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Thursday, May 25, 2006
OTTAWA - Today, Democracy Watch filed an ethics complaint with the federal Ethics Commissioner against Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Treasury Board minister John Baird, and Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) staff member Sandra Buckler for being dishonest about the Conservative government’s failure to include all measures promised during and after the recent federal election in the recently introduced “Federal Accountability Act” (Bill C-2 -- the FAA), and for claiming that key ethics rules are included in the FAA (when, in fact, the FAA deletes these rules).
The complaint alleges that they have violated the rules in the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders (the Code -- See link to the Code on the following webpage: http://www.parl.gc.ca/oec/en/public_office_holders/conflict_of_interest) that require them to “act with honesty” (subsection 3(1) of the Code). Incredibly, one of the ways in which they have not acted with honesty is that they failed to mention in any of the materials released to the public when the FAA was introduced in the House of Commons on April 11, 2006, nor in any subsequent interview, that the FAA proposes to remove from the Code the key ethics rule that requires senior politicians, their staff, and senior public servants to “act with honesty.”
Democracy Watch called on opposition parties to amend Bill C-2 to put the requirement to act with honesty back in the ethics rules, and to add the Conservatives’ other promised measures.
In a report filed with the complaint letter to the Ethics Commissioner, Democracy Watch revealed the details of all 13 broken promises.(Please see the complaint letter and Backgrounder below for all the details).
“Prime Minister Stephen Harper, his staff, and Treasury Board Minister John Baird have all been dishonest with Canadians in claiming that the Federal Accountability Act keeps all the election promises made by the Conservatives and strengthens ethics rules, and Democracy Watch believes they have violated federal ethics rules with their dishonesty,” said Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch. “The Conservatives baited voters with false election promises, and then switched direction when they won, violating the fundamental right of voters to have honesty in politics.”
On his first day as Prime Minister, Stephen Harper broke five election promises when he released his new Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders (the Code). The five promises were all contained in the “Stand Up for Accountability” (“Federal Accountability Act”) section of the Conservative Party’s election platform, and on February 6th when the new Cabinet was introduced Conservative transition team member Derek Burney and the government’s news release falsely claimed that five changes were made to the Code as part of the many measures the new Prime Minister had implemented immediately because they did not require legislation to be implemented.
A couple of weeks later, when questioned by media about Democracy Watch’s February 22nd news release that detailed how the five promised measures had not been included in the Code, PMO staff member Sandra Buckler claimed that the Code was a “transition document” and that all five of the promised measures would be included in the recently introduced Federal Accountability Act (FAA).
In fact, four of the five measures were not included in the FAA, and as a result four loopholes were left in the ethics rules for Cabinet ministers, their staff, some Cabinet appointees, and senior public servants.
In addition to these four broken promises, nine other promised measures were not included in the FAA, resulting in a total of 13 broken promises.
The 13 broken promises are as follows:
In addition to the above 13 broken promises, the Conservatives failed to include the following promised open-government measures in the Federal Accountability Act (FAA), but the Conservatives have initiated a parliamentary committee review of the federal Access to Information Act and so they may still keep these promises.
The Conservatives promised to change the ATI Act in the following ways:
The ongoing problem of broken political promises shows the clear need for a federal “honesty-in-politics” law with high penalties for anyone in the federal government who acts dishonestly. Every poll conducted in the past several years, including every poll conducted during the recent federal election, shows that passage of an honesty-in-politics law is Canadians’ number one priority in the area of government accountability, and a top-five priority of Canadians overall.
In its complaint letter to Ethics Commissioner Bernard Shapiro, Democracy Watch notes that it filed a court challenge of the Ethics Commissioner last on September 29, 2005 for bias against maintaining a reasonable standard of enforcement of federal ethics rules for Cabinet minister, ministerial staff, and MPs. Democracy Watch does not believe that the Commissioner is capable of making fair, impartial rulings. As a result, Democracy Watch proposes in its letter that the Ethics Commissioner designate someone else (such as a provincial ethics commissioner) to rule on Democracy Watch’s complaint. (TO SEE details about Democracy Watch's court challenge of the federal Ethics Commissioner, and past ethics complaints, click here)
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Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch
Tel: (613) 241-5179
Complaint letter to federal Ethics Commissioner
Backgrounder about this news release
Democracy Watch's Report Card on the 2006 Government Accountability Election Platforms of the five main federal political parties
“Federal Accountability Act” (Bill C-2 -- See it and all related documents at: http://www.accountability.gc.ca)
Conservative Party of Canada platform webpage
Democracy Watch's Government Ethics Campaign
Democracy Watch's Voter Rights Campaign
Democracy Watch's December 1, 2005
news release re: the need for an honest--in-politics law and call on party
leaders to offer promise guarantee
Democracy Watch's December 16, 2005
news release re: the first French debate and questions about honesty in
Democracy Watch's December 19, 2005
news release re: the first English debate and questions about honesty in
Democracy Watch's January 10, 2006
news release re: the second English debate and questions about honesty
in politics
Democracy Watch homepage
Ethics Commissioner Bernard J. Shapiro
Office of the Ethics Commissioner
Parliament of Canada
P.O. Box 16, Centre Block
22nd Floor, 66 Slater
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Fax: 613-995-7308
May 25, 2006
RE: Request for investigation into actions and statements of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Treasury Board Minister John Baird, and PMO staffperson Sandra Buckler
Dear Dr. Shapiro:
Democracy Watch is filing this letter to request an investigation of what Democracy Watch believes are violations of the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons (the MPs Code) by Stephen Harper in his role as MP before the federal election, and also violations of the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders (the Public Office Holders Code) by Stephen Harper in his role as Prime Minister, John Baird in his role as Treasury Board Minister, and Sandra Buckler as ministerial staff.
Democracy Watch’s position is that serious questions are raised by Stephen Harper’s statements on November 4, 2005, in terms of violation of the following rules of the MPs Code:
The Backgrounder also details how these 13 promises have been broken as Bill C-2, the “Federal Accountability Act” (FAA) does not contain the 13 promised measures.
Breaking these promises, while in some cases claiming to have kept them, as these public office holders have done, clearly violates the requirement in the ethics rules to act “with honesty”.
In addition, the Backgrounder details other promised “open government” measures that were not included in Bill C-2, the FAA. The Conservative government has referred these measures for review by the Access, Ethics and Privacy Committee of the House of Commons. Democracy Watch requests that you monitor the Committee’s proceedings and, if the government does not soon introduce and move through Parliament a bill containing these measures, that you rule that the Prime Minister and Treasury Board Minister have also violated the Code by failing to keep these promises.
In December 2004, a spokesperson for you stated that you would not investigate complaints filed by the public. However, on March 3, 2006, you stated you were launching an investigation into David Emerson on your own initiative in part because of requests to do so by the public. Democracy Watch’s position is that the statements made by representatives of the Prime Minister’s Office when the bill that created the position of Ethics Commissioner was under review by Parliament make it clear that the you are fully empowered to review complaints filed by the public.
Democracy Watch’s position is also that it is a violation of right to freedom of association in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to require the public to find an MP or senator who will file ethics complaints on their behalf, because it forces the public to associate with partisan politicians in order to file a complaint. As a strictly non-partisan organization, Democracy Watch rights will be particularly negatively affected if you refuse to review this complaint, and Democracy Watch is fully prepared to defend its rights if necessary.
As you know, Democracy Watch has called upon you to resign and filed an application in September 2005 in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice alleging that you are biased against maintaining a reasonable standard of enforcement of federal ethics rules including the MPs Code.
Democracy Watch also has serious doubts about your competence and ability to enforce federal ethics rules properly in part based upon your self-admitted lack of experience and expertise in the area of ethics enforcement, and in part based upon your actions and statements between April 2004 and September 2005. These doubts have only increased since Democracy Watch’s court application was filed given how you have handled complaints since September 2005.
In light of all of the above, Democracy Watch calls on you again to resign, or at the very least to delegate your powers to investigate and rule on this complaint to a provincial ethics commissioner.
Democracy Watch’s position is that the federal ethics codes not only are very necessary, but also that the law requires that the codes be fairly, impartially, competently and strictly enforced. Democracy Watch bases its position on the rulings of the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Hinchey, [1996] 3 S.C.R. 1128, and the Federal Court in Democracy Watch v. Canada (Attorney General) (F.C.), [2004] 4 F.C.R. 83.
Given the ample evidence that you have not enforced the codes fairly, impartially, competently and strictly since you were appointed in May 2004, and given that your weak and incompetent enforcement record has given cause for representatives of two federal political parties to approve a motion of non-confidence in you in June 2005, and has given cause for representatives of all four federal political parties to approve a motion to find you in contempt of Parliament in November 2005, Democracy Watch hopes that you will step aside one way or another to ensure that the investigation of, and ruling, on this complaint and other existing and future complaints are handled in the legally required and much-needed fair, impartial, competent and strict manner.
In the circumstances, we ask you to set an example of public accountability and address this complaint promptly and effectively. Please let us hear from you on this matter within 30 days of the date of this letter.
Duff Conacher, Coordinator
on behalf of the Board of Directors of Democracy Watch
on Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservatives’ 13 Broken Promises in Bill C-2 “The Federal Accountability Act”
FALSE CLAIMS THAT APPLY TO ALL THE BROKEN PROMISES: “We’re only making promises we can keep . . . read our platform,
and you’ll see promises that we will keep.”
“We’re not just saying to people ‘trust us.’ We’re saying,
if you elect us, the first thing I’m going to enact is something called
the Federal Accountability Act which is going to make all kinds of changes
to try to make sure that government is much more honest and ethical in
the future.”
“We have committed to Canadians that accountability and ethics
will be at the centre of our governing agenda. First and foremost,
accountable government means leading by example. Our government must
uphold the public trust to the highest possible standard . . .”
1. Key Background Information
On February 22, 2006, Democracy Watch issued a news release detailing how the Prime Minister’s new Code fails to close five loopholes that the Conservative Party and Stephen Harper pledged to close before and during the federal election campaign. That day, staff of the Prime Minister’s Officer (PMO) told the media that the five loopholes would be closed by the “Federal Accountability Act” that the Conservatives pledged during the election campaign to introduce and pass. On April 11, 2006, the Prime Minister introduced Bill C-2, the “Federal Accountability Act” (FAA) which proposes to change the Code into a law called the “Conflict of Interest Act” as well as make changes in the other areas listed above (See it and all related documents at: http://www.accountability.gc.ca). Set out below is a summary of how the new Code and the proposed “Conflict of Interest Act” fail to close four of the five loopholes that the Conservative Party and Stephen Harper pledged to close before and during the federal election campaign (Conservative Party of Canada platform webpage). Also set out below is a summary of how the Conservatives failed to keep their promise to include all of the measures in the Code in the proposed “Conflict of Interest Act”. In addition, set out below is a summary of how many other measures that were promised by the Conservatives during the federal election, and since the election, were not included in the FAA. In total, the Conservatives have broken 13 promises by failing to include measures in the Code and the FAA. Please note, page references for the pledges refer to pages in the Conservative
Party platform, while all other page references refer to pages in the new
2. The Conservatives’ Broken Pledges - Gaps Between
Rhetoric and Reality
PROMISE #1 - The proposed new Conflict of Interest Act contains all the provisions in the current ethics Code for Public Office Holders THE PROMISE: Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, “Stand Up for Accountability” chapter, p.12 “Specifically, the Federal Accountability Act will: . . . * enshrine
the provisions of the current Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment
Code for Public Office Holders into a new Conflict of Interest Act;”
“Numerous revisions have been made to the Code to strengthen it,
including more stringent post-employment measures. All changes are
intended to ensure that the Code reflects our commitments to Canadians
and will complement the government's broader ethics and accountability
FALSE CLAIMS THAT APPLY TO BROKEN PROMISES #2 TO 4: “If there are MPs in this room who want to use public office for
their own benefit, or if there are Hill staffers who dream of making it
rich by trying to lobby a future Conservative government -- if that’s true
of any of you, then you better make other plans or leave.”
“Numerous revisions have been made to the Code to strengthen it,
including more stringent post-employment measures. All changes are
intended to ensure that the Code reflects our commitments to Canadians
and will complement the government's broader ethics and accountability
PROMISE #2 - Apply all measures of the Code to all ministers’ staff and advisers THE PROMISE: THE REALITY: Clause 4(3)(b) of the Code states that only the Principles set out in Part I of the Codeapply to part-time or non-remunerated ministerial advisers, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper actually increased the loophole by adding part (iii) as follows: “4.(3)(b) Public office holders who are:
In fact, in the "Conflict of Interest Act" part of the FAA, subsection 2(1) defines "public office holders as follows: "'public office holder' meansand defines "reporting public office holder" as follows: "'reporting public office holder" means a public office holder who isOnly "reporting public office holders" have to comply with sections 15, 17, 22 to 29, 35, 36, 37, and 39 to 42 of the proposed Conflict of Interest Act, all of which contain key rules (especially rules 35, 36 and 37 on post-employment activities). In addition, section 38 of the proposed "Conflict of Interest Act" (which is contained in Bill C-2 "The Federal Accountability Act" (FAA)) allows a minister to exempt any ministerial staffer from the key post-employment rules 35 to 37, and attempts to prohibit anyone from challenging the exemption in court. As is clear from the above, Prime Minister Harper and the Conservatives
have broken their promise to "Make part-time or non-remunerated ministerial
advisers subject to the Ethics Code" because part-time public office holders
are only subject to parts of the Code and are not subject to any
more parts of the Code than they were in the past, and other ministerial
staffers can be exempted from some rules of the Code .
PROMISE #3 - Ban ministers, staff and top bureaucrats from lobbying for 5 yearsTHE PROMISES:Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.8 "We're going to make sure that in future people can't leave minister's
offices, former ministers, former senior civil servants will not be able
to lobby our government for five years after they leave office."
"Stephen Harper has laid the bar very high with this -- the five-year
ban on lobbying is significant and it's meaningful . . . What we're saying
very clearly is, the farthest reaching lobbying reform in Canadian history
is that if you work in government, if you work in the executive level of
government, and you have access to a lot of information, you have access
to inside sources and contact, you can't translate that into a lucrative
career for yourself."
Section 24 of the Code is also new and states: "'Public office holder' refers to the same positions subject to Part II, as set out in section 4, with the exception that ministerial staff and other public office holders as defined at paragraph (b) of the definition of "public office holder" under subsection 4(1) must be designated by their minister for this Part to apply."And a public office holder under paragraph 4(1)(b) is "a person, other than a public servant, who works on behalf of a minister of the Crown or a minister of state". As a result of these measures, the promise to ban all ministerial staff from becoming lobbyists for five years after they leave office has been broken. Only "designated" staff will be banned from becoming lobbyists for five years, and there are no effective measures requiring ministers to designate staff. In addition, as detailed in the "Promise #2" above, part-time and non-remunerated ministerial staff are not covered by the ban, whether or not they are designated by the minister, because they are not covered by Part III of the Code. The Prime Minister's Office was also dishonest about the failure to keep this commitment in the February 6, 2006 news release it issued. The "Backgrounder" of the release, under the heading "Reinforcing Government Accountability", made the false claim that the revisions to the Code: "include: a five-year ban on former ministers, ministerial staff and senior public servants from acting as lobbyists to the Government of Canada, a ban which cannot be waived or reduced by the Ethics Commissioner." (SEE release at: http://pm.gc.ca/eng/media.asp?id=684) In addition, PMO staff member Sandra Buckler was dishonest when she told media (in response to Democracy Watch's February 22, 2006 news release about this and other loopholes left in the Code) that all of the loopholes would be closed by the "Federal Accountability Act" (FAA). In fact, as detailed under the "Promise #2" section above, only "reporting public office holders" have to comply with sections 35, 36 and 37 of the proposed Conflict of Interest Act (which is contained in Bill C-2, the FAA), the sections that contain the key rules on post-employment lobbying activities. As well, section 38 of the Conflict of Interest Act allows ministers to exempt any ministerial staffperson from the sections 35 to 37, and attempts to prohibit anyone from challenging the exemption decision in court. Further, the current Lobbyist Registration Act (which proposed to become the "Lobbying Act" under the FAA) and the amendments made to this Act in the FAA, require in-house lobbyists at for-profit corporations to register as lobbyists only if they spend 20% or more of their time lobbying. As a result, any minister, ministerial staffer, or senior public servant will still be allowed, even after the FAA becomes law, to work for a corporation and lobby less than 20% of their time. Proposed new subsection 10.11(2) of the Lobbying Act (as added by section 75 of the FAA) also exempts "employment exchange program" participants from the the five-year ban on senior public office holders becoming lobbyists -- creating a huge loophole in the five-year ban that will definitely be exploited. Also, proposed new subsection 10(3) of the Lobbying Act (as added by section 75 of the FAA) gives the Commissioner of Lobbyists the power to exempt specific types of senior public office holders from the five-year ban on lobbying. Finally, the FAA does not contain any ban MPs, senators and their staff from becoming lobbyists after they leave their position. As is clear from the above, Prime Minister Stephen Harper made a false
claim in November 2005 when he claimed that he would ensure that all Parliament
Hill staffers would not be able to become "rich by trying to lobby a future
Conservative government" and Harper and the Conservatives also made false
claims in their election promises concerning the five-year ban on lobbying,
and in their statements since the election concerning breaking those election
PROMISE #4 - Prohibit ministers from handling files connected to their business interestsTHE PROMISE:Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.12 THE REALITY:
"Private InterestsWhen he became Prime Minister in December 2003, Paul Martin added a definition of "private interest" to subsection 4(1) of the Code, as follows: "'Private interest' does not include an interest in a matterThis definition creates a huge loophole that allows ministers to vote on matters connected with their business interests, as long as the matter is of general application (as almost everything any minister votes on is) or affects the minister as one of a broad class of the public (also as almost everything any minister votes on does). Prime Minister Stephen Harper has not removed this definition of "private interest" from the new Code, and so the loophole has not been closed. In addition, PMO staff member Sandra Buckler was dishonest when she told media (in response to Democracy Watch's February 22, 2006 news release about this and other loopholes left in the Code) that all of the loopholes would be closed by the "Federal Accountability Act". In fact, section 2 of the proposed "Federal Accountability Act" (Bill C-2) amends the Code and turns it into a law that, if passed, will be called the "Conflict of Interest Act". Proposed sections 4 and 5 of the "Conflict of Interest Act" reads as follows: "Conflict of interestProposed subsection 2(1) of the "Conflict of Interest Act" contains the following, largely unchanged, definition of "private interest": "'private interest' does not include an interest in a matterAs is clear from the above, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservatives have broken the election promise to remove this definition of "private interest" from the proposed "Conflict of Interest Act", and so the loophole will remain open and ministers will not only be allowed "to vote on matters connected with their business interests" they will also be allowed to be involved in, and responsible for, the entire policy-making process concerning matters connected with their business interests. PROMISE #5 - Allow the public to file complaints with the Ethics CommissionerTHE PROMISE:Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.12 THE REALITY:
"In fulfilling the functions under 72.07(a) and (b) of the Parliament of Canada Act , and subject to 72.08 of that Act, the Ethics Commissioner shall consider information from the public that is brought to his attention by a member of Parliament suggesting that a public office holder has not complied with this Code , and may take such action as the Ethics Commissioner deems appropriate in the circumstances."Given that, under this new measure, members of Parliament are the only people who are allowed to file information with the Ethics Commissioner, and given that if the information originally came from a member of the public the Ethics Commissioner is not required to investigate, it is clear that the promise to allow members of the public, not just politicians, to make complaints to the Ethics Commissioner has been broken. In addition, PMO staff member Sandra Buckler was dishonest when she told media (in response to Democracy Watch's February 22, 2006 news release about this and other loopholes left in the Code) that all of the loopholes would be closed by the "Federal Accountability Act" (FAA). In fact, subsections 44(4) to (8) of the proposed Conflict of Interest Act (which is contained in Bill C-2, the FAA) match the measure in the new Code and only allow politicians to file complaints, and put up barriers to the public submitting information to a politician with the request that it be filed as a complaint. As is clear from the above, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservatives
have broken the election promise to allow all members of the public to
make complaints to the Ethics Commissioner.
PROMISE #6 - The Ethics Commissioner will have the power to fine violatorsTHE PROMISE:Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.12 THE REALITY:
In addition, PMO staff member Sandra Buckler was dishonest when she told media (in response to Democracy Watch's February 22, 2006 news release about this and other loopholes left in the Code ) that all of the loopholes would be closed by the "Federal Accountability Act" (FAA). In fact, while the proposed "Conflict of Interest Act" (which incorporates most of the measures in the Code and is contained in Bill C-2, the FAA) does give the Ethics Commissioner the power to fine violators, the maximum fine is only $500 and only violators of six (6) sections of the Conflict of Interest Act can be fined. In addition, subsection 53(3) of the Conflict of Interest Act sets out criteria for determining penalties that are too generous and thereby greatly reduce the likelihood that any public office holder will ever be penalized. Also in fact, nothing in the FAA gives the Ethics Commissioner the power
to fine violators of the MPs Code.
As is clear from the above, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservatives
have broken their promise to give the Ethics Commissioner the power to
fine violators of the rules the Ethics Commissioner enforces.
PROMISE #7 - Ministers and senior officials will have to record their contacts with lobbyistsTHE PROMISE:Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.8 THE REALITY:
As a result, Prime Minister Stephen Harper clearly released a document
in November 2005 that contained a false statement, and the Conservatives
have clearly broken their election promise.
PROMISE #8 - An independent Parliamentary Budget Office will be createdTHE PROMISE:Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.11 THE REALITY:
As a result, the Officer will lack a key safeguard of independence, the right to remain on the job unless there is cause for dismissal. As well, the Conservatives promised to "Require government departments and agencies . . . to provide accurate, timely information to the Parliamentary Budget Office to ensure it has the information it needs to provide accurate analyses to Parliament" but proposed new clause 79.3(2)(b) and of the Parliament of Canada Act (as added by section 119 of the FAA) allows government officials to refuse to disclose up-to-date financial data by labelling the data a "Cabinet confidence." As well, the Conservatives' failure to include in the FAA promised changes
to the federal Access to Information Act means that many other exemptions
to disclosure could be abused by government officials in ways that deny
the Parliamentary Budget Office the information it needs to provide accurate
analyses to Parliament.
PROMISE #9 - All government public opinion research will be published within six months of completionTHE PROMISE:Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.10 THE REALITY:
As a result, public opinion research conducted by outside companies for many government institutions will remain secret, as will public opinion research conducted in-house by all government institutions. PROMISE #10 - All whistleblowers reporting government wrongdoing will be protectedTHE PROMISE:Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.11 THE REALITY:
As well, the definition of "reprisal" in section 2 of the PSDPA does not include reprisals against non-public servants, and proposed new section 19 of the PSDPA (as changed by section 201 of the FAA) does not prohibit reprisals against any whistleblower, only against whistleblowers who are public servants. In addition, proposed new subsection 42.1(3) of the PSDPA (as added
by section 215 of the FAA) contradicts section 19 of the PSDPA by exempting
public sector employers from the prohibition of reprisals against employee.
PROMISE #11 - Require prompt disclosure of information revealed by whistleblowersTHE PROMISE:Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.11 THE REALITY:
PROMISE #12 - Establish a Public Appointments CommissionTHE PROMISE:Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.9 THE REALITY:
While Prime Minister Stephen Harper nominated Gwyn Morgan as the chairperson of the Commission (making at the time the very dubious claim that "There is no one better qualified" for the position), and the federal Cabinet passed Orders-in-Council to set the terms of reference of the Commission, when the parliamentary committee that reviewed the nomination rejected Mr. Morgan as the nominee the Prime Minister made the false claim that "We won't be able to clean up the [appointment] process in this minority Parliament." In fact, the FAA can be amended to require the creation of the Commission, and to set out strict, merit-based, non-partisan rules for appointments and for the Commission's operations, and to give it the independence from Cabinet that it will need to end patronage and cronyism (alternately, the proposed new Public Sector Integrity Commissioner could be empowered to fulfill the role proposed for the Public Appointments Commission). As is clear from the above, the Prime Minister is breaking the Conservatives'
promise to establish a Public Appointments Commission.
PROMISE #13 - Appoint a Procurement AuditorTHE PROMISE:"A Conservative government will: "Appoint a Procurement Auditor to ensure that all procurements are fair and transparent, and to address complaints from vendors." Conservative Party 2006 federal election platform, "Stand Up for Accountability" chapter, p.10 THE REALITY:
In addition, subsections 22.1(3), 22.2(3), 22.3(1) and 23.1(c) of the DPWGSA (as added by sections 309 and 310 of the FAA) only give the Procurement Auditor the power to make non-binding recommendations (which the Cabinet can restrict by regulation), not orders. Finally, section 317 of the FAA gives the Cabinet the power not to implement
sections 309 and 310 of the FAA (which establish the Procurement Auditor
3. Potential Future Broken "Open Government" PromisesIn addition to the above 13 broken promises, the Conservatives failed to include the following promised open-government measures in the Federal Accountability Act.However, the Conservatives have initiated a parliamentary committee review of the federal Access to Information Act (ATI Act) and so they may still keep these promises. The Conservatives promised to change the ATI Act in the following ways:
Of course, as with the above 13 broken promises, if the Conservative government introduces measures to keep the open government promises and the opposition parties (which control a majority of seats in Parliament) reject the government's proposed measures, the Prime Minister and the Conservatives should not be found guilty of breaking their promises and violating the Code as the breaking of the promises would not result from their actions. |
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