. Our citizen roles of voter, taxpayer, worker,
consumer and shareholder are all affected by corporations. They produce
and sell the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the houses we live in, the
vehicles we travel in and the entertainment we enjoy. Corporations affect
the quality of our environment and shape the values of our society, influencing
the areas of law, taxation, education, communications, athletics, families
and organized religion through corporate lobbying, polluting, advertising,
and sponsorship.
Large Canadian corporations and transnational corporations (TNCs) are
especially influential. Because of the sheer size of these corporations,
the decisions of the relatively few people who control them exert great
influence on the decision-making of local, provincial and national governments,
and can have great impact on the communities in which these corporations
are located. For these reasons, there is a need for a social responsibility
framework for large corporations and TNCs especially, a framework that
enables individual citizens and communities to hold corporations accountable
to community interests.
Central to this framework is the comparison between individual citizenship
and corporate citizenship. When a person immigrates to Canada, they are
put through a rigorous process before they become a citizen of Canada,
subject to the rights and responsibilities of Canadian laws, community
standards and traditions. In contrast, corporations automatically become
"citizens" of Canada by simply filing papers with the government.
And corporations exercise their rights with great force in Canadian society,
but they have often shown that they are not subject to the responsibilities
of citizenship or to Canadian laws. Some individual Canadians also use
the "veil" of corporate citizenship to escape the responsibilities
of individual citizenship.
At times, both individual citizens and corporate "citizens"
are negligent and do not fulfill their responsibilities, but the overall
impact of corporate negligence on Canadians and Canadian communities far
outweighs the impact of individual negligence, as detailed below.
II. Where We Are
In Canada, the revenues of the largest 500 corporations total
about 80 percent of the Gross National Product and these corporations employ
about two million Canadians. However, the small business sector creates
80% of new jobs in Canada. Moreover, corporate taxes, when compared
to personal taxes, represent a proportionally smaller and decreasing share
of government revenues, as the following figures show:
- In 1961, 21% of the federal government's revenue came from corporate
- By 1992, however, only 7% came from corporate taxes;
- Over the same period, federal revenue from personal income taxes rose
from 32% to 48%;
- Income taxes collected from the poorest 20% of Canadian families have
more than doubled since 1984;
- In contrast, 93,405 corporations with combined revenues of $27 billion
(including many of Canada's largest corporations) paid no income tax in
1987; and
- Canadian corporations currently owe $36 billion in deferred taxes.
Although "smogging" is recognized as much as "mugging"
now as a societal harm, corporate crime is scarcely tracked as compared
to street crime in Canada. An accounting is made of consumer fraud, but
no account is taken (by Statistics Canada for example) of crimes against
the environment, economic crimes or of the deaths and injuries caused by
dangerous products, workplace hazards, and preventable occupational diseases.
One researcher compiled the following statistics for Canada in the early-
and mid-1980s:
- Occupational deaths are the third leading cause of death in Canada;
- Every six hours a Canadian worker dies on the job;
- At least half of all workplace deaths in Canada can be attributed to
unsafe and usually illegal working conditions;
- These working conditions cause more deaths in a month than all the
mass murderers combined do in a decade;
- Canadians are 28 times more likely to be injured at work than by an
assault, and 10 times more likely to be killed at work than by homicide.
As far as consumer fraud is concerned, the RCMP Commercial Crime Section
estimates losses by Canadian victims in 1992 at $574 million. Others have
put the figure at $4 billion, based upon a U.S. study which totalled losses
there at $44 billion.
Corporate criminal liability is not fully developed in Canada
either, in part because of the structure of corporations. Enforcement of
environmental protection and securities laws has increased and, in some
cases, the courts have held corporate directors responsible for the activities
of the corporation. However, the development of director responsibility
is resisted by a relatively small corporate elite, each of whom serve as
figureheads on numerous boards. Director responsibility implies liability
for these figureheads, and they are concerned that they could be held liable
for decision-making processes in which they rarely take an active part.
In addition, there are many clear conflicts of interest in the make-up
of Canadian corporate boards, and there have been many examples
of corporate breakdown caused in part by poor corporate governance. Take,
for example, the fact that the majority of directors of the big six banks
are these banks' biggest corporate customers. The collapse of Confederation
Trust has been attributed in part to the ties between its boards, its managers
and its large borrowers in the real estate development industry. The Toronto
Stock Exchange Committee on Corporate Governance released a draft report
in May 1994 calling for guidelines for improved corporate governance in
Canada, which, prompted by many examples of conflicts on interest, included
a recommendation that corporations should have to tell shareholders, and
give reasons, if a majority of their directors are not "unrelated"
to the corporation.
Meanwhile, although shareholder activism has realized some success in
recent years, shareholder democracy has never been realized in any
of Canada's large corporations or, even less so, in any TNCs. Many citizen
groups buy a single share in large corporations each year and attend annual
general meetings to confront the board of directors with citizen concerns.
However, although these efforts often receive extensive media coverage,
they rarely affect corporate decision-making directly.
In the area of constitutional law, studies have shown that large
Canadian corporations have used the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to advance
their claims in court more successfully than have Canadian citizens. Corporations
now enjoy many of the protections of the Charter intended to apply to individuals,
rather than entities constructed by legislation and regulations alone.
The next test of the extension by judges of Charter protection for corporations
comes this December, when the Supreme Court of Canada will hear the tobacco
industry's challenge to the federal government's tobacco advertising restrictions
on the ground that it violates their freedom of speech.
Corporate political donations to political parties amount to
undue influence in many cases of government decision-making. For example,
changes to the Bank Act in 1991 were influenced by the fact that the big
six banks give about $250,000 each year to the federal Conservative and
Liberal parties, and the February 1994 tobacco tax cut was influenced by
the fact that the big three tobacco companies gave $270,000 to the federal
Liberal party between 1988 and 1992.
In the international arena, of the largest 100 economies in the world,
47 are transnational corporations (TNCs). Over the past seven years, trade
agreements such as the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA), the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the recent General Agreement
on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) have set a foundation to subjugate community
values - consumer, labour, health and environment - to the values of global
commerce. These agreements enrich and empower TNCs at the expense of Canada's
economy and the ability of the Canadian government to regulate domestic
corporate activities. In addition, there is no role for citizens or citizen
groups in the undemocratic and secretive decision-making processes of these
In an age of rapid globalization of capital and business, international
regulatory frameworks aimed at controlling the activities of TNCs are
few and far between and are not enforced effectively. One of the main means
of regulating TNC activities to date has been the drafting of codes of
conduct, but although these codes are often strong statements of principles
of accountability for TNC actions, most remain in draft form or in their
own wording are unenforceable.
III. Where We Want to Be
Here is a proposed statement of principles:
"We want to live in a world where the rights of all individual
citizens to adequate food, clothing and shelter, decent employment, education
and health care, a clean environment, social assistance, and quality public
services are ensured and where the rights of individual citizens and communities
prevail over the rights of corporate "citizens".
We want to live in a world where individual citizens have the right
to meaningfully participate in decisions affecting their rights and their
Specifically, we want to live in a world where individual citizens,
in their roles as voters, taxpayers, workers, consumers and dshareholders,
have the right through democratic community and government decision-making
processes to determine and to limit the rights and activities of corporate
"citizens", and have the right to hold corporate "citizens"
accountable for their activities."
IV. How We Get There From Here
There are several possible ways to get from here to there in terms of
both a range of corporate citizenship and social responsibility mechanisms
and a range of strategies for ensuring that these mechanisms are enacted
and effectively enforced (See APPENDIX for full list). These strategies
involve exercising our citizen roles of voter, taxpayer, worker, consumer
and shareholder.
First, there are a number of grassroots-oriented defensive campaign
strategies that could be used to stop the harmful activities of corporations.
These include boycotts, letter-writing and publicity campaigns directed
at corporations, investors, shareholders and the government.
Second, there are offensive campaign strategies to press local,
provincial and federal governments to adopt corporate social responsibility
mechanisms. Examples of these strategies include: requiring disclosure
of important details about corporate activities; including discharges of
pollutants and violations of laws; and requiring corporations that receive
tax breaks and other public incentives to locate in a community to pay
penalties to the community if they shut down and move. A requirement for
a greater degree of corporate democracy would give voice to citizen concerns
in corporate decision-making.
Considering they benefit from an extensive "corporate welfare"
package, corporations could be required to pay their fair share of taxes,
and they could also be required to facilitate the creation of citizen watchdog
groups through various funding mechanisms.
Corporate crime could be addressed through setting up a corporate crime
registry, so that crime in the suites is tracked in as much detail as crime
in the streets. Citizens could be given the right to prosecute corporate
crime; liability standards could be increased for corporate managers and
executives, especially if they fail to report violations; and jail terms
could apply to corporate criminals. For repeat corporate offenders, a "three
strikes you're out" rule could be used to "execute" the
corporation by revoking its charter.
Government subsidies of environmentally harmful activities of corporations
could be ended, and government could pledge to purchase products and services
only from socially responsible companies. In addition, the executives of
socially responsible corporations could be encouraged to advocate that
their colleagues follow their example.
Third, there are transformative campaign strategies to press
governments to re-charter corporations based upon a social responsibility
framework. Corporations could also be removed from the protection of the
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, thereby reclaiming it as the Charter of
Human Rights and Freedoms.
Finally, there are international campaign strategies to create
an international social responsibility framework for transnational corporations
(TNCs). These include strengthening international codes of conduct for
TNCs and the enforcement of these codes, and ensuring that TNCs can't shift
blame or profits from country to country to avoid liability and taxes.
V. What's Next?
Further examination of where we are, where we want to be, and how we
get from here to there is needed to determine what's next. This examination
should include studying case histories in which the various mechanisms
and strategies have been used successfully.
After this examination is completed and decisions are made concerning
which strategies to employ and which mechanisms to advocate, an action
plan can be set out for campaigns at local, provincial, national and international
levels, all aimed at ensuring the establishment of an effective corporate
citizenship and social responsibility framework for large corporations
and TNCs.
List of Strategies and Mechanisms
for Corporate Citizenship and Social Responsibility
The following hopefully provides a useful framework for the examination
of which strategies and which mechanisms are possible and advisable, and
which are most likely to succeed:
(1) Defensive campaign strategies to stop
the harmful activities of large corporations.
For example:
- Grassroots boycotts, letter-writing and publicity campaigns against
a "symbolic" corporation that serves as a model for an industry
sector's practices and whose activities are especially harmful and;
- Boycotts and public pressure campaigns against suppliers, clients,
banks and insurance companies of a corporation whose activities are harmful;
- Shareholder activism at corporate annual general meetings, including
forcing resignations of "symbolic" board members and demanding
improvements in the corporation's activities;
- Innovative lawsuits aimed at public education and the setting of new
standards for corporate social responsibility.
(2) Offensive campaign strategies to press
local, provincial and federal governments to adopt corporate social responsibility
legislation, regulations, codes, resolutions and other accountability mechanisms,
and to press corporations to set industry performance standards that involve
social responsibility and increase accountability.
For example:
Corporate Decency and Social Responsibility
- Link public ownership of public assets with public control of those
assets and require that portions of the revenues collected from the private
use of public assets (e.g. Crown lands, TV and radio airwaves) be set aside
to fund citizen watchdog groups that will monitor the use of these assets;
- Require all institutions that mass mail bills or customer statements
(banks, insurance companies, TV cable companies, telephone companies, natural
gas, hydro-electricity, water and sewage utilities) to include periodic
inserts in their billing envelopes that invite customers to become fee-paying
members of independent consumer associations which will act as watchdogs
to negotiate and advocate for their interests;
- Increase standing rights and class action lawsuit rights, and increase
intervenor funding programs so that citizens can more easily gather together
to hold corporations accountable in administrative hearings and the courts;
- Require disclosure of each large corporation's workforce by sex, race,
and job classification (including officers); disclosure of executive salaries;
disclosure of discharges with regard to air and water pollution for the
largest facilities operating within the company; disclosure of the total
of all occupational injuries and illness incurred during the past year
company-wide; disclosure of enforcement actions, civil and criminal sanctions
and civil claims made against the corporation; disclosure of the twenty
largest beneficial holders of voting shares in the firm and the long term
debt of the firm; disclosure of the primary employment affiliation of each
Board member, and each Board member's meeting attendance record and cross-appointments;
disclosure of the company's overseas operations; disclosure of the firms
legal and auditing expenses, including a breakdown where the costs are
incurred; and disclosure of the firm's effective annual tax rate, and value
of government grants and contracts;
- Require one year's notice to be given to the government minister responsible
for labour, community representatives and workers if a plant closure is
planned, and require public hearings on the planned closure;
- Hold the business closing the operation liable to the local government
for revenue equal to that lost in taxes for one year from the business,
and for the monetary value of any incentive package (e.g. property tax
breaks) granted to the corporation in return for setting up in the locale
and creating local jobs;
- Change the political finance laws to equalize the influence that individuals
and corporations can have through donations to political parties, and to
require prompt disclosure of donations;
Corporate Democracy
- Document the existence and effectiveness of current corporate governance
- Require that a majority of the board of directors be made up of "independent
directors" who have not been an officer or employee of the firm or
its affiliates for five years, are not relatives of an executive officer
of the firm; do not have an equity interest in the firm; and are not lawyers,
suppliers or investment bankers which have provided services to the firm
in the past five years;
- Require that directors be assigned to various constituencies such as
consumer protection, environmental protection, law compliance and political
relations and that committees be set up within the board with special responsibilities
to oversee company obligations in these areas and areas such as auditing
and nominating of directors;
- Prohibit any person from serving as the director of more than two corporations
incorporated in the same province;
- To encourage minority shareholder representation on corporate boards,
give shareholders the right to nominate candidates for the board of directors
if the candidates are supported by a reasonable minimum number or percentage
of shares, and allow shareholders to cumulate their votes towards any one
- Give shareholders the right to review the board's vote on any transaction
involving the purchase, sale, lease, merger, consolidation, financing,
refinancing, dissolution or liquidation of assets equal to ten percent
of the firm's total assets, or the sale of ten percent of the company's
- Recognize worker ownership of their own pension funds and give workers
greater control over pension assets;
Corporate Tax and Subsidies
- Expose the extent of "corporate welfare" in sectors such
as banking, natural resources industries and transportation;
- Impose a minimum corporate tax;
- Charge interest on deferred corporate taxes;
- Increase audits of corporations to reveal corporate tax cheaters;
- Tax corporate mergers;
- Eliminate corporate tax break on first $200,000 profit;
- Eliminate deduction for corporate entertainment expenses;
- Eliminate deduction for corporate lobbying expenses;
Corporate Crime
- Establish a publicly accessible corporate crime registry so that crime
in the suites is tracked in as much detail as crime in the streets (including
features such as a "Ten Most Wanted" white collar criminal list);
- The government should institute "enforced self-regulation,"
compelling each company or industry to write a set of rules tailored to
the unique set of contingencies facing that particular firm. The government
regulatory agency would then approve these rules or send them back for
- Discourage investments in criminally recidivist companies by publishing
an index for investors and prohibiting public pension funds from investing
in criminal corporate activities. And prohibit criminal companies for getting
government grants, licenses or contracts;
- Facilitate class actions and a citizen's bill of rights through which
individual citizens can take action to prosecute corporate crime;
- Employees who report illegal activities, so-called "whistleblowers,"
should be protected by federal and provincial legislation from dismissal
and other retaliatory measures;
- Strengthen product liability laws so that victims can sue corporations
to recover both compensatory and punitive damages;
- Increase staffs and budgets of corporate crime police, creating "strike
forces" and increasing community contact by corporate crime police
to increase awareness of corporate crime;
- Make police liable for failure to act and for looking the other way
when knowledge of corporate crimes is obtained;
- Make it a crime for a corporation to have a standard operating procedure
(SOP) that allows employees to execute their responsibilities in an illegal
manner without executives being notified;
- Laws concerning the destruction of documents could be strengthened
and enforced so that "sensitive" documents are protected for
the benefit of the public;
- The actions of a corporation in reaction to an illegal act (covering
up or taking measures to prevent repetition) should be able to be used
as evidence of the intent of the corporation of the illegal act;
- Supervisors who willfully or recklessly fail to oversee an assigned
activity that results in illegal conduct could be held criminally liable;
- It could be a criminal violation for a manager not to report to authorities
any product or process that may cause death or serious injury;
- Change the standard of proof from "beyond a reasonable doubt"
to "on the balance of probabilities" for prosecutions of corporations;
- If a corporate executive is convicted of an offence, he or she should
have to make a public confession by newspaper advertisement of the nature
of the offence and the penalty imposed, be barred from employment in the
industry for a stipulated period of time and be required to participate
in community service, including, for example, requiring convicted coal
company executives to work in a coal mine for a year;
- Eliminate "country club" prisons so that white collar criminals
are treated on par with street criminals;
- Convicted companies could be required to notify in advertisements and
through direct mail where possible their victims and all companies should
be required to notify any potential victims who may be adversely affected
by potential health and safety dangers associated with any product, practice
or service of the corporate entity;
- Convicted companies could be put "on probation" with a legal
or financial officer assigned to assure compliance with the law within
the managerial hierarchy over a period of time, or to structure new management
procedures etc;
- Convicted companies could be required to make restitution to their
victims, as in a civil proceeding;
- Restructure fines for corporate crimes into equity fines, in which
corporations would be required to issue a number of shares (equal to the
cash fine necessary to deter the activity) to a crime victim compensation
fund, which can liquidate the shares at will;
- Strictly enforce fine collection schedules for corporate crime;
- Require that a percentage of fines be paid to support independent corporate
"watchdogs" in order to increase the number and diversify the
status of people monitoring corporate crime, which should help avoid crimes
from being overlooked or ignored;
- In serious cases of repeat offences, implement a "three strikes
you're out: rule that would "execute" a corporation by stripping
it of its charter;
Corporate Mergers
- Formalize the notification system and set up a public review process
for all corporate mergers;
- Tax all mergers, and forbid mergers of corporations of a certain size,
regardless of how diverse their business lines are or how competition may
be affected;
Corporations and the Environment
- Tax or prohibit environmentally damaging activities and products and
energy inefficient products;
- Reduce or eliminate subsidies to resource-intensive or environmentally
damaging activities;
Corporate Performance
- Document the effects of corporate social responsibility on the creation
of "wealth" (using the market definition of revenues, profits
and share price performance) by examining the track records of ethical
investments funds and other indicators;
- Work with corporations one-by-one to set industry standards that include
social responsibility and increase accountability. For example, if one
corporation agrees to set a leading standard by pledging to eliminate their
emissions of a pollutant, the societal benefits are the change in that
corporation's activities, the pressure on other corporations in the same
industry to follow the standard, and the accountability that results from
having a standard by which to measure performance. The corporation benefits
by being able to increase its market share through promotion of its industry-leading
- Gather together representatives from leading, socially responsible
corporations and socially responsible investment funds into a coalition
that will advocate for many of the accountability mechanisms listed above,
and call on their colleagues in the corporate sector to follow their lead.
(3) Transformative campaign strategies to
press Canadian governments to re-charter corporations based upon a social
responsibility framework.
For example:
- Redefine the process and criteria for granting corporate charters to
specifications set by governments after a democratic decision-making process
involving all Canadians. For example, as a requirement of their right to
incorporate, large companies should place in their offices a public ombudsperson,
receiving public and employee complaints and investigating possible law
violations. And publicly-held corporations should be required to disclose
their litigation records in full to securities commissions before incorporation
in a jurisdiction, as a character requirement for all companies doing business
or licensed in a jurisdiction;
- Have governments determine and set limits on the rights, governance
and activities of existing corporations through a democratic decision-making
process involving all Canadians;
- Amend the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to explicitly exclude corporations
from its protection, thereby reclaiming it as the Charter of Human
Rights and Freedoms; and
- Revoke the charters of harmful corporations.
(4) International campaign strategies to
create an international Transnational Corporation (TNC) social responsibility
For example:
- Strengthen the international codes of conduct for TNCs;
- Advocate appropriate government policies, a supportive institutional
structure and a financial commitment in both developed and developing countries
to ensure enforcement of the codes of conduct;
- Establish a global auditing body to evaluate states and TNCs in terms
of their adherence to international agreements and codes of conduct;
- Make parent companies liable for the activities of their subsidiaries,
and allow legal violations by subsidiaries in other countries to be tried
in the parent company's country;
- Ensure that TNCs cannot use transfer pricing (shifting profits from
country to country) to avoid paying taxes on profits;
- Make multilateral financial institutions (e.g the World Bank) accountable
for the environmental aspects of development projects they subsidize, and
expand public access to information about the projects.