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Media Release


Wednesday, October 23, 2002

OTTAWA - Today, in response to the release of proposed changes to the federal lobbying law, ethics rules and ethics enforcement system, Democracy Watch called on the federal government and all Parliamentarians to strengthen and add to the proposed measures to close loopholes and ensure honest, ethical government.

"The federal Liberals continue to play a shell game with government ethics, introducing half-measures that are full of loopholes while falsely claiming that they have made the federal government honest and ethical," said Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch.

The proposed changes that will be significant steps forward (if the changes are actually made) are as follows:

The key loopholes and gaps still remaining in the federal government's ethics system need to be closed through the following changes and measures:

"Even if the Liberals pass all the proposed measures, secret lobbying will still be allowed, some ethics rulings will likely still be kept secret, public servants will still not have an independent ethics watchdog, penalties for unethical behaviour will still be too weak, and secret donations to Cabinet ministers will still be legal," said Conacher.

"Stronger measures than the Liberals have proposed today are needed to reverse the undemocratic, unethical, secretive and dictatorial habits and attitudes the Liberals have entrenched in the federal government in the past nine years," said Conacher.

Democracy Watch's nation-wide, 30-member group Government Ethics Coalition, and its nation-wide, 50-member group Money in Politics Coalition will push for these stronger and more comprehensive measures to be included in the changes that are finally made to the federal lobbying law, ethics rules and ethics enforcement system, and political finance system.

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Duff Conacher, Coordinator
Tel: (613) 241-5179
Democracy Watch's Government Ethics Campaign
Democracy Watch's Money in Politics Campaign