Spending scandals show need for stronger rules, and enforcement
Set out below is a letter-to-the-editor by Democracy
Watch Coordinator Tyler Sommers which was published
in the Edmonton Journal April 30, 2012
The spending scandals involving federal Conservative Cabinet
minister Bev Oda, and the Montreal Port Authority, and the
Department of National Defence, along with recent past scandals such
as the G8 conference slush fund and similar scandals in provinces,
show the clear need for stronger rules, and stronger enforcement.
No one in any Canadian government or quasi-government institution
should be allowed to spend the public's money on anything unless
they are paying a reasonable cost (all luxury purchases prohibited)
and where fitting have held a competition to ensure the best price
is obtained.
No one should be allowed to spend significant amounts without
checking early on with the Auditor General's office that what is
being bought, and the proposed spending process, comply with these
stricter spending rules.
And because some people in government will continue to try to rig
spending processes to favour themselves or friends or interest
groups they support, the Auditor General must also be given the
power, and required, to penalize people who break the rules with
high fines.
In other words, government spending rules must be as strict, and
strongly enforced, with as high as penalties, as most of the laws
are that politicians and bureaucrats have imposed on Canadians.
As the old saying goes, what's good for the goose is good for the