Media Release
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
OTTAWA - Today, at a hearing of the ad hoc "MPs on Access Committee"
on Parliament Hill headed by Liberal MP John Bryden, the Open Government
Canada (OGC) coalition criticized flaws the federal government's Access
to Information Review Task Force report and called for much stronger reforms
to the federal Access to Information Act (ATI Act) and access
system to be implemented as soon as possible. The OGC submitted its
position paper on the access law and system to the Committee. (Link
to OGC's July 2001 Position Paper)
"The current federal access to information system actually encourages
secretive and unaccountable behaviour by Cabinet ministers and public officials,"
said Duff Conacher, a member of the OGC Steering Committee, and Coordinator
of Democracy Watch, who testified on behalf of OGC at the hearing. "The
federal government should stop delaying changing the law in ways needed
to end the culture of secrecy that threatens our democracy."
The Access to Information Task Force's report, which sets out 139 detailed
recommendations, did include the following positive general proposals:
any document created by any organization that receives funding from or
is connected to the government, or fulfills public interest functions,
should be covered by the access law (as in Britain);
the government should establish a clear and comprehensive information management
policy and system, including clear powers for access officials and training
for all public servants (as in the U.S., Britain and Australia), and;
funding to the access to information system should be increased.
However, the Task Force failed to propose closing the following key gaps
in the access law and system identified in the OGC position paper (which
sets out 47 recommendations for changes), and in some areas the Task Force
actually recommended weakening access rights:
all exemptions under the ATI Act should be discretionary, and limited
by a proof of harm test and a public interest override (in contrast, the
Task Force overall recommended expansion of the exemptions, including allowing
an information request to be denied if the government feels it is a frivilous
or vexatious request);
the Information Commissioner should be given explicit powers to order the
release of a record (as in B.C., Alberta and Ontario), and to penalize
violators of the ATI Act and to require systemic changes in government
departments to improve compliance (the Task Force recommended some increase
in the Commissioner's powers, but not in key areas);
a whistleblower protection law should be passed creating an office that
whistleblowers can complain to about wrongdoing and that can provide protection
from retaliation (as in several U.S. states);
penalties should be created for unjustifiable delays in responses to information
requests; and
fees for access should be lower overall, and standardized across the government
(in contrast, the Task Force recommended increases in fees).
The OGC criticized the federal government's failure to take action to strengthen
the access to information system since the Task Force reported last June.
In fact, the government is currently proposing in anti-terrorism bills
to keep more information secret from the public.
"John Bryden and the other MPs on the Committee are defending the
public interest by challenging the federal government's delay on changing
access law and system," said Conacher. "Open Government
Canada applauds their efforts to force action on the many problems with
access to information in the federal government."
Open Government Canada is a nation-wide coalition of non-profit groups
fighting government secrecy and pushing for greater access to public
information. OGC groups represent citizens, journalists, librarians
and lawyers.
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Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch
Tel: (613) 241-5179
Democracy Watch's Open Government Campaign
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